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Well, the young couple had sex. You know what this means -- [[Tempting Fate|they are doomed]]. Anyway, more often ''[[My Girl Is Not a Slut|she]]'' is.
Shows where [[Kill'Em All|lots of people die]] tend to have a [[The Scourge of God|strange conservatism]] about who gets killed. Anyone who engages in nonmarital sex, especially unprotected and/or with someone they don't really know, is almost guaranteed to get offed by the killer, even if the killer is choosing their victims totally at random. [[Fanservice Extra|Fanservice Extras]]s are particularly vulnerable to this trope.
Very common in slasher movies, such as the ''[[Friday the 13th (film)|Friday the 13 th]]'' and ''[[A Nightmare on Elm Street]]'' series. This could be a metaphor for the then-new AIDS scare, or for STDs in general, although according to one of the makers of ''[[Nightmare On Elm Street]]'', it was simply because he thought that people having sex will forget about everything else and be especially vulnerable to serial killers. Which wouldn't be an [[Ass Pull]] if they only died during sex, but when they're prone to it after...
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* In ''[[The Towering Inferno]]'', Dan Bigelow and his secretary/mistress die almost immediately following a tryst in his apartment.
* Sort of referenced in ''[[Manhattan]]''. A character at one point mentions a book he's writing about a guy who's ''so good'' at sex, the women [[Out with a Bang|die from the intensity of the orgasm]].
* Although there's no actual sex, the sultan's death in ''[[The Thief of Bagdad]]'' has overtones of this -- hethis—he's given a mechanical woman as a gift, who dances seductively in front of him, and when he goes to embrace him, "she" stabs him in the back.
* In the shlock blood-and-boobs horror film ''[[Piranha 3D]]'', most of the victims are promiscuous spring breakers. A pornographer gets his penis bitten off by a piranha, a woman is sliced in half by a high-tension cable (which first removes her bra, then her entire upper torso) a girl gets her hair entwined in the propeller of a speedboat and has a face ripped off - might be one of the definitive "death by sex" compilations.
* In ''[[Starship Troopers (film)|Starship Troopers]]'', Dizzy Flores dies within 24 hours after finally having sex with Rico. Something she'd been wanting since the beginning of the movie. The sex, not dying.
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*** And according to [[Aeschylus]]' ''Seven against Thebes'' and [[Euripides]]' ''Phoenician Women'', his sons Etheocles and Polyneices thought of him as a curse and a pariah to the point of forcing him to step down as king, locking him away and later kicking him out of Thebes along with his daughter (and their sister) Antigone.
*** His father Laius abducted and raped Chrysippus (who he was the tutor of) and the gods placed a curse on his family, saying that Laius' son would kill his father and marry his mother.
* Most [[Death by Sex]] tropes originate about from the fact that Scripture prescribes capital punishment for many forms of sex: Adultery, homosexuality, bestiality. Many experts now believe that this was the Jewish way of increasing their population-numbers through increased births, in comparison to other nations that allowed and encouraged other kinds of sex. When Christianity also adopted these laws among other cultures, the moral became woven into stories ever since, as [[An Aesop]] theme that "God Is Watching" and that He punishes those who choose to violate his law; this is also symbolic for the idea that such types of sex are essentially "killing" the persons in an extended sense (i.e their descendants, society, etc).
** Not all violations were punishable by death, however. If neither of the lovers was married (or betrothed), the Bible commands [[Shotgun Wedding|the couple to be married immediately, unless the woman refused]]. Note, this order to get married (and pay the dowry associated with the marriage) stands whether or not a child was conceived. Oh, and a man who married his wife this way can never divorce her.
*** Though this also held for ''rape''. It just about makes sense within the [[Values Dissonance|view at the time]] of women as property - you break it, you bought it, essentially. However, from the wife's point of view, when compared to spending the rest of your life inescapably married to your rapist, [[Fate Worse Than Death|death by sex might be preferable]]. It should be borne in mind that the victim was never required to live with her rapist or ever sleep with him again.
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** Several quests in ''[[A Dance With Rogues]]'', most notably the Dhorn Generals' Heads quest in the first chapter, involve having sex with someone to get something before killing them.
* In ''[[Fallout 2]]'', the player can get his/her car stolen in New Reno. After finding the chop-shop with their car in it, the player can buy it back, threaten to kill the owner, T-Ray, or if female, pay in other means. Female players can keep doing this to get car upgrades and fuel cells. However, doing it too quickly in a short span of time will make T-Ray explode after having too much sex.
** In ''[[Fallout: New Vegas]]'', the player sometimes gets the opportunity to invoke this on others -- mostothers—most notably, {{spoiler|a female main character can opt to screw and then murder Benny in his sleep}}!
* In ''[[Sengoku Rance]]'' the head of the Miko Institute, Natori [[Blessed with Suck|kills anyone she has sex with]]. Rather unfortunate in a H-game. Well except the fact that our [[Lovable Sex Maniac|heroic protagonist]] [[Rance]] is somehow immune to it and actually gets stronger by it instead.
* After awhile of playing ''[[Kara no Shoujo]]'' you begin to wonder if maybe the writers were trying to scare teens away from sex. The first set of victims are targeted partially because of this and most of the time the main character has sex he ends up dead soon after. That or the girl does.
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== Web Comics ==
* [ This] yahtzee takes on the world strip.
* ''[[Chopping Block]]'' [ has this too] -- is—is there any [[Slasher Movies]] theme Mr. Butch didn't try?
