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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Main.DecoyGetaway 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Main.DecoyGetaway, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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A common variant is to have the princess of a kingdom escape during a coup, with her disguised lady-in-waiting (or some other hapless servant who's been dragooned into the job) remaining in her place to be brutally killed by the usurpers. This has occured in ''Murder Princess'', ''[[The Heroic Legend of Arislan]]'', Kurosawa's ''The Hidden Fortress'' and the [[Web Comic]] ''Legendary''.
Can be a variation of [[Faking the Dead]] and [[Fighting a Shadow]]. Compare [[Ninja Log]], [[Tricked -Out Time]]. Often a benefit of being a [[King Incognito]] with a [[Decoy Leader]] or [[Body Double]].
== Anime & Manga ==
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* Done in the ''[[Mahou Sensei Negima]]'' manga, in grand style: several of the characters are hiding from the (misguided) authorities. Setsuna and Haruna, between them, summon enough decoys to replace the entire group in a matter of minutes. Would be less awesome if it weren't for the fact that Haruna's summoning powers rely on ''physically sketching an exact likeness of the person''.
* Deliberately invoked by Batou in [[Ghost in The Shell Stand Alone Complex|Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex]]: takes a wrong turn, {{spoiler|gets blown to smithereens by a mech. Then, [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|his severed head looks up, smiles, and says "Oh, right, it looks like I'm dead to you doesn't it?]] Yep. He hacks the dude's cyberbrain, sneaks up behind him, and shoots him to death.}}
** The Major also pulls one when the government decides to "disband" Section 9 and the agents go to ground. {{spoiler|Batou watches her get [[Boom! Headshot!|sniped]] while she's boarding a plane, but it turns out to be a robot double she was operating by remote. After reuniting, the other agents have a good laugh at [[Skyward Scream|his]] [[Say My Name|reaction]].}}
* This is how {{spoiler|Lucrezia Noin's older brother Dix-Neuf Noinheim}} died in the [[Gundam Wing]] novel ''Frozen Teardrop''. The dude he was protecting? {{spoiler|His brother-in-law/Noin's husband, Milliardo Peacecraft aka Zechs Merquise.}}
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* In the third season of his self-titled series, ''[[Angel (TV)|Angel]]'' goes on the run with a destined baby, several groups who want it dead or sacrificed in hot pursuit. He gets himself cornered in a mineshaft, surrenders the child, then makes his getaway... and the "baby" is actually a doll with a bomb attached. Meanwhile, the rest of the good guys have used the distraction to get the real kid someplace safe.
** In another episode, Fred escapes pursuit by giving her jacket to a passerby.
* The Master used this technique to escape in several ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' serials, notably in "Terror of the Autons", in which he hypnotized one of his lackeys, dressed the lackey up in his clothing, and sent him out to run away. While the others were distracted, the real Master slipped away.
** ''The Wedding of River Song'' - The Doctor has to be shot dead by an astronaut by the lakes of Utah on April 22, 2011, 5.02pm. Who says it can't be a shape-shifting robot disgused as the Doctor?
* In a sketch on ''[[The Fast Show]]'', a king is told by an advisor that barbarians are at the gate, and they'll soon break into the palace to kill the king. The king then points out that his adviser looks rather kingly, gives him his throne and crown, and runs out very quickly.
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== Tabletop Games ==
* ''[[Dungeons and Dragons|Dungeons & Dragons]]'' Third Edition had a class called Outlaw of the Crimson Road that gained the ability to pull a [[Decoy Getaway]] at the end of its normal progression. Since a player could reasonably pull the same thing with just the normal skills allotted to a Rogue-type character, this ends up looking slightly moot.
** Wizards ([[Linear Warriors, Quadratic Wizards]] as usual) are the king of this sort of thing though, with spells ranging from Mislead, which turns the caster invisible and creates an illusory decoy, to Stasis Clone, which creates a copy of the subject's body and places it in suspended animation only to wake up with the subject's soul when he dies.
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== Real Life ==
* During [[The French Revolution]], the royal family dressed as servants, with the servants in noble clothing. Parodied in Mel Brooks's ''History of the World: Part I''.
** It was not [http://en.[ XVI of France#Arrest_and_executionArrest and execution.2C_17922C 1792-1793 |that efficient]].
* Saddam Hussein was frequently alleged to have doubles.
** Which sparked a joke after Saddam went into hiding after the 2003 invasion, with one of his generals speaking to the doubles. "I have good news and bad news for you: The good news is that Saddam is still alive! That means all of your jobs are intact!" * Cheers from the doubles* "The bad news is: he lost an arm."
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