Dept Heaven Apocrypha/Characters: Difference between revisions

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Here, you will find a list of the characters that right now populate the Collegium Caelum in [[Dept Heaven Apocrypha]]. This is still under development. Early-story spoilers will not be spoiler tagged, 'cause we're all pretty cool players that doesn't afraid of anything.
== Active Characters ==
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Ever since he was selected to join the Collegium, Hector has singled him out and subjected him to brutal sexual abuse; the first story arc deals mostly with his friends' attempts to make Asgard believe this and save him. Nessiah is intensely dependent on Milanor, and fell in love with him early on; he's in [[Triang Relations|a threesome/love triangle]] with Milanor and Kylier that has alternately bolstered and deteriorated his sanity.
Eventually, due to his own deep insecurities in his relationship with Milanor and an escalation of Hector's abuse, Nessiah's mind broke and he went on a rampage, destroying large sections of one of the school buildings. It fell to Milanor to [["I Know You Are're in There Somewhere" Fight|try to talk him down]], and once the crisis was over, get a statement out of him about Hector's abuse. Since then, Nessiah has been hospitalized and under a heavy drug cocktail to allow his mind to recover from the trauma.
Over the months that followed, Milanor's constant care managed to help him mostly out of his catatonic state, although he's still on about four drugs and has a lot of trouble speaking clearly. A lot of his psychological issues are still present, and hearing that Hector would be coming back sent him into a relapse.
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* [[Security Blanket]]: The Revelation of the Gods, which he carries with him absolutely ''everywhere;'' if for whatever reason he's separated from it, he tends to be [[Up to Eleven|a lot more anxious than normal]].
* [[Shock and Awe]]
* [[Sorry I Fell Onon Your Fist]]
* [[Squishy Wizard]]
* [[Throw the Dog Aa Bone]]: And after all the hell he's been through since the beginning of the story, he ''deserves'' a little quality time with Milanor that won't go horribly awry.
* [[Tsundere]] / [[Yandere]]: Don't ask how he can be both at the same time. We don't know either.
** They alternate, usually.
* [[Vapor Wear]]: He has non-sexual reasons for it, though--he can't bear the feeling of tight clothing because of his negative self-image, among [[Rape Asas Drama|other things]]. Underwear is out as a matter of course.
* [[Verbal Tic]]: "Mii..."
* [[When She Smiles]]: Recently stated outright by Milanor.
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?|Why Did It Have To Be Snakes?]]: He's badly achluophobic. Knowing that he's terrified of the dark, Hector has left him in it a lot. This has not helped.
* [[The Woobie]]
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* [[Onee-Sama]]: The Red Sage became [[Romantic Two-Girl Friendship|platonically infatuated with her]] right after they first met. [[Hilarity Ensues|This promises to be]] ''[[Pass the Popcorn|great fun]].''
* [[Only Sane Man]]: As of late, anyway. Yeah, we're all doomed.
* [[Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping]]: Considering her mun is also Milanor's mun, it seems logical that she, too, speaks with an Australian accent from time to time. Also makes sense in-character because both [[As Long Asas It Sounds Foreign|she and Milanor are Vanir]].
* [[Sure Why Not]]: Her last name was invented by her player for a completely separate project. Another player carried the name over, and it was allowed to stick.
* [[Surrogate Soliloquy]]: At one point, she sorts out her feelings towards Nessiah but talking it over to her griffon, Al.
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* [[Abusive Parents]]
* [[Anger Born of Worry]]
* [[Asexuality]]: Technically, he's bisexual, but due to [[Rape Asas Drama|past experiences]], he can't bear insinuations of any kind.
* [[Cartwright Curse]]: He's lost most of the people he tries to rely on, whether through necessary separation or [[Put Onon a Bus|character drops]]. This has not helped his introversion ''in the least.''
* [[Extreme Doormat]]: This is [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded]] by Meria in one of her conversations with Aegina.
* [[Forgotten Childhood Friend]]
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* [[The Promise]]: {{spoiler|When he and Ein were separated as children, Ein swore to him that they would meet again someday.}}
* [[Quizzical Tilt]]
* [[Rape Asas Backstory]]: He's another one of Hector's victims, although at the start of the story Hector hasn't touched him for six months.
* [[Shrinking Violet]]: Believe it or not.
* [[The Stoic]]
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Tropes associated with Fia:
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: As a result of many of the following tropes combined, she loses her temper ''horribly''. She's gotten better at hiding it, though.
* [[Blessed Withwith Suck]]
* [[Butt Monkey]]: Now that her life's no longer in danger, she's starting to shift from [[The Woobie]] to one of these.
* [[Break the Cutie]]: She gets dangerously close to snapping at a few points{{spoiler|, but she manages to weather it out}}.
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Tropes associated with Seth include:
* [[A Date Withwith Rosie Palms]]: She has a [[Incredibly Lame Pun|solo]] log to this effect. It's plot-relevant, as being comfortable with her own body again marks a significant step in sorting her head out after {{spoiler|ignorantly cheating on Meria.}}
* [[Cast From HP]]: Her powers are a variation in that the energy she uses to power them also keeps her alive. In other words, if she runs out of energy, she will die. {{spoiler|And if the [[Dept. Heaven]] canon is to be believed here, Ursula will die with her. [[Epileptic Trees|Maybe.]]}}
* [[Genki Girl]]: Ordinarily.
* [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!]]: Being on the recieving end of one from Monica was what finally brought her completely out of a long-lived series of [[Heroic BSOD|bluescreens]].
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* [[Mundane Utility]]: Seth can vaporize, cut, shatter, or melt just about anything with little more than a thought. At one point she uses this to get free items out of a vending machine while making it look like a mundane mechanical fault. The ease with which she does this suggests it isn't the first time she's tried.
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: Realizing she's just {{spoiler|cheated on Meria}} causes her to [[Heroic BSOD|lock up for quite a while]].
* [[NoWon't SellWork On Me]]: Her defensive technique is to nullify spells before they can actually have any effect.
* [[Not Good Withwith People]] / [[No Social Skills]]: Having been brought up in "the back end of nowhere" populated by Asgardian aristocrats, Seth has very little experience interating with people her own age. It shows.
* [[Person of Mass Destruction]]: When Seth thinks about something blowing up, [[Stuff Blowing Up|that something BLOWS UP]].
** Due to the devastating and easily lethal potential of the power she weilds, Seth has a very strict code of morals about what she will and won't use her powers on. {{spoiler|This is starting to cause more problems than it prevents.}}
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Tropes associated with Monica:
* [[The Call Put Me Onon Hold]]
* [[The Chosen One]]
* [[Development Hell]]: She's been around for just under a year, and only recently have there been signs of her plot getting ready to start. And it technically can't until Fia's plot and Nessiah's next event are resolved. Monica was [[Demoted to Extra]].
* [[Hearing Voices]]: She hears the voices of the gods. [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|Does This Remind You Of Anything?]]
* [[I Just Want to Be Special]]
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: Because she's Bronquian and has experienced racism, she's rather intolerant of it in general and sympathetic towards those who have suffered under it. However, she herself seems to harbor some slight prejudice against Fantasinia...
* [[Fiery Redhead]]
* [[Flanderization]]: In the original [[Dept. Heaven]] canon, she was a minor character who died on the very stage she appeared, and was loosely based on historical French heroine Jeanne d'Arc. It gets played up a bit more in this work.
* [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!]]: She's done this to both Nessiah and Seth to date.
* [[Image Song]]: ''Extraordinary'' and ''La Pucelle de la Flamme''
* [[Jeanne D 'Archetype]]
* [[TheEven KnightsHeroes WhoHave Say SqueeHeroes]]: After working her tail off since her enrollment, Monica's skills are nothing to sneeze at, but she still looks upon members of the Imperial Army with complete hero worship.
* [[Love Freak]]: And she's actually starting to become a full-fledged [[The Messiah|Jesus]].
* [[Magnetic Hero]]
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* [[Sempai-Kohai]]: The Red Sage has declared Monica to be her Sempai, because of her awesome charisma and the fact that she [[Fantastic Racism|didn't treat her in a racist way]].
** Also takes the kohai role to Aegina's sempai.
* [[Shipper Onon Deck]]
* [[Smitten Teenage Girl]]: Towards Gulcasa.
* [[Sword of Plot Advancement]]: Joyeuse. [[How Do I Shot Web?|She still doesn't know how the sword works, though.]]
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Tropes associated with Meria:
* [[A -Cup Angst]]: She's not ''really'' flat, but she's the smallest-chested among her sisters, especially [[Gag Boobs|the two eldest]]. She may resent them a bit for this.
* [[All of the Other Reindeer]]
* [[Ax Crazy]]
* [[Badass Longcoat]]
* [[Beleaguered Childhood Friend]]: Nessiah? Hector did [[Rape Asas Drama|WHAT]] to you? ...It's now time for things to ''DIE''.
* [[Bi the Way]] / [[Depraved Bisexual]]: She plays up the latter to tease people.
* [[Brilliant but Lazy]]: Ledah claims that she would be one of the top students in the school if she actually gave a damn about her classes. But she doesn't, and is nearly failing school because of it.
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* [[Combat Stilettos]]: They're part of her armor.
** [[Kick Chick]]: And she actually does use them in combat.
* [[Cosplay Otaku Girl]]: Went as [[Umineko no Naku Koro Nini|Beatrice]] at the Samhain event. Got in character. Did the voice. And the laugh. And [[Squee|Squeed]] when she found Fia there as Battler--''harder'' when she got the demon playing along.
* [[Cute Little Fangs]]
* [[Drowning My Sorrows]]: What she does to deal after Seth cheats on her.
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* [[Image Song]]: ''Hoshikuzu''
* {{spoiler|[[Interrupted Suicide]]}}: Which scared poor Ledah half to death.
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]
* [[Knight in Sour Armor]]
* {{spoiler|[[Love Confession]]: To the demon.}} You could probably see it coming from miles, though.
* [[Meta Guy]]: She invokes so many tropes, [[Leaning Onon the Fourth Wall|it's a miracle she hasn't touched the fourth wall yet]].
** She's already considered it.
* [[No Periods, Period]]: Since [[Real Life Writes the Plot]] sometimes, this is oh-so-viciously-averted.
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=== Ein ===
Character who was active for a day, [[Put Onon a Bus|dropped]] for some time, and recently picked up again. Not much is known about where he came from, not helped by him [[Laser-Guided Amnesia|having no memory of anything before waking at the school]].
As inadvertently revealed by Monica's research into her sword, Ein is {{spoiler|a Grim Angel}}; upon learning this, he regained the memory of how he lost his wings. Which promptly gave him terrible nightmares and a stubborn case of insomnia.
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* [[Oblivious to Love]]: Though, really, the fact that [[What Is This Thing You Call Love?|Ledah doesn't have much idea what's going on either]] can't help.
* [[The Promise]]
* [[Put Onon a Bus]]: His new mun has explained his long absence as having lapsed into a light coma. Considering what else has been going on at Apocrypha, this going unremarked is entirely plausible.
* [[UST]]: Heaps of it with Monica, and [[Ho Yay|quite a bit with Ledah too]].
=== Aegina Eine Artwaltz ===
A Bronquian military officer. She came to the Collegium expecting to meet with Gulcasa and Eudy, but [[Real Life Writes the Plot|seems to be]] [[Put Onon a Bus|having trouble finding them]]... She serves as Ledah's assistant, and because of her work ethic, often finds herself with too much free time and too little to do.
Tropes associated with Aegina:
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* [[The Speechless]]
* [[Tastes Like Friendship]]: She tends to automatically trust people that feed her (or aid her in her war against the vending machines). As she gets used to having food easily available, this may start to wear off a bit.
* [[Token Mini-MoeLoli]]
=== The Red Sage ===
The daughter of a pair of demons that were given sentience by Zolgonark after a long while of doing dirty work for Utgard. [[I Just Want to Be Special|She didn't want to be]] a [[Red Shirt|cannon fodder demon]] like her parents and brother, so she [[Training Fromfrom Hell|trained hard to become stronger]], until one of the Accursed 'noticed potential in her', and pulled strings to get her in the Collegium.
{{spoiler|The Accursed that sent her to Apocrypha may actually have [[Xanatos Gambit|an undercover agenda related to her]], but then again, it could all be [[Paranoia Gambit|a mere coincidence, mixed with excessive paranoia]]. It is too early to be sure.}}
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* [[Pride]]: Her [[Fatal Flaw]]. This and her bratty attitude tend to get her in trouble.
* [[Sempai-Kohai]]: She's starting to feel this way towards Monica... Because she's awesome, and [[I Just Want to Be Special|she, too, wants to be awesome!]]
* [[Spell My Name Withwith a "The"]]
* [[Suspiciously Specific Denial]]: {{spoiler|No one is planning a demonic invasion of the school! I swear!}}
** Not even the most [[Genre Blind]] of characters could have misinterpreted that. Nice try, though.
* [[Token Mini-MoeLoli]]: She shares this title with Vienya and Nietzsche.
* [[Wangst]]: Yes, Sage, we know that people discriminate you for being a demon. Could you please not be this obnoxiously annoying about it?
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* [[Puppy Dog Eyes]]: She wields these against Ledah, to great effect.
* [[Third Person Person]]
* [[Token Mini-MoeLoli]]
* [[Victoria's Secret Compartment]]: Variation--she keeps her cellphone under her bikini strap.
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* [[Cute Witch]]
* [[Nice Hat]]
* [[Playing Withwith Fire]]
* [[The Rival]]: To Roswell.
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The young princess of Fantasinia, who was sent to the school to help further her education. Yggdra was instructed by her father to try to keep her status a secret, although she occasionally has trouble doing so due to the fact that he made her take [[Ancestral Weapon|the Gran Centurio]] along with her. Yggdra is gentle and kindhearted, if rather naive about the realities of the world around her. She is friends with Milanor, Kylier, and Nessiah, among others.
She's spent the past several months buried under work, so much so that she [[Put Onon a Bus|missed out on quite a bit of the plot]]--however, she seems to be back now.
Tropes associated with Yggdra:
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Princesses]]
* [[Friend to All Living Things]]: Or nearly.
* [[The Heart]]
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* [[The Ingenue]]: Though she ''does'' have technical knowledge of many things she comes off as ignorant of.
* [[Long-Lost Relative]]: To Aegina, although she has no idea.
* [[Put Onon a Bus]]: <s>Her player lost her [[Yggdra Union]] muse, so Yggdra is on extended hiatus until her player wants to pick her up again/someone else is willing to take over.</s>
** Yggdra has now returned to the world of the living!
* [[Spoiled Sweet]]
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* [[Bodyguard Crush]]: Quite possibly.
* [[Knight in Shining Armor]]
* [[Put Onon a Bus]]: Although he's coming back.
* [[Satellite Character]]
* [[Secret Keeper]]: Concerning Yggdra's identity.
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* [[Cute Witch]]
* [[The Ditz]]
* [[Put Onon a Bus]]: She seems to be back now!
* [[Magic Misfire]]
* [[Never Live It Down]]: An in-universe example--because she was [[Put Onon a Bus]] directly after her liplock and near-sexual encounter with Seth, a lot of other characters resent her or blame her for the incident.
* [[Say It Withwith Hearts]]
=== Marietta ===
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Tropes associated with Hector:
* [[Big Bad]]: It is quite obvious, since he was also the [[Big Bad]] in the original [[Dept. Heaven]] canon.
* [[Complete Monster]]
* [["It's Not Rape If You Enjoyed It"]]: There was [[High Octane Nightmare Fuel|one particular incident]] where he invoked this trope by going out of his way to make Nessiah orgasm during an assault, pretty much just to mess with his head. It didn't end well.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]
* [[Rape Asas Drama]]
* [[Stop Having Fun Guy]]: The year in which Hector took charge of the Collegium was the one without a massive Halloween party.
* [[Villain Withwith Good Publicity]]: He's one of the Seven Magi of Asgard. And he has an entire corrupt judicial system backing him to make sure he doesn't end up in jail for the rest of his existence for what he's done.
=== All of the Accursed ===
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== Inactive Characters ==
Members of the cast who no longer participate in the story, usually because [[Put Onon a Bus|they've been dropped by their players]].
=== [[No Name Given|Fia's demon]] {{spoiler|(Fell)}} ===
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* [[Image Song]]: ''Ruby Shoes''
* [[Meganekko]]
* [[Put Onon a Bus]]: Her player seems to be on extended leave from the Internet, and no one knows where she is right now.
* [[Pyromaniac]]
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Tropes associated with Malice:
* [[An Axe to Grind]]
* [[CannotCan't StandLive with Them, CannotCan't Live Without Them]]: With Ledah.
* [[Image Song]]: ''Kiwoku''
* [[Ostentatious Secret]]: Just how badly Hector may or may not have treated her.
* [[Rape Asas Backstory|Molestation As Backstory]]: Although we don't know just how severe it was, Hector ''did'' harass her.
* [[Put Onon a Bus]]
* [[Stockholm Syndrome]]
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Tropes associated with Canaan:
* [[Put Onon a Bus]]
* [[Unlucky Childhood Friend]]: Monica's.
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Tropes associated with Maria:
* [[The Ojou]]
* [[Put Onon a Bus]]
=== Gulcasa ===
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Tropes associated with Gulcasa:
* [[Put Onon a Bus]]
* [[Real Men Wear Pink]]: His first appearance had him sitting in the library looking up new cookie recipes he could try out on his sisters.
* [[Satellite Character]]
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Tropes associated with Mistel:
* [[Put Onon a Bus]]
* [[Satellite Character]]
[[Category:Dept Heaven Apocrypha]]