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== Video Games ==
* In ''[[Bio Shock 1BioShock]]'', for all Andrew Ryan's rhetoric about freedom, he certainly ended up resorting to a lot of totalitarian tactics. Up to and including political murder, kidnapping and slavery, and [[Mind Control]]. It's a pretty serious case of in-story [[Motive Decay]].
** In ''[[Bio ShockBioShock 2]]'' we discover that he was also quite willing to subvert his economic views just as willingly to keep his powerbase from crumbling.
** This was also mentioned in one of the first game's audio diaries. His decision to put a presumed dead rival's business under government control (his control) prompted a formerly loyal aide to (unsuccessfully) assassinate Ryan.
* The ''[[Shin Megami Tensei]]'' series has [[God Is Evil|YHVH]], who maintains the [[Crapsack World|crapsack status]] of the SMT universe at large by involving everyone on his side, be it angel, Messian or ''whoever'', in a [[Forever War]] with Lucifer out of an all-consuming desire to create a "perfect world" - [[World of Silence|a world where people can't do wrong]]. Not a world where they won't... [[Empty Shell|they simply]] ''[[The Evils of Free Will|can't]]''. A world where he can rule, forever and ever...