Destroy All Humans!: Difference between revisions

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{{quote| ''"Aaah! Little green spacemen!"
''"I am '''not''' green!"'' }}
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* [[Anal Probing]]: In the first game the anal probe is a [[Charged Attack]] that can make the victim's head explode. It returns in the second game without the need for charging, though it now requires ammo.
* [[And This Is For]]: Crypto to Saxon.
{{quote| '''Crypto''': This is for {{spoiler|The Master}}, and because I don't like you, and for your [[This Is Sparta|Bogus. Satin. JAMMIES!]]}}
* [[Animeland]]: Takoshima (from the second game) is inhabited by [[Sailor Fuku|schoolgirls]], [[Salaryman|salarymen]], [[ninja]]s and a [[Kaiju|giant monster]].
* [[Anticlimax Boss]]: An irritating number of examples, though some are more because of you can become rather overpowered over the course of the game (Meteor Gun, anyone?)
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* [[The Dragon]]: [[Villain Protagonist|Crypto]] plays this three times. Mostly to Pox, but also to {{spoiler|The Master}}, and ultimately he and Pox are this to Emperor Meningitis. At least until {{spoiler|Emperor Meningitis dies and Pox becomes Emperor.}}
* [[Dodge This]]
{{quote| '''Silhouette:''' We will continue to resist you!<br />
'''Crypto:''' Resist ''this''. *squish* }}
* [[Double Entendre]]: ''Big Willy Unleashed'' is VERY bad about this. Even the TITLE is one.
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* [[Hide Your Children]]
* [[Highly-Visible Ninja]] / [[Technicolor Ninja]]: There's a reason why the White clan and Black clan of ninjas exist and hate each other. Originally, they were united under one clan of Gray ninjas, but the clans started to split over personal preference between black and white uniforms when they ran out of gray fabric.
{{quote| '''White Ninja Leader''': Wrong! Supplier stop selling gray fabric. We wanted to be black ninja, but bastards put their order in first!}}
* [[Hive Mind]]: The Blisk
* [[Hollywood California]]
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* [[Kill It with Fire]]: You can light some humans on fire in the first game, given the right circumstances.
* [[Lampshade Hanging]]: Done several times. Mostly in the second game, such as:
{{quote| '''Milenkov''': Maybe you wouldn't be so arrogant if you knew of my, FIENDISH MASTER PLAN!<br />
'''Crypto''': Alright already! Let's hear your damn plan. Geez, you guys just gotta have your [[Hannibal Lecture|monologues]]. }}
* [[Large Ham]]: Pox loves to [[Chewing the Scenery|chew the scenery]].
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* [[My Death Is Just the Beginning]]: In the third game, {{spoiler|The Master stages his death in order to win Crypto's trust and set his plan in full motion.}}
* [[My Name Is Not Durwood]]: Emperor Meningitis addresses Crypto as "Klepto."
{{quote| '''Meningitis:''' Pox? Is that you? What have you done with your body? And what's that with you? Oh, it's your little house boy, ''Klepto!''<br />
'''Crypto:''' CRYP-TO.<br />
'''Meningitis:''' Whatever! }}
* [[Mundane Utility]]
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* [[Playing with Syringes]]
* [[Pretend Prejudice]]: In the first game, Crypto genuinely despises Humans. But, by the second game, he's really just pretending.
{{quote| '''Crypto:''' Hey, you know, that big blue mudball starts to grow on ya. I mean at first you think it's a boil but-<br />
'''Natalya:''' It's alright Crypto. You don't have to pretend. I know how you feel about humans.<br />
'''Crypto:''' Weeellll... not ''all'' humans. }}
* [[Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner]]
{{quote| '''Crypto:''' Attention Blisk! I am Cryptosporidium of the planet Furon. This planet is a territory of the Furon Empire! And your asses belong to me! }}
* [[Pre-Mortem One-Liner]]
{{quote| '''Silhouette:''' We will continue to resist you!<br />
'''Crypto:''' Resist ''this''. *squish* }}
* [[Projected Man]]: Orthopox again.
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* [[Roof Hopping]]
* [[Samus Is a Girl]]
{{quote| '''Crypto:''' You're a chick?!<br />
'''Silhouette:''' I'm a patriot! If you had to put up with politicians playing grab-ass all day, you'd wear a mask too! }}
* [[Sand Worm]]: The Burrow Beast.
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** The series itself is a shout out to ''[[Mars Attacks!]]'', ''[[Men in Black (film)|Men in Black]]'', ''[[Invader Zim]]'', and other alien related movies and shows.
*** ''DAH!3'' has the mission [[Close Encounters of the Third Kind|Close Encounters of the Furon Kind]] where you have to reply to cultists beeping tones at your ship.
{{quote| '''Pox''':Great Arkvoodle! The fools think we have a musical language!<br />
'''Crypto''':Nobody ''talks'' music, that's stupid! }}
*** ''DAH!2'' also features both a [[Shout-Out]] to ''[[Star Wars]]'' and to ''[[The Matrix]]''.
{{quote| '''Crypto:''' (To Dr. Go!) My name is Luk-I mean, Cryptosporidium. I'm here to rescue you.}}
{{quote| '''Pox:''' (In reference to Crypto being Son of Arkvoodle) Crypto! What if it's true?! What if you're ''THE ONE''?!<br />
'''Crypto:''' Well, I ''did'' take a red pill this morning, heheh. }}
*** Panicking citizens of Albion may spout references to ''[[Quatermass]]'' and ''[[Doctor Who]]''.