Destroy All Humans!
"Aaah! Little green spacemen!" |
Destroy All Humans! is a Wide Open Sandbox action game released in 2005 by Pandemic Games.
Taking place in a satirical version of America in The Fifties, it follows a sarcastic, trigger-happy "grey" alien named Cryptosporidium-137 (or just "Crypto" for short). Crypto's species, the Furons, have been rendered sterile through centuries of nuclear warfare, and are dependent on cloning to reproduce. To keep their genetic code from becoming too corrupted, the Furons must steal DNA from human brainstems. Apparently, Furon sailors on furlough left some untainted genes in the human pool back when the species still had genitals. Unfortunately, it seems Crypto's predecessor, Cryptosporidium-136, has been captured by The Government. Crypto's mission is to harvest human brains, find out what happened to the last Crypto, and generally cause mayhem. Along the way, Crypto confronts paranoia, mad science, the military, a government conspiracy, and exploding cows.
It was followed up by a sequel taking place in an exaggerated version of The Sixties, and a third game taking places in The Seventies came out recently.[when?] Was pitched to FOX for a potential television show, but it was not to be.
A remake of the original game has been scheduled for sometime in 2020 by Blackforce Games.
Also notable for being pitched by Matt Harding. Yes, as in "Where the hell is".
Not to be confused with Kill All Humans.
- Abusive Alien Parents: According to Crypto, his cloning tube is more lovable than his own mother.
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Pox qualifies as this after he uploads his consciousness into a HoloPox Unit.
- Aliens Are Bastards
- Alien Abduction: The Abducto-Beam
- Alien Among Us: Holobob and BodySnatch
- Alien Animals: Burrow Beast
- Alien Invasion
- Aliens Made Them Do It: Hypno
- Aliens Speaking English
- Aliens Steal Cable: One of the missions in the first game.
- Aliens Steal Cattle: Well, interrogate, then mutilate cattle...
- Alternate Continuity: The non-Canon Big Willy Unleashed, in which Crypto 137 is still alive, conceived a Human-Furon hybrid child with Natalya, and is promoting a lucrative dead-body-disposing restaurant operation.
- Anal Probing: In the first game the anal probe is a Charged Attack that can make the victim's head explode. It returns in the second game without the need for charging, though it now requires ammo.
- And This Is For: Crypto to Saxon.
Crypto: This is for The Master, and because I don't like you, and for your Bogus. Satin. JAMMIES! |
- Animeland: Takoshima (from the second game) is inhabited by schoolgirls, salarymen, ninjas and a giant monster.
- Anticlimax Boss: An irritating number of examples, though some are more because of you can become rather overpowered over the course of the game (Meteor Gun, anyone?)
- Silhouette and possibly General Armquist, though Armquist was definitely more of a challenge. Played horribly straight in DAH!3, in which some of the bosses barely even move, and especially if you have an upgraded Ion Detonator, except for Henri Crousteau.
- Anyone Can Die: Humans are definitely subject to this a lot more then Furons, but three lead protagonists and one supporting protagonist die. Subverted with the Furons, because they can clone themselves.
- Arbitrary Skepticism: Crypto believes Bigfoot to be a crock.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: In the first game, the final mission is a two-tiered boss fight named Attack of the 50 Foot President, in which the first boss is a 50 foot tall robot with the President's brain inside. In DAH!2, Takoshima, a thinly-veiled parody of Japan, gets attacked by a Godzillaesque Blisk monster called Kojira.
- Awesome Moment of Crowning: Pox finally gets a reward after being dead for 10 years.
- Back Tracking
- Badass: Crypto. Also Pox, to some extent.
- Bag of Spilling: In the second game, thanks to the destruction of the mothership.
- Battle Theme Music
- Beehive Barrier: Most Furon shields have this pattern.
- Berserk Button: Don't call Crypto green.
- Big No: In the third game, Crypto yells out a big one after the Master dies. This one is so big in fact, Crypto needs to take a breath before finishing it.
- Bland-Name Product: The titular restaurant mascot / Humongous Mecha from Big Willy Unleashed is suspiciously similar to the mascot of the Big Boy restaurant chain.
- Shields As Hit Points
- Body Snatcher
- Boldly Coming: The reason why every human being has some Furon DNA.
- Boss in Mook Clothing: The Yeti.
- Brains and Brawn: Pox and Crypto. "Don't look at me, Pox handles all the technical stuff, I just... Blow stuff up."
- Brain In a Jar
- Brain Uploading: In Destroy All Humans! 2, Orthopox uploads his consciousness into a HoloPox Unit just before the mothership is destroyed by a Soviet missile.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall
- Breather Level
- Call Back: There are several to the first game in the second game.
- Catch Phrase: "Pathetic Humans!" "Monkey!" and even the game title, "Destroy All Humans!"
- Charged Attack: Anal probe in the first game. Also the Ion Detonator.
- Chickification: Natalya. How many times do we have to escort her to her car?!
- Cloudcuckoolander: The Town Crazy in the first game, and The Freak in the 2nd game.
- Clone Degeneration: The reason the Furons are screwed without pure Furon DNA.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience: All the weapons, handheld and vehicle alike, are associated with a color and a symbol. Zap-O-Matic is blue, Anal Probe is green, Death Ray is red, etc.
- In the second game, you have to shoot glowing orbs with the right weapon to proceed, with the orbs being color-coded for the right weapon.
- In the third game, your primary enemies, the Nexos, serve as the police for for the Fourth Ring. Their weakest level is blue, their medium level is the regular green, and the toughest level is red.
- Color-Coded Multiplayer
- Conspiracy Theorist
- Continuity Drift: The third game's plot seems just a tad bit off in some places.
- Continuity Nod
- Conveniently Coherent Thoughts: When you read people's minds, they give you a succinct sentence. Maybe not a relevant one, but what did you expect?
- Cool and Unusual Punishment: "Oh, God! Not Beethoven! ANYTHING BUT BEETHOVEN!"
- Cool Car: Crypto's Flying Saucer, and the Big Willy Mech in the Wii Spin Off.
- Cool Old Guy: The Master
- Cool Ship: The saucer, especially in the third game.
- Crapsack World
- Crate Expectations: Largely played straight, and then the second game hangs a very heavy lampshade on it.
- "Say, Pox, what d'you suppose all these crates are lying around for? What could they need with this many crates?" This continues for a while, until Pox finally says, "I think they get the point, Crypto."
- The first game did too; if you read the mind of a dockworker, he mentions that he hates his job. "Push crate, climb crate, jump on crate, destroy crate...that's not fun!"
- Crop Circles: Of course.
- Cutscene
- Cutscene Incompetence: And how. If you kill a Nexo with PK, it's smoking and Crypto is holding his Disintegrator ray in the cutscene.
- Deadly Gas: Radiation in the second game. Big Willy's Windbreaker is a literal example in Big Willy Unleashed.
- Deadpan Snarker: Crypto
- Orthopox also makes frequent quips at the human race's expense (and sometimes Crypto's).
- Death Is a Slap on The Wrist: In the second game, whenever Crypto dies, his clone is placed in the exact spot where he died, and he continues his duties.
- The second game plays around with this in a very interesting optional boss fight. The final mission in the Arkvoodle cult tree has the figurehead leader of the cult deciding he doesn't want to listen to you anymore and attacking you. Arkvoodle grants him a number of "extra lives" equal to the number of times you've had to respawn so far. Even worse, if you die fighting him, you have to start the fight over AND he gets another life. Ouch.
- Death Ray: Part of Crypto's arsenal.
- Death Trap: The toxic alien gas bubble Natalya is trapped in, in the second game.
- Destroyable Items
- Dirty Communists: The KGB
- The Dragon: Crypto plays this three times. Mostly to Pox, but also to The Master, and ultimately he and Pox are this to Emperor Meningitis. At least until Emperor Meningitis dies and Pox becomes Emperor.
- Dodge This
Silhouette: We will continue to resist you! |
- Double Entendre: Big Willy Unleashed is VERY bad about this. Even the TITLE is one.
- Double Jump: Thanks to the Jetpack.
- Eagle Land: Type 2. Americans are stupid, paranoid, shotgun-toting dickheads. The Government drugs the food supplies, the scientists all have German accents, and they think they're better than everyone else.
- Easter Egg
- Elite Mooks
- The Empire: The Furon Empire
- The End of the World as We Know It: Duh.
- Enemy Chatter: As well as the conventional kind, the game allows and in fact requires the player to access the hidden thoughts of non-player characters as well.
- Enemy Civil War: Crypto provokes a war between the Cosmonauts and the Blisk on Solaris.
- Enemy Mine: Several humans team up with Crypto during the series.
- Escort Mission: A FREAKING NUCLEAR BOMB in the first game. One in the second game even involves escorting a girl spy to her hot pink car.
- Excited Show Title!
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Crypto, AKA Crypto 137/8/9, AKA Cryptosporidium, AKA Cryptosporidium 137/8/9.
- Everything Fades
- Everything's Better with Cows: Radioactive exploding zombie cows.
- Everything's Deader with Zombies: The Zombie Gun in BWU.
- Everythings Funkier With Disco: In the third game, set in The Seventies, Pox plans to use Disco to brainwash the world's population.
- Evil Brit: Ponsonby
- Evil Duo: Pox and Crypto. Well, more like Anti-Hero Duo.
- Evil Is Hammy: Most of the villains, and Furons.
- Evil Overlooker: Subverted/inverted. The Master on the third game's box art would qualify.
- Evil Pays Better: In the second game, Crypto hears one Japanese man thinking, "Should I join White Ninja or Black Ninja? On one hand, White Ninja are in glorious harmony with universe. On other hand, Black Ninja get to live on island north of Takoshima City. White Ninja get spiritual fulfillment. Black Ninja get paid. Black Ninja."
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin
- Expy: Orthopox is voiced by Invader Zim's voice actor, Richard Horvitz, and shares many of his personality traits. If one were to make him the main character, you'd essentially have Zim: The Game...
- Except for the important detail that unlike Zim, Pox is a competent invader. Still everything else seems to match between the two.
- Pox is also far more nerdy and speaks more properly and with more big words. He still loves destroying stuff though.
- ... Nicktoons: Globs of Doom (which stars Zim among others) notwithstanding.
- Except for the important detail that unlike Zim, Pox is a competent invader. Still everything else seems to match between the two.
- Excited Show Title!
- Fan Service: Silhouette, Natalya, and Veronica Stone.
- Fantastic Racism: The Furon race views the human race as "inferior, filthy, pathetic, stupid monkeys" that are only useful for the strand of Furon DNA in their heads. Once the humans lose their usefulness via various means, they're just things to shoot/zoo animals/game pieces/something to try out their new sex organs on, and then throw away.
- Subverted eventually, Crypto and Pox, rulers of the planet, eventually grow to enjoy human customs, though they'll never admit it if you asked them.
- Fartillery: Big Willy's Windbreaker.
- Fetch Quest: Lampshaded in ..Big Willy Unleashed.
- The Fifties
- Finger-Poke of Doom
- Friendly Enemy
- Fun with Acronyms: Played with. It's actually an initialism instead of an acronym. Pox creates an anti-Blisk weapon in the second game codenamed "O.M.G.W.T.F."
- Gaiden Game: Destroy All Humans!! Big Willy Unleashed
- Gangsterland
- Gameplay Ally Immortality: Averted
- Gas Mask Mooks: Some of the Soviet soldiers in Tunguska.
- Gay Paree: Belleville in Path of the Furon.
- Genre Savvy: Crypto to a certain extent.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar
- Giant Enemy Crab: The Blisk
- Giant Foot of Stomping
- Girl of the Week / Temporary Love Interest: Natalya; Veronica Stone
- Government Agency of Fiction: Majestic
- Government Conspiracy
- The Greys: Crypto and Pox are Grays in the "evil conqueror" mode, although Crypto is often mistaken for a Little Green Man.
- Groin Attack: The Nexo Walker's weakness in the third game, although they technically aren't testes...
- Guilt Based Gaming
- Half-Human Hybrid: Blasto in Big Willy Unleashed. Invoked and/or implied after FuronNeedsWomen kicks in.
- Handicapped Badass: Pox, the genius fleet commander in the extremely frikkin cool Cerebro Chair.
- Herr Doktor: The scientists in the first game mostly had German accents.
- He Who Must Not Be Seen: Up until the third game, the Furon Emperor is only mentioned twice, once in the first game, once in the second game. However, he does make an appearance at the end of the third game, just before being killed by Crypto.
- Heroic Sociopath: For Furons at least, Crypto is a hero.
- Hey, It's That Voice!
- Hide Your Children
- Highly-Visible Ninja / Technicolor Ninja: There's a reason why the White clan and Black clan of ninjas exist and hate each other. Originally, they were united under one clan of Gray ninjas, but the clans started to split over personal preference between black and white uniforms when they ran out of gray fabric.
White Ninja Leader: Wrong! Supplier stop selling gray fabric. We wanted to be black ninja, but bastards put their order in first! |
- Hive Mind: The Blisk
- Hollywood California
- Hologram: Orthopox's HoloPox holographic projector unit.
- Humanoid Aliens
- Humans Are Morons: The source of much of the series' humor.
- Humans Are Special: At least until their brain is removed.
- Human Resources: Big Willie Unleashed features a fast food shop which makes burgers out of the humans used to remove brain stems.
- Humongous Mecha: Roboprez and Big Willy.
- 100% Completion
- Hyperspace Arsenal: Crypto carries up to 8 weapons on him at a time, and it DAH!3, all the saucer's giant weapons pop out of the hull.
- Hypocritical Humor: Silhouette disguises herself as a man simply so that they would take her seriously....yet ironically she is quite sexist.
- Iconic Logo: "DAH!"
- Impossibly Cool Weapon: Quantum Deconstructor, Dislocator, Tornadotron, Black Hole Gun, Superballer...
- Improbable Weapon User: Pox. Boy, he loves those nukes.
- In-Game TV
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Mecha
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja
- Interface Screw
- Interspecies Romance: In the second game, Crypto invokes this when he gets new genitalia. The only thing he can experiment on is human women. Taken Up to Eleven in Path of the Furon, where the entire Furon race has been gradually recloned with genitalia. The Furon men find human women more attractive.
- Invisible Wall
- Is That What He Told You?
- I Take Offense to That Last One: Crypto is only offended by the green part of being called a Little Green [Space]Man. Then again, that may be because it's the only inaccurate part.
- Jerkass: Crypto. Pox has his moments too.
- Justified Extra Lives: Cloning
- Kaiju
- Kick the Dog
- Kill All Humans: Well... what do you expect?
- Kill It with Fire: You can light some humans on fire in the first game, given the right circumstances.
- Lampshade Hanging: Done several times. Mostly in the second game, such as:
Milenkov: Maybe you wouldn't be so arrogant if you knew of my, FIENDISH MASTER PLAN! |
- Large Ham: Pox loves to chew the scenery.
- Incoming Ham: Whenever Crypto smarts off, Pox retaliates with Ham.
LastFirst Of His Kind: Crypto is the first Furon in millenia to have working sex organs.- Ley Line: According to the "Lunarian Church of Alientology", they are "invisible rivers of mystical energy", and they want to build where the ley lines cross in order to use them to communicate interstellar distances with their minds.
- MacGuffin: Human Brainstems. Crypto treats his groin as this.
- Mad Scientist: Pox, who develops all your diabolical weapons, and their upgrades.
- The Man Behind the Man: The Master. Crypto believes his enemy is Curt Calvin, supposedly another Furon DNA gatherer. Then, after meeting the Master, Crypto believes his enemy is really Saxon, who supposedly used Calvin to try and destroy Crypto. It then turns out that Saxon was under the employ of Francodyne CEO Henri Crousteau. It is then revealed that Saxon and Crousteau were both part of Emperor Meningitis's operation to manufacture Synthetic DNA. Then after killing Meningitis, the Master appears and reveals that he was the actual conspirator all along, using all of them, including Crypto, in order to usurp the Furon throne. Talk about complex and confusing!
- Mars Needs Women: Invoked when the majority of the Furons' male population gets genitalia for the first time.
- Mechanical Lifeforms: Nexos, to a certain extent.
- Meaningful Name: Furons are all named after parasitic, infectious, or viral diseases.
- Mentor Occupational Hazard
- The Men in Black: The Majestic agents.
- Mind Rape: Hypno
- Mission Control: Crypto's commander, Orthopox.
- Monumental Damage
- The Mothership
- Move Along, Nothing to See Here: Crypto tries this on the crowd in "Citizen Crypto". It obviously doesn't work, leading to a brief Q&A session.
- Ms. Fanservice: Natalya
- My Brain Is Big
- My Death Is Just the Beginning: In the third game, The Master stages his death in order to win Crypto's trust and set his plan in full motion.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: Emperor Meningitis addresses Crypto as "Klepto."
Meningitis: Pox? Is that you? What have you done with your body? And what's that with you? Oh, it's your little house boy, Klepto! |
- Mundane Utility
- Named After Their Planet: Furons from the Planet Furon.
- Nerf: The disintegrator ray in DAH!3
- Ninja: Show up in the Japanese city in the second game. Much lampshading is made as the protagonist wonders why ninjas are still around in the modern day.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Crypto's voice is a not-so-subtle Jack Nicholson impression. In the third game, where Crypto body-snatches a Jack Nicholson expy and has a habit of zapping him while complaining about how his voice is grating.
- No Communities Were Harmed: Numerous. We've got Area 42 (Area 51), Union Town (Norfolk, Virginia), Capitol City (Washington D.C.), Bay City (San Francisco), Albion (London), Takoshima (Tokyo), Vietnmahl (Vietnam), Las Paradiso (Las Vegas), Sunnywood (Hollywood), Shen Long (Hong Kong) and last but not least, Belleville (Paris).
- Strangely averted with Russia, perhaps because the U.S.S.R. isn't around anymore.
- No Fair Cheating
- No Fourth Wall: By the third game, the fourth wall never even existed.
- No-Gear Level: The mission "Furon Down".
- Non-Action Guy: Pox, up until the third installment.
- Non-Indicative Name: Despite what the title suggests, Crypto spends the series avoiding the total destruction of humans, since he needs their DNA, and even has to protect them on numerous occasions.
- Not So Different: Most of the antagonists in the series.
- Not-So-Harmless Villain: The Humans can be quite a challenge when they bring out their soldiers and war machines.
- Obvious Beta: Several aspects of the third installment seem...unfinished.
- Oddball in the Series: Big Willy Unleashed
- Old Master
- One-Hit Kill: The Burrow Beast can eat anything that's not a boss in one gulp. It can even chow down the enormous Blisk.
- One-Man Army: Crypto
- One-Winged Angel: Milenkov & Oranchov
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Crypto Pleads the Master to allow him to face Saxon in the third game.
- Our Presidents Are Different: Crypto, who combines this with Authority Equals Asskicking and President Evil.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Apparently, in France, all Crypto really needs to disguise himself among the locals is a beret.
- Person of Mass Destruction: Crypto. Well, Pox too. He was upset after his body was destroyed because there weren't any explosions.
- Pigeonholed Voice Actor: Richard Horvitz. The guy seems to love titular aliens.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: The Master; Crypto
- Planet Looters
- Playing with Syringes
- Pretend Prejudice: In the first game, Crypto genuinely despises Humans. But, by the second game, he's really just pretending.
Crypto: Hey, you know, that big blue mudball starts to grow on ya. I mean at first you think it's a boil but- |
Crypto: Attention Blisk! I am Cryptosporidium of the planet Furon. This planet is a territory of the Furon Empire! And your asses belong to me! |
Silhouette: We will continue to resist you! |
- Projected Man: Orthopox again.
- Psychic Powers: Psychokinesis; mind reading.
- Puny Earthlings: The promotions and box art invoke this.
- Puppeteer Parasite: Body-snatching becomes one of Crypto's main powers by the second game.
- Put on a Bus: Gastro in the third game. He's introduced in DAH!2 as a major supporting character, with a background story. In the third game, he is never seen, heard from, or spoken of again. Mostly due to everyone treating him as simply a weapon, and not a character. Natalya also gets this in the third game.
- Raising the Steaks: Radioactive exploding zombie cows.
- Ragdoll Physics
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Pox is the Blue, Crypto is the Red.
- Red Scare
- Redshirt Army: The Humans
- The Reveal: In DAH!2: The Blisk being behind the Russian Revolution; Majestic 16.
- Silhouette being a girl in the first game.
- More of an unreveal actually. There were a lot of hints, and the thoughts of the Majestic agents blatantly state it.
- Silhouette being a girl in the first game.
RoswellRockwell That Ends Well- Roof Hopping
- Samus Is a Girl
Crypto: You're a chick?! |
- Sand Worm: The Burrow Beast.
- Satire, Parody, Pastiche: All the games are generally a satirical parody of the date the setting takes place in. For example, the first game spoofs and parodies hundreds of events from The Fifties, including the first big Sci-Fi craze and America's fear of communism.
- Satellite Character: Crypto and Pox would be pretty bland alone.
- Say My Name: "CRYPTO!" Pox does this often in the second game.
- Scary Dogmatic Aliens
- Sequel Hook
- Series Continuity Error: BWU is supposed to be a prequel to DAH!3, but it barely has anything to do with the game, except that Crypto used the profits to create the space dust casino, which is completely false as Crypto crashed into it while drunk, and after Pox recloned him, they made it home sweet home.)
- Set a Mook to Kill a Mook
- The Seventies
- Shock and Awe: Your initial weapon, the Zap-O-Matic, a Lightning Gun with bite.
- Shout-Out: Crypto and Pox both discuss possible future Video Games in the third game, giving shout outs to Mario, Sonic the Hedgehog, Halo, and games based on movies, all in the same conversation.
- The series itself is a shout out to Mars Attacks!, Men in Black, Invader Zim, and other alien related movies and shows.
- DAH!3 has the mission Close Encounters of the Furon Kind where you have to reply to cultists beeping tones at your ship.
- The series itself is a shout out to Mars Attacks!, Men in Black, Invader Zim, and other alien related movies and shows.
Pox:Great Arkvoodle! The fools think we have a musical language! |
- DAH!2 also features both a Shout-Out to Star Wars and to The Matrix.
Crypto: (To Dr. Go!) My name is Luk-I mean, Cryptosporidium. I'm here to rescue you. |
Pox: (In reference to Crypto being Son of Arkvoodle) Crypto! What if it's true?! What if you're THE ONE?! |
- Panicking citizens of Albion may spout references to Quatermass and Doctor Who.
- The Sixties
- Slap Slap Kiss: Crypto and Natalya start out this way.
- Soundtrack Dissonance: (So Nice) Summer Sammba by Walter Wanderly playing as Crypto vaporizes a pool party.
- In the third game, "Y.M.C.A." by the Village People will sometimes play in the background during scenes where Crypto is causing massive destruction.
- Sphere of Destruction - The Ion Detonator's ammunition, as well as the quantum deconstructor.
- Spinning Paper: Every mission completed has a humorous headline pop up after.
- Spy Catsuit: Silhouette and Crypto's Russian Love Interest, Natalya, in the sequel.
- Spy Drama: The first two games, but especially the second one.
- Stepford Smiler: Most of the humans in the first game. It is set in the 1950s, after all.
- Stepford Suburbia: Santa Modesta in the first game.
- Storming the Castle: The attack on the Blisk base in the second game, and the attack on the Furon palace in the third game.
- Stuff Blowing Up
- Stupid Evil: Majestic. It says a lot in a game with a name like Destroy All Humans game when the genocidal alien looks more competent and more ethical than his victims. Majestic is a large international organization dedicated to defeating the Furons, while secretly plotting their own goals of world domination. Thing is, the Furon invasionary force consists of… one alien, Crypto. For all their highly-trained agents and cutting edge technology, Majestic - A Non-Indicative Name if there ever was one - can’t capture or defeat this one alien. Seriously.
- Sudden Sequel Death Syndrome: Pox dies at the very beginning of the second game. Not that it stops him from harassing Crypto. Or Vice Versa
- Sufficiently Advanced Aliens
- Suicidal Overconfidence: Crypto
- Super Drowning Skills: Crypto in every game, except the third, in which he still can't swim, however he just gets warped to the shore.
- Surprisingly Easy Mini Quest
- Supernatural Martial Arts: Pretty much the point of the third game. "Temporal Fist!"
- Take Over the World
- Take That: "Alientology" is a thinly veiled parody of Scientology.
- Telepathic Spacemen
- Tell Me Again: In Destroy All Humans! 2, all conversations end with the option of Crypto asking for a condensed version of the conversation.
- That Russian Squat Dance: In Destroy All Humans! 2, while in Tunguska, Russians tend to do this dance when Crypto uses Free Love on them.
- Theme Naming: Furon names are all names of viruses.
- Theremin
- This Is Sparta: The Running Gag / Catch Phrase / Title Drop "DESTROY! ALL! HUMANS!"
- Timed Mission
- Tractor Beam: The Abducto Beam
- Twinmaker: The plot is driven by the Furon's need to harvest human brains to retain their immortality through cloning.
- Two Words: Obvious Trope: "Three words. And one of them's a disease. Blind Willie Syphilis."
- Unfortunate Names: The Big Willy Hotdog Franchise.
- Video Game Cruelty Potential: Telekinesis and Mind Control are such nicely sadistic weapons.
- And the anal probes, don't forget the anal probes.
- A big part of the appeal of the game is also the ability to get into a space-ship and use the various weapons it possesses to fly around thinly-veiled versions of various cities and destroy the everlasting fuck out of them.
- Villain Protagonist: Though your opponents aren't any better.
- Virtual Ghost: Pox, quite literally.
- Viva Las Vegas
- Voice with an Internet Connection: Pox
- Wanted Meter
- What Happened to the Mouse?: Veronica Stone in DAH!3. After getting her the story of sending the Neo Walker into the corrupt police station, she is neither seen or heard from again.
- Who's on First?: The second game sees Crypto run into this kind of confusion, before adding Also, Who's on first, what's on second and I dont know's on third.
- Wreaking Havok
- Xanatos Gambit: Everything was planned by the Master in the third game as a part of his plan to usurp the Furon throne and get Crypto to kill Emperor Meningitis.
- X Meets Y: Grand Theft Auto meets Ratchet and Clank meets Invader Zim.
- You Are Number Six: Each clone is designated by the number of times the Furon has been cloned. If you've been cloned 13 times, you clone number is 13.
- You Have Failed Me...: Admiral Cyclosporiasis is not very pleased when he learns Pox and Crypto lost the pure Furon DNA.
- You Kill It, You Bought It: Double example -- The Master's plan is essentially regicide. After Crypto kills Meningitis, he gets Orthopox to kill the Master, who then decides to stick around as Furon Emperor.
- Zillion-Dollar Bill: Furon DNA acts as this.
- Zombie Apocalypse: The Blisk mutants in DAH!2. Played Straight with the Zombie Gun in BWU.
Crypto has just conquered a single All The Tropes page. After the credits roll, the rest of the website comes into view, with The End? appearing as ominous, eerie theremin-laced music plays.