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Keep in mind:
Keep in mind:
* Moments only, no "just everything he said," "The entire show," or "This entire season," entries.
* Moments only, no "just everything he said," "The entire show," or "This entire season," entries.
* No contesting entries. This is subjective, the entry is their opinion.
* No contesting entries. This is subjective, the entry is their opinion.
* No natter. As above, anything contesting an entry will be cut, and anything that's just contributing more can be made its own entry.
* No natter. As above, anything contesting an entry will be cut, and anything that's just contributing more can be made its own entry.
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** In the episode with the infamous Shipoopi scene (while being pretty horrendous, is not the DMOS), Lois tells Peter that, if he got handicapped, she would just drop him. [[Sarcasm Mode|Y'know, because that's what love is all about!]]
** In the episode with the infamous Shipoopi scene (while being pretty horrendous, is not the DMOS), Lois tells Peter that, if he got handicapped, she would just drop him. [[Sarcasm Mode|Y'know, because that's what love is all about!]]
* "You May Now Kiss the... Uh... Guy Who Receives". This episode was basically the start of the whole "Brian is the [[Author Avatar]] thing." Basically, Brian's cousin comes to visit and brings a Filipino boyfriend. They say that they are getting married and Lois is the only one not impressed by it. Mayor West then bans Gay Marriage in order to get around him building a solid gold statue of the Kellogg's cereal mascot Dig 'Em. Brian, in a complete wreckage of anything canon before it, automatically goes to try to help his cousin, trying to get signatures to repeal it. He gets the signatures and West disregards the signatures. In yet another wreckage of character, Brian holds West at gunpoint and takes him hostage. It is only then that Lois decides to go along with it and accept gay marriage. Brian immediately, after hearing Lois tell him to stop, ends up stopping... to which West tears up the gay marriage ban. So, a person (well, dog) holds you up at gunpoint unless you sign some idiotic paper repealing a gay marriage ban, so you... help him? Instead of arresting him? The episode ends on the gay marriage itself. The subplot wasn't much better at bashing Republicans, as Chris joins a Young Republicans group and burns Brian's original petition, and then [[What Happened to the Mouse?|it's never resolved.]]
* "You May Now Kiss the... Uh... Guy Who Receives". This episode was basically the start of the whole "Brian is the [[Author Avatar]] thing." Basically, Brian's cousin comes to visit and brings a Filipino boyfriend. They say that they are getting married and Lois is the only one not impressed by it. Mayor West then bans Gay Marriage in order to get around him building a solid gold statue of the Kellogg's cereal mascot Dig 'Em. Brian, in a complete wreckage of anything canon before it, automatically goes to try to help his cousin, trying to get signatures to repeal it. He gets the signatures and West disregards the signatures. In yet another wreckage of character, Brian holds West at gunpoint and takes him hostage. It is only then that Lois decides to go along with it and accept gay marriage. Brian immediately, after hearing Lois tell him to stop, ends up stopping... to which West tears up the gay marriage ban. So, a person (well, dog) holds you up at gunpoint unless you sign some idiotic paper repealing a gay marriage ban, so you... help him? Instead of arresting him? The episode ends on the gay marriage itself. The subplot wasn't much better at bashing Republicans, as Chris joins a Young Republicans group and burns Brian's original petition, and then [[What Happened to the Mouse?|it's never resolved.]]
** Oh, you're missing half of the problems! For one, how is the mayor "banning" gay marriage? At the time this episode aired, gay marriage wasn't legal in Rhode Island yet--an inaccuracy that exists just to subtly make his side more "villainous." Secondly, Jasper and his boyfriends are the biggest stereotypes ever, and the most "romantic" thing about their relationship is Jasper making a sex joke. They don't even talk to each other (because the Fillipino can't speak English and Jasper makes no sign of speaking Spanish)--their relationship is as shallow as a puddle, so cares whether or not they can get a tax break for their zoophilia? And third, Lois is convinced to support gay marriage because Brian holds somebody at gunpoint. ...[[Big "What?"|WHAT?!]] What sense does that make?! Her [[Insane Troll Logic|logic]] is that "he feels really strongly about this" so he must be right--that's idiotic! Brian is committing an act of terrorism right now! If gay marriage is right, it's right; if it's wrong, it's wrong. The fact that somebody (particularly somebody who's not even gay) "feels really strongly" about it does not prove their side is right! (Put another way--if the mayor was trying to legalize gay marriage and Brian put a gun to his head to stop it, would he be right then?) And then there was a "joke" about Elizabeth Smart, the [[Ripped from the Headlines|real-life]] girl who was kidnapped by a crazy cultist for more than a year. The punchline is that she's horribly traumatized from repeatedly being raped. [[Dude, Not Funny|...Fuck you in hell, writers]]. Seriously. (N.B.: the real Elizabeth Smart seems to have, thankfully, recovered from her ordeal quite well.)
** Oh, you're missing half of the problems! For one, how is the mayor "banning" gay marriage? At the time this episode aired, gay marriage wasn't legal in Rhode Island yet--an inaccuracy that exists just to subtly make his side more "villainous." Secondly, Jasper and his boyfriends are the biggest stereotypes ever, and the most "romantic" thing about their relationship is Jasper making a sex joke. They don't even talk to each other (because the Fillipino can't speak English and Jasper makes no sign of speaking Spanish)--their relationship is as shallow as a puddle, so cares whether or not they can get a tax break for their zoophilia? And third, Lois is convinced to support gay marriage because Brian holds somebody at gunpoint. ...[[Big "What?"|WHAT?!]] What sense does that make?! Her [[Insane Troll Logic|logic]] is that "he feels really strongly about this" so he must be right--that's idiotic! Brian is committing an act of terrorism right now! If gay marriage is right, it's right; if it's wrong, it's wrong. The fact that somebody (particularly somebody who's not even gay) "feels really strongly" about it does not prove their side is right! (Put another way--if the mayor was trying to legalize gay marriage and Brian put a gun to his head to stop it, would he be right then?) And then there was a "joke" about Elizabeth Smart, the [[Ripped from the Headlines|real-life]] girl who was kidnapped by a crazy cultist for more than a year. The punchline is that she's horribly traumatized from repeatedly being raped. [[Dude, Not Funny|...Fuck you in hell, writers]]. Seriously. (N.B.: the real Elizabeth Smart seems to have, thankfully, recovered from her ordeal quite well.)
*** And no-one's mentioned the (thankfully) deleted scene that shows that Jasper's 'boyfriend' [[Unfortunate Implications|'''has no idea that he's getting married''']]?
*** And no-one's mentioned the (thankfully) deleted scene that shows that Jasper's 'boyfriend' [[Unfortunate Implications|'''has no idea that he's getting married''']]?
** While I agree with the above posts, there is one part in that episode that left a bad taste in my mouth and that is the scene where Stewie, Brian, and Jasper were watching the film ''[[The Sound of Music]]''. In this movie parodied, after the nuns sabotaged the Nazis' pursuit of the Von Trapp family, one of the nuns confessed to the Reverend Mother Superior that she committed a sin and revealed that she decapitated Rolfe, much to the other nuns' horror. That said nun then shouted, "Hey, I didn't start this war, but it's on!" Yes, ''Family Guy'' writers, we get it! Rolfe was turned into a Nazi, [[Sarcasm Mode|and anybody who were Nazis shall burn in hell!]] But what the FG writers did to Rolfe was just uncalled for and pointlessly dark. I'm pretty sure Liesl's not going to be happy that her lover, who suffered a [[Face Heel Turn]], had been killed off by one of the nuns. And I'm pretty sure the older ''Sound of Music'' movie fans who viewed this dreadful parody weren't happy with the FG writers interpreting how Rolfe's fate probably ended after he was brainwashed by [[Adolf Hitler|the notorious dictator]].
** While I agree with the above posts, there is one part in that episode that left a bad taste in my mouth and that is the scene where Stewie, Brian, and Jasper were watching the film ''[[The Sound of Music]]''. In this movie parodied, after the nuns sabotaged the Nazis' pursuit of the Von Trapp family, one of the nuns confessed to the Reverend Mother Superior that she committed a sin and revealed that she decapitated Rolfe, much to the other nuns' horror. That said nun then shouted, "Hey, I didn't start this war, but it's on!" Yes, ''Family Guy'' writers, we get it! Rolfe was turned into a Nazi, [[Sarcasm Mode|and anybody who were Nazis shall burn in hell!]] But what the FG writers did to Rolfe was just uncalled for and pointlessly dark. I'm pretty sure Liesl's not going to be happy that her lover, who suffered a [[Face Heel Turn]], had been killed off by one of the nuns. And I'm pretty sure the older ''Sound of Music'' movie fans who viewed this dreadful parody weren't happy with the FG writers interpreting how Rolfe's fate probably ended after he was brainwashed by [[Adolf Hitler|the notorious dictator]].
* From [[Stewie Griffin The Untold Story]], which would become a three-parter in season 4: The cut-away gag in which we have Elmer Fudd repeatedly shoot [[Bugs Bunny]] and then snap his neck before dragging the bleeding carcass away. Seriously, that's the entire 'joke', Elmer Fudd violently and bloodily killing Bugs Bunny. Graphically murdering a beloved childhood icon isn't [[Black Comedy]], it's just sick.
* From [[Stewie Griffin The Untold Story]], which would become a three-parter in season 4: The cut-away gag in which we have Elmer Fudd repeatedly shoot [[Bugs Bunny]] and then snap his neck before dragging the bleeding carcass away. Seriously, that's the entire 'joke', Elmer Fudd violently and bloodily killing Bugs Bunny. Graphically murdering a beloved childhood icon isn't [[Black Comedy]], it's just sick.
* I have a couple issues with the episode ''Petarded''. It's odd since I find the episode itself funny, but I think the decline of the show (or at least Peter's character) can be traced to this episode. By making Peter technically retarded, it now gave the writers free reign to make him do even the stupidest of acts. If anyone calls them out on it, they can just say, "Well... he's retarded." Of course, this just makes every one of Peter's stupid and/or jackassy actions [[Unfortunate Implications|a slap in the face to actual retarded people]]. The other thing that bugs me is the scene where Peter is told he's retarded. The doctor shows an intelligence chart and it lists Creationists below retarded people. To make it worse, Seth himself starts to defend the joke on the DVD commentary, essentially stating that if people are too stupid to not accept evolution since nearly every scientist does, then they're all brainless. Get off your anti-religious soapbox already!
* I have a couple issues with the episode ''Petarded''. It's odd since I find the episode itself funny, but I think the decline of the show (or at least Peter's character) can be traced to this episode. By making Peter technically retarded, it now gave the writers free reign to make him do even the stupidest of acts. If anyone calls them out on it, they can just say, "Well... he's retarded." Of course, this just makes every one of Peter's stupid and/or jackassy actions [[Unfortunate Implications|a slap in the face to actual retarded people]]. The other thing that bugs me is the scene where Peter is told he's retarded. The doctor shows an intelligence chart and it lists Creationists below retarded people. To make it worse, Seth himself starts to defend the joke on the DVD commentary, essentially stating that if people are too stupid to not accept evolution since nearly every scientist does, then they're all brainless. Get off your anti-religious soapbox already!
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** The big problem I had with this episode was the entire setup to get them to Texas just so the show could make all the "Texans are backwards-ass jerkwad rednecks" jokes. Stewie throws up in church after ingesting too many crackers and too much wine -- which is a completely understandable reaction -- and just because the crackers and wine are part of Communion, he's immediately assumed to be possessed and sought after by the entire town of Quahog, as well as the authorities, for an exorcism. First: it makes religious people look like complete [[Jerkass|Jerkasses]] for wanting to deliver an exorcism to a child who threw up in church (I know, big shock, ''Family Guy'' hating on religion). Second: actual church-sanctioned exorcisms are few and far between, and even then, they're done by highly-trained members of the clergy (and only after the church has deemed an exorcism to be truly necessary), not some random priest and a bunch of pissed-off civilians. Third: the whole "the police are looking for a possessed child" bit makes no sense because, last I checked, the police aren't called on to arrest people just because they're accused of being possessed by the devil. Fourth: Even if the Griffins had to run from the entire population of Quahog, that's no reason to make everyone else on the Griffins' trip to Texas (including non-Quahog police officers) as dumb as the rest of Quahog. If the rest of the episode had been worth the intelligence-insulting setup, then maybe I could forgive the attack on religion and the general absurdity of the setup; too bad that, as the others have pointed out above me, the episode was nowhere near worth the setup.
** The big problem I had with this episode was the entire setup to get them to Texas just so the show could make all the "Texans are backwards-ass jerkwad rednecks" jokes. Stewie throws up in church after ingesting too many crackers and too much wine -- which is a completely understandable reaction -- and just because the crackers and wine are part of Communion, he's immediately assumed to be possessed and sought after by the entire town of Quahog, as well as the authorities, for an exorcism. First: it makes religious people look like complete [[Jerkass|Jerkasses]] for wanting to deliver an exorcism to a child who threw up in church (I know, big shock, ''Family Guy'' hating on religion). Second: actual church-sanctioned exorcisms are few and far between, and even then, they're done by highly-trained members of the clergy (and only after the church has deemed an exorcism to be truly necessary), not some random priest and a bunch of pissed-off civilians. Third: the whole "the police are looking for a possessed child" bit makes no sense because, last I checked, the police aren't called on to arrest people just because they're accused of being possessed by the devil. Fourth: Even if the Griffins had to run from the entire population of Quahog, that's no reason to make everyone else on the Griffins' trip to Texas (including non-Quahog police officers) as dumb as the rest of Quahog. If the rest of the episode had been worth the intelligence-insulting setup, then maybe I could forgive the attack on religion and the general absurdity of the setup; too bad that, as the others have pointed out above me, the episode was nowhere near worth the setup.
** I believe this was the episode in which Stewie competed (in drag) in a beauty pagaent. Stewie makes a snarky joke about ending up like Jonbenet Ramsey. For those not privy, Jonbenet was a 6 year old beauty pageant contestant who was brutally murdered in her home on Christmas Day nearly sixteen years ago, whose murder still remains unsolved. That was utterly tasteless and disrespect to the victim and her family. What the hell are they thinking? I know it has been a while seen it happened that is no excuse. And it losing sane viewers because the writers making light of seriously tragic events worth making a few possible weirdos laugh at poorly thought out jokes.
** I believe this was the episode in which Stewie competed (in drag) in a beauty pagaent. Stewie makes a snarky joke about ending up like Jonbenet Ramsey. For those not privy, Jonbenet was a 6 year old beauty pageant contestant who was brutally murdered in her home on Christmas Day nearly sixteen years ago, whose murder still remains unsolved. That was utterly tasteless and disrespect to the victim and her family. What the hell are they thinking? I know it has been a while seen it happened that is no excuse. And it losing sane viewers because the writers making light of seriously tragic events worth making a few possible weirdos laugh at poorly thought out jokes.
** This was the episode that made me lose all hope in the series. Up to this point, I was able to tolerate the [[Dead Baby Comedy]] and the [[Dude, Not Funny]] nature of the post-cancellation seasons. Hell even this episode I liked... up until Stewie vomits the communion wine. And that's when when it all came crumbling down as religious propaganda and racism that makes even ''[[American Dad]]'' seem tame. Texans are not all stupid, self-minded people. And really? Why the fuck did they have to include two [[Chuck Norris]] jokes that weren't even remotely entertaining ([[Would Hurt a Child|punching another child? Really?]]) Having Dubya in the episode was promising as they did make him into a nice guy, but severely wasted largely in part of the [[Author Tract]] going on. This episode is the reason why I only watch the first three seasons on an occasional basis (If I bother watching the series).
** This was the episode that made me lose all hope in the series. Up to this point, I was able to tolerate the [[Dead Baby Comedy]] and the [[Dude, Not Funny]] nature of the post-cancellation seasons. Hell even this episode I liked... up until Stewie vomits the communion wine. And that's when when it all came crumbling down as religious propaganda and racism that makes even ''[[American Dad]]'' seem tame. Texans are not all stupid, self-minded people. And really? Why the fuck did they have to include two [[Chuck Norris]] jokes that weren't even remotely entertaining ([[Would Hurt a Child|punching another child? Really?]]) Having Dubya in the episode was promising as they did make him into a nice guy, but severely wasted largely in part of the [[Author Tract]] going on. This episode is the reason why I only watch the first three seasons on an occasional basis (If I bother watching the series).
* The one scene that cemented Carter's status as a [[Jerkass]]: The scene on "No Chris Left Behind" where he [[Kick the Dog|went to a local orphanage, picked out a kid, filled out all the paperwork, and then didn't took him home. While taunting the orphan kid from inside the car packed with toys and a puppy. Just for fun]]. And to add insult to injury, he stated just before that scene that he does it every month. That's just cruel. Nothing else, just cruel. [[Lamarck Was Right|Any wonders on why Lois became such a]] [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]] [[Lamarck Was Right|recently (Besides all the crap she has to put up with regarding Peter)?]]
* The one scene that cemented Carter's status as a [[Jerkass]]: The scene on "No Chris Left Behind" where he [[Kick the Dog|went to a local orphanage, picked out a kid, filled out all the paperwork, and then didn't took him home. While taunting the orphan kid from inside the car packed with toys and a puppy. Just for fun]]. And to add insult to injury, he stated just before that scene that he does it every month. That's just cruel. Nothing else, just cruel. [[Lamarck Was Right|Any wonders on why Lois became such a]] [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]] [[Lamarck Was Right|recently (Besides all the crap she has to put up with regarding Peter)?]]
* "Hell Comes to Quahog" was overall a pretty decent episode, but it had quite possibly the most tasteless and unfunny cutaway gag in the history of the series. When Brian complains about Quahog's new Superstore USA, Stewie claims that he just hates department stores because of that one time a "special" boy pet him too hard in front of a K- Mart. We then cut to [[Captain Obvious|a mentally retarded child continually petting Brian really hard]] (to the point where he finds it difficult to keep his balance) until Brian snaps and bites him. Then the child starts crying, and we cut back to the story. That's it. The scene doesn't have a punchline; [[Dude, Not Funny|we're just supposed to laugh at the retarded kid]] [[Unfortunate Implications|simply because he's retarded]]. It wasn't quite enough to ruin the episode for me, but it certainly didn't help.
* "Hell Comes to Quahog" was overall a pretty decent episode, but it had quite possibly the most tasteless and unfunny cutaway gag in the history of the series. When Brian complains about Quahog's new Superstore USA, Stewie claims that he just hates department stores because of that one time a "special" boy pet him too hard in front of a K- Mart. We then cut to [[Captain Obvious|a mentally retarded child continually petting Brian really hard]] (to the point where he finds it difficult to keep his balance) until Brian snaps and bites him. Then the child starts crying, and we cut back to the story. That's it. The scene doesn't have a punchline; [[Dude, Not Funny|we're just supposed to laugh at the retarded kid]] [[Unfortunate Implications|simply because he's retarded]]. It wasn't quite enough to ruin the episode for me, but it certainly didn't help.
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* The cutaway where Quagmire rapes [[The Simpsons|Marge Simpson]] and murders her family. Many ''[[Family Guy]]'' fans (including myself) are also fans of [[The Simpsons]], so naturally we do not find this the least bit amusing.
* The cutaway where Quagmire rapes [[The Simpsons|Marge Simpson]] and murders her family. Many ''[[Family Guy]]'' fans (including myself) are also fans of [[The Simpsons]], so naturally we do not find this the least bit amusing.
** Agreed. Even Matt Groening (a friend of Seth and a fan of the show) was so disgusted by this it almost ended the friendship between the two of them.
** Agreed. Even Matt Groening (a friend of Seth and a fan of the show) was so disgusted by this it almost ended the friendship between the two of them.
** The worst part is that it honestly could have been a pretty funny visual gag if the writers had the sense to end it before Quagmire murders the entire Simpson family.
** The worst part is that it honestly could have been a pretty funny visual gag if the writers had the sense to end it before Quagmire murders the entire Simpson family.
* For me, it was one of the [[Cutaway Gag]]s in "Padre de Familia". Brian reminds Peter that he (Peter) didn't even know about 9/11 until years later. Okay, fine... but then we cut to Lois, watching the coverage with tears in her eyes and a tissue in hand... and Peter walks in, glances at the TV, laughs and says "Must be a woman-pilot," before walking off. [[Dude, Not Funny|That's not fucking funny]]!
* For me, it was one of the [[Cutaway Gag]]s in "Padre de Familia". Brian reminds Peter that he (Peter) didn't even know about 9/11 until years later. Okay, fine... but then we cut to Lois, watching the coverage with tears in her eyes and a tissue in hand... and Peter walks in, glances at the TV, laughs and says "Must be a woman-pilot," before walking off. [[Dude, Not Funny|That's not fucking funny]]!
** In "Padre de Familia", the scene where Peter gets a job as a nanny, crashes through the window, on top of two children, killing them. He gets up, vomits, shoves them under the bed, vomits again, cries, then jumps out the window to escape the scene of the crime. Who the hell thought something like this would be funny?!
** In "Padre de Familia", the scene where Peter gets a job as a nanny, crashes through the window, on top of two children, killing them. He gets up, vomits, shoves them under the bed, vomits again, cries, then jumps out the window to escape the scene of the crime. Who the hell thought something like this would be funny?!
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** Actually, come to think of it, pretty much all the gay characters in Family Guy are [[Camp Gay]] stereotypes.
** Actually, come to think of it, pretty much all the gay characters in Family Guy are [[Camp Gay]] stereotypes.
* "The Juice is Loose" is an OJ episode. Hey, remember back in 1995 when that would've been funny? The episode was written to probably coincide with the rumors of the OJ "What if I Did Do It?" book. But it seems in bad taste and a joke way too late to be really funny. Any episode after that is just awful.
* "The Juice is Loose" is an OJ episode. Hey, remember back in 1995 when that would've been funny? The episode was written to probably coincide with the rumors of the OJ "What if I Did Do It?" book. But it seems in bad taste and a joke way too late to be really funny. Any episode after that is just awful.
** The extended Conway Twitty cutaway was the moment for me. That's when I realized that Seth and Co. knew they didn't even have to fill airtime with their own animation. That along with the pointless Stewie dancing with Gene Kelly for an entire sequence (which was just Stewie rotoscoped over Jerry Mouse) convinced me what a lazy crew the ''Family Guy'' team is.
** The extended Conway Twitty cutaway was the moment for me. That's when I realized that Seth and Co. knew they didn't even have to fill airtime with their own animation. That along with the pointless Stewie dancing with Gene Kelly for an entire sequence (which was just Stewie rotoscoped over Jerry Mouse) convinced me what a lazy crew the ''Family Guy'' team is.
** For me, it was the stupid throwaway ending in which OJ randomly stabs three people and runs off, with Peter saying "I guess he did do it." That was the exclamation point for an unfunny tactless episode.
** For me, it was the stupid throwaway ending in which OJ randomly stabs three people and runs off, with Peter saying "I guess he did do it." That was the exclamation point for an unfunny tactless episode.
* FOX-y Lady. The ending where they just stop trying. Seriously, she revealed that the icon of the right wing was a fraud. Even if she also revealed the icon of the left was too, that'd still be a pretty decent reason for Fox News to fire her.
* FOX-y Lady. The ending where they just stop trying. Seriously, she revealed that the icon of the right wing was a fraud. Even if she also revealed the icon of the left was too, that'd still be a pretty decent reason for Fox News to fire her.
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* For a while I was struggling to decide whether to keep going with ''Family Guy'' or drop it. I decided to drop it when I saw the episode "Extra Large Medium". Why? The end of the episode was incredibly grim and not at all funny. A missing man has an armed bomb strapped to him, and Joe wants Peter to use his (non-existent) psychic abilities to locate him. Peter stalls for time, and even tries to get Joe to let him feel the missing man's daughters breasts. When the bomb goes off, Peter bluntly admits to not really being a medium. They expect us to laugh at Peter's arrogance and idiocy costing an innocent man his life, and nearly getting his daughter molested mere moments before that. Sorry, Seth, but I don't find that funny.
* For a while I was struggling to decide whether to keep going with ''Family Guy'' or drop it. I decided to drop it when I saw the episode "Extra Large Medium". Why? The end of the episode was incredibly grim and not at all funny. A missing man has an armed bomb strapped to him, and Joe wants Peter to use his (non-existent) psychic abilities to locate him. Peter stalls for time, and even tries to get Joe to let him feel the missing man's daughters breasts. When the bomb goes off, Peter bluntly admits to not really being a medium. They expect us to laugh at Peter's arrogance and idiocy costing an innocent man his life, and nearly getting his daughter molested mere moments before that. Sorry, Seth, but I don't find that funny.
** In the same episode, Chris dates a girl with Down's syndrome. I found it was not the plot but the way they handled it pretty offensive and I'm not that easily offended. Okay, a lot of it was very much tongue-in-cheek but [[Dude, Not Funny|still]]...
** In the same episode, Chris dates a girl with Down's syndrome. I found it was not the plot but the way they handled it pretty offensive and I'm not that easily offended. Okay, a lot of it was very much tongue-in-cheek but [[Dude, Not Funny|still]]...
** To add to that, lets not forget that after Joe informed Peter that the man's daughter was [[Dude, Not Funny|twelve.]], Peter then asks if she was a "little girl" or one of those 12 year olds who "got big boobs early from drinking milk" (!), and he appears fully intent on molesting her. What. The. Fuck. That's not funny, especially for me: I knew quite a few early bloomers back in 7th grade; they went to my middle school and got taken advantage of ([[Squick|and usually pregnant]]) by random adult drop-outs from the neighborhood. So, yeah, Seth shouldn't make [[Dead Baby Comedy|making humor out of serious subjects]] a habit, or else he'll find those Nielsen ratings dropping sooner than later.
** To add to that, lets not forget that after Joe informed Peter that the man's daughter was [[Dude, Not Funny|twelve.]], Peter then asks if she was a "little girl" or one of those 12 year olds who "got big boobs early from drinking milk" (!), and he appears fully intent on molesting her. What. The. Fuck. That's not funny, especially for me: I knew quite a few early bloomers back in 7th grade; they went to my middle school and got taken advantage of ([[Squick|and usually pregnant]]) by random adult drop-outs from the neighborhood. So, yeah, Seth shouldn't make [[Dead Baby Comedy|making humor out of serious subjects]] a habit, or else he'll find those Nielsen ratings dropping sooner than later.
* From the episode where Meg dates "A completely normal boy!", when Lois, who in the past has always tried to be a good mother who looks out for her children, undergoes the final step of her [[Jerkass]] [[Character Derailment]] by seducing her daughters' boyfriend, and then, when caught, claiming that he was raping her.
* From the episode where Meg dates "A completely normal boy!", when Lois, who in the past has always tried to be a good mother who looks out for her children, undergoes the final step of her [[Jerkass]] [[Character Derailment]] by seducing her daughters' boyfriend, and then, when caught, claiming that he was raping her.
* Forgot the name, but there was an episode where Peter gets sexually harassed by his boss, and Lois responds by saying women can't sexually harass men. This may just be a case of the writers making her ignorant on purpose, but it still gives the wrong message.
* Forgot the name, but there was an episode where Peter gets sexually harassed by his boss, and Lois responds by saying women can't sexually harass men. This may just be a case of the writers making her ignorant on purpose, but it still gives the wrong message.
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* Road to The North Pole had a good [[Space Whale Aesop]] by the end but the sheer uncomfortableness of it ruined it for me. But the absolute worst part of it was Brian and Stewie breaking into someone's house to deliver presents. Word to the ''Family Guy'' writers: It is not funny to kill some random person, show his wife's panicked reaction, then kill her in front of their daughter and tie her to a chair. This is just sick and horrifying.
* Road to The North Pole had a good [[Space Whale Aesop]] by the end but the sheer uncomfortableness of it ruined it for me. But the absolute worst part of it was Brian and Stewie breaking into someone's house to deliver presents. Word to the ''Family Guy'' writers: It is not funny to kill some random person, show his wife's panicked reaction, then kill her in front of their daughter and tie her to a chair. This is just sick and horrifying.
** The whole episode was a DMOS for me. First of all, there was yet another "Brian VS Quagmire" fight, yet this one was completely unnecessary (Seriously, Brian made an honest mistake that anyone could've made. No need to get pissed at him, Glenn). Second, it was way too dark to the point where watching Hitler shooting puppies would've been an improvement. Finally, the message was far too preachy and rivals the infamous "Not All Dogs Go To Heaven" in terms of preachiness. Santa Claus is dying and the North Pole is in ruin because people are greedy? Really? Really? [[Sarcasm Mode|Way to make people feel good about the holidays, Seth. I'm sure people wanting to see a funny episode really enjoyed hearing Brian preach to them about how "greedy" and "selfish" they're being]].
** The whole episode was a DMOS for me. First of all, there was yet another "Brian VS Quagmire" fight, yet this one was completely unnecessary (Seriously, Brian made an honest mistake that anyone could've made. No need to get pissed at him, Glenn). Second, it was way too dark to the point where watching Hitler shooting puppies would've been an improvement. Finally, the message was far too preachy and rivals the infamous "Not All Dogs Go To Heaven" in terms of preachiness. Santa Claus is dying and the North Pole is in ruin because people are greedy? Really? Really? [[Sarcasm Mode|Way to make people feel good about the holidays, Seth. I'm sure people wanting to see a funny episode really enjoyed hearing Brian preach to them about how "greedy" and "selfish" they're being]].
** Honestly, none of the above examples have ever made me disown ''Family Guy''. Maybe that just makes me [[Too Dumb to Live|one of the biggest idiots out there]], but that mall scene... my God, that mall scene. I know they established that Quagmire hates Brian... but for the love of God. Quagmire could have told Brian all this to begin with, but he didn't. It's like he intentionally let Brian play with the [[Idiot Ball]] long enough to give him enough ammo to unload on Brian with. And when poor Brian tried to dig himself out of the hole, Quagmire forces him back in.
** Honestly, none of the above examples have ever made me disown ''Family Guy''. Maybe that just makes me [[Too Dumb to Live|one of the biggest idiots out there]], but that mall scene... my God, that mall scene. I know they established that Quagmire hates Brian... but for the love of God. Quagmire could have told Brian all this to begin with, but he didn't. It's like he intentionally let Brian play with the [[Idiot Ball]] long enough to give him enough ammo to unload on Brian with. And when poor Brian tried to dig himself out of the hole, Quagmire forces him back in.
** The episode "Road to the North Pole." Pretty much: Santa's elves are inbreeding, Santa is suicidal, the reindeer eat Santa's elves, and Santa has a massive factory that produces tons of toxic waste. Fuck you MacFarlane, this is not dark humor, or any sort of comedy: this is just being shocking for the sake of shocking people.
** The episode "Road to the North Pole." Pretty much: Santa's elves are inbreeding, Santa is suicidal, the reindeer eat Santa's elves, and Santa has a massive factory that produces tons of toxic waste. Fuck you MacFarlane, this is not dark humor, or any sort of comedy: this is just being shocking for the sake of shocking people.
** This Troper has a deep loathing of Brian in this episode, namely from him nonchalantly raiding that family's house for food and promptly killing the father and leaving his wife and child to rot. And the ending, where he convinces everyone they only need one gift. Assuming they literally get only ONE from any person it eliminates the "giving" part of the holiday and leaves behind the ugly "receiving" part. This Troper now wants a real life [[Dartboard of Hate]] of Brian.
** This Troper has a deep loathing of Brian in this episode, namely from him nonchalantly raiding that family's house for food and promptly killing the father and leaving his wife and child to rot. And the ending, where he convinces everyone they only need one gift. Assuming they literally get only ONE from any person it eliminates the "giving" part of the holiday and leaves behind the ugly "receiving" part. This Troper now wants a real life [[Dartboard of Hate]] of Brian.
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** Personally, I just thought the entire episode sucked! For an episode that has an interesting premise (a Christian mother revealing that she was a porno actress to a news anchor, who soon reveals the secret to all of Quahog), the jokes just fell flat on their ass, the [[Breaking the Fourth Wall]] joke just makes me want to groan in pure disappointment, and, wouldn't you believe it, the [[Black Hole Sue]] Brian helps out someone in the family once again. Oh, but wait, turns out another [[Author Avatar]] in Peter gives his two cents on his shit as well. Can we just say that Peter's freakin' [[Mary Sue]] 2.0 of Family Guy here?
** Personally, I just thought the entire episode sucked! For an episode that has an interesting premise (a Christian mother revealing that she was a porno actress to a news anchor, who soon reveals the secret to all of Quahog), the jokes just fell flat on their ass, the [[Breaking the Fourth Wall]] joke just makes me want to groan in pure disappointment, and, wouldn't you believe it, the [[Black Hole Sue]] Brian helps out someone in the family once again. Oh, but wait, turns out another [[Author Avatar]] in Peter gives his two cents on his shit as well. Can we just say that Peter's freakin' [[Mary Sue]] 2.0 of Family Guy here?
* The biggest DMOS for this troper is in ''Friends of Peter G''. After Brian makes a passing comment about how people 'were fine for thousands of years without religion,' we see a few peaceful BC-era characters suddenly begin killing each other at the announcement of Jesus' birth. Although the show has got plenty of biased / hateful / generalizing attempts at humor such as this, this in particular is a DMOS because it suggests MacFarlane's vast ignorance (or else, inexcusable carelessness) on not one but two ideas. First, it implies that there was no war before Christianity. I would say you could read the Bible to find out that's false, only I thought it was completely common knowledge that war has existed since practically the beginning of humanity. Secondly, it's almost as if the show is actually saying there was no religion before Jesus. If MacFarlane has ever so much as heard of the Ancient Egyptians, Greek mythology, and mainly, Judaism, he should know far better than to assert Jesus' birth as the beginning of religion. Despite the many cheap shots at religion on this show, this one felt the most pitifully ignorant and/or misinformed - far beyond justification.
* The biggest DMOS for this troper is in ''Friends of Peter G''. After Brian makes a passing comment about how people 'were fine for thousands of years without religion,' we see a few peaceful BC-era characters suddenly begin killing each other at the announcement of Jesus' birth. Although the show has got plenty of biased / hateful / generalizing attempts at humor such as this, this in particular is a DMOS because it suggests MacFarlane's vast ignorance (or else, inexcusable carelessness) on not one but two ideas. First, it implies that there was no war before Christianity. I would say you could read the Bible to find out that's false, only I thought it was completely common knowledge that war has existed since practically the beginning of humanity. Secondly, it's almost as if the show is actually saying there was no religion before Jesus. If MacFarlane has ever so much as heard of the Ancient Egyptians, Greek mythology, and mainly, Judaism, he should know far better than to assert Jesus' birth as the beginning of religion. Despite the many cheap shots at religion on this show, this one felt the most pitifully ignorant and/or misinformed - far beyond justification.
** "No religion before the birth of Christ?" Geez, not since [[Superman At Earths End|Superman At Earth's End]] said Hitler was the reason wars exist.
** "No religion before the birth of Christ?" Geez, not since [[Superman: At Earth's End]] said Hitler was the reason wars exist.
** Out of all the times FG has done something somewhat stupid in regards to religion, this one of the worst. I mean, the guy just suggested to Peter(who is Catholic) to take the religious route to solve his issues and Brian flips the fuck out! Not to mention the cutaway gag didn't make a lick of sense in pertaining to what was going on; it's like a drive by middle finger at Christians. Oh, and let's not get started on Brian's solution which was "Hey, if our loved ones don't know we drink, everything will be ok"! Hiding your issues makes anyone who goes along a liar to their family. On top of that, you are still putting yourself and others in danger! And guess what! Peter (for a short time) dies in this episode because of this idiotic solution!
** Out of all the times FG has done something somewhat stupid in regards to religion, this one of the worst. I mean, the guy just suggested to Peter(who is Catholic) to take the religious route to solve his issues and Brian flips the fuck out! Not to mention the cutaway gag didn't make a lick of sense in pertaining to what was going on; it's like a drive by middle finger at Christians. Oh, and let's not get started on Brian's solution which was "Hey, if our loved ones don't know we drink, everything will be ok"! Hiding your issues makes anyone who goes along a liar to their family. On top of that, you are still putting yourself and others in danger! And guess what! Peter (for a short time) dies in this episode because of this idiotic solution!
** Like what the other 3 tropers said, this has gone too far. Back in Season 1-3, Brian was the more reasonable person while Lois was more caring, now, we are stuck with the screed-spouting, bias-barfing, ego-driven douchebag he has become. Does that fucking dog need another beatdown, maybe from Lois? This troper thinks so after claiming everyone was doing fine before religion (by the way, I can name a good amount of wars in which religion wasn't involved), and suggesting that they drink beer in A.A, while fooling their friend into thinking they are being cured (there is something wrong with playing a piano while there is a picture or a cross in the same room isn't there), yeah, deserves another beatdown.
** Like what the other 3 tropers said, this has gone too far. Back in Season 1-3, Brian was the more reasonable person while Lois was more caring, now, we are stuck with the screed-spouting, bias-barfing, ego-driven douchebag he has become. Does that fucking dog need another beatdown, maybe from Lois? This troper thinks so after claiming everyone was doing fine before religion (by the way, I can name a good amount of wars in which religion wasn't involved), and suggesting that they drink beer in A.A, while fooling their friend into thinking they are being cured (there is something wrong with playing a piano while there is a picture or a cross in the same room isn't there), yeah, deserves another beatdown.
** For this troper, it was "Friends of Peter G", where Brian (As if I couldn't hate him enough already) says that there was no war or violence until Jesus was born. Cut to a gag taking place in Biblical times: Two men are talking to each other about how peaceful the world is, and another man comes up to them telling them about the recent birth of a newborn infant named Jesus. The two men immediately stab and kill each other violently, [[Sarcasm Mode|because as we all know there has never been any sin,or violence,or murder before the birth of Jesus]]. Have these writers even so much as looked in a fucking history book?! I've seen a lot of shows that do something offensive to tell a joke, but that was not a joke! That was just plain religious intolerance! Family Guy has done a lot of terrible "jokes" over the years, but this has got to be, without a doubt in my mind, one of the absolute worst things they've ever done. It's like they weren't even trying to tell a joke. It was just the writers showing complete hatred towards another religion.
** For this troper, it was "Friends of Peter G", where Brian (As if I couldn't hate him enough already) says that there was no war or violence until Jesus was born. Cut to a gag taking place in Biblical times: Two men are talking to each other about how peaceful the world is, and another man comes up to them telling them about the recent birth of a newborn infant named Jesus. The two men immediately stab and kill each other violently, [[Sarcasm Mode|because as we all know there has never been any sin,or violence,or murder before the birth of Jesus]]. Have these writers even so much as looked in a fucking history book?! I've seen a lot of shows that do something offensive to tell a joke, but that was not a joke! That was just plain religious intolerance! Family Guy has done a lot of terrible "jokes" over the years, but this has got to be, without a doubt in my mind, one of the absolute worst things they've ever done. It's like they weren't even trying to tell a joke. It was just the writers showing complete hatred towards another religion.
*** The stupidest part of this 'joke' is that it implies that, prior to the birth of Jesus, religion didn't exist. So not only is the joke unfunny and stupid, but it literally does not make any kind of historical or logical sense.
*** The stupidest part of this 'joke' is that it implies that, prior to the birth of Jesus, religion didn't exist. So not only is the joke unfunny and stupid, but it literally does not make any kind of historical or logical sense.
*** I never took this episode as evidence that the writers were actually being serious about "religion causing all of the world's problems." I just saw this gag as an exaggeration of that rationale. Either way, still not very funny.
*** I never took this episode as evidence that the writers were actually being serious about "religion causing all of the world's problems." I just saw this gag as an exaggeration of that rationale. Either way, still not very funny.
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** That episode was an entire mess. But the main plot with Meg liking Joe was a bigger turnoff for me because not only did I find it rather creepy, but it just got ridiculous when Meg drives all the way to the airport after dark to get Bonnie arrested by smuggling a gun into her bag. Then, because she finds out she and Joe have nothing in common, what does she do? She throws herself in front of a car to get crippled. It's one thing to be a [[Butt Monkey]], but to cripple yourself and get your neighbor's wife arrested just had an unpleasant message to it.
** That episode was an entire mess. But the main plot with Meg liking Joe was a bigger turnoff for me because not only did I find it rather creepy, but it just got ridiculous when Meg drives all the way to the airport after dark to get Bonnie arrested by smuggling a gun into her bag. Then, because she finds out she and Joe have nothing in common, what does she do? She throws herself in front of a car to get crippled. It's one thing to be a [[Butt Monkey]], but to cripple yourself and get your neighbor's wife arrested just had an unpleasant message to it.
* You know... as a rule, if a comedy doesn't make you laugh, it should at least bring a smile to your face, and maybe alleviate your bad mood. Anymore? This show actually takes my good moods and makes them bad. [[Trading Places]] was just horrible. A "Carter smashing things" side-joke which had several directions that it could have gone in and been hilarious turned into another drawn-out non-joke, yet another member of the Griffin family [[Took a Level in Jerkass]], and overly real reactions to cartoonish gags were liberally applied, while somehow miraculously avoiding any thread of logic in the main plot (the Griffins should be happy; after the lawsuit they have on their hands against Pawtucket Brewery, no one will have to be the breadwinner anymore). Not even getting into the police sketch cutaway. It's time for someone to be responsible with this mess. And by the by? That buck does stop with Seth MacFarlane. While I am glad to see that a lot of the venom is starting to be deflected from Seth to the writers, let's not go overboard with it: Remember, Seth could have vetoed any of the more offensive/unfunny jokes of the writers at any time.
* You know... as a rule, if a comedy doesn't make you laugh, it should at least bring a smile to your face, and maybe alleviate your bad mood. Anymore? This show actually takes my good moods and makes them bad. [[Trading Places]] was just horrible. A "Carter smashing things" side-joke which had several directions that it could have gone in and been hilarious turned into another drawn-out non-joke, yet another member of the Griffin family [[Took a Level in Jerkass]], and overly real reactions to cartoonish gags were liberally applied, while somehow miraculously avoiding any thread of logic in the main plot (the Griffins should be happy; after the lawsuit they have on their hands against Pawtucket Brewery, no one will have to be the breadwinner anymore). Not even getting into the police sketch cutaway. It's time for someone to be responsible with this mess. And by the by? That buck does stop with Seth MacFarlane. While I am glad to see that a lot of the venom is starting to be deflected from Seth to the writers, let's not go overboard with it: Remember, Seth could have vetoed any of the more offensive/unfunny jokes of the writers at any time.
* A relatively mild one when you compare it to the rest of the entries on this page, but I was sickened by the ending of "Tiegs for Two". The basic premise is that Brian joins Quagmires class on picking up women in the hopes it'll help him get with a girl he likes. It doesn't. Blaming Quagmire, he STEALS the woman of Glenn's dreams, Cheryl Tiegs. In revenge, Quagmire steals Jillian from Brian. Long story short, they end up with neither, and they seem to bury the hatchet. As Brian realizes that he needs a ride home, he asks Quagmire for one, who smiles, and then drives off without Brian. This I was expecting, but Quagmire reverses full speed into Brian and then drives off. I was just sickened at the sight of it.
* A relatively mild one when you compare it to the rest of the entries on this page, but I was sickened by the ending of "Tiegs for Two". The basic premise is that Brian joins Quagmires class on picking up women in the hopes it'll help him get with a girl he likes. It doesn't. Blaming Quagmire, he STEALS the woman of Glenn's dreams, Cheryl Tiegs. In revenge, Quagmire steals Jillian from Brian. Long story short, they end up with neither, and they seem to bury the hatchet. As Brian realizes that he needs a ride home, he asks Quagmire for one, who smiles, and then drives off without Brian. This I was expecting, but Quagmire reverses full speed into Brian and then drives off. I was just sickened at the sight of it.
** Yes! Dear god, yes! At the end of the episode, I thought that after going through what [[A Shared Suffering|they've put themselves through that night]] all for petty revenge they would find a new found respect for each other as the realized that they were [[Not So Different]]. Instead, Quagmire commits what's basically murder with a smirk on his face. I mean sure I enjoyed Quagmire's [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]] to Brian (Let's be honest, [[Author Avatar|he]] did [[Black Hole Sue|had it coming]]), but [[Moral Event Horizon|enough is enough]]!
** Yes! Dear god, yes! At the end of the episode, I thought that after going through what [[A Shared Suffering|they've put themselves through that night]] all for petty revenge they would find a new found respect for each other as the realized that they were [[Not So Different]]. Instead, Quagmire commits what's basically murder with a smirk on his face. I mean sure I enjoyed Quagmire's [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]] to Brian (Let's be honest, [[Author Avatar|he]] did [[Black Hole Sue|had it coming]]), but [[Moral Event Horizon|enough is enough]]!
* Maybe not as bad as some other instances on this page, but Foreign Affairs, just well and truely sucked. I laughed two times the entire episode, and they were the same joke both times ("This is how my classroom shall run!"). Other than that we had unfunny nationality jokes, unfunny jokes compairing crippled people to animals, Lois trying to take the moral highground over Bonnie and, once again, proving herself a hypocrite (What's that? It's bad to cheat on your husband? Well thanks for your input, Miss tries-to-sleep-with-your-daughters-boyfriend). And one joke which was just awful...a joke which took [[Overly Long Gag]] to new levels of bad... a joke I can only describe one way. [ Ladies and Gentlemen, the new Conway Twitty gag.]
* Maybe not as bad as some other instances on this page, but Foreign Affairs, just well and truely sucked. I laughed two times the entire episode, and they were the same joke both times ("This is how my classroom shall run!"). Other than that we had unfunny nationality jokes, unfunny jokes compairing crippled people to animals, Lois trying to take the moral highground over Bonnie and, once again, proving herself a hypocrite (What's that? It's bad to cheat on your husband? Well thanks for your input, Miss tries-to-sleep-with-your-daughters-boyfriend). And one joke which was just awful...a joke which took [[Overly Long Gag]] to new levels of bad... a joke I can only describe one way. [ Ladies and Gentlemen, the new Conway Twitty gag.]
** Agreed. Never did I imagine the writers would be lazy enough to insert the whole damn "Dancing in the Street" music video just to tell us that it's gay. And a flash-quality video on top of that. That's not how you tell a joke, that's just an excuse for getting my mom to watch your show.
** Agreed. Never did I imagine the writers would be lazy enough to insert the whole damn "Dancing in the Street" music video just to tell us that it's gay. And a flash-quality video on top of that. That's not how you tell a joke, that's just an excuse for getting my mom to watch your show.
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** Wait, wasn't it Meg who came up with the idea, and not Brian? Anyways, the [[Silent Scapegoat]] approach reminded me of the Zero Requiem ending of ''[[Code Geass]]'', in that it was utterly preposterous. Not for the reasons aforementioned. No. Lois was actually [[My God, What Have I Done?|brought down to tears in a moment of realization]], leading her too subsequently [[What the Hell, Hero?|call Peter out on his abuse of Meg]] in response to being berated by him for crying. It was Peter's subsequent [[Jerkass]] [[Man Child]] tendencies alone that made things spiral downward, yet that wasn't addressed for a single moment. Yep, once again Peter is a [[Jerkass]] [[Karma Houdini]].
** Wait, wasn't it Meg who came up with the idea, and not Brian? Anyways, the [[Silent Scapegoat]] approach reminded me of the Zero Requiem ending of ''[[Code Geass]]'', in that it was utterly preposterous. Not for the reasons aforementioned. No. Lois was actually [[My God, What Have I Done?|brought down to tears in a moment of realization]], leading her too subsequently [[What the Hell, Hero?|call Peter out on his abuse of Meg]] in response to being berated by him for crying. It was Peter's subsequent [[Jerkass]] [[Man Child]] tendencies alone that made things spiral downward, yet that wasn't addressed for a single moment. Yep, once again Peter is a [[Jerkass]] [[Karma Houdini]].
** This was initially my favorite episode, right up until the [[Downer Ending|end]]. It's also my only complaint, seeing how I forgive the show because I too have the same kind of humor it does. As for Brian, he was actually proud of Meg. Seeing how he's probably the second [[Butt Monkey]] in the family, it fit that he understood where she was coming from. I wanted her to basically just leave and find her own way without her family. Instead, they took a sea-change moment and nullified her epic [[Reason You Suck Speech]].
** This was initially my favorite episode, right up until the [[Downer Ending|end]]. It's also my only complaint, seeing how I forgive the show because I too have the same kind of humor it does. As for Brian, he was actually proud of Meg. Seeing how he's probably the second [[Butt Monkey]] in the family, it fit that he understood where she was coming from. I wanted her to basically just leave and find her own way without her family. Instead, they took a sea-change moment and nullified her epic [[Reason You Suck Speech]].
** Seriously, fuck this episode. I stopped watching Family Guy a long time ago (It was the no war before religion/no religion before Christianity one that got me originally), and was in the same room as my sister -- who still watches it -- when this episode was on. For once, I thought it would actually have an engaging plot and legitimate character development, but then it got Chuck Testa'd. I wasn't pleased. I have henceforth banned the viewing of Family Guy in my house.
** Seriously, fuck this episode. I stopped watching Family Guy a long time ago (It was the no war before religion/no religion before Christianity one that got me originally), and was in the same room as my sister -- who still watches it -- when this episode was on. For once, I thought it would actually have an engaging plot and legitimate character development, but then it got Chuck Testa'd. I wasn't pleased. I have henceforth banned the viewing of Family Guy in my house.
** This troper didn't think the epsiode was too bad but still he just wishes that the writers didn't choose ''this'' episode for Meg to stand up for herself. I don't hate Meg and I believe the family needed a wake up call but still in the same epsidoe Brian was on drugs and he was off his rocker. They could had stuck with that but they used this episode to deliver the speeches. I'll agree with Meg on this, every member of this family even Brian needs to grow up and stop acting like morons.
** This troper didn't think the epsiode was too bad but still he just wishes that the writers didn't choose ''this'' episode for Meg to stand up for herself. I don't hate Meg and I believe the family needed a wake up call but still in the same epsidoe Brian was on drugs and he was off his rocker. They could had stuck with that but they used this episode to deliver the speeches. I'll agree with Meg on this, every member of this family even Brian needs to grow up and stop acting like morons.
** I know that everybody else made the same argument, but screw it, I'll say it anyway. What the writers believed that the message was was that Meg is a hero for letting her family abuse her so that they do not take it out on each other. What the message really says is that someone might as well stay in the abusive relationship because if they aren't taking their anger out on you, then they are taking it out on someone else. That's bull**** and no one should have to put up with that crap. Every person in that family should be convicted of emotional and physical abuse and have their family dissolve. Even Brian who sees it and does nothing should suffer some sort of karma backlash.
** I know that everybody else made the same argument, but screw it, I'll say it anyway. What the writers believed that the message was was that Meg is a hero for letting her family abuse her so that they do not take it out on each other. What the message really says is that someone might as well stay in the abusive relationship because if they aren't taking their anger out on you, then they are taking it out on someone else. That's bull**** and no one should have to put up with that crap. Every person in that family should be convicted of emotional and physical abuse and have their family dissolve. Even Brian who sees it and does nothing should suffer some sort of karma backlash.
* "Screams of Silence", which in my opinion is a new candidate for "Worst Family Guy Episode Ever". Not sure if it was supposed to be a parody of a [[Very Special Episode]] or taken as a serious one, but it was done poorly in both ways. Abuse is rarely funny and this was no exception, the jokes got progressively worse as the episode went on and the ending just distasteful. Oh by the way, did you know Quagmire chokes himself every morning and it somehow let him save the day? Yes Seahorse Seashell Party was bad but at least it wasn't...this.
* "Screams of Silence", which in my opinion is a new candidate for "Worst Family Guy Episode Ever". Not sure if it was supposed to be a parody of a [[Very Special Episode]] or taken as a serious one, but it was done poorly in both ways. Abuse is rarely funny and this was no exception, the jokes got progressively worse as the episode went on and the ending just distasteful. Oh by the way, did you know Quagmire chokes himself every morning and it somehow let him save the day? Yes Seahorse Seashell Party was bad but at least it wasn't...this.
** Agreed, what especially got to me was the way they [[Did Not Do the Research]] with regards to police complaints and domestic abuse. Joe-a cop-says that the police can't do anything unless Brenda registers a complaint. While it's true that in most domestic abuse cases there's little that can be done unless the victim is willing to testify, that's because most abuse happens entirely behind closed doors, with no one to witness it besides the victim. Without the victim's testimony there's no way Prosecutors could begin building a case so charges can't be pressed. In this case, Jeff has been abusive in full view of at least four people, one a cop, all of whom could testify that they saw him assault Brenda and thus build a case. At the very least, Joe could arrest Jeff for assault and detain him while they did the intervention for Brenda. I realize this would be less dramatic, but if you're going to do a dramatic episode about a serious issue, you get your facts right.
** Agreed, what especially got to me was the way they [[Did Not Do the Research]] with regards to police complaints and domestic abuse. Joe-a cop-says that the police can't do anything unless Brenda registers a complaint. While it's true that in most domestic abuse cases there's little that can be done unless the victim is willing to testify, that's because most abuse happens entirely behind closed doors, with no one to witness it besides the victim. Without the victim's testimony there's no way Prosecutors could begin building a case so charges can't be pressed. In this case, Jeff has been abusive in full view of at least four people, one a cop, all of whom could testify that they saw him assault Brenda and thus build a case. At the very least, Joe could arrest Jeff for assault and detain him while they did the intervention for Brenda. I realize this would be less dramatic, but if you're going to do a dramatic episode about a serious issue, you get your facts right.
*** The main problem with the episodes is that the [[Family Guy]] writing staff, to be blunt, are lazy. For the majority of the episodes they can just end a plot with a gag as opposed to having any sort of reasonable conclusion. So, when they try to make an episode focusing on an actual issue that doesn't boil down to 'Republicans bad!' or 'Big corporations bad!' they think that they can get away with the same thing and not do any research at all because they never had to before. The even bigger problem with this is the misconception that victims of abuse are 'stupid' or 'don't care about themselves' or 'are naturally weak-willed.' No. Even though I've never done any research I can still point out everything that's wrong with that sort of thinking. First of all intelligence doesn't factor into it at all and the reason why people become abuse victims is because they are with someone they love. When you love someone it's very possible to be emotionally manipulated. If this manipulation continues for a long-ass time then you'll eventually find yourself in a hole where you think your spouse is blameless. This could happen to literally every single character in the series and the fact that they unironically tried to blame the victim for the crimes of someone else and try and make the victim seem like an anti-feminist (gender has nothing to do with being in an abusive relationship) to justify the shows own overwhelming stupidity is disgusting. Will the episode do any harm in the real world? Of course not. Is it terribly written and offensive for the purpose of being offensive? Abso-fucking-lutely.
*** The main problem with the episodes is that the [[Family Guy]] writing staff, to be blunt, are lazy. For the majority of the episodes they can just end a plot with a gag as opposed to having any sort of reasonable conclusion. So, when they try to make an episode focusing on an actual issue that doesn't boil down to 'Republicans bad!' or 'Big corporations bad!' they think that they can get away with the same thing and not do any research at all because they never had to before. The even bigger problem with this is the misconception that victims of abuse are 'stupid' or 'don't care about themselves' or 'are naturally weak-willed.' No. Even though I've never done any research I can still point out everything that's wrong with that sort of thinking. First of all intelligence doesn't factor into it at all and the reason why people become abuse victims is because they are with someone they love. When you love someone it's very possible to be emotionally manipulated. If this manipulation continues for a long-ass time then you'll eventually find yourself in a hole where you think your spouse is blameless. This could happen to literally every single character in the series and the fact that they unironically tried to blame the victim for the crimes of someone else and try and make the victim seem like an anti-feminist (gender has nothing to do with being in an abusive relationship) to justify the shows own overwhelming stupidity is disgusting. Will the episode do any harm in the real world? Of course not. Is it terribly written and offensive for the purpose of being offensive? Abso-fucking-lutely.
** For me, it was, like O-Zone above said, was how Quagmire choking himself every day saved him. He started off the episode in a coma becuase he choked himself. All of the sudden he just built up a resistance to it. At least have him suddenly fight back, or huh, maybe Joe should've just arrested him. He threatens to arrest Quagmire for suggesting they kill Jeff, yet says there's nothing he can do as he hears Jeff abuse Brenda, unless she says something about it? really? I also don't like how Family Guy is trying to be serious now, if I wanted to watch a soap opera I would. I mean, I respect that they tried to take abuse seriosuly instead of making it a joke, but I watched this show to laugh at cartoon antics, not have them suddenly throw a [[Very Special Episode]] at me. Every tiem I see them deal with these soap opera antics, I just groan.
** For me, it was, like O-Zone above said, was how Quagmire choking himself every day saved him. He started off the episode in a coma becuase he choked himself. All of the sudden he just built up a resistance to it. At least have him suddenly fight back, or huh, maybe Joe should've just arrested him. He threatens to arrest Quagmire for suggesting they kill Jeff, yet says there's nothing he can do as he hears Jeff abuse Brenda, unless she says something about it? really? I also don't like how Family Guy is trying to be serious now, if I wanted to watch a soap opera I would. I mean, I respect that they tried to take abuse seriosuly instead of making it a joke, but I watched this show to laugh at cartoon antics, not have them suddenly throw a [[Very Special Episode]] at me. Every tiem I see them deal with these soap opera antics, I just groan.
*** For me it was the fact that we're supposed to fell sorry for Quagmire, dispute the fact he didn't think the abuse is wrong untill it disturbed his sleep. So really he killed a guy for selfish reason.
*** For me it was the fact that we're supposed to fell sorry for Quagmire, dispute the fact he didn't think the abuse is wrong untill it disturbed his sleep. So really he killed a guy for selfish reason.
* ''"Thanksgiving"'' was hilarious whenever it wasn't focusing on Quagmire's transgender mom, Ida. Family Guy has managed to go 10 seasons without offending me, but broke that scale when they had Brian and Ida bring up Brian having sex with her in the Quagmire's Dad episode, and then had Stewie tell her something along the lines of, "He liked it before he found out you were a monster." And then when Ida asked where the bathroom was, Lois said "You may use the yard." No. Just no. Do everyone a favor and just never use that character again if you're only going to use her for transphobic "jokes." It's making me think the show is truly running out of jokes now if they must resort to blatantly insensitive tripe like this.
* ''"Thanksgiving"'' was hilarious whenever it wasn't focusing on Quagmire's transgender mom, Ida. Family Guy has managed to go 10 seasons without offending me, but broke that scale when they had Brian and Ida bring up Brian having sex with her in the Quagmire's Dad episode, and then had Stewie tell her something along the lines of, "He liked it before he found out you were a monster." And then when Ida asked where the bathroom was, Lois said "You may use the yard." No. Just no. Do everyone a favor and just never use that character again if you're only going to use her for transphobic "jokes." It's making me think the show is truly running out of jokes now if they must resort to blatantly insensitive tripe like this.
** For me, one of the worst things of both the transphobia and the [[Author Tract]] is when Brian, surprisingly, asks Ida to share her opinion on the situation, at which time Ida says that she feels that Kevin going AWOL because he believed that the war was wrong is unforgivable, since he abandoned his fellow soldiers, the people he fought alongside. Which is a legitimate point, regardless of whether it's right or wrong. But, of course, Family Guy can't have a viewpoint other than [[Author Avatar|Brian's]] be right, so this is treated with a dimissal of "Oh, that's just some drag queen". And the writers of Family Guy [[Hypocrite|want us to believe that they're supportive of all walks of life]]...
** For me, one of the worst things of both the transphobia and the [[Author Tract]] is when Brian, surprisingly, asks Ida to share her opinion on the situation, at which time Ida says that she feels that Kevin going AWOL because he believed that the war was wrong is unforgivable, since he abandoned his fellow soldiers, the people he fought alongside. Which is a legitimate point, regardless of whether it's right or wrong. But, of course, Family Guy can't have a viewpoint other than [[Author Avatar|Brian's]] be right, so this is treated with a dimissal of "Oh, that's just some drag queen". And the writers of Family Guy [[Hypocrite|want us to believe that they're supportive of all walks of life]]...
* In ''"Amish Guy"'', after Meg has been told to stay away from an Amish boy, she bursts into tears. This is immediately followed by her getting pooped on by a horse--[[Overly Long Gag|in buckets.]]
* In ''"Amish Guy"'', after Meg has been told to stay away from an Amish boy, she bursts into tears. This is immediately followed by her getting pooped on by a horse--[[Overly Long Gag|in buckets.]]
**For me it was the portrayal of the Amish as this backward patriarchal society that disapproved of these new-fangled outsiders, and even seemed to be on the verge of burning the family as witches. Anyone who knows anything about Amish communities knows that they're violence-averse people, who choose to live without modern conveniences, and even encourage their young people to go out into the larger world to see how other people live. Maybe the writers were counting on the fact that they don't have televisions, and won't watch the show?
**For me it was the portrayal of the Amish as this backward patriarchal society that disapproved of these new-fangled outsiders, and even seemed to be on the verge of burning the family as witches. Anyone who knows anything about Amish communities knows that they're violence-averse people, who choose to live without modern conveniences, and even encourage their young people to go out into the larger world to see how other people live. Maybe the writers were counting on the fact that they don't have televisions, and won't watch the show?
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** When I saw SSP, I thought, Brian can't get any worse, right? Well, I was somewhat wrong on the Thanksgiving episode (when dismissing a valid reason that Kevin deserting is wrong), and it was confirmed by the dolphin episode. I am not going to tell how horrible it was, I don't know what Gervais thought of this episode, or thought it sucked. But the subplot was worse. I knew what was going to happen, the old Brian sees a hot woman being the "babysitter," ignores the other people to try to have sex with her or see her naked, but later on, she is already taken. Same old, same old. What's worse, the fact that he said there was a special place for Hell for her, or the fact that there was no retribution or punishment for leaving the toddlers to fend for themselves. Or is it both, did he thought that saying a special place for Hell will make everything okay, even though as an atheist, "Hell doesn't exist?" Maybe the family should beat up Brian, or for irony, let Lois do it.
** When I saw SSP, I thought, Brian can't get any worse, right? Well, I was somewhat wrong on the Thanksgiving episode (when dismissing a valid reason that Kevin deserting is wrong), and it was confirmed by the dolphin episode. I am not going to tell how horrible it was, I don't know what Gervais thought of this episode, or thought it sucked. But the subplot was worse. I knew what was going to happen, the old Brian sees a hot woman being the "babysitter," ignores the other people to try to have sex with her or see her naked, but later on, she is already taken. Same old, same old. What's worse, the fact that he said there was a special place for Hell for her, or the fact that there was no retribution or punishment for leaving the toddlers to fend for themselves. Or is it both, did he thought that saying a special place for Hell will make everything okay, even though as an atheist, "Hell doesn't exist?" Maybe the family should beat up Brian, or for irony, let Lois do it.
* ''Road to the Pilot''. If an episode where [[Creator's Pet|the obnoxious current versions of Brian and Stewie]] go back to the first episode of the show and diss everything about it (like apathetic Brian and evil genius Stewie, y'know, their past selves who were actually entertaining) wasn't bad enough, we also get some more tasteless 9/11 jokes and demonization of George W. Bush (well out of office by now!) thrown in, with time getting screwed around so that 9/11 is prevented, Bush loses re-election in 2004, starts a second Civil War which leads to a nuclear holocaust...and the only way for Brian and Stewie to fix it? Go back and cause 9/11. Which they do. And then high-five each other when they do it! Remember when this show cleverly and humorously avoided doing an atomic bomb joke? But now it's totally eager to make a mockery of 9/11 and everyone who died in it. Frankly, Seth, you have no right to make that kind of joke, especially as it's blind luck that kept you from boarding that plane and dying yourself! Seriously! It's not funny, it's just disgusting.
* ''Road to the Pilot''. If an episode where [[Creator's Pet|the obnoxious current versions of Brian and Stewie]] go back to the first episode of the show and diss everything about it (like apathetic Brian and evil genius Stewie, y'know, their past selves who were actually entertaining) wasn't bad enough, we also get some more tasteless 9/11 jokes and demonization of George W. Bush (well out of office by now!) thrown in, with time getting screwed around so that 9/11 is prevented, Bush loses re-election in 2004, starts a second Civil War which leads to a nuclear holocaust...and the only way for Brian and Stewie to fix it? Go back and cause 9/11. Which they do. And then high-five each other when they do it! Remember when this show cleverly and humorously avoided doing an atomic bomb joke? But now it's totally eager to make a mockery of 9/11 and everyone who died in it. Frankly, Seth, you have no right to make that kind of joke, especially as it's blind luck that kept you from boarding that plane and dying yourself! Seriously! It's not funny, it's just disgusting.
** You're not alone. Not only does this episode have some extremely unfunny and unneccesary Bush bashing, but it also has some needlessly horrifying things in it, too. Why is it that they had to throw in Brian and Stewie trapped in barber poles? Was that supposed to be funny? Was there even a purpose to it? Probably not. I'm not saying that their current selves don't deserve a few days of that until they get their personalities from Season 1 back, but isn't Family Guy supposed to be funny? Well, it wasn't funny, and neither is this episode.
** You're not alone. Not only does this episode have some extremely unfunny and unneccesary Bush bashing, but it also has some needlessly horrifying things in it, too. Why is it that they had to throw in Brian and Stewie trapped in barber poles? Was that supposed to be funny? Was there even a purpose to it? Probably not. I'm not saying that their current selves don't deserve a few days of that until they get their personalities from Season 1 back, but isn't Family Guy supposed to be funny? Well, it wasn't funny, and neither is this episode.
** While it's pretty important to remember that Seth isn't on the writing team anymore, it makes it just as vile considering the fact it shows the people in charge of writing Family Guy are at the point they ''refuse to care about anything'' that won't give ''them'' a good a laugh- even casually joking about and making characters high-five eachother over a tragedy that almost killed Seth to begin with.
** While it's pretty important to remember that Seth isn't on the writing team anymore, it makes it just as vile considering the fact it shows the people in charge of writing Family Guy are at the point they ''refuse to care about anything'' that won't give ''them'' a good a laugh- even casually joking about and making characters high-five eachother over a tragedy that almost killed Seth to begin with.
* Now, I can take jokes at the expense of a group I'm part of. When it comes to Jewish jokes, I can laugh at myself and my people, as long as it's in good taste. But when Family Guy made the joke "It's no thrill for a pig to touch a Jew either," that went beyond [[Dude, Not Funny]], it didn't [[Crosses the Line Twice|cross the line twice]], it just crossed the line and remained solely on the side of incredibly offensive. It wasn't funny, it wasn't clever, it was just rude, insensitive, and offensive beyond belief. That does it. I'm done with Family Guy. I've managed to laugh at their Jewish jokes up until now, I could enjoy them from other shows, but not this one.
* Now, I can take jokes at the expense of a group I'm part of. When it comes to Jewish jokes, I can laugh at myself and my people, as long as it's in good taste. But when Family Guy made the joke "It's no thrill for a pig to touch a Jew either," that went beyond [[Dude, Not Funny]], it didn't [[Crosses the Line Twice|cross the line twice]], it just crossed the line and remained solely on the side of incredibly offensive. It wasn't funny, it wasn't clever, it was just rude, insensitive, and offensive beyond belief. That does it. I'm done with Family Guy. I've managed to laugh at their Jewish jokes up until now, I could enjoy them from other shows, but not this one.
* The Tea Party episode had Tom Tucker point out that Autism is "only an excuse for children to misbehave." Fuck you!
* The Tea Party episode had Tom Tucker point out that Autism is "only an excuse for children to misbehave." Fuck you!
** I've been made fun of enough because of my autism. I don't need TV shows to make fun of me too.
** I've been made fun of enough because of my autism. I don't need TV shows to make fun of me too.
** Plus, you know, the whole "Republicans want anarchy!" thing probably wasn't the most sensitive or accurate statement they could have made...oh, who am I kidding?! It was insulting to the intelligence of ''anyone'' who's ever studied politics to even the most minute degree! I mean, come ''on'', writers! Obama's already in the White House. He's been there for close to 4 years. You can stop with the "lol, conservatives" bullshit already! Especially since you clearly don't know the first thing about them. Just...find some new material, already! Between this and the aforementioned Bush/Civil War nonsense, I'm starting to think that they keep using these jokes not because they're trying to be funny, but rather, because they simply have some kind of bitter grudge against all non-liberals. It doesn't help that Brian was once again the one to explain the "evils" of the Tea Party to the audience, and [[Strawman Political|EVERY Tea Party supporters portrayed as absolute morons who don't have a clue what they're doing.]]
** Plus, you know, the whole "Republicans want anarchy!" thing probably wasn't the most sensitive or accurate statement they could have made...oh, who am I kidding?! It was insulting to the intelligence of ''anyone'' who's ever studied politics to even the most minute degree! I mean, come ''on'', writers! Obama's already in the White House. He's been there for close to 4 years. You can stop with the "lol, conservatives" bullshit already! Especially since you clearly don't know the first thing about them. Just...find some new material, already! Between this and the aforementioned Bush/Civil War nonsense, I'm starting to think that they keep using these jokes not because they're trying to be funny, but rather, because they simply have some kind of bitter grudge against all non-liberals. It doesn't help that Brian was once again the one to explain the "evils" of the Tea Party to the audience, and [[Strawman Political|EVERY Tea Party supporters portrayed as absolute morons who don't have a clue what they're doing.]]
* Viewer mail 2, yay yet another uninspired go at the British (or rather English), after the one where stewie teaches a brit how to talk (yes, an american teaching an english person to speak properly, an american with an english accent no less)and the one where peter joins the football team which is so wimpy and girly cause its british (apparantly no body amour in sports is wimpy)I just couldnt wait for another load of shit tired jokes of the same kind all over again. When the english themselves are better at taking the piss out of themselves, you know that this show is bad.
* Viewer mail 2, yay yet another uninspired go at the British (or rather English), after the one where stewie teaches a brit how to talk (yes, an american teaching an english person to speak properly, an american with an english accent no less)and the one where peter joins the football team which is so wimpy and girly cause its british (apparantly no body amour in sports is wimpy)I just couldnt wait for another load of shit tired jokes of the same kind all over again. When the english themselves are better at taking the piss out of themselves, you know that this show is bad.
** Now I know that one of this shows main source of humor is grossing you out and I'm normally tolerable with it but in the story where we get a first-person view one of Stewie's days, while he [[It Makes Sense in Context|riding under Brian's car]], Brian chases a squirrel and runs over it, leaving a bloody smear. Now normally this should be enough but then we get to see the squirrels horrifically run over corpse on the wheel right in front of Stewie's (as in your) face. I immediately had to change the channel, this goes [[Nausea Fuel|beyond disgusting]]. Not only that but the squirrel got ran over by the other side of the car, so it's like they put this disguisting moment for the sake of being disgusting. I stopped watching the show already but wanted to see how this season would end. [[Sarcasm Mode|Thanks for showing that your humor has gotten more mature]].
** Now I know that one of this shows main source of humor is grossing you out and I'm normally tolerable with it but in the story where we get a first-person view one of Stewie's days, while he [[It Makes Sense in Context|riding under Brian's car]], Brian chases a squirrel and runs over it, leaving a bloody smear. Now normally this should be enough but then we get to see the squirrels horrifically run over corpse on the wheel right in front of Stewie's (as in your) face. I immediately had to change the channel, this goes [[Nausea Fuel|beyond disgusting]]. Not only that but the squirrel got ran over by the other side of the car, so it's like they put this disguisting moment for the sake of being disgusting. I stopped watching the show already but wanted to see how this season would end. [[Sarcasm Mode|Thanks for showing that your humor has gotten more mature]].
* ''Internal Affairs'' has Joe meets an attractive woman after becoming famous. Joe is somewhat attracted to her, but decides to leave the woman so he doesn't screw up his marriage with Bonnie. However, he tells his friends about it and they convince him to do it, despite Joe having the only real stable marriage throughout the series. Joe stupidly takes their advice and sleeps with her - ruining his marriage with Bonnie. Oh, and Peter gets in another fight with the chicken for some reason.
* ''Internal Affairs'' has Joe meets an attractive woman after becoming famous. Joe is somewhat attracted to her, but decides to leave the woman so he doesn't screw up his marriage with Bonnie. However, he tells his friends about it and they convince him to do it, despite Joe having the only real stable marriage throughout the series. Joe stupidly takes their advice and sleeps with her - ruining his marriage with Bonnie. Oh, and Peter gets in another fight with the chicken for some reason.