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[[Seth Macfarlane]] and his writing team sought to create a show that's [[Refuge in Audacity|so offensive it's funny]]. In these cases, they probably [[Dethroning Moment of Suck (Darth Wiki)|put too much emphasis on the former]].
[[Seth MacFarlane]] and his writing team sought to create a show that's [[Refuge in Audacity|so offensive it's funny]]. In these cases, they probably [[Dethroning Moment of Suck (Darth Wiki)|put too much emphasis on the former]].

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== Season 4 ==
== Season 4 ==
* [[Tropers/Man Called True|Man Called True]]: The very first thing the show did on returning - having Peter list off every canceled Fox show since ''Family Guy'' went off the air. The sheer arrogance of the moment is staggering. It's Seth waving his dick around and yelling, "Suck it, FOX! I'm the only chance you have!" And it's also illogical - what, they all got canceled because they're not Family Guy? The scene might have worked if they listed every show that was in Family Guy's time slot, but listing every canceled Fox show takes it to the point of masturbation.
* [[Tropers/Man Called True|Man Called True]]: The very first thing the show did on returning - having Peter list off every canceled Fox show since ''Family Guy'' went off the air. The sheer arrogance of the moment is staggering. It's Seth waving his dick around and yelling, "Suck it, FOX! I'm the only chance you have!" And it's also illogical - what, they all got canceled because they're not Family Guy? The scene might have worked if they listed every show that was in Family Guy's time slot, but listing every canceled Fox show takes it to the point of masturbation.
* Rosebud64: In ''Don't Make Me Over'', [[Throw the Dog A Bone|the writers]] [[Yank the Dog's Chain|finally]] [[Hope Spot|seemed to give]] [[Chew Toy|Meg]] the love she deserved. So much for that. They could have give her a little more respect since that episode, but no, She had to go back to [[The Unfavorite|her]][[The Woobie|se]][[Broken Bird|lf]] by the end. Because [[Status Quo Is God]]. And before you say "but that episode had [[An Aesop]] with [[Be Yourself]]!" remember that it becomes a [[Family-Unfriendly Aesop]] if this is just a lame excuse to [[Butt Monkey|put the character through shit]].
* Rosebud64: In ''Don't Make Me Over'', [[Throw the Dog a Bone|the writers]] [[Yank the Dog's Chain|finally]] [[Hope Spot|seemed to give]] [[Chew Toy|Meg]] the love she deserved. So much for that. They could have give her a little more respect since that episode, but no, She had to go back to [[The Unfavorite|her]][[The Woobie|se]][[Broken Bird|lf]] by the end. Because [[Status Quo Is God]]. And before you say "but that episode had [[An Aesop]] with [[Be Yourself]]!" remember that it becomes a [[Family-Unfriendly Aesop]] if this is just a lame excuse to [[Butt Monkey|put the character through shit]].
* [[Tropers/Sceptre|Sceptre]]: "Patriot Games" -- the home of the infamous "Where's my money?" and "Shipoopi" scenes. The former scene was just unnecessary violence and is uncomfortable to watch. The sheer unnecessary-ness of the latter scene was parodied five years later in a clip show, when Stewie cringes at the fact that they have to play "Shipoopi" again.
* [[Tropers/Sceptre|Sceptre]]: "Patriot Games" -- the home of the infamous "Where's my money?" and "Shipoopi" scenes. The former scene was just unnecessary violence and is uncomfortable to watch. The sheer unnecessary-ness of the latter scene was parodied five years later in a clip show, when Stewie cringes at the fact that they have to play "Shipoopi" again.
** [[Tropers/dementia 13|dementia 13]]: Don't have a problem with something being uncomfortable to watch, but musical numbers are usually the DEW line for a show having [[Jump the Shark|jumped the shark]]. Mostly averted in ''Family Guy'''s case, as they're there due to MacFarlane's fanhood, but "Shipoopi" was some of the most [[Overly Long Gag|overlong, unfunny, obnoxious filler]] I've seen, and it was compounded by [[Wall Banger (Darth Wiki)|giving the London Sillynannies a musical number of their own]]. Its only funny moment was showing John Madden dancing along in the broadcast booth. IIRC, that episode was tied in with FOX's Super Bowl broadcast that particular season. Talk about putting your worst foot forward.
** [[Tropers/dementia 13|dementia 13]]: Don't have a problem with something being uncomfortable to watch, but musical numbers are usually the DEW line for a show having [[Jump the Shark|jumped the shark]]. Mostly averted in ''Family Guy'''s case, as they're there due to MacFarlane's fanhood, but "Shipoopi" was some of the most [[Overly Long Gag|overlong, unfunny, obnoxious filler]] I've seen, and it was compounded by [[Wall Banger (Darth Wiki)|giving the London Sillynannies a musical number of their own]]. Its only funny moment was showing John Madden dancing along in the broadcast booth. IIRC, that episode was tied in with FOX's Super Bowl broadcast that particular season. Talk about putting your worst foot forward.
** [[Tropers/Video Game Crack|Video Game Crack]]: In the episode with the infamous Shipoopi scene (while being pretty horrendous, is not the DMOS), Lois tells Peter that, if he got handicapped, she would just drop him. [[Sarcasm Mode|Y'know, because that's what love is all about!]]
** [[Tropers/Video Game Crack|Video Game Crack]]: In the episode with the infamous Shipoopi scene (while being pretty horrendous, is not the DMOS), Lois tells Peter that, if he got handicapped, she would just drop him. [[Sarcasm Mode|Y'know, because that's what love is all about!]]
* Goldeneye101: "You May Now Kiss the... Uh... Guy Who Receives". This episode was basically the start of the whole "Brian is the [[Author Avatar]] thing." Basically, Brian's cousin comes to visit and brings a Filipino boyfriend. They say that they are getting married and Lois is the only one not impressed by it. Mayor West then bans Gay Marriage in order to get around him building a solid gold statue of the Kellogg's cereal mascot Dig 'Em. Brian, in a complete wreckage of anything canon before it, automatically goes to try to help his cousin, trying to get signatures to repeal it. He gets the signatures and West disregards the signatures. In yet another wreckage of character, Brian holds West at gunpoint and takes him hostage. It is only then that Lois decides to go along with it and accept gay marriage. Brian immediately, after hearing Lois tell him to stop, ends up stopping... to which West tears up the gay marriage ban. So, a person (well, dog) holds you up at gunpoint unless you sign some idiotic paper repealing a gay marriage ban, so you... help him? Instead of arresting him? The episode ends on the gay marriage itself. The subplot wasn't much better at bashing Republicans, as Chris joins a Young Republicans group and burns Brian's original petition, and then [[What Happened to The Mouse?|it's never resolved.]]
* Goldeneye101: "You May Now Kiss the... Uh... Guy Who Receives". This episode was basically the start of the whole "Brian is the [[Author Avatar]] thing." Basically, Brian's cousin comes to visit and brings a Filipino boyfriend. They say that they are getting married and Lois is the only one not impressed by it. Mayor West then bans Gay Marriage in order to get around him building a solid gold statue of the Kellogg's cereal mascot Dig 'Em. Brian, in a complete wreckage of anything canon before it, automatically goes to try to help his cousin, trying to get signatures to repeal it. He gets the signatures and West disregards the signatures. In yet another wreckage of character, Brian holds West at gunpoint and takes him hostage. It is only then that Lois decides to go along with it and accept gay marriage. Brian immediately, after hearing Lois tell him to stop, ends up stopping... to which West tears up the gay marriage ban. So, a person (well, dog) holds you up at gunpoint unless you sign some idiotic paper repealing a gay marriage ban, so you... help him? Instead of arresting him? The episode ends on the gay marriage itself. The subplot wasn't much better at bashing Republicans, as Chris joins a Young Republicans group and burns Brian's original petition, and then [[What Happened to the Mouse?|it's never resolved.]]
** Merlock: Oh, you're missing half of the problems! For one, how is the mayor "banning" gay marriage? At the time this episode aired, gay marriage wasn't legal in Rhode Island yet--an inaccuracy that exists just to subtly make his side more "villainous." Secondly, Jasper and his boyfriends are the biggest stereotypes ever, and the most "romantic" thing about their relationship is Jasper making a sex joke. They don't even talk to each other (because the Fillipino can't speak English and Jasper makes no sign of speaking Spanish)--their relationship is as shallow as a puddle, so cares whether or not they can get a tax break for their zoophilia? And third, Lois is convinced to support gay marriage because Brian holds somebody at gunpoint. ...[[Big "What?"|WHAT?!]] What sense does that make?! Her [[Insane Troll Logic|logic]] is that "he feels really strongly about this" so he must be right--that's idiotic! Brian is committing an act of terrorism right now! If gay marriage is right, it's right; if it's wrong, it's wrong. The fact that somebody (particularly somebody who's not even gay) "feels really strongly" about it does not prove their side is right! (Put another way--if the mayor was trying to legalize gay marriage and Brian put a gun to his head to stop it, would he be right then?) And then there was a "joke" about Elizabeth Smart, the [[Ripped from the Headlines|real-life]] girl who was kidnapped by a crazy cultist for more than a year. The punchline is that she's horribly traumatized from repeatedly being raped. [[Dude, Not Funny|...Fuck you in hell, writers]]. Seriously. (N.B.: the real Elizabeth Smart seems to have, thankfully, recovered from her ordeal quite well.)
** Merlock: Oh, you're missing half of the problems! For one, how is the mayor "banning" gay marriage? At the time this episode aired, gay marriage wasn't legal in Rhode Island yet--an inaccuracy that exists just to subtly make his side more "villainous." Secondly, Jasper and his boyfriends are the biggest stereotypes ever, and the most "romantic" thing about their relationship is Jasper making a sex joke. They don't even talk to each other (because the Fillipino can't speak English and Jasper makes no sign of speaking Spanish)--their relationship is as shallow as a puddle, so cares whether or not they can get a tax break for their zoophilia? And third, Lois is convinced to support gay marriage because Brian holds somebody at gunpoint. ...[[Big "What?"|WHAT?!]] What sense does that make?! Her [[Insane Troll Logic|logic]] is that "he feels really strongly about this" so he must be right--that's idiotic! Brian is committing an act of terrorism right now! If gay marriage is right, it's right; if it's wrong, it's wrong. The fact that somebody (particularly somebody who's not even gay) "feels really strongly" about it does not prove their side is right! (Put another way--if the mayor was trying to legalize gay marriage and Brian put a gun to his head to stop it, would he be right then?) And then there was a "joke" about Elizabeth Smart, the [[Ripped from the Headlines|real-life]] girl who was kidnapped by a crazy cultist for more than a year. The punchline is that she's horribly traumatized from repeatedly being raped. [[Dude, Not Funny|...Fuck you in hell, writers]]. Seriously. (N.B.: the real Elizabeth Smart seems to have, thankfully, recovered from her ordeal quite well.)
*** Astfgl: And no-one's mentioned the (thankfully) deleted scene that shows that Jasper's 'boyfriend' [[Unfortunate Implications|'''has no idea that he's getting married''']]?
*** Astfgl: And no-one's mentioned the (thankfully) deleted scene that shows that Jasper's 'boyfriend' [[Unfortunate Implications|'''has no idea that he's getting married''']]?
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* [[Tropers/darkrage 6|darkrage 6]]: Since someone already mentioned the infamous Brian And Stewie episode, I'll go with "Stewie Loves Lois" which I hated because it was just extremely unfunny and lazily written, the episode is essentially an [[Overly Long Gag|Overly Long Unfunny Gag]] stretched out to 22 minutes (with the exception of the lame subplot where Stewie actually begins to like Lois, how is that supposed to be funny or entertaining?) the gag being Peter mistaking a prostate exam for an attempted rape and complaining about how he was "raped" for almost the whole episode, it's not funny the first time and it gets even more annoying every other time, how anyone can possibly find that funny is beyond me.
* [[Tropers/darkrage 6|darkrage 6]]: Since someone already mentioned the infamous Brian And Stewie episode, I'll go with "Stewie Loves Lois" which I hated because it was just extremely unfunny and lazily written, the episode is essentially an [[Overly Long Gag|Overly Long Unfunny Gag]] stretched out to 22 minutes (with the exception of the lame subplot where Stewie actually begins to like Lois, how is that supposed to be funny or entertaining?) the gag being Peter mistaking a prostate exam for an attempted rape and complaining about how he was "raped" for almost the whole episode, it's not funny the first time and it gets even more annoying every other time, how anyone can possibly find that funny is beyond me.
** [[Tropers/Jurgan|Jurgan]]: What's more is that, when Peter first tells Lois "I was raped," her reaction is to laugh. If it was after he said that the prostate exam he had was the "rape", it'd be understandable, but this was before! Remember, men can never be raped!
** [[Tropers/Jurgan|Jurgan]]: What's more is that, when Peter first tells Lois "I was raped," her reaction is to laugh. If it was after he said that the prostate exam he had was the "rape", it'd be understandable, but this was before! Remember, men can never be raped!
* [[Tropers/Alex Sora 89|Alex Sora 89]]: This troper can't think of a single episode, since the series as a whole usually makes him go [[Dude, Not Funny|"that-couldn't-make-me-laugh-in-a-million-years"]], but a nice example that could be picked is the Italian dub of the episode, "No Meals On Wheels". I'm not talking about "[[Combining Mecha|The c]][[Refuge in Audacity|rippl]][[Crosses the Line Twice|etron]]"; I'm talking about the ending. You know, [[Character Development|Peter begins to understand what being crippled means and feels like]]... until [[Too Good to Last|the last line of the episode is said by Peter]]: "''[[Greys Anatomy]]?'' [which Joe was planning to watch with the Griffins] Come on, that series doesn't stand on its feet!" (the expression means, "it's pointless"). It was all a setup for a lame joke. Seriously, they [[Played for Laughs]] [[Character Development]] to pull a lame [[Take That]] at both ''[[Greys Anatomy]]'' and [[Dude, Not Funny|all of the crippled]]. The thing that "couldn't stand on its feet" [[Shoot the Shaggy Dog|is the punchline itself]].
* [[Tropers/Alex Sora 89|Alex Sora 89]]: This troper can't think of a single episode, since the series as a whole usually makes him go [[Dude, Not Funny|"that-couldn't-make-me-laugh-in-a-million-years"]], but a nice example that could be picked is the Italian dub of the episode, "No Meals On Wheels". I'm not talking about "[[Combining Mecha|The c]][[Refuge in Audacity|rippl]][[Crosses the Line Twice|etron]]"; I'm talking about the ending. You know, [[Character Development|Peter begins to understand what being crippled means and feels like]]... until [[Too Good to Last|the last line of the episode is said by Peter]]: "''[[Grey's Anatomy]]?'' [which Joe was planning to watch with the Griffins] Come on, that series doesn't stand on its feet!" (the expression means, "it's pointless"). It was all a setup for a lame joke. Seriously, they [[Played for Laughs]] [[Character Development]] to pull a lame [[Take That]] at both ''[[Grey's Anatomy]]'' and [[Dude, Not Funny|all of the crippled]]. The thing that "couldn't stand on its feet" [[Shoot the Shaggy Dog|is the punchline itself]].
* [[Tropers/The Pocket|The Pocket]]: The one where they go to Texas. Like that one guy above said, you can't mix preachiness with over-the-top parody, and this episode shows why perfectly: The people they meet there are deliberately exaggerated for comedic effect, yet then you have Brian taking it totally seriously, which makes it seem like the writers did too (even though, unless you're incredibly cynical, it's obvious that they aren't and cannot possibly be that stupid). It's also an example of why a character like Brian does not work on this show: He's essentially a real person ([[Author Avatar|namely the writer]]) living on [[Planet Eris]], and for the most part they're stuck making him ignore the sort of behavior someone like him shouldn't be tolerating. It's only when that behavior offends his political sensibilities, apparently, that he can't stand silently by. Of course, "Not All Dogs Go to Heaven" would end up taking this problem even further; I just lost patience sooner than most people apparently.
* [[Tropers/The Pocket|The Pocket]]: The one where they go to Texas. Like that one guy above said, you can't mix preachiness with over-the-top parody, and this episode shows why perfectly: The people they meet there are deliberately exaggerated for comedic effect, yet then you have Brian taking it totally seriously, which makes it seem like the writers did too (even though, unless you're incredibly cynical, it's obvious that they aren't and cannot possibly be that stupid). It's also an example of why a character like Brian does not work on this show: He's essentially a real person ([[Author Avatar|namely the writer]]) living on [[Planet Eris]], and for the most part they're stuck making him ignore the sort of behavior someone like him shouldn't be tolerating. It's only when that behavior offends his political sensibilities, apparently, that he can't stand silently by. Of course, "Not All Dogs Go to Heaven" would end up taking this problem even further; I just lost patience sooner than most people apparently.
** The Nth Troper: That episode lost me for a while (I was briefly won back until "Not All Dogs Go To Heaven") but another reason I hate it was for wasting Gilbert Gottfried in a nothing cameo. Still not as bad a waste as the TNG cast, and as it's Gilbert YMMV.
** The Nth Troper: That episode lost me for a while (I was briefly won back until "Not All Dogs Go To Heaven") but another reason I hate it was for wasting Gilbert Gottfried in a nothing cameo. Still not as bad a waste as the TNG cast, and as it's Gilbert YMMV.
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* theLibrarian: "Horton Hears Domestic Abuse In The Next Apartment, But Doesn't Call The Police". That's the [[Manatee Gag]] that cost the show what little respect it had from me. It was probably the most uncalled for, idiotic joke in the history of the show, because not only is it in really poor taste because it has a basis in reality, but the woman's screaming and there was a baby watching. No. Just... no.
* theLibrarian: "Horton Hears Domestic Abuse In The Next Apartment, But Doesn't Call The Police". That's the [[Manatee Gag]] that cost the show what little respect it had from me. It was probably the most uncalled for, idiotic joke in the history of the show, because not only is it in really poor taste because it has a basis in reality, but the woman's screaming and there was a baby watching. No. Just... no.
* [[Tropers/Dragon Quest Z|Dragon Quest Z]]: The "Nazis would support McCain and Palin" joke. I'm not a conservative, and even agree with a lot of the show's politics, but that kind of joke is the crap people like Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter would pull, and I don't take it from them, so I won't take it from this show.
* [[Tropers/Dragon Quest Z|Dragon Quest Z]]: The "Nazis would support McCain and Palin" joke. I'm not a conservative, and even agree with a lot of the show's politics, but that kind of joke is the crap people like Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter would pull, and I don't take it from them, so I won't take it from this show.
* [[Tropers/Romanator X|Romanator X]]: If you want a dose of [[Jerk Sue|Jerk Sueness]] and [[Character Derailment]], look no further then "Baby Not On Board". Main plot: Stewie is left at home. In the early seasons, this would have led to world domination. But, now, he can't do the basics without having to get a job, and fails at a job badly. No evil schemes (except maybe kidnapping Quagmire and Joe) that once made this character appealing. Now, for the subplot, which I really hate. Peter wins gas money, so he takes the family out on a trip. He manages to not know what 9/11 is, jump out of a car to watch a movie, and gamble away all of their money. Lois rightfully [["The Reason You Suck" Speech|tells him off]] by saying that his mind is completely fucked up, and what does Peter do? He quotes, verbatim, the famous rebuttal from [[Planes Trains and Automobiles|Planes, Trains and Automobiles]] (ruining that scene forever AND proving that Peter's an egotistical douchebag).... and Lois instantly feels remorse. Use that one scene to refer to a Mary Sue: you can act as huge a jerk as you want, but if you rip off a famous scene from a John Hughes movie (which did not even fit the context of Lois's rant), you fix everything! It also proves [[They Just Didn't Care|the laziness of the FG crew, as they can't even write their own material]]. Add to that the overabundance of Cutaway gags (which ranged from "fell flat" to "downright offensive") and more Meg bashing then usual, and you have possibly the worst episode of the series.
* [[Tropers/Romanator X|Romanator X]]: If you want a dose of [[Jerk Sue|Jerk Sueness]] and [[Character Derailment]], look no further then "Baby Not On Board". Main plot: Stewie is left at home. In the early seasons, this would have led to world domination. But, now, he can't do the basics without having to get a job, and fails at a job badly. No evil schemes (except maybe kidnapping Quagmire and Joe) that once made this character appealing. Now, for the subplot, which I really hate. Peter wins gas money, so he takes the family out on a trip. He manages to not know what 9/11 is, jump out of a car to watch a movie, and gamble away all of their money. Lois rightfully [["The Reason You Suck" Speech|tells him off]] by saying that his mind is completely fucked up, and what does Peter do? He quotes, verbatim, the famous rebuttal from [[Planes, Trains and Automobiles]] (ruining that scene forever AND proving that Peter's an egotistical douchebag).... and Lois instantly feels remorse. Use that one scene to refer to a Mary Sue: you can act as huge a jerk as you want, but if you rip off a famous scene from a John Hughes movie (which did not even fit the context of Lois's rant), you fix everything! It also proves [[They Just Didn't Care|the laziness of the FG crew, as they can't even write their own material]]. Add to that the overabundance of Cutaway gags (which ranged from "fell flat" to "downright offensive") and more Meg bashing then usual, and you have possibly the worst episode of the series.
* [[Tropers/Happy Man|Happy Man]]: "Family Gay". How the "being gay is not a choice, and we should accept them the way they are" intended aesop was warped into "gays are amoral assholes that find partners easily replaceable and care for nothing but sex, and we should accept them the way they are". Because that's exactly what Peter says with his actions after becoming gay: he ditches his wife and family for a random guy named Scott, leaving them ravaged. Let's not forget that, apparently, being gay makes you want to bang ten guys at once. This shows how bad it is to preach in a comedy show, you simply can't be serious and funny at the same time. Oh, and the frosting of the cake was Lois saying, "I can't change your orientation, and I'd be wrong for me to try", when Peter's orientation was changed by the doctors through artificial means.
* [[Tropers/Happy Man|Happy Man]]: "Family Gay". How the "being gay is not a choice, and we should accept them the way they are" intended aesop was warped into "gays are amoral assholes that find partners easily replaceable and care for nothing but sex, and we should accept them the way they are". Because that's exactly what Peter says with his actions after becoming gay: he ditches his wife and family for a random guy named Scott, leaving them ravaged. Let's not forget that, apparently, being gay makes you want to bang ten guys at once. This shows how bad it is to preach in a comedy show, you simply can't be serious and funny at the same time. Oh, and the frosting of the cake was Lois saying, "I can't change your orientation, and I'd be wrong for me to try", when Peter's orientation was changed by the doctors through artificial means.
** [[Tropers/Deuxhero|Deuxhero]]: Also, the "not a choice" bit gets combined with Peter having willingly chosen (with full knowledge it is what would happen) to have drugs that make him gay used on him.
** [[Tropers/Deuxhero|Deuxhero]]: Also, the "not a choice" bit gets combined with Peter having willingly chosen (with full knowledge it is what would happen) to have drugs that make him gay used on him.
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** [[Tropers/erniebacon|erniebacon]] For me, it was the stupid throwaway ending in which OJ randomly stabs three people and runs off, with Peter saying "I guess he did do it." That was the exclamation point for an unfunny tactless episode.
** [[Tropers/erniebacon|erniebacon]] For me, it was the stupid throwaway ending in which OJ randomly stabs three people and runs off, with Peter saying "I guess he did do it." That was the exclamation point for an unfunny tactless episode.
* mrjl: FOX-y Lady. The ending where they just stop trying. Seriously, she revealed that the icon of the right wing was a fraud. Even if she also revealed the icon of the left was too, that'd still be a pretty decent reason for Fox News to fire her.
* mrjl: FOX-y Lady. The ending where they just stop trying. Seriously, she revealed that the icon of the right wing was a fraud. Even if she also revealed the icon of the left was too, that'd still be a pretty decent reason for Fox News to fire her.
* [[Tropers/SNES Master KI|SNES Master KI]]: The episode "Not All Dogs Go To Heaven", which can basically be described as an anti-theist [[Chick Tract]], was the most jarring Dethroning Moment of Suck I have ever seen. There were so many Chick parallels; the old man in the sky "disproof" was similar to anti-evolutionist "I've never seen a monkey give birth to a human" sentiment, and after telling Meg her very existence proves no benevolent force exists, Brian tells her the physical universe is better than God, mirroring Chick tracts ending with "God is going to send you and everyone you know to hell for existing (one minute later) God loves you so much." I watched most of ''[[Moral Orel (Animation)|Moral Orel]]'' without getting offended (meaning I didn't see all of it, not that any of it offended me), so that should give some scope on how ridiculously hateful the episode was.
* [[Tropers/SNES Master KI|SNES Master KI]]: The episode "Not All Dogs Go To Heaven", which can basically be described as an anti-theist [[Chick Tract]], was the most jarring Dethroning Moment of Suck I have ever seen. There were so many Chick parallels; the old man in the sky "disproof" was similar to anti-evolutionist "I've never seen a monkey give birth to a human" sentiment, and after telling Meg her very existence proves no benevolent force exists, Brian tells her the physical universe is better than God, mirroring Chick tracts ending with "God is going to send you and everyone you know to hell for existing (one minute later) God loves you so much." I watched most of ''[[Moral Orel]]'' without getting offended (meaning I didn't see all of it, not that any of it offended me), so that should give some scope on how ridiculously hateful the episode was.
** [[Tropers/Grimace|Grimace]]: The horrific icing on the moldy, smelly cake to the above is that the same episode had a wonderfully silly sub-plot featuring Stewie's antics with the cast of ''[[Star Trek the Next Generation (TV)|Star Trek the Next Generation]]''. So not only was the main plot godawful (no pun etc), but they had an excellent opportunity for an episode of hilarious TNG gags that the audience would have loved, [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot|but they just wasted it]].
** [[Tropers/Grimace|Grimace]]: The horrific icing on the moldy, smelly cake to the above is that the same episode had a wonderfully silly sub-plot featuring Stewie's antics with the cast of ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Star Trek the Next Generation]]''. So not only was the main plot godawful (no pun etc), but they had an excellent opportunity for an episode of hilarious TNG gags that the audience would have loved, [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot|but they just wasted it]].
*** [[Tropers/King Cr Inu Yasha|King Cr Inu Yasha]]: If that isn't enough to get your blood-boiling, here's the kicker: Apparently the sub-story, ''not'' the atheism/Christianity "debate", was the one to be advertised on commercials, meaning FOX and/or the writers of the show, intentionally or otherwise, lured viewers with a somewhat interesting story and switched it with a [[Straw Man]] argument on religion. As [[Confused Matthew]] once said, "Surprise! You're being preached at!"
*** [[Tropers/King Cr Inu Yasha|King Cr Inu Yasha]]: If that isn't enough to get your blood-boiling, here's the kicker: Apparently the sub-story, ''not'' the atheism/Christianity "debate", was the one to be advertised on commercials, meaning FOX and/or the writers of the show, intentionally or otherwise, lured viewers with a somewhat interesting story and switched it with a [[Straw Man]] argument on religion. As [[Confused Matthew]] once said, "Surprise! You're being preached at!"
** [[Tropers/Baroxio|Baroxio]]: The really worst part about it though, is that they could have given Brian an actual reason to be an atheist. But no, we get the Hubble Telescope and man in the clouds debunk. Seriously? That's the only reason to be an Atheist? This atheist troper thinks the episode is more insulting to Atheists than it is to Theists. The worst part though, was that even though they already threw canon out the window just to put this episode in, they all the sudden want to retain the fact that Brian is an atheist (and of "Jerome Is The New Black", itself a DMoS, the fact that Quagmire hates Brian irrationally).
** [[Tropers/Baroxio|Baroxio]]: The really worst part about it though, is that they could have given Brian an actual reason to be an atheist. But no, we get the Hubble Telescope and man in the clouds debunk. Seriously? That's the only reason to be an Atheist? This atheist troper thinks the episode is more insulting to Atheists than it is to Theists. The worst part though, was that even though they already threw canon out the window just to put this episode in, they all the sudden want to retain the fact that Brian is an atheist (and of "Jerome Is The New Black", itself a DMoS, the fact that Quagmire hates Brian irrationally).
*** 12blank: I agree that it's pretty demeaning to atheists too, but I don't think atheists had it worse. The worst atheists got in this episode was being portrayed as having silly arguments for their beliefs, theists on the other hand were painted as uncontrollably violent psychopaths that needed to burn/lynch everything that opposed their worldview and are so sheeplike that a few seconds of preaching from a theist can flame them into a riot and a few seconds of preaching from an atheist can turn them back in to civilized people. It's hard to argue that atheists had it worse when the episode actively tried to [[Godwin's Law|conflate theists with Nazis]].
*** 12blank: I agree that it's pretty demeaning to atheists too, but I don't think atheists had it worse. The worst atheists got in this episode was being portrayed as having silly arguments for their beliefs, theists on the other hand were painted as uncontrollably violent psychopaths that needed to burn/lynch everything that opposed their worldview and are so sheeplike that a few seconds of preaching from a theist can flame them into a riot and a few seconds of preaching from an atheist can turn them back in to civilized people. It's hard to argue that atheists had it worse when the episode actively tried to [[Godwin's Law|conflate theists with Nazis]].
** [[Tropers/iheartmountains|iheartmountains]]: Brian being shunned for his atheism was a bit funny as a [[Take That]] at religious intolerance (although the intent was probably to establish Brian as a [[Sympathetic Sue]]); as was Meg being portrayed as a typical zealous but misguided Christian teen (too bad the [[The Fundamentalist]] stereotype is clearly how ''[[Family Guy]]'''s writers view all Christians). Initially, the episode's overall premise seemed decent, but I lost hope right around the "Worse than Hitler!" bit. Gah, lame. The peak of the episode's awfulness, though, was when Brian tried to explain why Meg's stab at religion was misguided and atheism is more logical. Sweet baby Jebus, worst argument for atheism I've ever heard. A loving God would've created Meg beautiful, and that disproves His existence? Not only did Brian objectify Meg by not for a moment entertaining the thought that her character could be more important than and compensate for her ugliness, but how is it God's fault that Meg is fat? And blaming God for her genetics, too? Fuck, this Christian troper could've come up with a way better argument for atheism. Also, as Grimace noted, the subplot with Stewie meeting the cast from ''[[Star Trek the Next Generation (TV)|Star Trek the Next Generation]]'' was easily funnier than anything else in the episode. I especially liked Picard's lines. If only they'd scrapped the shitty main plot and stuck with that.
** [[Tropers/iheartmountains|iheartmountains]]: Brian being shunned for his atheism was a bit funny as a [[Take That]] at religious intolerance (although the intent was probably to establish Brian as a [[Sympathetic Sue]]); as was Meg being portrayed as a typical zealous but misguided Christian teen (too bad the [[The Fundamentalist]] stereotype is clearly how ''[[Family Guy]]'''s writers view all Christians). Initially, the episode's overall premise seemed decent, but I lost hope right around the "Worse than Hitler!" bit. Gah, lame. The peak of the episode's awfulness, though, was when Brian tried to explain why Meg's stab at religion was misguided and atheism is more logical. Sweet baby Jebus, worst argument for atheism I've ever heard. A loving God would've created Meg beautiful, and that disproves His existence? Not only did Brian objectify Meg by not for a moment entertaining the thought that her character could be more important than and compensate for her ugliness, but how is it God's fault that Meg is fat? And blaming God for her genetics, too? Fuck, this Christian troper could've come up with a way better argument for atheism. Also, as Grimace noted, the subplot with Stewie meeting the cast from ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Star Trek the Next Generation]]'' was easily funnier than anything else in the episode. I especially liked Picard's lines. If only they'd scrapped the shitty main plot and stuck with that.
*** [[Tropers/Matt Fisher NL|Matt Fisher NL]]: I concur. I especially hate the "Worse than Hitler!" chyron. This has to be the worst "Family Guy" episode I have ever seen. I'm a liberal who doesn't go to church and I am literally offended by this. It is offensive to Christians, Atheists, all other religions, and Trekkies combined. At least South Park did better with the "Trapped in the Closet" Scientology episode. This episode sucks! I have actually credited Rowdy C's [ "TV Trash" review] for why I hate this. It really is what this would be like if Jack Chick was an atheist. I could rant about the other argued [[D Mo S]] instances, but this one is the absolute worse I've seen personally.
*** [[Tropers/Matt Fisher NL|Matt Fisher NL]]: I concur. I especially hate the "Worse than Hitler!" chyron. This has to be the worst "Family Guy" episode I have ever seen. I'm a liberal who doesn't go to church and I am literally offended by this. It is offensive to Christians, Atheists, all other religions, and Trekkies combined. At least South Park did better with the "Trapped in the Closet" Scientology episode. This episode sucks! I have actually credited Rowdy C's [ "TV Trash" review] for why I hate this. It really is what this would be like if Jack Chick was an atheist. I could rant about the other argued [[D Mo S]] instances, but this one is the absolute worse I've seen personally.
** [[Tropers/Gravityman|Gravityman]]: Another awful part of Brian's ending sentiment is that he says "Your mom looks like Lois. Do you think a benevolent God would make you look like Peter instead?" Even though 1) this isn't enough to convert the pavement you're standing on to a different religion, and second, Meg looks a lot more like Lois than Peter anyway. The only real physical similarity between Peter and Meg is Meg's hair color and need for glasses. They basically debunked and dismantled an entire town's religious belief system by playing into a teenage girl's [[Hollywood Homely|informed ugly]] compared to her mother's [[Informed Attractiveness]].
** [[Tropers/Gravityman|Gravityman]]: Another awful part of Brian's ending sentiment is that he says "Your mom looks like Lois. Do you think a benevolent God would make you look like Peter instead?" Even though 1) this isn't enough to convert the pavement you're standing on to a different religion, and second, Meg looks a lot more like Lois than Peter anyway. The only real physical similarity between Peter and Meg is Meg's hair color and need for glasses. They basically debunked and dismantled an entire town's religious belief system by playing into a teenage girl's [[Hollywood Homely|informed ugly]] compared to her mother's [[Informed Attractiveness]].
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** [[Tropers/Senor Incognito|Senor Incognito]]: Agreed big time. This troper gave up on Family Guy after that. As someone who loves animals, especially cats, I found absolutely nothing funny about this. Animal cruelty is a real problem, not something that should be used for a joke. Especially at the end, when Quagmire is distraught over the loss of his pet, just for that unfunny and downright unfunny joke. I'm sure anyone with a pet that they care about would see that situation was not funny.
** [[Tropers/Senor Incognito|Senor Incognito]]: Agreed big time. This troper gave up on Family Guy after that. As someone who loves animals, especially cats, I found absolutely nothing funny about this. Animal cruelty is a real problem, not something that should be used for a joke. Especially at the end, when Quagmire is distraught over the loss of his pet, just for that unfunny and downright unfunny joke. I'm sure anyone with a pet that they care about would see that situation was not funny.
* [[Tropers/Kashima Kitty|Kashima Kitty]]: Of the Flanderization and [[Character Derailment]] among the cast, the one that angers this long time ''Family Guy'' viewer the most is Lois. Whatever happened to the caring mother who went so far to give her daughter a decent spring break? The one who sicced Quagmire on the popular kids at that party? The episode that really pulls this to it's peak is "Stew-Roids" where Meg's lunch consists of an orange peel, the crusts from Chris' sandwich, and a photo of Lois eating a turkey leg with the most disgustingly smug smile on her face. Later that same episode in a rather cold tone of voice, she hands her daughter a bottle of pills and a [[Driven to Suicide|Sylvia Plath book]] and says "I'm gonna look away, and whatever happens, happens." I know Meg's the [[Butt Monkey]], but this is going too far.
* [[Tropers/Kashima Kitty|Kashima Kitty]]: Of the Flanderization and [[Character Derailment]] among the cast, the one that angers this long time ''Family Guy'' viewer the most is Lois. Whatever happened to the caring mother who went so far to give her daughter a decent spring break? The one who sicced Quagmire on the popular kids at that party? The episode that really pulls this to it's peak is "Stew-Roids" where Meg's lunch consists of an orange peel, the crusts from Chris' sandwich, and a photo of Lois eating a turkey leg with the most disgustingly smug smile on her face. Later that same episode in a rather cold tone of voice, she hands her daughter a bottle of pills and a [[Driven to Suicide|Sylvia Plath book]] and says "I'm gonna look away, and whatever happens, happens." I know Meg's the [[Butt Monkey]], but this is going too far.
* [[Tropers/Riceball 22|Riceball 22]]: The episode "Three Kings" was pretty tolerable, but one part in particular bothered this troper. In the segment that parodies ''[[Stand By Me]]'', the narrator (Peter) introduces the three male protagonists. It was bad enough that he mentioned that Quagmire's character lost his virginity at the age of five and committed his first rape and the age of ten, but he then goes on to say that rape was still legal in the 50's. Uh... I know the 50's had different attitudes towards gender, but even they had standards.
* [[Tropers/Riceball 22|Riceball 22]]: The episode "Three Kings" was pretty tolerable, but one part in particular bothered this troper. In the segment that parodies ''[[Stand by Me]]'', the narrator (Peter) introduces the three male protagonists. It was bad enough that he mentioned that Quagmire's character lost his virginity at the age of five and committed his first rape and the age of ten, but he then goes on to say that rape was still legal in the 50's. Uh... I know the 50's had different attitudes towards gender, but even they had standards.

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* [[Tropers/Jamilee|Jamilee]]: The Road to the Multiverse episode. Specifically the part where Stewie and Brian traveled to the universe where Christianity never existed. By now I am used to ''Family Guy'''s constant and relentless gabs at religion, but this one goes beyond just bashing Christianity. In that particular universe Stewie and Brian observed that universe's Meg, looking more like a Playboy model than the supposedly unattractive teen we all know. She was dressed provocatively in a micromini skirt and tube top with her 36D breasts hanging out. Since I sincerely doubt that just not having a religion would make people be automatically born more conventionally 'attractive', that would imply that women in that universe routinely alter their bodies to me more attractive to men. If "making women walking sex objects is the supposedly 'perfect' universe" is not a [[Family-Unfriendly Aesop]], I don't know what is.
* [[Tropers/Jamilee|Jamilee]]: The Road to the Multiverse episode. Specifically the part where Stewie and Brian traveled to the universe where Christianity never existed. By now I am used to ''Family Guy'''s constant and relentless gabs at religion, but this one goes beyond just bashing Christianity. In that particular universe Stewie and Brian observed that universe's Meg, looking more like a Playboy model than the supposedly unattractive teen we all know. She was dressed provocatively in a micromini skirt and tube top with her 36D breasts hanging out. Since I sincerely doubt that just not having a religion would make people be automatically born more conventionally 'attractive', that would imply that women in that universe routinely alter their bodies to me more attractive to men. If "making women walking sex objects is the supposedly 'perfect' universe" is not a [[Family-Unfriendly Aesop]], I don't know what is.
*** [[The Captain]]: What made it worse for this troper was that the size of her breasts was the only physical difference other than her [[Long Hair Is Feminine|haircut]]. Her overall body type and facial structure were exactly the same. So even if a woman is otherwise pretty hot, if she has [[A Cup Angst|small breasts]] she can only be seen as physically repulsive and no one will ever want her. But a boob job will make her acceptable. Yeah. Thanks for that.
*** [[The Captain]]: What made it worse for this troper was that the size of her breasts was the only physical difference other than her [[Long Hair Is Feminine|haircut]]. Her overall body type and facial structure were exactly the same. So even if a woman is otherwise pretty hot, if she has [[A-Cup Angst|small breasts]] she can only be seen as physically repulsive and no one will ever want her. But a boob job will make her acceptable. Yeah. Thanks for that.
** [[Tropers/Jonn|Jonn]]: I hadn't watched FG for a while, until that episode came on, and I figured it'd be a lighthearted Stewie-Brian musical episode. Nonetheless, I said to myself that I'd see how long it was before the writer's views on religion and politics were shoehorned in. Four minutes. I haven't watched any of the new episodes since.
** [[Tropers/Jonn|Jonn]]: I hadn't watched FG for a while, until that episode came on, and I figured it'd be a lighthearted Stewie-Brian musical episode. Nonetheless, I said to myself that I'd see how long it was before the writer's views on religion and politics were shoehorned in. Four minutes. I haven't watched any of the new episodes since.
** [[Tropers/Known Unknown|Known Unknown]]: This was also the point where ''Family Guy'' pretty much completely messed up in it's dedication to anti-religiousness. Lots of people who don't know their history like to say "religion caused the Dark Ages," but the real reasons are much, much more complex than that and, in fact, the only people hanging on to knowledge, science, and literacy in the Dark Ages were the religious in the first place. So not only is it a tired assumption, completely transparent, and more than a little subtly hateful besides, it's also completely inaccurate. [[Sarcasm Mode|Good job giving us irreligious folk a good name]], MacFarlane.
** [[Tropers/Known Unknown|Known Unknown]]: This was also the point where ''Family Guy'' pretty much completely messed up in it's dedication to anti-religiousness. Lots of people who don't know their history like to say "religion caused the Dark Ages," but the real reasons are much, much more complex than that and, in fact, the only people hanging on to knowledge, science, and literacy in the Dark Ages were the religious in the first place. So not only is it a tired assumption, completely transparent, and more than a little subtly hateful besides, it's also completely inaccurate. [[Sarcasm Mode|Good job giving us irreligious folk a good name]], MacFarlane.
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** Animeking1108: The skit where Brian and Stewie go to the universe where Japan won WWII. They have the family as [[Unfortunate Implications|racist characters]] that would make [[Star Wars|Jar Jar]] look politically correct. First, he tells Japanese!Meg to commit seppuku for being ugly, which she does, and then beats Lois for something stupid. This is why I'm convinced the writers hate Asians.
** Animeking1108: The skit where Brian and Stewie go to the universe where Japan won WWII. They have the family as [[Unfortunate Implications|racist characters]] that would make [[Star Wars|Jar Jar]] look politically correct. First, he tells Japanese!Meg to commit seppuku for being ugly, which she does, and then beats Lois for something stupid. This is why I'm convinced the writers hate Asians.
* [[Tropers/Super Saiya Man|Super Saiya Man]]: ''Family Goy'', the [[Dude, Not Funny|anti-semitism of this episode is just so... ugghhhh]]. Adding to this is Brian's [[Black Hole Sue]] moment of him and Jesus agreeing that [[Straw Political|'all religions are crap']]. And also...Peter mimicking [[Complete Monster|Amon Goeth]] from ''[[Schindler's List]]''.
* [[Tropers/Super Saiya Man|Super Saiya Man]]: ''Family Goy'', the [[Dude, Not Funny|anti-semitism of this episode is just so... ugghhhh]]. Adding to this is Brian's [[Black Hole Sue]] moment of him and Jesus agreeing that [[Straw Political|'all religions are crap']]. And also...Peter mimicking [[Complete Monster|Amon Goeth]] from ''[[Schindler's List]]''.
** [[The Good Samaritan]]. I am Jewish. I am almost certainly descended from Schindlerjuden (I've never researched it, but all things considered, it wouldn't be surprising). To see this episode was the equivalent of being punched in the face. Repeatedly. It's bad enough that they are playing one of the worst genocides in history for laughs (is there anything about that statement that seems all right to you?), but to have one of the characters emulate one of the worst monsters in history, and attempt to kill his wife just because she's Jewish, as a fucking joke?? It is an affront, an abomination, an insult of the worst kind. [[Seth Macfarlane]] should be ashamed of himself for even thinking this might be funny.
** [[The Good Samaritan]]. I am Jewish. I am almost certainly descended from Schindlerjuden (I've never researched it, but all things considered, it wouldn't be surprising). To see this episode was the equivalent of being punched in the face. Repeatedly. It's bad enough that they are playing one of the worst genocides in history for laughs (is there anything about that statement that seems all right to you?), but to have one of the characters emulate one of the worst monsters in history, and attempt to kill his wife just because she's Jewish, as a fucking joke?? It is an affront, an abomination, an insult of the worst kind. [[Seth MacFarlane]] should be ashamed of himself for even thinking this might be funny.
** [[Tropers/Generic Handle|Generic Handle]]: My problem with this episode is how fucking stupid Peter is being. Yes, I know Peter's stupid as hell but this is a new low, he goes gung-ho into being Jewish, then he goes into full on imitating a Nazi.
** [[Tropers/Generic Handle|Generic Handle]]: My problem with this episode is how fucking stupid Peter is being. Yes, I know Peter's stupid as hell but this is a new low, he goes gung-ho into being Jewish, then he goes into full on imitating a Nazi.
** [[Tropers/Demetrios|Demetrios]]: For me, the episode "Family Goy" made me stop watching the show. The [[Broken Aesop]] at the end was bad enough on its own, but what really made me stop liking the show was [[Dude, Not Funny|Peter's attempts to kill Lois because of her newly discovered Jewish ancestry]]. Especially the tasteless [[Sarcasm Mode|homage]] to ''~Schindler's List~''. I'm not going to mince words: Peter has officially become as insane as the [[Batman|Joker]]. And not the [[Magnificent Bastard|cool]] [[Laughably Evil|Joker]] from ''[[Batman the Animated Series]]''; the [[Nightmare Fuel|creepy]] [[Monster Clown|Joker]] as portrayed by [[Batman (Film)|Jack Nicholson]] and [[The Dark Knight Saga|Heath Ledger]].
** [[Tropers/Demetrios|Demetrios]]: For me, the episode "Family Goy" made me stop watching the show. The [[Broken Aesop]] at the end was bad enough on its own, but what really made me stop liking the show was [[Dude, Not Funny|Peter's attempts to kill Lois because of her newly discovered Jewish ancestry]]. Especially the tasteless [[Sarcasm Mode|homage]] to ''~Schindler's List~''. I'm not going to mince words: Peter has officially become as insane as the [[Batman|Joker]]. And not the [[Magnificent Bastard|cool]] [[Laughably Evil|Joker]] from ''[[Batman: The Animated Series]]''; the [[Nightmare Fuel|creepy]] [[Monster Clown|Joker]] as portrayed by [[Batman (film)|Jack Nicholson]] and [[The Dark Knight Saga|Heath Ledger]].
* [[Tropers/Kentucky Troper 1990|Kentucky Troper 1990]]: "Brian's Got A Brand New Bag". I. Hate. This. Episode. The second half anyway. I do find the Roadhouse gag slightly amusing (Don't judge me). So Brian starts dating a woman named Rita. A smart, nice, reasonably attractive woman. When the family finds out, they all take a massive [[Took a Level In Jerkass|level in jerkass]], especially Lois, because Rita is an older chick (50. Less than a decade older than Lois if I remember correctly), and eventually drive her out of the house crying because of it. Brian goes after her, and proposes to her. A little rushed if you ask me, but its Brian, annoying liberal mouthpiece, being a genuinely nice guy. But this being [[Family Guy]], something has to derail this. When he says she isn't an old lady, and I mean the very instant he says it, she calls him, asking about 4:30 PM. From there, Rita starts acting like a stereotypical old lady, even though she didn't do this at all before. And Brian loses all character progress by fucking a bar skank, while she is laid up with a broken hip. Seriously, I hate this episode.
* [[Tropers/Kentucky Troper 1990|Kentucky Troper 1990]]: "Brian's Got A Brand New Bag". I. Hate. This. Episode. The second half anyway. I do find the Roadhouse gag slightly amusing (Don't judge me). So Brian starts dating a woman named Rita. A smart, nice, reasonably attractive woman. When the family finds out, they all take a massive [[Took a Level In Jerkass|level in jerkass]], especially Lois, because Rita is an older chick (50. Less than a decade older than Lois if I remember correctly), and eventually drive her out of the house crying because of it. Brian goes after her, and proposes to her. A little rushed if you ask me, but its Brian, annoying liberal mouthpiece, being a genuinely nice guy. But this being [[Family Guy]], something has to derail this. When he says she isn't an old lady, and I mean the very instant he says it, she calls him, asking about 4:30 PM. From there, Rita starts acting like a stereotypical old lady, even though she didn't do this at all before. And Brian loses all character progress by fucking a bar skank, while she is laid up with a broken hip. Seriously, I hate this episode.
** Tropers/taylorkerekes: The DMOS for this troper in this episode has to be Peter beating up Lucy Van Pelt. I know Lucy is always a bitch for always pulling the football away from Charlie Brown, but, aside from the fact that Lucy is my favorite Peanuts character, she doesn't deserve such a harsh punishment from a grown-up who has to resolve certain situations with unnecessary violence, even when they have to sink to child abuse.
** Tropers/taylorkerekes: The DMOS for this troper in this episode has to be Peter beating up Lucy Van Pelt. I know Lucy is always a bitch for always pulling the football away from Charlie Brown, but, aside from the fact that Lucy is my favorite Peanuts character, she doesn't deserve such a harsh punishment from a grown-up who has to resolve certain situations with unnecessary violence, even when they have to sink to child abuse.
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** mpd011 : Agreed. Never did I imagine the writers would be lazy enough to insert the whole damn "Dancing in the Street" music video just to tell us that it's gay. And a flash-quality video on top of that. That's not how you tell a joke, that's just an excuse for getting my mom to watch your show.
** mpd011 : Agreed. Never did I imagine the writers would be lazy enough to insert the whole damn "Dancing in the Street" music video just to tell us that it's gay. And a flash-quality video on top of that. That's not how you tell a joke, that's just an excuse for getting my mom to watch your show.
** [[Tropers/O Zone|O Zone]]: Besides the pointless "Dancing in the Street" music video, which killed time that could have been used for funnier jokes, I'd like to also add that "Muppet-Style Sightseeing" scene. YMMV on this but really they couldn't have animated a short little montage so they had to use puppets for it instead? Even if it was part of the joke, I can't help but be honest the whole plot itself is kind of off putting. Going to Paris so you can have a affair? Couldn't they think of a better reason to go and then somehow work in the affair?
** [[Tropers/O Zone|O Zone]]: Besides the pointless "Dancing in the Street" music video, which killed time that could have been used for funnier jokes, I'd like to also add that "Muppet-Style Sightseeing" scene. YMMV on this but really they couldn't have animated a short little montage so they had to use puppets for it instead? Even if it was part of the joke, I can't help but be honest the whole plot itself is kind of off putting. Going to Paris so you can have a affair? Couldn't they think of a better reason to go and then somehow work in the affair?
* [[Tropers/Ultima Thule|Ultima Thule]]: Next up in the neverending chronicle of how massively the show fails: "It's a Trap." I somewhat enjoyed the first two parodies, but aside from the pillow fight and [[Planes Trains and Automobiles]] gags, this was just painful. Where do I start? [[They Just Didn't Care|The general mood that the creators phoned it in?]] [[Shaggy Dog Story|The unfunny tangent in the opening crawl?]] [[Overly Long Gag|The nodding gag that goes on for a full minute and a half?]] [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|The Seth Green bashing?]] And, of course, [[Parody Failure|the lack of jokes aside from tired references]] and beating the "we phoned this in, we didn't want to do this" schtick to death. To quote Peter, "For crying out loud, somebody throw a pie!" Seth [[Mac Farlane]], you may not like [[Robot Chicken]], but they actually try with their parodies. Somebody tell him to put the show on hiatus for a while until he remembers how to be entertaining.
* [[Tropers/Ultima Thule|Ultima Thule]]: Next up in the neverending chronicle of how massively the show fails: "It's a Trap." I somewhat enjoyed the first two parodies, but aside from the pillow fight and [[Planes, Trains and Automobiles]] gags, this was just painful. Where do I start? [[They Just Didn't Care|The general mood that the creators phoned it in?]] [[Shaggy Dog Story|The unfunny tangent in the opening crawl?]] [[Overly Long Gag|The nodding gag that goes on for a full minute and a half?]] [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|The Seth Green bashing?]] And, of course, [[Parody Failure|the lack of jokes aside from tired references]] and beating the "we phoned this in, we didn't want to do this" schtick to death. To quote Peter, "For crying out loud, somebody throw a pie!" Seth [[Mac Farlane]], you may not like [[Robot Chicken]], but they actually try with their parodies. Somebody tell him to put the show on hiatus for a while until he remembers how to be entertaining.
** [[Tropers/terlwyth|terlwyth]]: I enjoyed the parody of [[Return of the Jedi]] except for two things. The first the death of Darth Vader which was for awhile faithful to the movie, but then they made Chris/Luke kill him by snapping his neck! Damnit that's just not funny especially considering [[Return of the Jedi]] was my favorite of the saga and that scene was moving originally. Also the cutaway gags sucked. Fantastic episode otherwise, really enjoyed the big [[Take That]] to [[Seth Macfarlane]] himself and how he ripped off [[The Simpsons]], although it was also a [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot|missed moment of awesome]] because time could've been used to mention Brian Scully, producer of this episode and writer of some [[Mike Scully]] era Simpsons episodes. [Scully era is generally considered [[Dork Age]]].
** [[Tropers/terlwyth|terlwyth]]: I enjoyed the parody of [[Return of the Jedi]] except for two things. The first the death of Darth Vader which was for awhile faithful to the movie, but then they made Chris/Luke kill him by snapping his neck! Damnit that's just not funny especially considering [[Return of the Jedi]] was my favorite of the saga and that scene was moving originally. Also the cutaway gags sucked. Fantastic episode otherwise, really enjoyed the big [[Take That]] to [[Seth MacFarlane]] himself and how he ripped off [[The Simpsons]], although it was also a [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot|missed moment of awesome]] because time could've been used to mention Brian Scully, producer of this episode and writer of some [[Mike Scully]] era Simpsons episodes. [Scully era is generally considered [[Dork Age]]].
** [[Tropers/Endocrom|Endocrom]]: I tolerated the pot shots at the Ewoks and the general phoning-it-in of one of my favourite movies, but what broke the camel's back was the part where Peter/Han freaks out and forces those troopers to dig their own graves, all the while they are crying for their lives. Just too dark, it kills the mood.
** [[Tropers/Endocrom|Endocrom]]: I tolerated the pot shots at the Ewoks and the general phoning-it-in of one of my favourite movies, but what broke the camel's back was the part where Peter/Han freaks out and forces those troopers to dig their own graves, all the while they are crying for their lives. Just too dark, it kills the mood.

== Season 10 ==
== Season 10 ==
* [[Cookie Man]]: For me, it would be the episode, ''"Lottery Fever"''. There's one particular scene in the bar where Peter asks for some beer and "has his favorite Russian waiter do it." What do we get: The freaking Trololo song. [[Seth Macfarlane]] not only ran out of jokes, but had to resort in using various overused and recent memes.
* [[Cookie Man]]: For me, it would be the episode, ''"Lottery Fever"''. There's one particular scene in the bar where Peter asks for some beer and "has his favorite Russian waiter do it." What do we get: The freaking Trololo song. [[Seth MacFarlane]] not only ran out of jokes, but had to resort in using various overused and recent memes.
* [[Tropers/anoni|anoni]]: ''"Seahorse Seashell Party"'' turned out to be one! I was excited for it since Meg finally stands up to her family. She does, but guess what happens? [[Black Hole Sue|Brian]] convinces Meg that she's the only thing keeping the family together. That's right, apparently constantly abusing Meg is the only thing that keeps the Griffin family from killing each other! So what happens next? Meg apologizes and says she was just taking her problems out on everyone, she returns to being a chew toy, and nothing fucking changes! Meg, you had nothing to apologize for! Between that, and Brian's [[Nightmare Fuel|mushroom induced acid trips]], this became the worst of the 3 hurricane episodes aired!
* [[Tropers/anoni|anoni]]: ''"Seahorse Seashell Party"'' turned out to be one! I was excited for it since Meg finally stands up to her family. She does, but guess what happens? [[Black Hole Sue|Brian]] convinces Meg that she's the only thing keeping the family together. That's right, apparently constantly abusing Meg is the only thing that keeps the Griffin family from killing each other! So what happens next? Meg apologizes and says she was just taking her problems out on everyone, she returns to being a chew toy, and nothing fucking changes! Meg, you had nothing to apologize for! Between that, and Brian's [[Nightmare Fuel|mushroom induced acid trips]], this became the worst of the 3 hurricane episodes aired!
** [[rednessamon]] I agree completely. We finally have an episode where Meg tells off everyone, (which they deserved, by the way) and in the end, it's all back to normal? Giving Meg the justice she so very much deserves, then having it [[Yank the Dog's Chain|taken away again]] is nothing short of a dick move.
** [[rednessamon]] I agree completely. We finally have an episode where Meg tells off everyone, (which they deserved, by the way) and in the end, it's all back to normal? Giving Meg the justice she so very much deserves, then having it [[Yank the Dog's Chain|taken away again]] is nothing short of a dick move.
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