• Defictionalization: For The Movie, several CDs were released by Detroit Metal City as well as other bands in the film. This includes DMC's "SATSUGAI" & "Maoh" (coupled with Souichi Negishi's "Amai Koibito" and "Raspberry Kiss"), and Makai Yuugi, the Kintama Girls' "Detarame Mother-con Cherryboy", MC KIVA's "From NY City", and Tetra-pot Melon Tea's "Sally my Love". And this was in addition to the film's soundtrack and another album featuring songs by bands that Negishi wanted to emulate (one of which was in the film).
    • Because they were released in Real Life as under the fictional Death Records label, Detroit Metal City's "SATSUGAI" and Makai Yuugi were among the top Indies releases for 2008.
    • Vamps covered "SATSUGAI."
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Live action L is live action Negishi.
    • And Jack is played by none other than: Gene Simmons! Appropriately enough.