Didn't Think This Through: Difference between revisions

(→‎Real Life: Adding example)
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* Many of [[Donald Trump]]'s detractors have stated that simply thinking a few minutes before hitting the "Send" button on Twitter might have solved a lot of his problems.
** The most notable example was the [[w:2021 storming of the United States Capitol|January 6, 2021 Capitol Building riot]], which he at least partially encouraged. Breaking and entering the seat of the United States government (something that did not happen even during the [[American Civil War]]) and assaulting police is ''not'' the right way to convince everyone that the opposing candidate "stole" the election. The blatant act of terrorism caused Trump to lose much of his already waning support, and also caused the press to refer to him with words like "fascist", "traitor", and "Nazi", which they had, up to then, tried hard to avoid doing. Whatever the case, it was obvious to everyone [[Captain Obvious| it did not improve his political career or reputation]], likely ruining it and that of many others.
*** The actual participants take this trope into the [[Stupid Crooks]] territory, taking selfies of themselves while trespassing, and posting them online, where they were easily identified as hate group leaders; one such member actually sobbed in an online post because doing so had put him on the No Fly list after being labeled a terrorist. One of them actually took a selfie of himself [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/man-pictured-carrying-pelosi-s-lectern-during-capitol-riot-arrested-n1253628 stealing the House Speaker's podium] and later tried to auction it on eBay. None of them ever considered that they were not only revealing their identities to the FBI, but giving ample evidence to federal prosecutors.
*** Fox News host (now former host) Tucker Carlson faired even worse. Upon being given full access to security footage, he attempted to portray the rioters as misunderstood protestors in what most observers saw as a biased manipulation of the footage. It in fact led to more arrests being made, as the newly-broadcast footage aided the FBI in identifying several participants who they were previously unable to.
** The storm of pardons he issued in his final weeks in office. Accepting a pardon by American law is an admission of guilt by the pardoned party, but worse, doing so removes the recipient's protection against self-incrimination under the Fifth Amendment (because they can't be prosecuted they can't incriminate themselves); consequently they can be compelled to testify -- in this case, against Trump. It took several weeks for this to occur to anyone in Trump's White House (at which point it was too late); Federal investigators, of course, were aware of this and are more than happy to trade the convictions of a few underlings for testimony against Trump himself.
** His border wall - likely the keystone of his original campaign - was an ill-conceived and unrealistic goal right from the start, for many reasons: