Die for Our Ship/Anime and Manga: Difference between revisions

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* The ''[[Ef: A Fairy Tale of the Two.]]'' fandom is very small, but there ''is'' quite the hate towards [[Tsundere|Kei Shindou]] for getting in between [[Reclusive Artist|Hiro Hirono]] and [[Manic Pixie Dream Girl|Miyako Miyamura.]]
* It's hard to determine who is hated more for "getting in between" [[The Woobie|Ritsuka]] and [[Manipulative Bastard|Soubi]] in [[Loveless]]: [[Huge Schoolgirl|Yuiko]] or [[Christmas Cake|Hitomi-sensei]].
* The ''[[ToA AruCertain Majutsu noMagical Index]]'' fandom is certainly a clear example, the main [[Ship-to-Ship Combat]] is shown between Index and Misaka Mikoto, with the later fandom willing Index to die since Touma spends most of his time cohabitating with her, who lives in the same room on his bed and most of the [[Accidental Pervert]] moments are related to her with Touma. Of course this isn't where the hatred ends after reading a while the most common "arguments" to justify their flawed reasons are: "She is a nun" (when in this series is clear that [[Nuns Are Mikos]] and despite she is supposed to be at training never acts as one); "She is more like a little sister for him" (Touma oftenly gets embarrased for her on most of his [[Accidental Pervert]] moments and that he is always afraid that Index will leave him if she manages to know he actually lost his memories).
* Being a middle schooler does NOT''not'' protect [[Kodomo no Omocha|Fuuka Matsui]] from being bashed ''heavily'' by rabid Sana/Akito fangirls. Sana's [[Unlucky Childhood Friend]] Naozumi isn't exactly liked, either.
* In [[Mirai Nikki]], Yuno Gasai loves Yukiteru "Yukki" Amano. Then, Akise Aru also falls for Yukiteru. Yukiteru's feelings are more directed to Yuno than Akise, who happens to be [[Ho Yay|male]] like him, and Yuno is the most popular character of the series due to her ''[[Yandere|strong]]'' feelings, [[Dark Action Girl|her fighting skills]] and [[Ms. Fanservice|her physical beauty]]. Guess what, Akise is ''loathed'' by the fandom, and Yuno/Yukki fans even ''cheered'' {{spoiler|when Yuno killed him.}}
** It goes both ways, acually. The Akise/Yukki shippers hate Yuno for the reasons mentioned above and claim that Yukki being with Akise is a much healthier relationship than with [[Yandere|Yuno]]. This is backed up by {{spoiler|Akise getting killed and proving that Yuno plans on killing him just to start the whole game over.}} Fortunately, this [[Ship-to-Ship Combat]] is only on forums online.
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* [[Sakamichi no Apollon]] is starting to get this. Because how ''dares'' Ritsuko be a cute girl and catch Kaoru's romantic attentions when, according to some [[Yaoi Fangirl|yaoi fangirls]], there's only [[Ho Yay]] making out with Sentarou to be done!