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** Kouji and Koichi's dad is really a douche when you think about it. First, when he divorces their mother, he leaves her raising Koichi all by herself, without offering any kind of financial support when her medical issues make it hard for her to work. The icing on the cake? He tells Koji that his mother is ''dead,'' as opposed to divorced and maybe would you like to visit her (and your long lost twin that I never told you about for some reason) on weekends?
** Okay; I have a couple of points to make here. First we're never told that Ms. Kimura's medical issues were present when she married the twins' father. Since they broke contact after the divorce, he may have never known she was having financial or medical trouble. Second Koichi was told his father was dead and didn't know about his brother until his maternal grandmother decided to tell him when she was on her death bed. So...yeah; Mr. Minamoto made some bad choices but he's not the first Digimon parent to do things that turned out to be negative for his kid in the long run or to keep something a secret that shouldn't have been kept. He made some bad choices but that doesn't make him a bad person and it doesn't mean his son should hate him.
*** [[BeserkBerserk Button|"Not a bad person?"]] I've only see the dub so if the Japanese version makes him more sympathetic than I'm missing something but seriously not telling your kid "YOUR MOTHER IS ALIVE ALONG WITH YOUR TWIN BROTHER" is very fucked up. Lying to Koji left him an emotional tramautized to the point he had trouble connecting with people; not just his mother but friends also. Also he denied Koji the oppertunity to know his maternal grandmother. Takuya and Tommy's parents went out of their way to either spoil or nurture their children correctly; they made sure they were happy and good people. Spoiling Tommy might not have been a bad choice because it made him a soft and co-dependant child but it's clear they still love him. And both Koji's parents are to blame for bad parenting; the choices they made tramautized both their sons, especially Koichi, who WAS LEFT SO EMOTIONALLY VALNURABLE he left darkness consume him! Koji's birth mother is weak but puts on a brave face. Dad? Koji's father tried to comfort his son about his biological mother and step-mother issues but Koji wouldn't hear it. His response: Can you at least be nice to her for my sake?" WTF, he could have pointed out how nice his new step mother is or something but it sounds like he's more concerned for himself. Maybe he's not a bad person but he's in the run for "worst dad" of the Digimon franchise.
*** Let me just point out here that in Japan, it is highly uncommon for children to see the other parent after a divorce. Usually divorce means total separation with no contact, and the kids are split up. They don't get visitation. So if you look at it in that light, it makes more sense. It's still not the best way to handle it, but if the kids think their parent is dead, they won't bug you about them anymore. It's a little more sympathetic in this light, especially because if it was a nasty divorce, maybe they don't want to think about each other anymore and that's hard to do with a kid constantly asking about it. Also, this is the same reason that Yamato and Takeru were separated - they were actual brothers, not half-brothers as the dub wants you to think, and their parents divorced and Yamato went with the dad while Takeru went with the mom. It's different when you see A. the actual story as it was originally envisioned and B. the culture in which the story was created, which in anime is generally Japanese.
** In that light, yes it does make more sense, but as I said I've only seen the dub. And in the context of the dub he's a one-note plot device to explain the source of conflict and subplot between Koji and Koichi.
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*** Worse, they were on the Dark Continent, it's NEVER day time there, it's always dark and duskmon has been there the entire time he's been in the digital world. He's basically been sitting on a power up that stacks for months.
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