Fridge Brilliance

  • Regarding the Bonus Boss Demi-Fiend: he's immune to all attack types, except for gun, earth, and almighty. Almighty can't be blocked by anything, anyway, but gun and earth can be explained if you remember that in Nocturne, the strongest Magatama shields you from all attack types... but gun and earth attacks aren't avaible in that game.
    • Fridge Logic kinda kicks in from a canonical perspective when the Demi-Fiend could potentially nullify Dante's gunshots in Nocturne. Though it could just be because the developers didn't think to create a separate type of attack in that game, if you're looking at it from the gameplay mechanics.
    • Why does the Demi-Fiend kick your ass so hard? Because he's the protagonist of one of the most punishing games in the series. Makes sense that having him beat up a variety of Rage Quit-inducing bosses makes him one of the most devastating fighters in the entire series.
      • But in a twist of Fridge Brilliance, if you beat him, you're basically like any given late game encounter in Nocturne anyway.
      • Another twist of Fridge Brilliance, thanks to The Other Wiki: the one game where you are the demons (haha) rather than the demons being Mons, so the one game where you look like Random Encounters, and also the only game
  • Argilla makes for one of the best healers in the game because her real self was a nurse.
  • For some it can be seen as weird how Embryon, Sera and Angel are reincarnated as younger versions of themselves with more normal hair colours. Remember that data can also be recycled as well as deleted!
  • When you fight the Angels, Uriel and Michael lament on why God is not answering them. Then you realize that the game is based on Hindu mythology and that the god that they were trying to talk to is not the god that they think it is.
  • Serph from Junkyard is nothing like the real Serph. Data Serph's lack of personality reflects Sera's lack of understanding of who Serph really was.

Fridge Horror

  • The bonus boss of Digital Devil Saga Demi-fiend; Sees you as a Random encounter.
  • In the second game, the Karma Society soldiers have sealed away Indrajit/Meganada in a sort of stasis. It turns out to be one of the first people to have the Atma Virus tested upon. When were they sealed, what's to say they're not unconscious, and how hungry must they be?!
  • Once you learn that the Junkyard was Sera's virtual paradise, a lot of things (such as the ship that you blow up) from the first game are really dark when you go back and play it again.