WARNING: Spoilers abound

The Bad Guy Wins

  • This is how most Hentai works of this kind tend to go. Ever since Chapter 13, it seems the author has gone to great pains to stamp out all hope of victory for the heroes. For most of the story, the heroes would regularly get small victories to hold the line: Shiori's recruitment as a Dinaranger, Maya achieving Super Mode (even if it had unintended side effects), Miki being rescued from ZOFA in the nick of time, Kamura successfully crafting an antidote to the ZOFA Cells, and Shiori achieving her own Super Mode. Past that point, the author has given the Dinarangers no respite. Only the Author Can Save Them Now, and he has every reason not to.

General Ghana is going to backstab the Great Leader and usurp his position

  • The reveal in Chapter 15 makes the Great Leader out to be more of a Villain Sue than a Magnificent Bastard; we learn nothing concrete about his plan until it springs into action, and part of the plan seems to directly contradict his earlier appearances. While the audience certainly wants to see the heroines Brainwashed into slavery for eternity, I can't imagine anyone wants to see the Great Leader win. So naturally, the most satisfying ending would be for General Ghana (any character will do, but she seems the most likely) to kill off the Great Leader and take his place, finishing what he started.

Miki is going to resist her Chimera transformation

  • There are a series of clues hinting that Miki is not going to take to her re-brainwashing, or at the very least, that her Character Arc isn't finished yet.
    • First of all, she denounces her father in Chapter 15, and her thoughts during her subsequent rape and transformation give no indication that she's changed her opinion on this matter. This is in contrast to all previous corruption sequences, where the victim is always shown to have changed her mind about everything she was adamant about before.
    • Second, she did not become a futanari. While it's true that less than half of all corruption sequences involve the victim becoming a futanari, the absence of this element is conspicuous here. Remember, Miki has been turned into a ZOFA Soldier before, and in that sequence, she became a futanari almost immediately after her head was completely covered, which is record time compared to all other instances. Yet during her corruption into a Chimera, which arguably requires her to reach a level of sexual stimulation beyond what she's achieved before, she did not become a futanari again. The author knew full well that making Miki a futanari again would have increased the titillation factor, and could easily justify its inclusion, and yet he left it out.
    • Third, of all the Dinarangers that have been transformed so far, Miki is the only one who has not had a two-page spread Money Shot. The author seems to be holding back when it comes to showing off Miki; perhaps this is because her arc is not yet finished.
    • Finally, there's the matter of the design of Miki's Chimera form. In this Troper's opinion, the design is rather disappointing, since it breaks away from the fetish of removing all identifying features of the person inside the suit. Her mouth is uncovered, the eyeholes of her suit are much larger, and her hair can still be seen. The only reason I can think of for breaking the trend is that her face needs to be more visible, in order to make her more identifiable as a character than as a sex object. That seems to be a pretty strong indication that the author has plans for Miki, not Chimera #2.

The Great Leader is planning a Grand Theft Me on Maya

  • Consider the following.
    • Zengo Fujiwara's Memory Gambit and the disappearance of the more alien Great Leader body.
    • The revealed plan in Chapter 18 regarding the Gaia cell.
  • Given these, it makes absolutely no sense to this troper for him to turn Maya into this ultimate power without either being absolutely certain of ensuring her loyalty, or having a means to transfer his consciousness into her body