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{{quote| '''Dink''': I'm NOT a pig farmer! <br />
'''[[Rival|Milder]]''': Are you farming pigs right now? <br />
'''Dink''': Er... }}
''[[Dink Smallwood]]'' tells the [[The RPG Cliches Game|standard 32-bit RPG tale]] of [[Farm Boy|a farm boy]] who dreams of becoming a mighty warrior. After Dink receives a visit from a local wizard and Dink's mother and house burn in a fire, Dink begins his [[The Hero's Journey|epic]] and [[Deadpan Snarker|snarky]] journey to save the kingdom from cults, rogue knights, goblins, famine, and {{spoiler|an ancient who destroyed all other ancients. Also, lets not forget the [[Die, Chair, Die!|evil furniture.]]}}
''Dink Smallwood'' was made by Seth Robinson of Robinson Technologies in 1997, and was originally sold in stores, with a shareware version online. In 1999, Seth released the game as freeware, and can be downloaded [http://www.rtsoft.com/dink/download.htm here]. Even later, Dink became open sourced in hopes of making it available on more systems.
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''Dink Smallwood'' is also notable for having a game development system right alongside the game, for creating new adventures for Dink called "D-Mods". One D-Mod, Mystery Island, which was also created by Seth, is included with the original game. Other D-Mods, along with the bulk of the Dink community, can be found at [http://www.dinknetwork.com/ The Dink Network].
Examples of tropes from Dink Smallwood:
* [[All Myths Are True]]: "Joppa Isle doesn't exist, it's just a story for kids."
* [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]]: Goblins.
* {{spoiler|[[Author Avatar]]: As a [[Final Boss]], noneless!}}
* [[Bottomless Magazines]]: The arrow version.
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* [[News Travels Fast]]
* [[Parental Abandonment]]: Dink's father is notably absent.
* [[Playing Withwith Fire]]: The first spell Dink learns is a fireball spell, and some trees are flammable {{spoiler|and hide underground treasure troves}}.
* [[Port Town]]: Averted. A city called PortTown is mentioned several times, but it is never seen in game.
* [[Rush Job]]: the second half of the game is markedly less polished than the first parts.
* [[Science Is Bad]]: In ''Mystery Island''.
* [[Swiss Cheese Security]]: Lampshaded in a house in KernSin.
{{quote| '''Man''': What the hell are you doing?<br />
'''Dink''': What do you mean?<br />
'''Man''': I mean you just barging in here, no knocking, nothing! What's with that?<br />
'''Dink''': (''pause'') And there's like... something WRONG with that? }}
* [[Sword Fight]]
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[[Category:Freeware Games]]
[[Category:Dink Smallwood]]