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'''The young-adult Discworld novels:'''
* ''[[The Amazing Maurice and Hishis Educated Rodents]]'' (2001 - standalone)
* ''[[The Wee Free Men]]'' (2003 - Tiffany Aching)
* ''[[A Hat Full of Sky]]'' (2004 - Tiffany Aching)
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** The Death of Rats: {{small-caps| Squeak.}}
** The Librarian: "Ook."
* [[Cats Are Magic]]: Death is very fond of cats and gives them all nine lives. That said, the only cat who is really magical is Maurice, from ''[[The Amazing Maurice and Hishis Educated Rodents]]''. He gained sapience and speech by eating a rat who had, in turn, also eaten some magical garbage.
* [[Cat Stereotype]]: Granny Weatherwax's cat You is a pure white kitten, full of purity and innocence. Nanny Ogg's cat Greebo, on the other hand, is grey, and is older, wiser, and pure malevolent evil.
* [[Chronoscope]]:
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* [[Monster Modesty]]: Trolls (except Detritus, who wears Watch uniform, and Chrysophrase, who wears a suit) mostly just wear a loincloth "to conceal whatever it was that trolls found it necessary to conceal". This is so much a part of their culture that male trolls will go to clubs to watch female trolls put on clothing. There's usually a riot by the second overcoat.
* [[Morphic Resonance]]: Discworld has played a big part in popularising the phrase. Probably its most significant example is the law of magic that no shape-shifter, not even gods, can transform how their eyes look—so their eyes always provide a clue to their real identity or nature.
* [[Mugging the Monster]]: Usually [[Werewolf|Angua]], but has happened to others enough that the robber at the beginning of ''[[The Amazing Maurice and Hishis Educated Rodents]]'' had to go through a little checklist before he'd try to attack the coach.
** Also, Casanunda makes a cameo in ''[[Carpe Jugulum]]'' just to witness a highwayman getting killed by the Magpyrs.
** Members of the Assassin's Guild also get this in a book or two.