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* [[Cerebus Rollercoaster]]: The series has gotten darker and more mature over the years, all without quite losing its sense of humor. And yes, Pratchett even plays with this trope, contrasting the dark ''[[Monstrous Regiment]]'' with the moderately lighthearted ''[[Going Postal (Discworld)|Going Postal]]'' followed by the dark ''[[Thud!]]'' followed by the moderately lighthearted ''[[Making Money]]'' followed by the even more lighthearted ''[[Unseen Academicals]]'' followed by the pitch black ''[[I Shall Wear Midnight]]''...
* [[Chalk Outline]]: Invoked rarely, and only for laughs. For example, the Ankh is the only river in the world you can draw a chalk outline on. Also, one of the previous postmasters spied into the sorting machine, and [[Nightmare Fuel|his outline was all over the sorting office]].
** In ''[[The Truth]]'' The probably human Corporal Nobbs drew a chalk outline of a victim, which is all fine and normal for a copper, except he did it in colored chalk, and felt the need to add a pipe and draw some clouds and flowers.
* [[Chameleon Camouflage]]: Susan Sto Helit, Granny Weatherwax and her apprentice Tiffany Aching have powers to do this. The young Vetinari learns this in ''[[Night Watch (Discworld)|Night Watch]]'' [[Irony|(to the point that he nearly fails his Camouflage class for nonattendance)]], and Vimes has an uncanny ability to blend neatly into shadows.
* [[Characterization Marches On]]: Remember when the The Patrician of Ankh-Morpork was obese? Or when Death seemed to actively cause people to die rather than merely collect their souls? Both have gotten excuses, one of which is that Death changed character after Mort, the other that it was a different Patrician. [[Word of God]] denies the latter, admitting it is this trope.