Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories: Difference between revisions

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* [[BFG]]: Rozalin's "Rose Thorn" special ability uses a [[Gatling Good|chaingun]] to deliver [[Death of a Thousand Cuts|several successive hits]] to a group of enemies with [[More Dakka|a shower of bullets]].
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]:
** Spoofed;: Etna shows up just in time to save your ass, which pisses her off because [[Genre Savvy|she hates this trope so much]].
** Played straight in the manga where Etna deflects an incoming beam from a monster followed up by Laharl and Flonne bursting into the scene with their signature attacks.
** Also played straight (though [[Lampshaded]]) by Axel. In fact, for a [[Noble Demon|self-proclaimed rat bastard]], he sure gets quite a few of these.
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* [[Cooldown Hug]]
* [[Crossdresser]]:
** "Main Hero B", the Angel that joins Axel is a guy. Proof? Any Dark Sun (or Rozalin) effect that affects males affects him. They do NOT affect [[Player MooksMook|Player Mook]] angels with the same sprite.
** Also, the flower monster in Adell's hometown.
*** [[Dropped a Bridget On Him|Named]] [[Guilty Gear|Bridget]]
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** A subtler one is the fact that {{spoiler|Adell's ears are covered by his hair, making it impossible for the player to tell if he's human or demon. It did make it easy for the player to initially believe that Adell was the only human left on Veldime}}.
** There's another one halfway through the game where Rozalin says {{spoiler|"...do you suppose he (The real Zenon) may have been tricked by the faker and is imprisoned somewhere...?"}}
** And, atAt one point, Hanako asks Rozalin if she could one day become as strong as Etna. Rozalin tells her she could become even stronger. {{spoiler|Cue ''Dark Hero Days'', which features [[Future Badass|Demon Lord Hanako]], widely considered to be the best unit in the game}}.
** And, ofOf course, as mentioned under [[Exact Words]]: {{spoiler|Mom cast a spell to summon Overlord Zenon. They got Rozalin}}.
* [[Forgot I Could Fly]]: Subverted. Rozalin can fly, but not for long enough to help when she falls off a cliff.
* [[Weirdness Magnet|Freak Magnet]]: Adell, who lampshades it. Several times.
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* [[Rule of Symbolism]]: Rozalin's childhood is extremely similar to that of (I kid you not) the Buddha.
* [[Samus Is a Girl]] {{spoiler|The real Zenon; either that or a [[Gender Bender]] through [[Reincarnation]]}}.
** [[Fridge Brilliance]]: {{spoiler|One female version of Overlord is "Dark Emperess"}}.
* [[Save the Princess]]: Subverted. Axel makes the assumption that Princess = [[Damsel in Distress|Must Be Saved]], even if said princess is with her "captor" willingly (Rozalin). The situation ended in comical pain.
* [[The Scrappy]]: An in-universe example. Just EXISTING is a crime for Tink. Considering how obnoxious he can be (especially when his red personality is dominant) though, it's hard to disagree with the game.
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* [[Vile Villain Saccharine Show]]: Real Overlord Zenon. Also Adell in the infamous worst ending.
* [[Violence Really Is the Answer]]: Adell's justification for why he solves most of his problems by [[When All You Have Is a Hammer|punching their source to dust]], even though [[Brilliant but Lazy|he's actually pretty smart]]: beating the crap out of things IS the most efficient solution. A short look at the entire series makes it hard to disagree.
** Given that the game takes place primarily in the demon world, and demons are expected to solve all their problems with violence, it seem's like adjusting to the environment.
** Axel paraphrases the trope when Taro and Hanako are arguing over a candy bar.
* [[Vocal Dissonance]]: With the Japanese voices, Axel Mode's {{spoiler|Actress}} falls into this. [[Averted]] by her English voice.
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