Disproportionate Retribution/Comic Books: Difference between revisions

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* [[Donald Duck]] can be one [https://web.archive.org/web/20111113090125/http://www.superdickery.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=795:donald-duck-homicidal-maniac&catid=30:frames-and-panels-index=34 mean] avian. Even being the universe's [[Butt Monkey]] doesn't justify this. Once he also gave a woman a black eye because she gave him a gag gift (she didn't know it would throw a pie at him).
** One could even go so far as to call him Donald Dick.
** Even in his 'superhero' version of some Italian stories, Paperinik the [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|Devilish Avenger]], he's quite mean. His first story as Paperinik in a nutshell: Scrooge offered him an underpaid job as a fanner and insulted him for literally kicking a ludicrously overpaid job as a dog-sitter that went to Gladstone, and Donald as Paperinik stole Scrooge's money-filled mattress ''while he slept on it'' and framed Gladstone for it. (The destruction of a manor that Gladstone won at a lottery wasn't part of it: Gladstone did it on his own by lighting a candle with explosive hidden in it that Paperinik left around.) While these almost murderous tendencies of Paperinik have been toned down and he now tends to reserve them for [[Jerkass Victim|people who actually deserve the treatment]], he still loves putting his quarry in one hell of [[Humiliation Conga]], like that time he convinced Gladstone he had ''lost his luck due a fake curse launched on him by Donald''.
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* ''[[Johnny the Homicidal Maniac]]''? Even being near the wrong person can result in one's horrible death.
** Excuse me, what was that? Did you say... ''[[Berserk Button|wacky?]]''
** In one issue, Johnny couldn't get his world's equivalent of a Slurpy in the middle of the night ([[Rant-Inducing Slight|they turned off the machines]]), and he felt the appropriate response was to throw a scary tantrum, murder the cashier with his own gun, and then ([[Driven to Suicide|turn it on himself]]). But we [[Ax Crazy|kinda]] [[Psychopathic Manchild|know]] [[Doomy Dooms of Doom|the protagonist]] by now -- younow—you don't ''really'' need to highlight the spoiler to guess what happened.
* [[Spider-Man]] is a frequent victim of this, as his opponents' goals shift from "get money/recognition/cured" to "revenge on Spider-Man" as he stops them. This apparent [[Motive Decay]] is somewhat justified by Spider-Man's [[You Fight Like a Cow|tendency of persistently insulting the people he fights]], and that fact that most of his opponents are unhinged to start with.
** Venom was a particularly bad example of this: Eddie Brock hated the Spider-Man because his journalist career had been ruined when he brought forward a man claiming to be the murderous Sin-Eater, but who turned out to be a compulsive confessor instead as Spider-Man caught the real Sin-Eater.
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'''Shocker:''' ''The outcome??'' The outcome is I get what is coming to me.
'''Spidey:''' You ''got'' what was coming to you. That's ''my point.'' }}
**::* Also a subversion in that the Shocker's ''real'' reason for wanting revenge of Spidey so badly is that Spidey mocked him every time they clashed -- andclashed—and he felt the whole world was laughing at him -- andhim—and he finally snapped. Finding out Spider-Man was just a kid didn't help his mood. The entire chapter was meant to show the Shocker was an [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain]] -- with—with the emphasis on "Sympathetic" and [[Not-So-Harmless Villain|the "Ineffectual" de-emphasized]].
***::* After Peter got himself free and beat Shocker up again, the story ends with the cops coming to arrest him and one commenting about Shocker being just a living joke.
* In ''[[The Sentry]]'' Bob finds out that some Yoga instructor is pulling some moves on his wife; sometime later his alter egos, presumably, act; The Sentry saves 150.000 people from a crashing boat while The Void hurls a jet airliner into a building killing 150.000 people, Ramón the Yoga instructor was in that building.
* Delilah Hack of ''[[Hack Slash]]'', who after witnessing her daughter being mistreated by a group of bullies, immediately proceeded to abduct, kill, and cook said bullies, before ultimately ''feeding'' them to their friends.
* ''[[Wanted (Comic Book)|Wanted]]''. The main character gains the resources to do pretty much whatever the hell he wanted. As an example, he deals with the frustration of a neighbor being ''too'' cheery with...a bullet to the face. BLAM.
* In the Silver Age, [[Lex Luthor]]'s lifetime animosity to [[Superman]] was triggered by [[Superboy]] saving Lex from a laboratory fire. During the rescue Lex got some chemicals spilled on him that ''made him go bald!'' Later retellings of the origin have given Lex different reasons to hate Superman, usually having to do with Lex not being able to stand being inferior to him. Wanting a man dead just ''for being there'' might be one of the most disproportionate retributions on here.
** In ''[[Superman: Red Son]]'' he breaks off his engagement and relationship to [[Lois Lane]] in order to devote his entire life to beating Superman because....The deformed clone of Superman beat him in Chess! This is particularly hilarious because earlier he had explicitly stated "I have no doubts that [Superman] and I would get along if we had been born in the same country."
** Luthor's pettiness seemed to have been lampshaded by Marvel's ''[[Squadron Supreme]]'' with the inclusion of a villain named Emil Burbank, aka Master Menace, sort of an [[Expy]] of Luthor. A criminal mastermind and [[Arch Enemy]] of Hyperion (who is, himself, an Expy of Superman) Burbank suffers from a sort of hormonal condition which causes his hair to grow at an abnormally fast rate, a condition he claims was caused by Hyperion interrupting an experiment. Even his write-up in ''The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe'' states the oddity of a genius scientist so dead-set on revenge over something so trivial.
* [[The Mighty Thor|Enchantress]] tried to get the Asgardians to punish [[Dazzler]] for offending the gods by ''having a better singing voice than her''. Fortunately, Odin agreed that Dazzler ''does'' have a better singing voice, ordered Enchantress to drop the matter, then sent the girl home with the promise that the Asgardians would not hurt her.
* In one issue of ''Greyshirt: Indigo Sunset'', mobster Vinnie Assapunto goes on a rampage, murdering five people because they were connected to someone who had been ''telling jokes about him''.
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* Worst things [[Max Und Moritz]] by [[Wilhelm Busch]] do: Putting gunpowder into the pipe of the teacher (OK, that's pretty harsh, but he survives.) Their punishment at the end (not by him): {{spoiler|They're killed and grinded to grit in the mill.}}
* [[Les Legendaires|The Legendaries]] suffers this from the population of their native world Alysia. After they accidentally caused a magic incident by breaking a magic stone from the [[Arch Enemy]] and accidentally turned everyone on their world into a child, the population of Alysia start hating and despising them : they are mocked, insulted, forced to hide their identities for ''five years'', considered as failures, and everyone who has connections to them (brothers, parents, former teams...) are considered as ashamed as well. While it's understandable on the first look, it become excessively ridiculous if you take account of the fact the Legendaries also saved those same people countless times from their said [[Arch Enemy]] (who was an homicidal, megalomaniac [[Sorcerous Overlord]] [[The Dreaded|feared in all Alysia]]), making the mere fact to have trapt everyone in child form not bad in comparison. Of course, [[Ungrateful Bastard|the inhabitants of Alysia seems to have quickly forgotten about those heroic actions.]]
* The League of Evil Exes in ''[[Scott Pilgrim]]''. Maybe justified on account of this being [[Widget Series| an intentionally weird series]], but they want to kill Scott for dating Ramona, because she dumped all of them. Even when you factor in the grudge Knives has on Ramona because Scott dumped her, it’s worse with the League, as she forgives Scott and backs off.
** Gideon is worse than the others, as when Knives intervenes in the fight between him and Scott by kicking Gideon, he becomes infuriated because, well… '''“YOU MADE ME SWALLOW MY GUM!”''' Not to mention how he becomes even angrier with Scott for ruining the League’s plan because it took ''two full hours'' to locate the other Exes and get them to agree to it.