Dissidia Final Fantasy/Characters/Warriors of Chaos: Difference between revisions

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* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
{{quote|'''Garland:''' "Am I to be a prisoner of these stupid plans again?"}}
* [[Despair Event Horizon]]: See also [[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation]] below, it's heavily implied that the entire reason Garland is such a [[Blood Knight]] is because {{spoiler|he has lost any and all hope of escape from his endless cycle of dying and being reborn to fight again. He decided to go with it and figured if his entire existence is going to center around fighting, he might as well learn to enjoy it. And so he did}}. Undoubtedly made worse by the fact that, according to ''Dissidia'''s backstory, {{spoiler|he helped start the whole thing. Though it should be noted that he only did so AFTER Cid ordered him to do so}}.
* [[The Dragon]]: To Chaos, naturally. Garland is both the final villain to be defeated by his heroic counterpart in the Destiny Odyssey storylines, and the final villain to be defeated before the heroes face Chaos in Shade Impulse. In fact, after all the other villains [[Gambit Pileup|break up to follow their own plans]], Garland is the ''only'' one still loyal to Chaos.
** [[The Heavy]]: Chaos acts more as a distant authority figure while Garland is the one directly leading the other Warriors of Chaos into battle.
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** In addition, he is both the first and last boss in Warrior of Light's Destiny Odyssey.
** In further addition, think of how many attacks Wall Rush (knock) the target [[Catch Phrase|downwards]]?
* [[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation]]: It's never stated outright, but all the dialogue in cutscenes implies that the only reason Garland is so devoted to battle and violence is that he's lost all hope for everything else thanks to the {{spoiler|[[Groundhog Day Loop]] [[Be Careful What You Wish For|he's stuck in]].}}
* [[Large Ham]]
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: A far higher tier than his original incarnation.
=== Gameplay and [[Combat Tropes]] ===
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Scheming to achieve his own goals, the Emperor is, perhaps, one of the masterminds behind the Chaos faction's plans along with his ally, Ultimecia. As later shown in ''Duodecim'', he's in this for the long haul: his ultimate goal is to have Cosmos defeated, {{spoiler|then survive past Chaos' death and become the sole ruler of the entire world.}} Don't be fooled by his looks: he didn't become an Emperor by being a fool.
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: Invokes this trope in Shade Impulse, though he uses the phrase "back from the [[Never Say "Die"|afterworld]]"
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: It is implied in his opening quote if fighting against Kefka that he intends to send Kefka to Hell to punish him for his actions.
{{quote|'''Emperor:''' "A taste of Hell may be just what you need."}}
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* [[Reluctant Warrior]]: Her ''012'' Museum profile states that she did not like the Gods fighting amongst themselves, and thus, she didn't like their war.
* [[Ship Tease]]: In ''Duodecim'', with ''Laguna'', of all people, ''[[Foe Yay|multiple times]]''.
* [[You Have Failed Me...]]: See [[Laser-Guided Amnesia]].
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* [[Nietzsche Wannabe]]: The actual motivation behind Kefka's all-consuming desire to destroy everything is his firm belief that nothing in life matters or has any value. Any time you get a glimpse underneath the [[Ax Crazy]] [[Monster Clown]] personality, the hints of how much this drives ''everything'' he does are almost [[Tear Jerker]]s.
* [[Not-So-Harmless Villain]]: Don't let the clown make-up and constant joking around fool you - -Kefka is just as cruel, sinister and powerful as any other villain, and though he focused on Terra in ''Dissidia'', in ''Dissidia 012'' he's just as manipulative and sneaky as the rest too.
** In ''Dissidia 012'', according to the museum profile for the Cloud of Darkness, the reason she doesn't remember Kefka using Terra as a pawn in the 13th cycle is because {{spoiler|Kefka killed her in the 12th when he found out she told Laguna how to stop the flow of Manikins. Yes, Kefka, the guy who cracks a fart joke, pulls a [[You Have Failed Me...]] on the [[Anthropomorphic Personification]] of the realm of nothingness!}}
*** That is also retconned into the dialog for the 13th cycle; at some point Kefka complains about {{spoiler|the purification of traitors who give vital information to the enemy. Apparently Kefka didn't expect the Cloud of Darkness to be around again and is pissed at Shinryu for it.}}
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: While not really stupid, Kefka is far more devious and cunning than his behavior would indicate. Most obvious in ''Dissidia 012'', where he's cackling and joking around with Kuja {{spoiler|about him failing to kill Zidane and his friends}}, then once Kuja leaves {{spoiler|mutters he knows Kuja let them go on purpose and starts plotting how to make him pay for it}}.
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* [[No Sense of Personal Space]]: Gets ''very'' close with Kuja, leaning on his shoulders and getting right up in his face several times.
* [[Toilet Humor]]: Kefka, when overhearing Cloud and Kuja's heart to heart talk, mockingly remarks that it gives him gas, complete with a farting sound.
* [[You Have Failed Me...]]: {{spoiler|He executes the Cloud of Darkness after learning that they gave away information to Laguna about the door to the Rift}}.
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[[File:Sephiroth Dissidia Artwork 2688.jpg|frame|"Accept it. I am the one who guides you -- forever."]]
{{quote|''"[[Awful Truth|The truth can be cruel]] at times, but [[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation|whether they can accept that truth]] is up to them."'' -- [[The Lifestream|Life of the Planet]]}}
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Toshiyuki Morikawa]] (Japanese), George Newbern (English)}}—Fighting Style: '''Focused Blade'''
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** If Kefka's choice of words when gloating about planning to do this is any indication, this isn't even the first time it's happened.
* {{spoiler|[[Heel Face Turn]]}}: Tried to do it and failed miserably.
** {{spoiler|[[HeelDeadly Face Door SlamChange-of-Heart]]}}
* [[The Mole]]: {{spoiler|[[Reverse Mole|For]] ''[[Reverse Mole|Chaos' team]]'', no less. As he was actually planing to betray them, yet... Kefka's intervention cornered Kuja and forced him to betray Zidane.}}
* [[Pet the Dog]]: Aside from his interactions with Zidane, Bartz and Squall, Kuja is the one who {{spoiler|breaks Kefka's spell on Terra, because her servitude to Kefka reminded him [[Not So Different|of himself]].}}
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* [[Super Mode|EX Mode]]: '''[[One-Winged Angel|Final Aeon!]]'''
{{quote|"Let's do this!"}}
** Jecht assumes the monstrous form he takes in his [[Final Boss]] fight in ''[[Final Fantasy X]]'', that of [[Heroic Sacrifice|Braska's]] [[Cast Fromfrom Hit Points|Final]] [[Summon Magic|Aeon]], though he's human sized as opposed to being a giant. In addition to Regen, Jecht's EX Mode gives him access to the following ability:
*** '''Full Combo''': Even if Jecht misses on the first attack, he can continue to execute his combo-based attacks as if he had hit.
** In addition, Final Aeon gives Jecht access to his [[Limit Break|EX Burst]]: '''Blitz King'''.
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* [[The Other Darrin]]: As said above, Gabranth's original VA (Michael Rogers) was replaced by Keith Ferguson (the voice of Gabranth's twin brother) due to Square Enix losing contact with Rogers.
* [[The Power of Hate]]
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: Besides the [[Mask of Power|obvious powering up]] [[Super Mode|in EX Mode]], in Dissidia 012 the developers make his EX Charge charge his EX gauge INSANELY FAST. Even though EX Mode lasts a lot shorter and [[Nerf|weaker]] in 012, the new EX Charge charge speed doesn't just make up for it, it still [[Just for Pun|EXecutes everything.]]
* [[Shout-Out]]: Gabranth's Quickenings, as stated above, are all just replicas of [[Final Fantasy XII|his brother Basch's]] Quickenings, just with different names: Basch had Fulminating Darkness, Ruin Impendent, and Flame Purge. The animations also differ slightly—Fulminating Darkness is blue-green, Fulminating Oblivion is red-orange, etc.
* [[Token Good Teammate]]: On the side of Chaos, but disliked by most of his comrades for his heroic qualities. Also, its hinted that he desires to defeat Cosmos simply to end the war and has no ulterior motives in doing so.
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* [[Badass Cape]]
* [[Black Knight]]
* [[Mask of Power]]: See the description of his [[Super Mode|EX Mode]] above. Normally, Gabranth is pitiful. So pitiful, in fact, that he can't even whittle away your HP under normal circumstances. However, once he ''does'' power up... oh boy... [[Took a Level Inin Badass|Gabranth turns into a]] ''[[Unstoppable Rage|nigh-unstoppable force of nature]]''. [[Game Breaker|He gets so badass]] he can out-muscle [[SNK Boss|Chaos]] easily while in [[Super Mode|EX Mode]]—his combos are just as long and powerful as Chaos', he attacks just as quickly, and in the small arena his HP attacks are just as difficult to avoid.
** His character profile in ''Dissidia 012'' states that Gabranth's true power is unlocked when he dons his helmet, confirming that the helmet isn't just an aesthetic change to show his EX Mode, it really is the source of his strength. Doubles as a [[Mythology Gag]] for players familiar with his characterization in ''[[Final Fantasy XII]].
*** Begs the question of why does he even take it off, then.
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* [[Anti-Villain]]: He's trying to end the cycles of war like so many others. It just so happens he prefers to take on Cosmos to do it instead.
** Edges towards [[Designated Villain]]—attacking Cosmos is the only villainous action we see him do, and it's understable why he goes after her when you think his alternative for ending the war was to challenge [[SNK Boss|Chaos]]. And, considering his opponent guarding Cosmos is [[Sociopathic Hero|Shantotto]]...
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: In ''Dissidia'' when fought in his storyline he wasn't too impressive, having weak boosters and some accessories to improve his EX Mode duration, but he still had to charge up his gauge and could be killed before that happened. In ''Dissidia 012'' though they gave him the Puppeteer's Wheel, five "EX Mode" boosters, a Hyper Ring and an Attractorb. The result is that he enters battle with a full EX Gauge, will likely remain in EX Mode for the entire fight, has a nice buff to his base damage, and will constantly be absorbing all the EX Force in the arena so you can't get it for yourself. About all you can do is charge your Assist Gauge to try and EX Break him to force him out of EX Mode—assuming before you challenged him you didn't kill your Assist on the board to get access to the two chests they were guarding. Oops.
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