Doctor Who/Recap/S29/E13 Last of the Time Lords: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''♫ I can't decide, whether you should live or die ♫''|'''The Master''' shows his love for the [[Scissor Sisters]].}}
It's [[Wham! Line|one year later]].
Most people have spent it in slavery (or dead), but Martha Jones has been [[Walking the Earth]], picking her way amongst the ruins, and looking for the [[Gotta Catch Em All|four segments]] of a weapon that can allegedly kill the Master. She also discovers that the Toclafane are mutated remnants of the humans from the end of time.
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== Tropes ==
* [[After the End]]: Most of Earth.
* [[Angst? What Angst?]]: {{spoiler|Humanity failed to evade the death of the universe, instead turning into the grotesque, murderous Toclafane as a last-ditch resort.}} Neither the Doctor, nor Martha, nor even the writers show much distress at this revelation, which is never brought up again.
** Well, to be honest, it's been a year of total hell, there is only so much despair one can take before they just stop caring.
* [[Beauty Is Never Tarnished]]: Martha has spent the last year travelling solo around the world, running from homicidal aliens, yet there isn't a scratch on her. She also sports makeup and straightened hair.
** Subverted with {{spoiler|Mrs. Saxon, who's sporting bruises.}}
* [[Big "What?"]] followed by [[Flat What]]: A [[Call Back]] to the [[Doctor Who (TV)/NS/Recap/S2 E13 Doomsday|last season cliffhanger]]. This time the Doctor really has something to "What?" about--{{spoiler|the ''Titanic'' crashing through the wall}}.
* [[Broken Bird]]: Lucy has clearly fallen off the deep end in the last year; she is noticeably skinnier and hardly talks. Considering the fact that she had seen the end of the universe firsthand and {{spoiler|and the most likely disturbing creation of the Toclafane}}, can you really blame her?
* [[Bloodless Carnage]]: {{spoiler|The Master gets ''fatally'' shot but no blood at all is visible.}}
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* [[Combined Energy Attack]]
* [[Continuity Nod]]
{{quote| '''The Master:''' "I remember the days when the Doctor, oh, that famous Doctor... was waging a Time War, battling [[Doctor Who (TV)/Recap/S9 E3 The Sea Devils|Sea Devils]], and [[Doctor Who (TV)/Recap/S8 E3 The Claws of Axos|Axons]]-- he sealed the Rift at the Medusa Cascade, single handed."}}
* [[Crapsack World]]
{{quote| '''Martha:''' "I travelled across the world -- from the ruins of New York to the fusion mills of China, right across the radiation pits of Europe; and everywhere I went I saw people just like you living as slaves."}}
* [[Crystal Dragon Jesus]]: What? No! Definitely not! The glowing and flying? Just… time lord… magic… ness. …Yeeeeah.
* [[Deus Ex Machina]]: A very-nearly literal version. If you thought it was literal when [[Doctor Who (TV)/NS/Recap/S1 E13 The Parting of the Ways|Rose was made a god by the TARDIS]], how about the Doctor being brought back from being Gollum through the power of satellite network-enhanced prayer?
* [[Did You Actually Believe?]]
* [[Died in Your Arms Tonight]]: No, seriously, we weren't kidding about the [[Foe Yay/Doctor Who|Foe Yay]].
* [[The Dog Bites Back]]: {{spoiler|"It's always the women."}}
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* [[Politically-Incorrect Villain]]: The Master has ''issues'' with women, it appears.
* [[Reset Button]]
* [[Ripple -Effect -Proof Memory]]: Everyone on the ''Valiant'', due to being at "the eye of the storm".
* [[Rushmore Refacement]]: Mentioned though not seen.
* [[Sequel Hook]]: The hand that takes the master's ring. Russell T. Davies even joked that it was "the hand of The Rani".
* [[Shoot the Shaggy Dog]]: The final fate of the entire human race. [[Sarcasm Mode|Thanks, RTD!]]
* [[Shout -Out]]: "Say Hi,[[Lord of the Rings|Gandalf]].""
* [[Status Quo Is God]]
* [[Taking You With Me]]: The Master tries to do this when the Doctor and Martha foil his plans by detonating his fleet of rockets (thus triggering an [[Earthshattering Kaboom]]). However, the Doctor points out that the Master would never take his own life, and convinces him to surrender.
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* [[Terrible Ticking]]: The drums.
* [[Thanatos Gambit]]: {{spoiler|The Master refusing to regenerate just to make sure the Doctor is the last of his kind.}}
** {{spoiler|That, and he has [[Doctor Who (TV)/NS/Recap/S4 E17 E18 The End of Time|a devoted cult prepared just for a case like this]]. Better to die and be resurrected to former glory than to be the Doctor's pet for all eternity, [[Foe Yay]] be damned.}}
* [[Theme Song Reveal]]: {{spoiler|Lucy Saxon's bruises are briefly visible on camera when her face falls, just as the vocalist sings, "No wonder why my heart feels dead inside."}} Foreshadows the climax.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: Martha
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* [[Villain World]]. Also [[Vichy Earth]] thanks to the mind-control satellites which keep everyone terrified of Saxon.
* [[Walking the Earth]]: Martha has been.
* [[Wham! Line]]:
** Martha's revelation - Ridiculous for some, awesome surprise for others.
{{quote| "Right across the world. One word, just one thought, at one moment, but with ''15 satellites''!"}}