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{{cleanup|All this content is over a year old as of 26 February 2015. It should be split into new WMG supbages.}}
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=== "The Question" of Series 6 is... ===
[[The Holders Series|"When will they]] [ come together?"]
* Jossed. As Dorium reveals in "The Wedding of River Song", the Question is "[[Title Drop|Doctor Who]]?"
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=== Fall of the Eleventh will take place somewhere in the Medusa Cascade ===
* In Fires of Pompeii, Evelina claims the Doctor's name is "Hidden in the cascades of Medusa herself". This is where Trenzelore is located. Speaking of, unless my memory is faulty, the Question is slated to have been written in the stars. A quaint shout out to Five, if you ask me. When his episodes open, just look at how then show's title appears- written with and in stars.
== River Song ==
=== Crack theory: River is the sonic screwdriver ===
* We already had the TARDIS embodied in a human form, so why not the sonic screwdriver?
* The Moff said that we would realize we knew from the beginning who River is. In Forest of the Dead her consciousness was preserved in the future!screwdriver.
** If he really means from the 'beginning', does that mean she can't be at all related to Rory or Amy, because we didn't know them yet when we first met her?
* She killed "the best man she ever knew." The sonic screwdriver was the instrument used to kill ganger!Doctor, among other people, in The Almost People.
** The "best man" is not the Ganger.
=== River Song... ===
* ...'''is just someone that we have yet to meet properly.''' She isn't some character from the classic Who, she isn't Amy or Rory or Jenny or Rani or any of those other theoretical Rivers. She isn't going to kill The Doctor and she isn't a time lord. She's a companion, just like all the others were/are. She is new, and we just happen to be experiencing her character in the opposite direction than we're used to, as we're seeing her timeline in reverse. We won't ever know who she really is until the day that she first meets the Doctor, as a young girl, which will unfortunately probably mark the last time we ever see her. Maybe she is the Doctor's wife. Maybe she just happened to be the one perfect woman for the Doctor. Maybe it's more complicated than that. We'll just have to wait and see.
** Partly confirmed, partly not. She IS ''part''-Time Lord, and she's the daughter of Amy and Rory, which barring [[My Own Grampa|extenuating circumstances]], means it's not them. Also, she technically first meets the Doctor as a baby while we still know relatively little about her, but that's grasping at straws, as River couldn't remember what she did when she was one month old.
* ...'''is the daughter of someone who travelled as a companion with Jenny (as in Jenny-the-Doctor's-Daughter.)'''
** [[Jossed]]. The parents are Amy Pond and Rory Williams, the Doctor's companions.
{{center| River-travelled-with-Jenny - Key Points}}
My evidence for this is mainly circumstantial and comes from musing upon:
1) Observed strong similarites in the personalities of Jenny and River.
2) The behind-the-scenes story behind Jenny's continuing existance
{{center| River-travelled-with-Jenny - More Details}}
(1) Jenny, the Doctor's daughter (created from the Doctor's DNA using a progenation machine), is a character introduced to us in the Tennant-era episode titled 'The Doctor's Daughter'.)
Since this episode occurs shortly before Silence in the Library, when we first meet Jenny, we have not yet met met River Song.
Watching The Doctor's Daughter again now though, after getting to know River somewhat, I see so much of River Song in Jenny that it is just screaming at me there must be a connection.
They both basically do the whole sassy, sexy, good-with-guns thing, which could be a coincidence (and Jenny seems somewhat more 'innocent', which is not surprising since she is only a few hours old) .
But what is striking to me is that they play this character in ways which echo each other not just generally, but actually *very* closely, as if one of these gals had spent time with and learned from the other at some point, not just as if they are playing the same general type:
* When River escapes the Stormcage by kissing the guard with hallucinogenic lipstick, this echoes the way Jenny frees herself from a cell by distracting the guard with a kiss and stealing his gun.
* When Jenny wakes 'from the dead', scaring the wits out of the two guys preparing (what they thought was) her corpse for her funeral, she smiles broadly and drawls 'Hello Boys!', and that is River all over.
* And they are of course both rather good with guns.
Not that Jenny could BE River, not after ''that'' kiss. But could there be some other connection?
So what I am speculating is that perhaps, as Jenny was going around ''Saving planets, rescuing civilisations, defeating terrible creatures, and doing an outrageous amount of running'', she became lonely. Then, echoing her father, perhaps she collected up a few strays of her own.
So perhaps River was one of these, and Jenny influenced her strongly. Or, maybe River was the daughter of one of these companions, and River picked up mannerisms and attitudes from an already adult Jenny as River grew up.
So, all of the above was my first strand of evidence. My second is again very circumstantial:
(2) Why the continuing existence of Jenny? What has she done for us lately? Is she going to make another appearance in some way?
Originally Jenny was going to stay dead at the end of The Doctor's Daughter, but someone suggested that she be kept alive. Now this was obviously someone who loved the character, and by extension loved the potentials for future marvellous adventures that her continuing existence could give rise to. And the person who made this suggestion .... just happened to be ...... '''Stephen Moffat'''!
* ... '''is the death of the Doctor.''' (See below, next section)
* ...'''is the daughter of Captain Jack Harkness.'''
** Growing up with Jack, she heard many stories about the Doctor. She grew to idolize him and seek him out. Archeology? What's a better way to find a Time Lord than messing with ancient technology that could easily cause trouble? Her "murder" was a plan thought up between her and Jack to get the Angel. She "killed" him, he pretended to stay dead, she went to jail and was able to get to where she could deal with it.
*** Addendum: Her mother is Amy. Because we all know that if Amy and Jack met without The Doctor or Rory to step in it would end in some very crazy, very kinky, most likely Jack-killing (temporary, as always), sex.
*** Addendum to the addendum: She was conceived in the TARDIS on hers and Rory's wedding night, and so far as we can tell, there was no opportunity to have met Jack, not even if Miracle Day happened before the beginning of "The Impossible Astronaut" with the two.
* ...'''is a fez in disguise.'''
** ... or possibly a regenerated version of the fez she shot.
** The universe was rebooted. The fez she shot and the museum it came from never existed.
* ...'''is (or is somehow related to) Bad Wolf'''
** Not too far off the mark. She was conceived in the TARDIS as it travelled through the time vortex.
* ...'''is the Rani,'''
** ...'''but doesn't know it.'''
*** There's a pocket watch out there with her name on it. The 'human' forms of the Time Lords seem to be counter to their normal personalities. John Smith was (at first) meek, dull, and not overly adventurous; Yana was compassionate, kind, and wanted to do good; River is reckless, kind, an archaeologist (a joke of a career for a Time Lord), remorseful about killing, willing to pay for her crimes, and probably loves Children and Christmas.
*** What's more, it is the Rani herself who changed and asked the Doctor to help her and hide her watch. The Doctor found her, broken and lone, another victim of the Time War, in River's form. He realizes what's happened and tells the Rani of who she could be. The Rani, wanting a better life and a second chance, becomes River. That's also where she knows the Doctor's real name from.
**** To do a crossover with "what are the Silence?" theories: the Silence got hold of her pocket watch (or whatever her chameleon arch object it), and from it they learned all kind of scientific and technological information that's far in advance of anything else in the universe, since the Rani was one of the foremost scientific minds. Their ability to make people forget? The ultimate perception filter. That control room in "The Lodger" and "The Impossible Astronaut"? Their attempts to build a TARDIS based on the Rani's memories and knowledge.
*** [[Jossed]] on the Chameleon Arch front. She's the human daughter of Amy and Rory, but with Time Lord DNA
** ...'''on her last regeneration.'''
*** Somehow she was able to hide this from The Doctor (for a while), and supposedly being taught by him how to fly the TARDIS and read / write High Gallifreyan could be a fabrication as she would already know how to do so. Her recent appearance suggests that it's still somewhat early on in her personal timeline, as she's not yet a Professor. She ''is'' using The Doctor for something not yet revealed, but will either be foiled in her attempts or change her mind, and eventually be reformed.
*** Vastra suggests that she can regenerate, whether or not she's the girl from "The Impossible Astronaut". It's unknown if she's on her final regeneration as in "she can never regenerate", as on her death in "Forest of the Dead" she points out that even the Doctor (who still has at least three lives left at this point) wouldn't come back from using his mind to rescue 4022 saved.
*** Alternatively, as [[Doctor Who/Recap/S32/E02 Day of the Moon|"Day of the Moon"]] implies, she's the girl, and used up all her regenerations trying to keep alive until she met the Doctor. And that's why she killed him.
*** Confirmed, but in a roundabout way. In the episode, "Let's Kill Hitler", River poisons the Doctor to within an inch of death, but [[Heel Face Turn]]s at the last minute and uses [[Heroic Sacrifice|up all of her remaining Regenerations to save his life]]. So, it's NOT her 13th Regeneration, but it ''is'' her last, since she gave up all her future ones.
* ...'''is the Eleventh Doctor's first companion.'''
** River Song is a companion that the Doctor hasn't had yet, who first appeared in an episode written by Steven Moffat, who will be taking over as executive producer in 2010, which David Tennant may or may not be appearing in. River says the Doctor is younger than she's ever seen him - implying that, when she knew the Doctor, it was in another, older regeneration. Perhaps, in an inversion of their meeting in series 4, the newly-regenerated Doctor casts about time and space for someone he knows and ends up with River?
** The "picnic at Asgard" and "crash of the Byzantium" must be with the Tenth Doctor, or she wouldn't need to ask him about them. Of course, this doesn't necessarily mean the Eleventh Doctor won't also interact with her, but it can't be the first time they meet (from his perspective) after this episode.
*** C'mon, people, Song isn't surprised ''at all'' that the Doctor is in his 10th regeneration. She would immediately know that this isn't "her" Doctor if he looked like someone she saw die and regenerate. She only knew him as #10, although possibly centuries into this regeneration's future.
*** One way it could possibly work is if she knows him in at least three distinct regenerations (an "Asgard" regeneration, a "Byzantium" regeneration, and a "singing towers" regeneration), and has reason to believe he might have had more in the middle somewhere. And if the Doctor doesn't keep a photo album around (or at least doesn't keep it well-organized), so she doesn't immediately recognize Ten as being a pre-her regeneration. And if she doesn't actually see him until after he regenerates into Eleven.
**** On set pics from when they were filming the episode with River showed some kind of metal case with "Byzantium" on it. So the "Crash of the Byzantium" is the adventure they have when 11 meets her next.
** If she is a companion, she must be a sporadic one. Their timelines are not contiguous. This doesn't apply to the other companions - they experience events in the same order that he does, which (for whatever reason) is not the case for River. They know this, hence their system of comparing diaries.
** Maybe due to the [[Timey-Wimey Ball]], she did originally meet him as the tenth doctor, but now she does as the 11th.
** It's been confirmed River Song is returning in Matt Smith's first series by on set pics. It's not known though if it'll be her "First" meeting with the Doctor.
** Status: '''[[Jossed]].'''
* ...'''is the Doctor's Final Companion.'''
** The diary isn't just a record of River's various adventures with the Doctor, it's a record of his adventures with everyone. He told her all kinds of things he told none of the others - like his name - because he knew that when he died, none of his still-living selves from earlier in his personal timeline would have all the memories that he did. As to why she knows Ten, well, we still don't know everything he did in between seasons and specials.
** She does claim that the reason she was imprisoned is that she killed the greatest man she has ever known. Sounds like the Doctor to me. And if she was his companion when she did the deed, that would indeed make her his "last" companion.
* ...'''is Amy Pond.'''
** Ok, it's crazy and won't be true but I briefly had this thought. So far my only evidence for this is the following:
*** We know that Amy has already changed her name once.
*** Their hair colour.
*** Who can't see Amy using hallucinogenic lipstick?
*** In "The Big Bang", River gives Amy her TARDIS book. Except it's blank. And given that the [[Stable Time Loop]] is one of Moffat's favorite plot devices...
*** Didn't the writing come back when Amy brought back the Doctor though? I believe he gave it back to River at the end of the episode too.
** There's actually a decent amount of evidence for this one. [ Here's a list.]
** Denied by Moffat. The memories River revealed in "The Impossible Astronaut" pretty much disprove this, too.
** [[Jossed]] in canon by "A Good Man Goes to War", too. She's Amy's daughter.
* ...'''works for the Valeyard.'''
** Note: if Eleven is the Valeyard, then this will probably become true.
* ...'''is the Doctor's mother.'''
** Ask anyone in [[Real Life]] [[Only Known by Their Nickname|whom goes through life by a nickname only]] and, nine times out of ten, they'll say the only people whom insist on calling them by their true name are parents.
** Denied by Moffat.
** Plus, River and the Doctor kiss. It's Jossed.
* ...'''was a Gallifreyan bureaucrat who miraculously escaped the Time War before it became time-locked.'''
** She was on the Gallifreyan population control board.
** Plus River said that some one thought her how to fly the Tardis the some one? her husband.
** [[Jossed]]. She's the human daughter of Amy and Rory with Time Lord DNA as a quirk of when she was conceived. She was born long after Gallifrey was Time Locked.
* ...'''is the same person as [[Firefly|River Tam]].'''
** She grew up, got rid of the insanity that plagued her, and somehow changed ethnicity when she travelled to our galaxy. She then fell in love with the Doctor because he reminded her of how crazy she was; she missed that.
* ...'''has ''already'' had her travels with the Doctor, off-screen.'''
** After Ten lost Donna in such a heartbreaking manner, he rushed off to grab a companion who he knew wouldn't get a unhappy ending... well, living in a gigantic library for eternal un-deadness... let's say he wasn't thinking straight. He spent the equivalent of a ''holiday'' seducing and loving River. Then he reached the end [[Stable Time Loop|(thanks to River telling him)]] of their relationship; he then swore that he would never again put another human being through that. Enter "The Next Doctor," where he isn't a emotional wreck.
*** Not an emotional wreck? The Doctor specifically mentions near the end of that special that companions end up breaking his heart, and for the rest of his run he is pretty miserable. The end of ''Journey's End'' destroyed him like nothing had before, because he had to for all intents and purposes kill his best friend.
** Jossed. Even by the Series 6 opener, ''Eleven''''s only just starting to be romantic towards her.
* ...'''is a former companion of the Master.'''
** In ''The Time of Angels'', she says that she learned how to fly the TARDIS from the best—too bad the Doctor was busy that day. Assuming she wasn't just teasing him, then who ''did'' teach her? She was also apparently in prison, and that River was in prison for "killing a good man". So perhaps the Master taught her how to use the TARDIS, along with the awesomely smug attitude, and she first met the Doctor while traveling with the Master. Then, somewhere along the line, she killed the Master, landing her in prison.
*** That makes her Lucy Saxon.
*** Jossed on the Lucy Saxon front. Lucy and River died in two conflicting ways. Not to mention that Vivien Brook told Lucy that her backstory on Earth is clearly not faked, and that's how she figured old Harold Saxon was a fraud. Also, her first meeting was as a baby on "Demons Run", and the first she can remember was as a child when the Doctor crashed into her life, long before she could conceivably be incarcerated.
*** Rather than literally killing the Master, she would have "killed" everything he was if she was the one who threw the switch for his Chameleon Arch. What jury's going to buy "I didn't kill him, I just rewrote his entire genetic code and made him a different species" as a defense?
* ...'''is descended from Donna Noble.'''
** The metacrisis left an epigenetic imprint on Donna's DNA. A hundred generations later, the bloodlines reconverge on River Song - all her ancestors for the last 1500 years were descended from Donna in some way.
** This explains why River Song was overawed when meeting Donna, why she can fly the Tardis (and do things that the Doctor would never do, like using the stabilisers and turning the noise off), and why she speaks Old High Gallifreyan. She implies in ''Time of the Angels'' that her relationship with the Doctor is not marriage, but something much more complicated.
*** You're implying that knowledge of the language and TARDIS piloting skills are encoded in Time Lord DNA? How does that even make sense?
**** Yeah, you're right, a species who's members can rewrite their entire DNA at will to cheat death and who with the aid of a piece of technology the size of a pocket watch can transform themselves into whole new ''species'' having language or piloting skills encoded into their DNA makes no sense at all.
*** It's the Imprimatur of Rassilon - the epigenetic imprint she inherited was a copy of the Doctor's bond with the TARDIS. This explains the line "I learnt from the best - pity you were busy that day". The TARDIS taught her to fly it.
*** Jossed. River's parents were born circa the late 1980s-early 1990s and were Amy Pond and Rory Williams, long before Donna had her memories wiped in 2009 as a metacrisis and her marriage to Shaun Temple in 2010. Though she DID learn how to pilot the TARDIS from the TARDIS.
* ...'''''is''''' '''Donna Noble.'''
** She lived out her life with Shaun before succumbing to old age, but still had enough regeneration energy from the metacrisis to somehow be able to regenerate one time. This restored her memories and repaired her brain but she does not have a mind at the DoctorDonna level (or a second heart), but still retains much of the Doctor's knowledge. Perhaps through disorientation or choice she ended up in the 51st century, possibly through a crack in time. After recognizing her new form (albeit younger than when she saw her in the Library), the new identity of River Song was born, making her name and existence a [[Stable Time Loop]] as she had met Future!River many years before.
** Donna and the Doctor each considered the other to be her or his best friend more than anyone else, and knowing that River was going to have many adventures with and be very special to the Doctor, River decided to become who she is ''because'' of him. She knows full well how she is eventually going to die (and having the Tenth Doctor's memories, has ''seen'' it) but knows that, like many decades ago, the journey is more important than the destination and they'll be best friends again. The reason why she reacted the way she did over Donna in the Library was because it had been so long since she had seen that face that had once been her own that young, and because her own time was soon to be up. Seeing the Tenth Doctor again after so many years must have affected her deeply as well. She can also fly the TARDIS and read / write High Gallifreyan because of the Doctor's ''memories''
(this is also how she knows his name), meaning that [[From a Certain Point of View]] he ''did'' teach her. Also, in the case of the former, the Doctor was shown to be giving Donna rudimentary flying lessons near the beginning of ''The Sontaran Strategem''.
** The main reason River is adamant against giving out 'Spoilers' is because the Doctor does not know who she is during certain encounters, and eventually she plans on telling him [[Incredibly Lame Pun|when the time is right]], possibly by whispering something Donna would say into his ear (Spaceman?) paralleling the events of ''Silence In The Library''. Eventually, a part of her will also live on with the two 'children' she once had in the Library.
** All of this seems to be very unlikely as [[Word of God]] has said that no RTD-era companions will be appearing again, meaning that if River secretly ''is'' someone she is probably a character who appeared before but wasn't given official companion status, someone introduced by Moffat in Series 5+ , or a character from Old!Who.
*** Look at how prepared and willing Donna was to find the Doctor in ''Partners In Crime''. She also said that even if it'd take a hundred years, she would find him. If something like this is possible, then she would stop at nothing to be with the Doctor again.
** Another possible scenario is that due to Donna's unique situation, she gained multiple regenerations in addition to the Time Lord mind. After her first eventual death, she regenerated and became a complete Human / Time Lord hybrid (still with only one heart though), but at the permanent cost of all of her memories. The Doctor finds her and looks after her for a while, this being the first time from River's point of view that they meet (and the Doctor likely giving her the name of River Song in an example of a [[Stable Time Loop]]). Donna Temple-Noble is still, for all intents and purposes, dead, and the Doctor never tells River about who she used to be. River, meanwhile, has a mind well above and beyond any human and quickly adapts to a new life. Regardless if she has anymore regenerations or not, she eventually dies for good at the Library, and regeneration might not be a great choice in any circumstance since she's not a full Time Lord, and could a) still die or b) lose all of her memories again.
** [[Jossed]]. She was born to Amy Pond on Demons Run.
* ...'''is an Old Gallifreyan.'''
** River Song knew how to pilot the Tardis better than every Time Lord we've seen, and appears to have a longstanding knowledge of the Doctor. We all assume that it's future Doctors (11-13+ ) but it could very well be past Doctors as well. The Doctor seems to be able to recognize regenerations as the same person, however, Old Gallifreyan regeneration was different. The best evidence for this is that River could write in the Old High Gallifreyan language, which the Doctor is implied to be barely able to read. There are two known Old Gallifreyans, both of which good possibilities, which would be Susan Foreman and Patience, the Doctor's wife.
** [[Jossed]]. She was conceived after the Time Lock was closed, and she's mostly human.
* ...'''is a con artist who only pretends to be close to the future Doctor.'''
** She has assembled extensive knowledge of the Doctor, perhaps from publicly available sources like ''A Journal of Impossible Things'' and the Library, and now uses it to manipulate the Doctor to her advantage, pretending to be someone she knows in his future incarnations.
*** This leaves the opportunity open for a Stable Time loop in which River Song discovers a diary chronicling a human's adventures with The Doctor, uses it to manipulate him into (possibly among other things) taking her on marvelous adventures and teaching her about the Time Lords, over time Becoming the Mask and truly caring for The Doctor. After her Death in Silence in the Library, her diary is recovered, and finds its way into the hands of a young River Song, a researcher fascinated with time travel and the legends of the long dead Time Lords and that species' sole survivor.
** Jossed. Her affections are legit.
* ...'''is the TARDIS.'''
** There's precedent in the expanded universe for people becoming TARDISes. How about the other way around? What if River is a fragment of the TARDIS, in human form?
*** She knows the Doctor extremely well
*** She can pilot the TARDIS way better than the Doctor
*** She knows Old High Gallifreyan
*** The TARDIS can home in on her with pinpoint accuracy from 12,000 years away—the Doctor landed two years off his destination after a simple jaunt to the moon.
*** She carries a TARDIS-shaped diary
*** The TARDIS is always referred to as "she".
*** There exists an Alex Kingston quote re: River Song's ridiculously awesome heels - "Matt [Smith]’s got them. He kept them, not for himself personally but they’re around because he wanted them to be on the set of the TARDIS for evermore." Matt KNOWS and kept the shoes there not only because they're faboosh, but so she can acquire them there once she gains human form.
** It all fits, I tell you!
** Sorry, But As In [[Doctor Who/Recap/S18/E07 Logopolis|Logopolis]], A TARDIS inside a TARDIS Causes a Regression and Gravity Bubble, so, The theory Doesn't work.
*** And the TARDIS putting itself inside itself as per ''[[Doctor Who/Recap/2007 Ci NS Time Crash|Time Crash]]'' and ''[[Doctor Who/Recap/2011 Red Nose Day Special Space and Time|Space and Time]]'' also seriously messes things up.
** Actually, since River is in a different form, it could, much like how different regenerations can meet and have no problem, whereas if humans cross their timeline Bad Things Happen.
*** Sorry, no. The Fifth Doctor's TARDIS collided with the Tenth's and that still caused Bad Things to Happen.
** [[Doctor Who/Recap/S32/E04 The Doctor's Wife|"The Doctor's Wife"]] sets a precedence for the TARDIS inhabiting a human body. What's more, the TARDIS (which had already been established as knowing things that are going to happen) drops hints about a river.
*** Proves nothing. She was in earshot of River when she revealed herself.
*** River could also somehow be a Ganger of the TARDIS itself... River's form being what the TARDIS thinks she would look like as a human, albeit as a child who later grows up into the River we know and love.
*** [[Jossed]]. She's not a TARDIS ganger, she's the human (with a hint of the Temporal Schism) daughter of Amy and Rory.
* ... '''Is Prisoner Zero'''
** They are both prisoners, and prisoner zero was never killed by the giant eye thing. They both have the same delight in knowing things the doctor doesn't, and I think that they both mentioned the "pandorica". It's possible!
* ...'''is the Doctor's next regeneration.'''
** I'm honestly surprised no one else has said this.
** Just pointing this tidbit out:
{{quote|'''Dalek Supreme''': {{smallcaps|Only the Doctor can pilot the TARDIS.}}}}
*** But as we've seen every companion pilot the TARDIS at some point during the revived series, this is definitely unlikely. It's most likely that The Alliance was manipulated to believe only The Doctor could pilot the TARDIS, so they would get him away from the TARDIS for whomever it was manipulating them to blow it up.
**** Or maybe all the companions had been erased from history.
** Jossed. Jack is still in Torchwood, Sarah Jane appeared in a fourth series of ''[[The Sarah Jane Adventures]]'' (with Jo Grant as a guest) and Tegan, Ben, Polly, Ian, Barbara, Harry, the Brigadier, Liz and (implicitly) Ace are namechecked in the SJA episode ''Death of the Doctor'', which is set after the universe reboot and Amy and Rory's wedding. We also witness River's birth in "A Good Man Goes to War". Also, all of River's regenerations are accounted for.
* ...'''is her own person ''and'' the Doctor's next regeneration.'''
** A precedent is established in ''Destiny of the Daleks'' and more subtly in ''The Caves of Androzani'' for Time Lords regenerating into a form that resembles somebody else.
*** You mean she's two different people, like Astra and Romana, and Maxil and the Doctor?
* ... '''Is The Master'''
** He found a way back from death, but it required becoming a human woman.
** Jossed. She was born on Demon's Run.
* ... '''Is still alive.'''
** She regenerated when the Doctor had left-she was faking a death.
** Unlikely. Otherwise how did her data ghost store her consciousness? And why was she so eager to take the Doctor's place if HE could regenerate?
* ...'''a rejennyrated Jenny''' (see what I did there?).
** It'd be weird and slightly Squicky but sure, why not?
** She calls the Doctor "my love" in TBB. Squick to the power of squick.
*** I always thought [[Cargo Ship|she was saying that to the TARDIS.]]
**** Wouldn't that also be [[Les Yay]]?
** Jossed. We witness both Jenny and River's births.
* ... '''is Lucy Saxon.'''
** Lucy traveled with the Master to the end of the universe. Given that the Doctor isn't too keen on crossing his own timeline (or probably running across the Master), River going to the end of the universe is probably not a future event. This theory has problems (Lucy being dead, for one) but may still somehow be possible.
*** Another problem is that the journalist Vivien Rook pointed out that Lucy has a solid background check, while Saxon's photoshopped history paper-thin was obvious to the people resistant to the Archangel network of satellites.
* ... '''will come back from the dead in Series 6 / Season 32.'''
** It seems like a perfect twist. The furthest point in her timeline we have seen so far was in 'The Forest Of The Dead' when she had sacrificed herself before the Doctor worked out a way to preserve her consciousness in soul although her body had died. Season 5 showed that people can be 'revived' even if they were written out of history, provided they are, in some sense, 'not quite dead' i.e. their soul still exists, in this case in the void, and they are actively 'remembered' by a time-sensitive mind like Amy's. It seems not so great a leap for someone to 'rewrite' reality sufficiently to put River back in a physical body. Amy is obviously a contender for the one who brings her back, whether or not intentionally; she being the one who brought back Rory, the Doctor, and her parents. Also Amy and River seem to have developed a close relationship and trust in the course of their few encounters together. Another option is that River is resurrected in a similar way by an enemy of the Doctor's. Or she may never come back in the physical world, but manage to cross over into dreams or other simulated realities. The least likely option to me is that she return as an android or cyborg containing her consciousness, although this would be useful if they needed to recast her for some reason.
** Jossed.
* ....'''Is Captain Jack Harkness.'''
** Why? In the Big Bang she says "....that's when everything changes." Sounds familiar to anyone who's ever watched an episode of Torchwood. And doesn't halluciogenic lipstick sound like just the type of thing Jack would love?
** Not to mention, if we go with the whole 'Jack is the Face of Boe' theory, in one of the first season episodes it's mentioned in passing that the Face of Boe has revealed he's prgenant. Either this was a lie, or Jack's biology has overgone a major re-write (besides the giant head thing, obviously).
** Also, River's last words of "The Forest of the Dead" are:
{{quote|''Some days are special. Some days are so, so blessed. Some days, nobody dies at all. Now and then, every once in a very long while, every day in a million days, when the wind stands fair, and the Doctor comes to call...'' '''''everybody lives.'''''}}
** When's the last time we heard those words? At the end of Captain Jack's first adventure with the Doctor, [[Doctor Who/Recap/S27/E09 The Empty Child|The Empty Child]]/[[Doctor Who/Recap/S27/E10 The Doctor Dances|The Doctor Dances]]. How better to commemorate your last adventure with the Doctor than the words that marked the end of your first?
** Jossed. We see both River as a baby ("A Good Man Goes to War") and Jack as a little boy on the Boeshane Peninsula (''[[Torchwood]]'': "Adam").
* ...'''will not appear in Series 6 / Season 32.'''
** Simple deduction. She told The Doctor he would find out who she was soon, indicating that she will meet him for the first time while he is still in this body. However, she did not recognise Rory in ''The Pandorica Opens'', so we can conclude that she had never met him before then. Since Amy and Rory are still with The Doctor, and companions don't tend to leave mid-series (and no, I'm not accepting Rory leaving and Amy staying as a possibility). Although of course, they could meet an older version of her...
*** [[Jossed]]. She appeared prominently in six episodes. She doesn't remember Rory for the same reasons Amy doesn't, and she isn't erased from history likewise. "The Wedding of River Song" implies that she lies about not knowing them in earlier appearances too.
* ... '''Is a [[Gender Flip]] version of the Doctor.'''
** Come on. She's just like him. Sure, you're thinking, "But she acts like she's his wife in his future!" Of course she does. Can't you see the Doctor taunting himself like this? It makes even more sense if she's doing it to try and keep him from finding out who she is.
** While "The Almost People" clearly proves that the Doctor is in love with himself, Amy later gives birth to her later in the same episode.
* ... '''Is [[Doctor Who/Recap/S1/E06 The Aztecs|Cameca.]]'''
** The first woman we see the Doctor romantically involved with, despite the grumpiness of his first incarnation. To drive the point home, he actually got engaged to her. Clearly, she found some way to travel through time, eventually collected on his promise, and is now screwing with his later incarnations.
* ... '''Is Marilyn Monroe.'''
** River Song is always treating the Doctor as if he is her husband, and technically the Doctor is Marilyn Monroe's husband. They also both have curly hair. Marilyn Monroe went off with the Doctor and then later decided to stay in the future and build a career there, still having an occasional adventure with the Doctor.
* ... '''actually Amy's biological mother'''
** Amy's parents aren't her real parents; River traveled back in time and gave baby Amy up for adoption. It could explain how Amy's and River's personalities are so similar and the fact that the two deal with the Doctor and time travel.
** Barring [[My Own Grampa|implications]], [[Jossed]]. She's Amy's daughter.
* ... '''Is from the parallel earth'''
** The Doctor she first met was the one on Earth-2. It happened years later, after Rose had died and the Doctor there had aged into an old man. Note that when she first sees Ten she comments that he is "younger than I've ever seen you". She clearly isn't referring to physical age (Eleven looks younger, and she had met him by that point in her life). Well, maybe she isn't referring to "younger" in the absolute sense either; she met Ten before, but that was his half-human self who had aged. There was also a scripted scene (don't know if it was filmed or not) in Journey's End where the Doctor gives his clone a piece of the TARDIS so that he can grow his own. Maybe he did so, and had lots of adventures with Rose, who eventually died. The Doctor's next companion was River, but he was getting on in years, and knew that he would soon die (and not regenerate). So he trained River as his replacement; told her his real name, taught her to fly the TARDIS (he was better at it at that point), and eventually passed away. River found a way to break into our universe and hooked up with our Doctor.
** [[Jossed]]. It's up in the air whether meeting River as a baby counts as "the first time", but that doesn't change the fact that she was born in N-Space on an asteroid called Demon's Run.
* ... '''is a direct descendant of the royal family of Britain'''
** mainly because Liz10 in "The Beast Below" acts in a similar manner. Awesome gunslinger, quite hot, knows a lot about the Doctor - because stories are passed down through the family...also, Liz10 probably gave the longest continuous confusion to the Doctor on the subject of her identity, second only to River. Admittedly, that's three minutes compared to years or possibly eons, but it's still a record.
* ... '''is Queen Elizabeth I of England'''
** Combing the previous WMG with the ever-present theory that River is the Doctors (future) wife. She killed him because she's still pissed about the whole "Virginia" thing.
* ... '''is Idris'''
** The fourth episode of Series 6 is named 'The Doctor's Wife', and has the character of Idris who is said to be 'an old acquaintance with a new face'. That comment is actually from our point of view, since canonically we've seen River before Idris. She will die and regenerate into River, which will be the beginning of their long journey from her perspective.
*** The same Idris who was the last King Of Libya?
*** [[Jossed]], The Doctor's Wife is the TARDIS in a human body named Idris. Idris' body dies at the end of the episode.
* ... '''is Madam de Pompadour'''
** When Madam de Pompadour kissed the Doctor and/or when he read her mind/she read his mind, something happened to her. This might also explain why she knows his real name - she saw it when she was inside his mind. All of the mindreading the clockwork guys did might also have done something to her brain, making it more susceptible to the Doctor messing with it or something. Moffat wrote The Girl in the Fireplace, so maybe he planted that seed way back when?
** [[Jossed]]. Madame de Pompadour and River Song have mutually exclusive points of death.
* ...'''is Amy's Daughter'''.
** In "The Impossible Astronaut" Amy says she's pregnant. Why River? Why not?
** Seemingly implied is that she's the girl from Day Of The Moon, and has got a 'time head'.
*** A Good Man Goes To War confirms River is Amy's Daughter, Melody Pond. That's what her name translates to in the language of those living in the Gamma Forest.
* ...'''is pregnant'''.
** In "The Impossible Astronaut" both Amy and River are nauseous. We learn the cause of Amy's sickness, but River's isn't explained. Any theories on the identity of the theoretical father, besides the obvious?
*** No, it's noted in Day of the Moon that The Silence can cause this effect.
*** Random alternate theory: Little girl is River, and being in such close contact with herself from the past causes feelings of sickness.
*** Plausible. Let's Kill Hitler confirms she's the Little Girl.
* ...'''is the Doctor's Gallifreyan wife from before the Time War'''.
** She somehow survived the Time War, but her mind was broken after witnessing the destruction of her homeworld and the death of her entire species at the hands of her husband. To help her, the Doctor lets her use the chameleon arch to become a human with no memories of the Time War. What River perceives as her first meeting with the Doctor (when she was young and impressionable) and the moment when she first became so attached to him is actually moments after she was transformed from a Gallifreyan into River Song; the reason that the Doctor knew everything about her is because ''he helped to design her new memories and personality''. But just like the Doctor began to emerge from John Smith in fits and starts, part of the Doctor's wife starts emerging from River, and she essentially falls in love with the Doctor as a result of already being in love with the Doctor. In turn, the Doctor recognises so much of his wife in River that he falls in love with her all over again. They fall into the dynamic of a married couple so easily because they're already married.
** [[Jossed]]. She was born to human parents after the Doctor instigated the Time Lock, and has Time Lord DNA due to being conceived inside the Temporal Schism.
* '''is Omega.'''
** Think about it- we know Omega is in the new season. It's entirely possible that the end of the Time War screwed him and his timeline over so that he got born as a woman-or managed to squeeze his way out of that antimatter universe of his.
*** No we don't? When was Omega confirmed to be in series 6?
** This might also be a good way to refer to the Cartmel Masterplan. Not only does s/he ''now'' have a crush on the doctor, he'll claim that he ''always'' had a crush on the doctor, even Back Then, when The Doctor was The Other.
* ... '''is [[The Magic School Bus|Ms. Frizzle]]'''
** And she killed the doctor to steal his TARDIS so she could take her class on adventures. Sadly, shortly after this, she was caught and put in Stormcage.
*** Nope.
* ... '''is the Silence'''.
** She was first introduced by ''Silence in the Library''. She was in the Tardis when it exploded in ''The Pandorica Opens''. During ''Day of the Moon'', Amy was told she would "bring the Silence". As of ''A Good Man Goes to War'', we know River Song is Amy's daughter.
** No, just a pawn of them.
* ...'''is The Silence'''
** "The Silence" being her ''Time Lord Title.''
* ...'''Is a Lying Liar Who Lies'''
** She somehow has the ability to know exactly what needs to be said to get people to trust her - probably because she's so out of sync with everyone else, she can get the spoilers ahead of time and use them to give her the advantage.
** She knew about Melody Pond's disappearance, and planned for it. She took the name River Song specifically because she could use it to later claim she was Melody. Everyone believed her, even the Silents, hence their insistence that Amy would "bring The Silence".
*** Pretty much confirmed.
=== The Doctor never told River his name ===
* She just read it off his cot at the end of ''A Good Man Goes To War''
=== The man River killed--the "best man [she] ever knew"--was or is... ===
* ...'''...the Doctor.'''
** But don't worry - Time can be over-written.
*** Then why was Father Octavian so mistrustful of the Doctor, if he knows him as a hero?
**** Being a good man, and a hero, doesn't mean you aren't a complete madman either.
*** The question is, what reason did she kill him for? If there was a good reason why doesn't he forgive her and bust her out of stormhold prison? And if it was a bad reason why are the two on such good terms in the future?
**** She killed him because she didn't know him yet. She seems to have a bit of a shady past anyways, so it's not too far of a stretch to think that he was trying to stop her from doing something and she acted in what she thought was self-defense. If she flees the scene (or is arrested) before he regenerates, that would explain why she kept trying to play catch up with Ten when he first met her, even though (at least as far as we know) she never saw that incarnation of him again. She really only ever knew Eleven, and assumed that Ten was a later regeneration as opposed to a previous one...
*** it also ties in, very neatly, with her death. A [[Stable Time Loop]] where her ''last'' meeting with the Doctor (her death) is his ''first'' meeting with her. We then follow the Doctor's timeline of adventures with her, [[Timey-Wimey Ball|where each is one step backwards in her timeline]] until we reach her ''first'' meeting with the Doctor, where she kills him (so becoming his ''last'' meeting). [[Steven Moffat|The Grand Moff]] could not possibly pass up such an elegant time loop, with each end anchored by a characters death.
** Not sure if this counts as wild but this seems the most obvious choice. It also syncs well with the above River is a companion of the Master theory. This is how Eleven will regenerate into Twelve.
** Except she didn't kill this incarnation or a future one; she caused Eight to regenerate into Nine.
*** Why doesn't he remember?
**** The more think about it, the more I'm convinced that it's NOT the Doctor whom she kills. I mean, she was locked up for it, right? Well the Doctor is virtually a myth, a story to the people on earth and not even that (maybe even moreso now since the universe rewrote itself). He barely exists and he's certainly not considered as a human citizen (or an ''anything'' citizen for that matter.) How can you be locked up for killing a ''story''?
** I don't think so. In the Series 6 premiere, The Doctor dies. River then says to Amy and Rory that she is not afraid of the Doctor's death, as well as her own. There will be a worse day coming.
*** I assumed the "worse day" was the day she "looks into the Doctor's eyes, and he doesn't have a clue who she is."
** In the Series 6 premiere River is the one in the spacesuit who kills the Doctor and an earlier version of herself gets sent to jail for the crime. The yonger River is shown the evidence of the crime so even though she has not killed the Doctor yet in her personal time line she still tells people that she killed the best man she's ever known because she knows she will kill the Doctor one day.
*** The River in the spacesuit is the younger version after she's done some research not long after the end of LKH. The one with Rory and Amy is a much later version (they sync'd diaries and was implied that to both of them, they've then done plenty of adventures together). When he tells Spacesuit!River to look over she asks how can she be there and the Doctor says "that's your future self" saying how she's serving prison time for the murder she's about to commit but won't personally remember doing.
* Alternatively The Doctor that River kills is the Ganger! Version. While we do see that Ganger!Doctor melts into a puddle in the end of The Almost People, it doesn't mean that he didn't regenerate. It's quite possible that he survived the attack and also goes to the Battle of Demon's Run, albeit on [[The Slow Path]] and gets killed by River.
* After the events of "A Good Man Goes to War", I think that that could've easily been the real Doctor, and that River Song is the one in the spacesuit.
** 1) She was conditioned from birth to kill the Doctor.
** 2) We have it on somewhat good word that that was "certainly" the Doctor, and he was "most certainly" dead. I don't think the Moff would cheat his way out of that one too simply.
** 3) River is in Stormcage for killing "The best man she ever knew". Could be either the Doctor or Rory honestly but for the sake of the theory let's say it's definitely the Doctor.
** 4) The Arc words "Time can be rewritten" are closely tied to River.
** I'm thinking that Steven Moffat wouldn't stoop so low as to undo River's death (or sorta-death) from Silence in the Library, and the [[Arc Words]] seem more important than they did at first. I believe that younger!River killed the Doctor, but by the end of this series that event will somehow be worked out; the Doctor lives, and River doesn't have to go to prison for homicide (although she still might, in case it's needed to prevent a time paradox).
** If she did kill the Doctor, it would have likely been before she truly knew him. Leading up to her becoming [[The Atoner]], helped possibly by a regeneration.
* '''CONFIRMED'''... kinda. It wasn't ''really'' the Doctor: he faked his own death in order to disappear from the public eye, and River knew this, but she took the rap anyway because the Doctor's "death" is a fixed point in time.
* ...''' Captain Jack Harkness.'''
** The Face of Boe, they called him.
** Evidence:
*** It's implied the man River killed was well known in her own time. The only existing character who fits that bill, other than the Doctor, is Jack.
*** Two things almost always show up in the series finales: the [[Arc Words]], and Captain Jack. We know we'll see River again "when the Pandorica opens," so it's quite likely River and Jack will be in the same episode.
*** What would happen if you fed a "fixed point" into a temporal eraser, anyway? If the Doctor could close the crack temporarily, maybe Jack could close it permanently.
*** The Rift was closed in ''[[Torchwood the Lost Files]]''. Jack did not turn up in "The Pandorica Opens".
** And Jossed.
* ...'''a brand new character who will be introduced in the beginning of "The Pandorica Opens" and killed off in the end of the two-parter—presumably in self-defense or desperation or after being possessed, because we can't have River Song actually being nasty or morally ambiguous.'''
** (I'm sorry, but it irks me to see how many fans shout loudly that it's ''obviously'' the Doctor. They obviously haven't been baited by the writers long enough.)
** Also, she'll turn herself in, just to make sure the audience will still like her...I mean, [[Stable Time Loop|coincide with the timeline]].
*** Jossed, at the start of Pandorica Opens, River Song's already in prison for the presumed murder.
* ... '''Rory Williams.'''
** Someone want to make an argument for me? I can't seem to put a coherent thought line together for this one.
*** River is Amy Pond, and Rory is certainly the "best man" she refers to and a hero to many.
*** With the reveal, the best man many girls know is their father - voila
** Jossed.
* ...'''her husband.'''
** In order to save the Universe. Or something. River said The Doctor's "too complicated" to be married to her, although she didn't specifically deny it. Also, that comment about weddings, the "honey I'm home" could all be a very ironic game they're playing. The "everything changes" line could imply that the Doctor will never see himself in the same light again when he sees what people will do for him.
** Confirmed, in a manner of speaking.
* ...'''a "best man", as in a best man at a wedding.'''
** All the "best man she ever knew" stuff was just her idea of humour.
** Jossed.
* ... '''herself, in a former regeneration, which also happens to be a future regeneration of the Doctor.'''
** The Doctor - probably twelfth or later, as River considers both Ten and Eleven to be very young - goes into a situation in the full knowledge that he will not come out of it without having to regenerate. His companion, who has met River and knows about the "killed the greatest man she ever knew" thing but who does not know about regeneration, does not see the actual regeneration event. The companion jumps to conclusions when it's not the Doctor he or she knows who emerges from the wreckage but River. River!Doctor sticks with the story that she "killed" her former self to maintain the timeline (she knows that River Song spends quite some time imprisoned for murder) and because she feels some regret at having to end that particular incarnation when she did.
** Implausible, all of River's regenerations are accounted for.
* ''' is [[Ensemble Darkhorse|THE]] [[Cool Hat|FEZ]] '''
** She later realized that [[Bow Ties Are Cool|Fezzez are cool]] and deeply regretted her mistake. She turned herself in to the authorities for murdering the greatest hat of all time.
*** The authorities of a [[Planet of Hats]]? I'm fairly certain you cannot legally murder a hat even in Whoniverse!Britain.
*** Incredibly unlikely. The Fez is from a universe where Stormcage doesn't exist. Plus, the museum probably doesn't exist in the rebooted universe in the state it was in.
** Jossed.
* '''is Jeff'''
** Probable 'Best Man' at Amy and Rory's wedding, referred to as the Doctor's 'Best Man' at the conference, and hero to many for spreading the 000 virus. Of course, it's ironic because- (see [[Big Bad]] entry below)
** Jossed.
* Vincent van Gogh
** She made it look like a suicide.
** Jossed.
* '''is [[The Order of the Stick|Elan]]'''
** He ''is'' [ the best man Haley ever met], maybe also the best man River ever meets, too?
** Jossed.
* ...JFK.
** Jossed.
=== River learned to fly the TARDIS... ===
...from the TARDIS itself. Remember how she said she "learned from the best" and said how it wasn't the Doctor since he was busy doing other stuff?
May have been achieved with some kind of telepathic connection, similar to the one Sexy had with Rory.
* Confirmed in '''Let's Kill Hilter'''. The Doctor was indeed very busy.
=== River Song is the TARDIS ===
So, despite the heavy Doctor/River shipping that's been happening, Moffat randomly decides to throw in an episode where we see a much longer-lived relationship cast into the limelight? In an episode called ''The Doctor's Wife''? When River has been heavily implied to be just that? It all makes sense now! At some point, the TARDIS comes to life again, as River! Perhaps it was even the Doctor meeting River in the first place that put the idea in her mind.
* [[Jossed]]. She's not the TARDIS. Also, Gaiman had apparently been planning this episode since the time the Ninth/Tenth Doctor TARDIS room was still in use.
=== River Song gets a happy ending ===
* River does get her consciousness saved into a computer by the end of ''Forest of the Dead,'' but at the end of the whole [[Matt Smith]] series, we'll cut back to River but now it'll show that the Doctor would have managed to save a copy of himself in that Sonic Screwdriver.
=== River Song's diary was or will be stolen from the Library. ===
The Doctor really shouldn't have just left it behind. All it would take for someone malicious is to sneak in there while the day of amnesty is still in effect (to not get eaten by the Vashta Nerada), and use the knowledge within to wreak havoc on the universe, especially against the Doctor. Time really will be rewritten, and not in a good way.
=== River Song is the first Time Lord. ===
Or at the very least the root of their society. Either by being the first ancestor of the people that would evolve into them, or by giving them the knowledge of the Time Vortex in the first place.
* Jossed, though she did come into existence in a similar way the early Time Lords did.
** Not necessarily. She's a time traveller. It's entirely possible that she could go back in time and become the first of the Time Lords.
** Through the Time Lock? No...
=== There is an incarnation of River between Mels and the Astronaut. ===
At the end of Day of the Moon, we see the girl in the Astronaut suit start regenerating in 1969/1970 New York City. In Let's Kill Hilter, River says last time she regenerated, she ended up a toddler in the middle of New York. However, she is roughly the same age as Amy throughout their childhood, and Amy is ''not'' 40 years old. Certain sources say Amy was born in 1984, which means there is a gap of 14 years between known regenerations. The events of this gap will presumably explain who took care of River as a toddler and who brought her to England to grow up with her parents.
* Jossed. River ''is'' the Astronaut, and we know there's no one between Mels and River. Therefore, any in-between incarnations would have to be between New York Suit Girl and Mels.
=== From now on, we'll see Nina Toussaint-White as Melody Pond / River Song. ===
We know that River/Melody's and the Doctor's timelines run in opposite directions. So, either one of these timelines (or maybe both) is already seriously screwed up somehow, or we'll see Nina Toussaint-White as Melody Pond from now on.
* Their timelines don't actually run backwards; if they did, the diaries would be pretty useless.
** Also, keep in mind that River expected the Tenth Doctor to know her and have a diary. The "present day" Eleventh Doctor hasn't been shown to be keeping a diary yet (although probably is as of "Let's Kill Hitler"). This can only mean River initially thought the Tenth Doctor was a later incarnation, so even she didn't take the "living backwards" thing entirely literally.
=== The "X is a Time Lord" meme on TV Tropes is soon to be replaced by "X is River Song". ===
The little Time Lady, Melody Pond and Mels have all been revealed to be past selves of River Song. If this happens to one more character, people will start seeing her everywhere.
=== An episode soon will involve the River of the Library. ===
Did anyone else catch the line in the episode with House? "The only water in the forest is the River" (Or something extremely close). Now, what have we seen about forests? A certain episode called Forest of the Dead, perhaps? Which just happened to have River Song's final resting place (If one can call it that) inside? Food for thought, at the very least...
** probably Jossed given the meaning of that phrase.
== Unsorted ==
Line 1,146 ⟶ 799:
=== Idris is... ===
* ...A projection of the TARDIS
** There's some [ support]{{Dead link}} for this one.
*** Semi-Confirmed. Not a projections, but literally the TARDIS trapped in a human body.
* ...A living vortex. Inter-Dimensional Rift In Space
Line 1,187 ⟶ 840:
=== Flesh (from The Rebel Flesh) is based upon Vespene tech. ===
Because I recall that The Doctor mentioned there being alien technology involved in the process, and the process seems to be akin to that of the Vespene duplicates. It also would explain Rory's empathy, as he remembers being a Vespene duplicate.
* Don't you mean Nestene? As in Auton-Nestenes? [[StarcraftStarCraft|Vespene]] is sort of a gas....
* I think Rory would probably be sympathetic anyway; the only real difference between the situation he was in and that of the Gangers is that the original Rory wasn't around when he was an Auton.
Line 1,392 ⟶ 1,045:
=== The Eleventh Doctor will snog Rory before he leaves as a companion ===
* Ten made out with most if not all his companions, to the point of Tennant jokingly regretting that "I didn't get to snog Bernard Cribbins…I- I got to snog all the other ones." Meanwhile, Eleven's gotten a kiss out of both Amy and River, but has only given Rory a loving kiss on the forehead that's easy to miss. The Doctor also seems to have a thing for girls who's names start with R as mentioned in the non-spoilers WMG page, Romana, Rose, River... and then there's Rory. Companion of the most confused for gay/bi Doctor yet... while it might sound like just slash humor and wishful thinking, given Eleven's lack of personal space and such combined with Rule of Funny I still could see a quick kiss on the lips after an important event happening just to complete the trio.
** Confirmed in the comic, scan here [\]
Line 1,403 ⟶ 1,056:
=== Madame Kovarian is a previous regeneration of River Song. ===
In [ this] trailer, you can see River dressed up as her very briefly, including the eye patch. Given that River and Kovarian look nothing alike, this obviously isn't a disguise.
Madame Kovarian hates the Doctor with a passion, and for what better reason: She was told that her parents had either abandoned her or were killed because of the Doctor, and wants to destroy him because of it. This also creates a massive [[Stable Time Loop]] in which she only knows this by her own future self indoctrinating her, and that in effect River is the [[Big Bad]] this season. It's especially painful for the present River because all of it has already happened to her and she can't change a single thing or do much to help.
Line 1,647 ⟶ 1,300:
* ...'''every enemy of the Doctor who ''didn't'' show up in "The Pandorica Opens".'''
** This includes Omega, The Meddling Monk, The Rani, and because it just wouldn't be a party without him......
[[Back Fromfrom the Dead|THE]] [[Arch Enemy|MASTER!]] Why are they doing it? Because last I checked, [[A God Am I|Time lords can a ascend to a higher level of existence after nuking the Universe.]] They conviently left this part out when then manipulated the [[Legion of Doom|Enemy Alliance]] into eliminating the Doctor.
** This may also include Prisoner Zero. His voice resembles the voice in the TARDIS saying "Silence will Fall". Also, he is the first monster to introduce the prophecy of the Pandorica opening. Furthermore, Prisoner Zero may be one of three "Beasts Below". The other "Beasts" are a Starwhale and a rather bothersome central recurring character that can be noticed in "Flesh and Stone" and "The Lodger" (if you look hard enough). All three Beasts Below may have the power to encourage the TARDIS to explode.
* ..'''has a base on Mercury.'''
Line 1,680 ⟶ 1,333:
* ...'''The Doctor himself'''
** He's practically a borderline [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]]. At some point,part of the Doctor snapped and engineered the whole thing to get rid of the pain he's suffered. The Doctor doesn't know this because its a sub-conscious desire; this has manifested into the Dream Lord, making the above WMG also true. Think about it-who knows more on how the TARDIS works than the Doctor? Series 6 will involve the Doctor trying to fight his inner demons, and the climax will be him regenerating into the 12th Doctor. For good measure,the dark side of the Doctor will split into a physical body-aka the Valeyard. Of course, there's the possibility it's all just a [[Xanatos Gambit]] to alter reality enough, so that he can alter history without consequence/go back and stop the Time War/both. Time Lord Victorius and all that...
** Here's an alternate take on that. Throughout New Who, the Doctor's companions seem to be getting ''horribly'' screwed over. This will culminate in Amy and Rory suffering a [[Fate Worse Than Death]], either because the Doctor wasn't clever/quick enough to stop it, or even indirectly ''because'' of his actions. This leads to the Doctor undergoing a [[Freak-Out]] of ''massive'' proportions, going from [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]] into a [[Knight Templar]] [[Chaotic Evil]] [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] for his 12th Regeneration, and then tries to [[Set Right What Once Went Wrong]]... EVERY wrong that ever happened or ever will, making the entire universe fit his definition of "right" - sort of becoming a combination of [[Shaman King|Hao Asakura]], [[Nineteen Eighty-Four|Big Brother]], [[Bleach|Sosuke Aizen]], [[Darkseid]], and [[The Lord of the Rings|Sauron]]. The conflict will revolve around Series/{{Torchwood}}, UNIT, Sarah Jane Smith, and all the other Companions from Classic Who trying to stop/redeem [[A God Am I|the Time Lord Victorious]], until he finally gets a [[Heel Realization]] and dies, but shunts his evil into a new being (the Valeyard), before finally becoming the Thirteenth Doctor, and the next season after that will feature The Valeyard as the Big Bad, and the Doctor's attempts to put his darkness down for good.
* ...'''The TARDIS from The Lodger'''
** See the last WMG on this page.
Line 1,715 ⟶ 1,368:
Why else would people be wearing them? They all can't be losing their right eyes. Remembering the Silence's presence would help things tremendously. This would mean the Eyepatch Lady is willingly following their orders, however.
* I'll repeat a WMG from higher on the page: The eyepatches have an image of the Silence on the inside. If you're always looking at a picture of the Silence, you won't forget.
** But [[TheresThere Is No Kill Like Overkill]].
* Bizarrely, confirmed. Although it seems to be a bit more high-tech than "picture of the Silence on the inside".
Line 1,914 ⟶ 1,567:
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