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** Jossed by "Epitaph Two" - neither Alpha nor Echo had sufficient skills to build the device, only Topher did.
== Alpha is [[Firefly (TV series)|Wash]]. ==
Wash is a [[Doctor Who|timelord.]] {{spoiler|When he died}} in ''Serenity,'' Zoe and Mal left too early for them to see the {{spoiler|regeneration energy}}. He then left to come to the 21st century and was caught up with the Dollhouse. Eventually, he was turned into an Active. As for why {{spoiler|he still looks the same after his regeneration}}, maybe he's found a way to control his regeneration. His TARDIS? Probably one of those plastic dinosaurs on the console in the cabin.
* If he's a time lord, then he wouldn't need to regenerate because only one of his hearts was pierced. He was perfectly fine and he faked death
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* It seems that the Actives have more than just experience or skills. They seem to be closer to manufactured versions of Taskmaster from [[Marvel Comics]] (or for a less obscure reference, that chick with superhuman muscle memory from ''[[Heroes (TV series)|Heroes]]''). They don't seem entirely human. They seem "better". As the cop chasing after the Dollhouse explained, you ''can'' hire the world's best whatever...but Dollhouse can give you better for a slightly higher fee.
** He went to the Dollhouse instead of somebody else because he already had a relationship with them. DeWitt does call him a "valued customer," after all.
* You may be able to hire the best hostage negotiator currently alive, but the Dollhouse can mix and match the personality to make you a better one than any who ever lived. More importantly, the hostage thing was an emergency which the manager didn't seem eager to respond to. Judging by what we've seen so far, on ordinary day to day assignments, the Dollhouse is like a luxury whorehouse, only it can give you what money can't buy you anywhere else: Authenticity. The Dollhouse can set you up with a date who has ''genuine'' feelings for you; it can give you the real thing, whatever that is to you. This is something people are willing to pay any price for: [http\%5C] [http\%5C] There's no doubt about the marketability and profitability of such an enterprise. Getting it known among your customers while keeping it secret from the rest of the world (so secret that the rest of the world doesn't believe it exists) is a different matter.
** As for the source of the imprints, here's a theory: Psychology/Medical studies. The people bankrolling the Dollhouse obviously have a strong network in the mental sciences, so it's not too much of a stretch to think that people who sign up for clinical studies are being recorded for imprints.
* There's discretion. You can hire the world's best X, but then you have to depend on the expert valuing confidentiality. Or you can make a temporary X and know that once the job is done, no one will know that you hired a bank robber, assassin, or someone to do [[Girl Genius|something with a tea cozy and only one spoon for forty-three hours]].
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== Eventually, if the show runs long enough, Echo WILL be rented by a woman. ==
There's no way that isn't on the schedule to happen at some point. [[Joss Whedon]] gets credit from the left for not side-stepping the issue of homosexuality; he has a ready made "don't judge" moral (someone important in the woman's life disapproves and tries to kill them); and there's plenty of opportunity for [[Fan Service]].
* Topher will [[Firefly (TV series)|be in his bunk.]]
* According to [ this] interview, no homosexuality for the first 13 episodes. It will show up in the second season, assuming they don't get [[Screwed by the Network|screwed]] again.
* Thrown a bone by Episode 9, in which Dr. Saunders mentions that homosexual encounters are the most popular reason Dolls are rented out.
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== The Dollhouse is the centuries-prior predecessor to the Academy. ==
[[Firefly (TV series)|The Academy]] makes use of powerful mental control and subliminal messaging to control its agents. This could easily be a refined version of the basic imprinted personalities used on the Actives. Over five centuries, they improved the technology to its present state in the ''[[Firefly (TV series)|Firefly]]'' Verse, though it seems they can't quite get the tech to develop psychic powers to produce perfectly mentally stable agents....
* So, keep your eyes open for the episode where an Active goes berserk after seeing an ad for Nature Valley granola bars! (All right, [[FOX]] would have to pay for that [[Product Placement]], but still...)
** But wait, wasn't that [[Universal]]?
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* [[Doctor Who|The Doctor]] is a Doll on assignment. The TARDIS is his handler.
** I think my brain just imploded...
** The Time Lords invented imprinting technology and the Dollhouse are actually using stolen tech they found inside Wash's crashed TARDIS. (see "Alpha is [[Firefly (TV series)|Wash]]" above)
*** The Dollhouse technology is simply a modified Chameleon Arch, stolen from Wash's TARDIS.
** The Time Lords actually sent the Doctor out on assignments, which he interprets as his rebellious misadventures, which the Time Lords knew would prevent greater disaster, so he is essentially a Sleeper Active. But now that the Time Lords are gone, he is a Doll with no assignment, which creates his angst.
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== {{spoiler|At least 75% of this page has been Jossed in the old-school sense of the term by "Epitaph One".}} ==
== Epitaph One is the seed of the [[Firefly (TV series)|Firefly]] universe. ==
In the [[After the End|future]] of Epitaph One, [[Earth-That-Was]] could no longer sustain us - due to all the {{spoiler|remote imprinting tech}} and the mess it made of the world.
* The solution to the mess was to settle on a new planet on the rim (of a new solar system), called Safehaven. This, and similar settlements would eventually form the Independents.
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For clarification, Actives are people (volunteers) whose minds have been wiped and who can be "imprinted" with any personality and hired out for jobs or "engagements", sometimes of dubious morality. When needed, they can be wiped and imprinted with a personality that can be of use to the Dollhouse rather than used for engagements {{spoiler|(such as [[The Medic|Dr. Saunders]])}}. Perhaps Megan Fox just couldn't cut it as a Doll? (Incidentally, this would also explain
Also, compare [ Echo] to [ Megan]{{Dead link}} - notice the similar dead eyes and surreal expressionless faces?
* No way. If she was an Active, [[Take That|she'd be better at acting]]. And would be less of a resentful bitch in interviews. I mean, if she's an active, why the smeg did they pick ''this'' useless personality to go with that [[Ms. Fanservice|body]]?