"Do not try this at home. Your house isn't nearly tall enough, OK?"
Tutorial Narrator (Bruce Campbell), Spider-Man movie videogame

Jory: We may make this look easy, but trust us, it is.

Jonny: You still shouldn't try it at home, though.
"Kids, don't use Formula One race cars to chase hedgehogs."
Sonic, Sonic X

"Disclaimer: Please DO NOT test this theory by throwing your cat out a window, an airplane, or whatever. Even if it were to survive the fall, it may not survive landing on something pointy or having its little heart explode. I will NOT have dead kitties on my conscience."

"Now you know how it's done. But i don't recommend that you try it at home. You don't know what to do when something goes wrong.
Harry Dresden, Storm Front
‎"...if you were to, like, blenderize a live sea sponge and then leave the sponge smoothie to settle overnight, you'd wake up the next morning to find the surviving cells had found each other and were reforming themselves into a sea sponge again. Try doing THAT with any other animal, actually NO DO NOT TRY DOING THAT WITH ANY OTHER ANIMAL"