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He got the job, and he created Donald Duck and Scrooge McDuck comics from 1987 to 2005. Because he was a great fan of ''[[Carl Barks|The Good Duck Artist]]'', he created what can be considered an [[Expanded Universe]] based on the Duck-master's works. That is to say, he used [[Continuity Porn]], lots of Continuity Porn. Even Carl Barks told him he did too much Continuity Porn, but he didn't listen. He even dedicated all his comics to Carl Barks by hiding the word D.U.C.K. (Dedicated to Uncle Carl from Keno) on the first page of each story.
Rosa is known for his quirky drawing style and epic storylines, best exemplified by ''[[The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck]]'', his personal [[Magnum Opus]]. Since Uncle Scrooge is his favorite character, Rosa's longest and best stories deal with the [[Anti -Hero|complex]] and [[Badass]] elder duck.
For those who consider Disney comics childish stories for five-year-olds, Rosa's style of making comics may be a surprise. The artist is known for [[Shown Their Work|doing ridiculously extensive research]], basing much of his adventure stories on real historical factlets and making sure all the possible science in his comics is valid. In ''[[The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck|Life and Times]]'', he [[Historical in In-Joke|drops famous people from the late 19th and early 20th century to Scrooge's life here and there]], but always makes sure they were around that area around that time.
Another notable feature of Rosa's work is his unveiling of the [[Tangled Family Tree|Duck Family Tree]], based on random [[Remember the New Guy]] characters from Barks' stories.
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'''Donald''': "Thif"?<br />
'''Arpin Lusene''': Not "thif", you iddy-ott! '''Thif!''' }}
* [[Gentleman Thief]]: Arpin Lusene (an [[expy]] of [[ArseneArsène Lupin]])
* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: Especially "What did Scrooge and Goldie did [ in that shack] [ that one night?]", found in his own commentary.
* [[Great Big Book of Everything]] The Junior Woodchucks' Guidebook. This is [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded]] ''and'' [[Justified Trope|explained]].
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* [[Take a Third Option]]: Rosa had a bit of trouble with naming the star of ''Guardians of the Lost Library''. It starts with Donald and the nephews, but then once Scrooge comes in, the plot follows him, leaving Donald behind. So was it a Donald story or a Scrooge story? He decided to go with Scrooge, but when other countries labelled it as a Huey, Dewey and Louie/Junior Woodchucks story, he realized that made perfect sense, yet he never considered that as an option.
* [[Scenery Porn]]
* [[Self -Made Man]]: Scrooge. The point being that the "making" was more important to him than "getting made" in the first place.
* [[Shaggy Dog Story]]: Scrooge, as he is unable to become a Junior Woodchuck and legally get his hands on a copy of their famous guidebook, goes hunting for the remains of the Library of Alexandria in an attempt to obtain something that can rival it in knowledge. {{spoiler|That Junior Woodchuck guidebook? Yeah, it's what the contents of the Library eventually got turned into... After chasing the library the world over, his goal ends up being the only book in the world he ''can't'' obtain}}.
* [[Shout Out]]: Rosa never wrote any Mickey Mouse stories, but that doesn't keep him from littering various Hidden Mickeys within his stories.
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* [[Time Stands Still]]: ''On Stolen Time''; played with in ''Super Snooper Strikes Back''.
* [[Unusually Uninteresting Sight]]: Twice in ''A Matter Of Some Gravity''.
* [[Villain Team -Up]]: ''A Little Something Special''
* [[Wonderful Life]]: ''The Duck Who Never Was'' does this to Donald. [[Tear Jerker|It works]].
* [[What Happened to The Mouse?]]: The second generation of Beagle Boys, last seen at the end of chapter ten of [[The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck|Life and Times]] when Blackheart Beagle tells them to get married and start families [[I Want Grandkids|so there would be more Beagle Boys]]. The next time Scrooge meets Beagle family is forty-five years later in chapter twelve, when it's already Blackheart plus his grandsons. The middle generation is never mentioned again.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: Scrooge and Arpin Lusene.
* [[Older Hero vs. Younger Villain]]: Scrooge to several members of his [[Rogues Gallery]].