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'''Keno Don Rosa''' is a big fan of [[Carl Barks]] who eventually got promoted to write the official [[Donald Duck]] stories in the spirit of ''[[Carl Barks|The Good Duck Artist]]''. He is one of those rare few writers who have managed to make an excessive use of [[Continuity Porn]] into great stories, and is widely regarded as one of the best things that ever happened to Disney comics.
Up until his retirement, he had executive power over the Duck family canon, and brought the world some seriously great [[Arc Welding]] in the process.
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* [[Comic Book Time]]: Averted, Rosa set all of his stories (at least, the ones in the "present") sometime in the '40s or '50s, to be consistent with Barks' stories. He's even stated that the time line of his stories isn't the same as the order he wrote them.
* [[Continuity Porn]]: Oh yeah!
** [[Carl Barks]] himself thought that Don Rosa made too much Continuity Porn, and he encouraged Keno to write original stories without the influence of his stories that were made in the 50s. One of the main reasons behind this is that Carl Barks' m.o. was to make all his stories original, and that he was ashamed of reusing elements from earlier stories, even if those stories turned out to be great.
* [[Cool Old Guy]]: Scrooge, all the way.
* [[Creator Insignia]]: "D.U.C.K."
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'''Donald''': "Thif"?<br />
'''Arpin Lusene''': Not "thif", you iddy-ott! '''Thif!''' }}
* [[Gentleman Thief]]: Arpin Lusene (an [[expy]] of [[Arsene Lupin]])
* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: Especially "What did Scrooge and Goldie did [ in that shack] [ that one night?]", found in his own commentary.
* [[Great Big Book of Everything]] The Junior Woodchucks' Guidebook. This is [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded]] ''and'' [[Justified Trope|explained]].
* [[Green Aesop]]: "War Of The Wendigo"
* [[Have a Gay Old Time]]: In the first ''[[The Three Caballeros]]'' comic Rosa did, he changed the lyrics of the eponymous song to remove the verse "the three gay caballeros". In the second one, the line is [ intact]. You could almost swear there's a guy giving them a knowing gaze as they sing it that time...
* [[Historical inDomain JokeCharacter]]: Sir Francis ''Drake''
* [[Historical In-Joke]]
* [[Homage]]: The two stories with [[The Three Caballeros]]. Complete with them [ performing the theme song].
* [[Impossible Thief]]: Arpin Lusene