Donald Trump: Difference between revisions

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* [[All Women Are Lustful]]: Trump's view of women, according to the Pussygate tape. After implying that Nancy O'Dell, who once rebuffed his advances, became sluttier with "big phony tits", he went on to explain that all women all want it with a star:
{{quote|And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. [[Beat|*beat*]] Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything.}}
* [[Arch Enemy]]: he seems to be only happy when he's engaged in a feud. No need to list any examples.
<!-- MOD: Commented out instead of deleted, in case I'm outvoted on the "no need to list any examples" thing. However, the part below where new enemies are listed week-by-week is excessively out of line - one might even say it's Egregious.
** He's hosted two [[Wrestlemania]]s and been an active participant in [[WWE]] promos, highlighted by his "feud" with rival CEO [[Vince McMahon]].
** Not content with prime time, Trump took daytime TV by storm when a [[Volleying Insults|tabloid war]] erupted between himself and Rosie O'Donnell, then-host of the American morning talk show ''The View''.
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** Perhaps most notably, America's ''former'' sworn enemy Vladimir Putin/Russia.
** Kim Jong Un, the murderous dictator of North Korea is "not ''his'' enemy".<ref>[ Why Shouldn't [Trump] Like Kim?] ''''</ref>
* [[Awesome McCoolname]]: Might also be interpreted as a [[Prophetic Name]], given his knack for trumpeting himself. His ancestral name was Drumpf, which was changed to Trump [ sometime in the 17th century]. This trivia piece prompted [[Last Week Tonight]] to produce "Make Donald Drumpf Again" hats.
* [[Badass]]: He got a very credible threat to his life a week or two before his presidential election, to the point the Secret Service had to evac him from the speech he was giving, but instead of letting it stick, he simply went right back to the podium a few minutes later and continued speaking. In fact, throughout his entire presidential campaign he's been the target of more than one confirmed assassination attempt and refused to quit appearing in public, even making a point of refusing to be cowed into doing so.
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** He also over-compensates in other areas. Notably, he has claimed he "has the ''best'' words", is "''like'' a smart person", has "''one of the best'' temperaments" and, the clincher, he is a "''very'' stable genius."
* [[Crunchtastic]]: Trump has a ''bigly'' vocabulary of the best words. Even if he does have to make them up. Covfefe.<ref>["Covfefe" Covfefe] ''''</ref>
== D-F ==
* [[Didn't Think This Through]]: His first assassination attempt. Michael Steven Sandford, a illegal immigrant from the UK who had only just learned the bare minimum of shooting (having fired a mere 20 rounds, not even two full magazines. Presumably as it is the smallest unit of ammo that can be purchased new) at a Vegas range, attempted to grab a cop's gun and shoot Trump only to be stopped cold because the cop, like almost all of the ones in the country, used a retention holster. This attempt was so poorly thought out the court considered (though rejected) a halfway house over no bail for an assassination attempt on a presidential candidate.