Double Standard Rape (Divine on Mortal): Difference between revisions

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* Semele, mother of Dionysus, was said to have been fed a potion by Zeus that impregnated her with a divine child. Shortly after the impregnation Semele was [[It Makes Sense in Context|incinerated]], Zeus took the fetus, sewed it into his thigh and delivered him on term.
* He had sex with Eurymedusa by turning both of them into ants.
* Helen of Troy and her brother Pollux were conceived when Zeus raped their mother Leda in the form of a swan. The details of the birth are not well described, but apparently it involved the babies along with their half -siblings Castor and Clytemnestra hatching from eggs.
* Zeus was pretty much an [[Depraved Bisexual|equal opportunity rapist]]. He abducted the beautiful prince Ganymede in the form of an eagle so that Ganymede could become his eromenos. [[Just-So Story|Ganymede was made into the constellation Aquarius]] so that Hera couldn't hurt him. No, Zeus was never subtle about his infidelity.
* The song "[ Zesz]" by ''Destripando la Historia'' not only mentions most of the above examples [[Played for Laughs]], but also implies that Zeus is still around, [[Cheating with the Milkman|as the plumber the listeners' mother cheated her husband with]], and probably masquerading as the pet dog in the living.
== If It's You It's Okay examples ==