Doug Anthony All Stars/YMMV

Revision as of 23:24, 28 November 2013 by Gethbot (talk | contribs) (clean up)

Their comedy contains:

  • Acceptable Targets: Try everyone. Christians, Hare Krishnas, old people, young people, conservatives, liberals, feminists, communists, hippies, unfortunate audience members... everyone.
  • Crosses the Line Twice
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: Paul's playful warning to the audience in Dead and Alive - 'Multiple sclerosis, MS as they call it. Um, you can be a great ballerina, or a classical cellist at the top of your career then suddenly, one day out of the blue without fucking warning, whack! Your whole life's fucked,' - doesn't seem quite as funny now when it was revealed in 2010 the main reason for the group's split was Tim Ferguson's diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. Ouch.
  • Tear Jerker: Just when you thought they'd finally pushed everyone too far, just when they'd reached the pinnacle of vulgarity, DAAS would do a complete 180 into a heartbreaking rendition of "Heard It Through The Grapevine" or "Throw Your Arms Around Me".
  • Unfortunate Implications: In 1989, DAAS appeared on The Big Gig mocking, among other things, the student protesters in Tiananmen Square. Several days later, the tanks rolled into the square. Hundreds of protesters were killed. That weekend, the ABC aired its regular repeat of the The Big Gig... nobody thought to replace DAAS's segment.

DAAS Kapital contains: