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* Tai Lung from ''[[Kung Fu Panda]]'', with the vast majority of [[Fan Fics]] based on redeeming him. Fans apparently ignore that he's an entitled, self-centered [[Spoiled Brat]] who was willing to [[Moral Event Horizon|take his frustration out on a valley of innocent people]] just because he didn't get his way. Fans [[Ron the Death Eater|try to pin blame on Shifu]] for making Tai-Lung want the Dragon Scroll, despite the fact that Shifu ''never'' said Tai-Lung was destined to be the Dragon Warrior. All Shifu said was that he was destined for greatness. Fans also overlook his repulsive mannerisms (his [[Smug Snake]] attitude; his taking pleasure in scaring an innocent bird; his '''mock'''-friendly small talk with his enemies,* when they all know he's planning to either hurt people or steal things, etc.).
* Tai Lung from ''[[Kung Fu Panda]]'', with the vast majority of [[Fan Fics]] based on redeeming him. Fans apparently ignore that he's an entitled, self-centered [[Spoiled Brat]] who was willing to [[Moral Event Horizon|take his frustration out on a valley of innocent people]] just because he didn't get his way. Fans [[Ron the Death Eater|try to pin blame on Shifu]] for making Tai-Lung want the Dragon Scroll, despite the fact that Shifu ''never'' said Tai-Lung was destined to be the Dragon Warrior. All Shifu said was that he was destined for greatness. Fans also overlook his repulsive mannerisms (his [[Smug Snake]] attitude; his taking pleasure in scaring an innocent bird; his '''mock'''-friendly small talk with his enemies,* when they all know he's planning to either hurt people or steal things, etc.).
** In the director's commentary it was pointed out that, in trying to make sure Tai Lung would not be a flat, one-note villain, they went too far in humanizing him and making him sympathetic, to the point that many viewers felt so sorry for him they forgot he was the villain. End result: the flashback sequence of his rampage was added in expressly to remind people why he was in prison in the first place. Yet the fact the backstory (complete with [[Kung Fu Panda/Heartwarming|cute cuddly baby Tai Lung]]) was still included, as well as the emotional confrontation between him and Shifu, suggests the makers aren't completely averse to a [[Sympathy for the Devil]] tendency in fans.
** In the director's commentary it was pointed out that, in trying to make sure Tai Lung would not be a flat, one-note villain, they went too far in humanizing him and making him sympathetic, to the point that many viewers felt so sorry for him they forgot he was the villain. End result: the flashback sequence of his rampage was added in expressly to remind people why he was in prison in the first place. Yet the fact the backstory (complete with [[Kung Fu Panda/Heartwarming|cute cuddly baby Tai Lung]]) was still included, as well as the emotional confrontation between him and Shifu, suggests the makers aren't completely averse to a [[Sympathy for the Devil]] tendency in fans.
*** Director's commentary on DVD literally stated that they didn't want to make Tai Lung ''completely'' sympathetic. Him being sympathetic to an extent was wholly intentional.
*** Director's commentary on DVD literally stated that they didn't want to make Tai Lung ''completely'' sympathetic. Him being sympathetic to an extent was wholly intentional.
** Conversely, while there's no problem feeling for him - they succeeded quite well in making Tai Lung a much more three-dimensional character than most villains - the problem sets in when people gloss over the fact that Tai Lung has long since stopped being the [["Well Done, Son" Guy]] who won't take "no" for an answer and is now entirely willing to, at the very least, beat up the rest of China, including his foster parent, if they stand between him and his goal. Worse, some people ''vilify'' Oogway or Shifu because of the Dragon Scroll incident, despite the fact that Tai Lung's reaction to it indicates that Oogway's belief there was darkness in his heart was ''completely right''.
** Conversely, while there's no problem feeling for him - they succeeded quite well in making Tai Lung a much more three-dimensional character than most villains - the problem sets in when people gloss over the fact that Tai Lung has long since stopped being the [["Well Done, Son" Guy]] who won't take "no" for an answer and is now entirely willing to, at the very least, beat up the rest of China, including his foster parent, if they stand between him and his goal. Worse, some people ''vilify'' Oogway or Shifu because of the Dragon Scroll incident, despite the fact that Tai Lung's reaction to it indicates that Oogway's belief there was darkness in his heart was ''completely right''.
*** Putting Tai Lung's tragic backstory aside for a second the main reason why people feel sorry for him is very much a case of [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: the poor bastard tries to steal all of one scroll (that was blank to begin), goes on one rampage (and as far as the audience knows doesn't actually 'end' anyone) and his punishment for this is spending YEARS inside what's essentially a steel casket, barely able to move and (if he were any weaker) would've easily succumbed to sensory deprivation at worst and severe insanity/depression AT BEST. Hell, even America's most heinous criminals were given better living conditions than Tai Lung. Not to mention the fact that the rhinos at the prison, for what little we see of them, are complete jerkasses to him. Really, if you were in Tai Lung's position do you honestly think a single apology from your father (who never came to visit you anyway) would be enough?
*** Putting Tai Lung's tragic backstory aside for a second the main reason why people feel sorry for him is very much a case of [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: the poor bastard tries to steal all of one scroll (that was blank to begin), goes on one rampage (and as far as the audience knows doesn't actually 'end' anyone) and his punishment for this is spending YEARS inside what's essentially a steel casket, barely able to move and (if he were any weaker) would've easily succumbed to sensory deprivation at worst and severe insanity/depression AT BEST. Hell, even America's most heinous criminals were given better living conditions than Tai Lung. Not to mention the fact that the rhinos at the prison, for what little we see of them, are complete jerkasses to him. Really, if you were in Tai Lung's position do you honestly think a single apology from your father (who never came to visit you anyway) would be enough?
** Lord Shen, [[Big Bad]] of the sequel, seems to be well on the way to his pair of leather pants as well, even though he, albeit not a flat villain, is a genocidal murderer, with a fraying grip on sanity and a [[Freudian Excuse]] that the creators deliberately made very weak in the final version of the script.
** Lord Shen, [[Big Bad]] of the sequel, seems to be well on the way to his pair of leather pants as well, even though he, albeit not a flat villain, is a genocidal murderer, with a fraying grip on sanity and a [[Freudian Excuse]] that the creators deliberately made very weak in the final version of the script.
* Syndrome from ''[[The Incredibles]]''. There are some who think [[Straw Man Has a Point|he had a point]] in accusing Mr. Incredible of being biased against [[Muggles|non-supers]]. And it doesn't bother them that he [[Disproportionate Retribution|murdered dozens of other superheroes]] to get back at Mr. Incredible, or [[Moral Event Horizon|gleefully shoots down a plane with children aboard]]. And though he did intend to sell his inventions to the public, the publicity campaign for the launch would kill thousands while he [[Glory Seeker|played hero]]. And when that plot fails, his Plan B is to kidnap an infant and raise him as a murderous villain, like himself. And yet some people want to frame this as a ''[[Pet the Dog]]'' moment for him on the "logic" that he can't really be bad because he didn't kill the baby instead.
* Syndrome from ''[[The Incredibles]]''. There are some who think [[Straw Man Has a Point|he had a point]] in accusing Mr. Incredible of being biased against [[Muggles|non-supers]]. And it doesn't bother them that he [[Disproportionate Retribution|murdered dozens of other superheroes]] to get back at Mr. Incredible, or [[Moral Event Horizon|gleefully shoots down a plane with children aboard]]. And though he did intend to sell his inventions to the public, the publicity campaign for the launch would kill thousands while he [[Glory Seeker|played hero]]. And when that plot fails, his Plan B is to kidnap an infant and raise him as a murderous villain, like himself. And yet some people want to frame this as a ''[[Pet the Dog]]'' moment for him on the "logic" that he can't really be bad because he didn't kill the baby instead.
* Charles Muntz from ''[[Up (animation)|Up]]'', while not as extreme as the above examples (well... not very often anyway), is often painted as a young-at-heart adventurer who was simply doing what he enjoyed and pursuing a life's dream, and [[Ron the Death Eater|Carl and Russell were trouble-makers who had no business sticking their noses in]], never mind the fact that he tries to kill them and is implied to have killed people who come within 100 miles of his prize.
* Charles Muntz from ''[[Up (animation)|Up]]'', while not as extreme as the above examples (well... not very often anyway), is often painted as a young-at-heart adventurer who was simply doing what he enjoyed and pursuing a life's dream, and [[Ron the Death Eater|Carl and Russell were trouble-makers who had no business sticking their noses in]], never mind the fact that he tries to kill them and is implied to have killed people who come within 100 miles of his prize.
* There are a rare few who give Lotso from ''[[Toy Story]] 3'' this treatment due to his tragic backstory. In "The Art of Toy Story 3" book, the movie's creative staff note that members of an early test audience reacted this way, wanting Lotso to pull a [[Heel Face Turn]] and become good. In response, they went back and ''amped up'' his cruelty by adding a plotline between him and Big Baby, in which he lies to Big Baby about their owner not loving him anymore, and when the lie comes out later on and brings Big Baby to tears, Lotso responds by smashing his locket and then striking him with his cane. As the film director put it, the audience had to realize that Lotso was [[Complete Monster|way too far gone now]] and deserved [[Fate Worse Than Death|what he got in the end.]]
* There are a rare few who give Lotso from ''[[Toy Story (franchise)|Toy Story]] 3'' this treatment due to his tragic backstory. In "The Art of Toy Story 3" book, the movie's creative staff note that members of an early test audience reacted this way, wanting Lotso to pull a [[Heel Face Turn]] and become good. In response, they went back and ''amped up'' his cruelty by adding a plotline between him and Big Baby, in which he lies to Big Baby about their owner not loving him anymore, and when the lie comes out later on and brings Big Baby to tears, Lotso responds by smashing his locket and then striking him with his cane. As the film director put it, the audience had to realize that Lotso was [[Complete Monster|way too far gone now]] and deserved [[Fate Worse Than Death|what he got in the end.]]
* Oogie Boogie of ''[[The Nightmare Before Christmas]]'' tends to get this a lot, often making Jack into [[Ron the Death Eater|a bully]] to do so. Also, ''Jack'' is probably one of the rare, if not the ''only'', hero who gets this. Fans bash the military for shooting Jack down, despite the fact that they were justified in doing so.
* Oogie Boogie of ''[[The Nightmare Before Christmas]]'' tends to get this a lot, often making Jack into [[Ron the Death Eater|a bully]] to do so. Also, ''Jack'' is probably one of the rare, if not the ''only'', hero who gets this. Fans bash the military for shooting Jack down, despite the fact that they were justified in doing so.
* Mother Gothel from ''[[Tangled]]'' is starting to get this treatment. Fans have debated back and forth on whether or not she truly loved Rapunzel, but by the way some put it, it makes it seem like the kingdom using the flower (that she found, not grew, and selfishly hoarded and kept to herself for centuries) to heal the dying pregnant queen was some horrible sin against her, and that her kidnapping, scare tactics, and {{spoiler|stabbing Flynn}} were just because she LOVED Rapunzel so much. Not to mention that it's pretty clear that her style of mothering was, at the very least, rather emotionally manipulative, if not actually abusive.
* Mother Gothel from ''[[Tangled]]'' is starting to get this treatment. Fans have debated back and forth on whether or not she truly loved Rapunzel, but by the way some put it, it makes it seem like the kingdom using the flower (that she found, not grew, and selfishly hoarded and kept to herself for centuries) to heal the dying pregnant queen was some horrible sin against her, and that her kidnapping, scare tactics, and {{spoiler|stabbing Flynn}} were just because she LOVED Rapunzel so much. Not to mention that it's pretty clear that her style of mothering was, at the very least, rather emotionally manipulative, if not actually abusive.
** [[Wild Mass Guessing|Maybe she]] [[Mommy Issues|reminds them of their own mothers?]]
** [[Wild Mass Guessing|Maybe she]] [[Mommy Issues|reminds them of their own mothers?]]
* There are genuinely a minority of people who romanticise Hal from ''[[Megamind]]'' as a [[Woobie]] who just needed a chance, and likewise interpret Roxanne [[Ron the Death Eater|as a superficial and shallow bitch.]] Granted, the moment when he invites her to his "party" is awkward to watch, but this is more Hal's fault than Roxanne's. It was bad enough that he hired a DJ and a bouncy house for a party that was just meant for the two of them, in the vague hope that she would attend, but the wedding photographer took it to a whole other level. Not to mention his unsubtly rude behaviour around Bernard/{{spoiler|Megamind}}, and of course his actions later on speak for themselves. It's also noteworthy that Roxanne, while clearly (and rightly) creeped out by Hal's actions and attentions, nevertheless consistently makes a clear effort to be nice to him or at least let him gently, and that Hal's rant that she never took the time to get to know to him is yet another example of how deluded and entitled he is.
* There are genuinely a minority of people who romanticise Hal from ''[[Megamind]]'' as a [[Woobie]] who just needed a chance, and likewise interpret Roxanne [[Ron the Death Eater|as a superficial and shallow bitch.]] Granted, the moment when he invites her to his "party" is awkward to watch, but this is more Hal's fault than Roxanne's. It was bad enough that he hired a DJ and a bouncy house for a party that was just meant for the two of them, in the vague hope that she would attend, but the wedding photographer took it to a whole other level. Not to mention his unsubtly rude behaviour around Bernard/{{spoiler|Megamind}}, and of course his actions later on speak for themselves. It's also noteworthy that Roxanne, while clearly (and rightly) creeped out by Hal's actions and attentions, nevertheless consistently makes a clear effort to be nice to him or at least let him gently, and that Hal's rant that she never took the time to get to know to him is yet another example of how deluded and entitled he is.
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** Part of this is likely due to the fact that she's presented very ambiguously. She's obviously sociopathic, but she gives out no true details about her life or past, making the viewer wonder why she's doing it and therefore invent a possibly sympathetic backstory.
** Part of this is likely due to the fact that she's presented very ambiguously. She's obviously sociopathic, but she gives out no true details about her life or past, making the viewer wonder why she's doing it and therefore invent a possibly sympathetic backstory.
** It is also possible that the nature of the child molester's crimes contributes to this: Fans tend to ignore or excuse all sorts of horrible fates that are doled out to characters that are portrayed as [[Kick the Dog|having crossed]] [[Moral Event Horizon|some sort of line]] or as a [[Complete Monster]]
** It is also possible that the nature of the child molester's crimes contributes to this: Fans tend to ignore or excuse all sorts of horrible fates that are doled out to characters that are portrayed as [[Kick the Dog|having crossed]] [[Moral Event Horizon|some sort of line]] or as a [[Complete Monster]]
* There are [[Rule 34|actually]] [[Fan Dumb|people]] out there who honestly give this treatment to ''[[Pan's Labyrinth|Captain]] [[Complete Monster|Vidal]]''.
* There are [[Rule 34|actually]] [[Fan Dumb|people]] out there who honestly give this treatment to ''[[Pan's Labyrinth|Captain]] [[Complete Monster|Vidal]]''.
* The title character in the film version of ''[[Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (film)|Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street]]''. Granted, he does have a very sympathetic backstory. A judge lusted after Sweeney's wife Lucy. The judge fabricated a crime that resulted in Barker being exiled to Australia and then proceeded to rape Lucy (who poisoned herself afterwards because she was so traumatized) and then took in Lucy and Sweeney's daughter Johanna as his ward. However, the sympathy factor starts to wane when Todd loses sight of his original goal of avenging his wife and daughter. Instead, he slaughters tons of innocent people, including, {{spoiler|by mistake, his own wife Lucy, who had become an insane beggar from the poison instead of dying. He is so deranged at this point that he cuts her down just because the judge is coming over and he might see this crazy lady running around the barber shop. He doesn't realize exactly what he's done until later}}. Still, fangirls swoon over how hot he is and ignore everything he does because his life is so sad. To be fair, this may mostly come from the fact that [[Johnny Depp]] plays him.
* The title character in the film version of ''[[Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (film)|Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street]]''. Granted, he does have a very sympathetic backstory. A judge lusted after Sweeney's wife Lucy. The judge fabricated a crime that resulted in Barker being exiled to Australia and then proceeded to rape Lucy (who poisoned herself afterwards because she was so traumatized) and then took in Lucy and Sweeney's daughter Johanna as his ward. However, the sympathy factor starts to wane when Todd loses sight of his original goal of avenging his wife and daughter. Instead, he slaughters tons of innocent people, including, {{spoiler|by mistake, his own wife Lucy, who had become an insane beggar from the poison instead of dying. He is so deranged at this point that he cuts her down just because the judge is coming over and he might see this crazy lady running around the barber shop. He doesn't realize exactly what he's done until later}}. Still, fangirls swoon over how hot he is and ignore everything he does because his life is so sad. To be fair, this may mostly come from the fact that [[Johnny Depp]] plays him.
** Same with Mrs Lovett. Interpertations of her range from anti-villain to woobie, despite the fact that she knows what she's doing and that it's wrong, but doesn't care.
** Same with Mrs Lovett. Interpertations of her range from anti-villain to woobie, despite the fact that she knows what she's doing and that it's wrong, but doesn't care.
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* Samara Morgan from American remake of [[The Ring]]. Some interpert her dialogue with the doctor as her being an [[The Woobie|innocent victim of cruel, misunderstanding parents]] and a [[Blessed with Suck]] type of power that she can't control that causes her to implant evil in people's minds without wanting to. Even if we were to assume that [[Freudian Excuse|far-fetched interpertation]] is true, it still doesn't justify her killing innocent people who just happened to watch her tape.
* Samara Morgan from American remake of [[The Ring]]. Some interpert her dialogue with the doctor as her being an [[The Woobie|innocent victim of cruel, misunderstanding parents]] and a [[Blessed with Suck]] type of power that she can't control that causes her to implant evil in people's minds without wanting to. Even if we were to assume that [[Freudian Excuse|far-fetched interpertation]] is true, it still doesn't justify her killing innocent people who just happened to watch her tape.
** It's not ''ridiculously'' far-fetched. Just because Samara was evil [[Evil Versus Evil|doesn't make the heart-wrenching things she was put through good]]. Besides, the firm establishment of Samara as being really, truly evil rather than indeed being driven insane with misery until her powers went beyond her control even after she died only happens [[Deus Angst Machina|in the last five minutes of the movie]]... up until then even the main character thought that explanation was correct. It doesn't forgive people completely ''ignoring'' said last five minutes, but it does make it easier to understand where it comes from.
** It's not ''ridiculously'' far-fetched. Just because Samara was evil [[Evil Versus Evil|doesn't make the heart-wrenching things she was put through good]]. Besides, the firm establishment of Samara as being really, truly evil rather than indeed being driven insane with misery until her powers went beyond her control even after she died only happens [[Deus Angst Machina|in the last five minutes of the movie]]... up until then even the main character thought that explanation was correct. It doesn't forgive people completely ''ignoring'' said last five minutes, but it does make it easier to understand where it comes from.
** Sadako is given this as well, but by Ringu0 [[Tear Jerker|its much]] [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds|more justifiable]].
** Sadako is given this as well, but by Ringu0 [[Tear Jerker|its much]] [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds|more justifiable]].
* Loki from the summer blockbuster ''[[Thor (film)|Thor]]'' is getting quite a lot of leather pants treatment from Fandom. It helps that he was depicted quite sympathetically with a decent [[Freudian Excuse]] and was played by the [[Mr. Fanservice|smoking hot]], yet melancholy [[Tom Hiddleston]]. {{spoiler|And he does wear leather pants.}}
* Loki from the summer blockbuster ''[[Thor (film)|Thor]]'' is getting quite a lot of leather pants treatment from Fandom. It helps that he was depicted quite sympathetically with a decent [[Freudian Excuse]] and was played by the [[Mr. Fanservice|smoking hot]], yet melancholy [[Tom Hiddleston]]. {{spoiler|And he does wear leather pants.}}
** Continued recently in ''[[The Avengers (film)|The Avengers]]'' to the point that fangirls are promising to cry when he is defeated by the actual heroes.
** Continued recently in ''[[The Avengers (film)|The Avengers]]'' to the point that fangirls are promising to cry when he is defeated by the actual heroes.
*** It's not just the fandom- [[Tom Hiddleston]] himself ''frequently'' speaks in interviews about how he believes Loki needs a hug and some self-esteem, and that he's doing everything he does in ''The Avengers'' because he needs someone to [[Love Redeems|fix him with love]].
*** It's not just the fandom- [[Tom Hiddleston]] himself ''frequently'' speaks in interviews about how he believes Loki needs a hug and some self-esteem, and that he's doing everything he does in ''The Avengers'' because he needs someone to [[Love Redeems|fix him with love]].
**** This is almost certainly why Sigyn, Loki's wife in both mythology and the Marvel comics, has yet to appear in the films. She does love and support him unconditionally, and... it doesn't change him.
**** This is almost certainly why Sigyn, Loki's wife in both mythology and the Marvel comics, has yet to appear in the films. She does love and support him unconditionally, and... it doesn't change him.
***** Though, in the mythology, he's not nearly as much of a bastard as he is in the comics, or other adaptations of Norse Mythology. The fact the film played up his sympathetic reasoning was, for some viewers, a ''good'' thing, since Loki has, basically, be [[Ron the Death Eater|Death Eatered]] by adaptations of the myths for ''centuries'', and also fueled by his recent [[Heel Face Turn]] in the comics. However, its still quite amusing what happened after Thor. See below.
***** Though, in the mythology, he's not nearly as much of a bastard as he is in the comics, or other adaptations of Norse Mythology. The fact the film played up his sympathetic reasoning was, for some viewers, a ''good'' thing, since Loki has, basically, be [[Ron the Death Eater|Death Eatered]] by adaptations of the myths for ''centuries'', and also fueled by his recent [[Heel Face Turn]] in the comics. However, its still quite amusing what happened after Thor. See below.
** Averted a little in the Avengers film, actually. After it premiered, some fangirls jumped off from Loki worship because of his...[[Moral Event Horizon|actions]]. Namely, the fact he {{spoiler|kills Agent Coulson, the film-original character who's been present since Iron Man and appeared in all but two of the films previously and got a bit more fleshing out in this film, and for the fact he brainwashes a lot of SHIELD personnel and sends them to fight their own comrades, including Hawkeye.}} Joss Whedon and Kevin Feige decided for the threat against SHIELD to be big enough for them to form the Avengers, it was necessary Loki [[Took a Level In Badass]]. Also they needed something "to avenge" and had him [[Kick the Dog]](and a very well liked one at that). Hiddleston himself still believes he can be redeemed, as do many others {{spoiler|and the film's heavy implications that Loki, while able to be plenty nasty on his own, was possibly tortured by the Chitauri and/or was himself a brainwashed puppet of [[Bigger Bad|Thanos]]}}.
** Averted a little in the Avengers film, actually. After it premiered, some fangirls jumped off from Loki worship because of his...[[Moral Event Horizon|actions]]. Namely, the fact he {{spoiler|kills Agent Coulson, the film-original character who's been present since Iron Man and appeared in all but two of the films previously and got a bit more fleshing out in this film, and for the fact he brainwashes a lot of SHIELD personnel and sends them to fight their own comrades, including Hawkeye.}} Joss Whedon and Kevin Feige decided for the threat against SHIELD to be big enough for them to form the Avengers, it was necessary Loki [[Took a Level in Badass]]. Also they needed something "to avenge" and had him [[Kick the Dog]](and a very well liked one at that). Hiddleston himself still believes he can be redeemed, as do many others {{spoiler|and the film's heavy implications that Loki, while able to be plenty nasty on his own, was possibly tortured by the Chitauri and/or was himself a brainwashed puppet of [[Bigger Bad|Thanos]]}}.
*** [[Tumblr]] would disagree with any suggestion that the trope [http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/loki has been averted]. The Loki love still seems pretty high. His {{spoiler|getting the living crap beat out of him by the Hulk, while the funniest part of the movie probably enacted the [[Florence Nightingale Effect]] on many viewers.}}
*** [[Tumblr]] would disagree with any suggestion that the trope [http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/loki has been averted]. The Loki love still seems pretty high. His {{spoiler|getting the living crap beat out of him by the Hulk, while the funniest part of the movie probably enacted the [[Florence Nightingale Effect]] on many viewers.}}
* The title character of the ''[[Godzilla]]'' films. He's a city destroying [[Kaiju]] beast who has killed millions of people, but the fans tend to think he's just a misunderstood good guy. Most of the time, he's an [[Anti-Hero]] or [[Anti-Villain]], but this treatment is still baffling. This is most [[Egregious]] in GMK, where he was flat-out stated to be [[Complete Monster|pure evil]]. The fans still rooted for him
* The title character of the ''[[Godzilla]]'' films. He's a city destroying [[Kaiju]] beast who has killed millions of people, but the fans tend to think he's just a misunderstood good guy. Most of the time, he's an [[Anti-Hero]] or [[Anti-Villain]], but this treatment is still baffling. This is most [[Egregious]] in GMK, where he was flat-out stated to be [[Complete Monster|pure evil]]. The fans still rooted for him