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* ''[[My Immortal]]'', in addition to fitting this Trope to a T, at one point does, in fact, feature Draco in leather pants.
* ''[[My Immortal]]'', in addition to fitting this Trope to a T, at one point does, in fact, feature Draco in leather pants.
** Naturally, ''My Immortal'' takes this to an absurd degree. So many fanfics portray Draco as a sensitive guy, basically the opposite of his canon personality, that it's a cliché in itself, but ''My Immortal'' goes so far as to make him so ridiculously needy that it seems he would fall straight into [[Wangst]] without encouraging words from <s> Ebony</s> [[Mary Sue|Enoby]]. The most (in)famous fanfic example is probably [[The Draco Trilogy]]. See that work's page for more.
** Naturally, ''My Immortal'' takes this to an absurd degree. So many fanfics portray Draco as a sensitive guy, basically the opposite of his canon personality, that it's a cliché in itself, but ''My Immortal'' goes so far as to make him so ridiculously needy that it seems he would fall straight into [[Wangst]] without encouraging words from <s> Ebony</s> [[Mary Sue|Enoby]]. The most (in)famous fanfic example is probably [[The Draco Trilogy]]. See that work's page for more.
* Averted, even inverted, with Draco's dad, Lucius, whose fans tend to appreciate him for [http://roflrazzi.com/2009/09/14/celebrity-pictures-jason-isaacs-pimping-easy/ the aristocratic, pimp cane accessorized bastard that he is] without giving him the "Awww, he's really just a sexy [[Woobie]]!" treatment. In fact, Lucius provides an easy way for fanfic writers to portray Draco sympathetically. After all, if Lucius is an [[Abusive Parents]], then Draco has a nice [[Freudian Excuse]]. And your story has a built-in villain, too! Ironically, in the canon, the fact that Lucius cares about his wife and son seems to be his ''only'' redeeming quality. Also, Lucius had no capacity to influence Draco's becoming a Death Eater one way or another, seeing as ''he was in Azkaban for the entire sixth book'', which was when that happened. Lucius is hardly Dad of the Year, but neither is he the abusive [[Complete Monster]] who exists to torture Draco the [[Woobie]] either.
* Averted, even inverted, with Draco's dad, Lucius, whose fans tend to appreciate him for [http://roflrazzi.com/2009/09/14/celebrity-pictures-jason-isaacs-pimping-easy/ the aristocratic, pimp cane accessorized bastard that he is] without giving him the "Awww, he's really just a sexy [[Woobie]]!" treatment. In fact, Lucius provides an easy way for fanfic writers to portray Draco sympathetically. After all, if Lucius is an [[Abusive Parents]], then Draco has a nice [[Freudian Excuse]]. And your story has a built-in villain, too! Ironically, in the canon, the fact that Lucius cares about his wife and son seems to be his ''only'' redeeming quality. Also, Lucius had no capacity to influence Draco's becoming a Death Eater one way or another, seeing as ''he was in Azkaban for the entire sixth book'', which was when that happened. Lucius is hardly Dad of the Year, but neither is he the abusive [[Complete Monster]] who exists to torture Draco the [[Woobie]] either.
* Bellatrix Lestrange. But that may be related to [[Helena Bonham Carter]]'s [[Monty Python and The Holy Grail|huge tracts of land]].
* Bellatrix Lestrange. But that may be related to [[Helena Bonham Carter]]'s [[Monty Python and the Holy Grail|huge tracts of land]].
** And the "feminist fangirls" who refer to Bellatrix as a "role model" because she {{spoiler|almost kills a young girl and then mocks her very pissed off [[Mama Bear]] upon both that and the death of one of her sons. And then they bash said mother for killing their Bella and calling her "moo bitch".}} Never mind that Bellatrix is a [[Yandere]] who only has eyes for a man who doesn't give a damn for her, or that she's said that if she had kids she'd sacrifice them to Voldemort, or that {{spoiler|she was among the Death Eaters that tortured Neville Longbottom's parents into insanity}} -- she's a "super great feminist" for bashing motherhood. [[Sarcasm Mode|Which doesn't have any]] [[Unfortunate Implications]].
** And the "feminist fangirls" who refer to Bellatrix as a "role model" because she {{spoiler|almost kills a young girl and then mocks her very pissed off [[Mama Bear]] upon both that and the death of one of her sons. And then they bash said mother for killing their Bella and calling her "moo bitch".}} Never mind that Bellatrix is a [[Yandere (disambiguation)]] who only has eyes for a man who doesn't give a damn for her, or that she's said that if she had kids she'd sacrifice them to Voldemort, or that {{spoiler|she was among the Death Eaters that tortured Neville Longbottom's parents into insanity}} -- she's a "super great feminist" for bashing motherhood. [[Sarcasm Mode|Which doesn't have any]] [[Unfortunate Implications]].
*** To be fair, not all Bellatrix "feminist" fangirls are quite as far-gone as the examples here; the main complaint seems to be that she's the only major female character who doesn't end up having a family, and the way this is used to contrast her with her sisters and with Molly Weasley. It's still inaccurate; McGonagall isn't a mother or wife either and, as her ''Pottermore'' material explains {{spoiler|she did turn down a chance at marital bliss with her childhood sweetheart because it would have come at the expense of her career in magic, and when she was briefly married later, she elected to keep her maiden name}}. And the "love and family are more important than ambition" message is hammered just as hard with the male characters; it's one of the major things dividing Harry and Voldemort, for instance. Besides, implying that a "good" feminist female character should be a [[Celibate Hero]] comes with [[Real Women Never Wear Dresses|its own set]] of [[Unfortunate Implications]], and it's not like all the mother characters were housewives like Molly was. {{spoiler|Hermione and Ginny end up as the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and a famed Quidditch player/writer, respectively, along with getting married and having kids.}}
*** To be fair, not all Bellatrix "feminist" fangirls are quite as far-gone as the examples here; the main complaint seems to be that she's the only major female character who doesn't end up having a family, and the way this is used to contrast her with her sisters and with Molly Weasley. It's still inaccurate; McGonagall isn't a mother or wife either and, as her ''Pottermore'' material explains {{spoiler|she did turn down a chance at marital bliss with her childhood sweetheart because it would have come at the expense of her career in magic, and when she was briefly married later, she elected to keep her maiden name}}. And the "love and family are more important than ambition" message is hammered just as hard with the male characters; it's one of the major things dividing Harry and Voldemort, for instance. Besides, implying that a "good" feminist female character should be a [[Celibate Hero]] comes with [[Real Women Never Wear Dresses|its own set]] of [[Unfortunate Implications]], and it's not like all the mother characters were housewives like Molly was. {{spoiler|Hermione and Ginny end up as the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and a famed Quidditch player/writer, respectively, along with getting married and having kids.}}
* Inadvertently done in the film adaptations with Narcissa Malfoy, mainly due to the Quidditch Cup (which established her as well-bred yet unpleasant and elitist) being cut. Her first appearance, in Half-Blood Prince, is now entirely sympathetic--that of a terrified mother attempting to keep her only son from getting killed.
* Inadvertently done in the film adaptations with Narcissa Malfoy, mainly due to the Quidditch Cup (which established her as well-bred yet unpleasant and elitist) being cut. Her first appearance, in Half-Blood Prince, is now entirely sympathetic--that of a terrified mother attempting to keep her only son from getting killed.
* Blaise Zabini fans can maybe be forgiven for this tendency. He was a Slytherin boy in Harry's year who, up until ''Half-Blood Prince'', had only ever been mentioned in passing, making him [[OC Stand In|prime fodder for fanfic writers]] interested in creating a [[Token Good Teammate|sympathetic Slytherin character]] ''without'' spitting in the face of canon. Then he was given some character development in the series and revealed to be a buddy of Draco Malfoy's and every bit as bigoted and dickish as that association suggests, which some people have rather understandably [[Discontinuity|chosen to ignore so as to continue imagining him in whatever mold they originally preferred]], and others have tried to justify.
* Blaise Zabini fans can maybe be forgiven for this tendency. He was a Slytherin boy in Harry's year who, up until ''Half-Blood Prince'', had only ever been mentioned in passing, making him [[OC Stand In|prime fodder for fanfic writers]] interested in creating a [[Token Good Teammate|sympathetic Slytherin character]] ''without'' spitting in the face of canon. Then he was given some character development in the series and revealed to be a buddy of Draco Malfoy's and every bit as bigoted and dickish as that association suggests, which some people have rather understandably [[Discontinuity|chosen to ignore so as to continue imagining him in whatever mold they originally preferred]], and others have tried to justify.
** Not to mention "[http://wiki.fandomwank.com/index.php/Our_Dear_Blaise_Is_Shattered_(Black) Ew, he's BLACK! DO NOT WANT!]"
** Not to mention "[http://wiki.fandomwank.com/index.php/Our_Dear_Blaise_Is_Shattered_(Black) Ew, he's BLACK! DO NOT WANT!]"
* Salazar Slytherin had a dream... a dream that one day, an adequately racist and motivated student would find the secret underground chamber he built to house a deadly basilisk and use it to mass-murder his Muggle-born classmates. And some fans would have you believe that's just dandy. (This one has actually been done well in some cases -- Slytherin lived at least a thousand years before the series takes place and conceivably could have been the victim of an in-universe [[Historical Villain Upgrade]].)
* Salazar Slytherin had a dream... a dream that one day, an adequately racist and motivated student would find the secret underground chamber he built to house a deadly basilisk and use it to mass-murder his Muggle-born classmates. And some fans would have you believe that's just dandy. (This one has actually been done well in some cases -- Slytherin lived at least a thousand years before the series takes place and conceivably could have been the victim of an in-universe [[Historical Villain Upgrade]].)
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** They also seem to ignore the fact he later joined the wizarding world equivalent of the KKK/Nazis, and after 'reforming' torments and bullies non-Slytherin students, taking special care to torment Harry because James bullied him as a teenager. And at least James picked on people his own age and not children more than half his age.
** They also seem to ignore the fact he later joined the wizarding world equivalent of the KKK/Nazis, and after 'reforming' torments and bullies non-Slytherin students, taking special care to torment Harry because James bullied him as a teenager. And at least James picked on people his own age and not children more than half his age.
** Snape's fanfic reputation is somewhat generated by his [[Woobie]] status. Basically, his entire life has sucked, and the only good thing in his life, Lily, was murdered and he was largely responsible for it. His [[Heel Face Turn]] is based solely on this one point. Those inclined to put him in leather pants ignore that Snape did not care one bit about Lily's son being murdered as long as Voldemort did not kill her too, and that even after she was murdered, he continued to not only not care about Harry (Beyond what was ordered of him) but actively hate and abuse him. That he cared more that Harry was James' son, rather than that he was Lily's son does not speak well for, as Voldemort puts it, "Snape's supposed great love."
** Snape's fanfic reputation is somewhat generated by his [[Woobie]] status. Basically, his entire life has sucked, and the only good thing in his life, Lily, was murdered and he was largely responsible for it. His [[Heel Face Turn]] is based solely on this one point. Those inclined to put him in leather pants ignore that Snape did not care one bit about Lily's son being murdered as long as Voldemort did not kill her too, and that even after she was murdered, he continued to not only not care about Harry (Beyond what was ordered of him) but actively hate and abuse him. That he cared more that Harry was James' son, rather than that he was Lily's son does not speak well for, as Voldemort puts it, "Snape's supposed great love."
** Of additional note is that in the films, the negative aspects of Snape's friendship with Lily are omitted.
** Of additional note is that in the films, the negative aspects of Snape's friendship with Lily are omitted.
* Scabior the Snatcher in ''[[Deathly Hallows]]'' has become this because of his portrayal by Nick Moran in the film. The number of women wishing they could trade places with Hermione and have '''their''' hair sniffed by him is growing.
* Scabior the Snatcher in ''[[Deathly Hallows]]'' has become this because of his portrayal by Nick Moran in the film. The number of women wishing they could trade places with Hermione and have '''their''' hair sniffed by him is growing.
* Also, Petunia Dursley. Yes, the [[Jerkass]] [[Resentful Guardian]] and [[Stepford Smiler]] that abused Harry ever since he went to live with her family, is sometimes shown as a poor victim "bullied" and "insulted" by her "stupid and snobbish" sister Lily, thus she "can't help" but hate Harry and blame him for "[[Sins of Our Fathers|Lily's sins]]".
* Also, Petunia Dursley. Yes, the [[Jerkass]] [[Resentful Guardian]] and [[Stepford Smiler]] that abused Harry ever since he went to live with her family, is sometimes shown as a poor victim "bullied" and "insulted" by her "stupid and snobbish" sister Lily, thus she "can't help" but hate Harry and blame him for "[[Sins of Our Fathers|Lily's sins]]".
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** Dumbledore himself considered Dudley pitiful and called out his parents for raising him the way they did - as a selfish, entitled bully that thought he could get away with anything until he was a teenager.
** Dumbledore himself considered Dudley pitiful and called out his parents for raising him the way they did - as a selfish, entitled bully that thought he could get away with anything until he was a teenager.
* Barty Crouch, Jr. due to being played by [[David Tennant]] in the movie and having a [[Tragic Villain]] [[Backstory]] in the book. Sometimes he gets paired with characters nearly twenty years younger than him like Hermione or Luna.
* Barty Crouch, Jr. due to being played by [[David Tennant]] in the movie and having a [[Tragic Villain]] [[Backstory]] in the book. Sometimes he gets paired with characters nearly twenty years younger than him like Hermione or Luna.
* Interestingly played with in the fic [[Methods of Rationality]]--Draco is a genuinely likable boy who just happened to be raised by [[Star Wars|Darth Vader]]. Harry interacts with him rather differently in his first meeting, and instead of the immediate politically charged rivalry we get a less-immediate, still-politically-charged kind-of-alliance,-maybe. And then later on, when he's an occasional viewpoint character with a fairly sympathetic perspective, you keep running into the fact that he "considers rape to be what the cool older kids did" and believes Dumbledore to be entirely evil.
* Interestingly played with in the fic [[Methods of Rationality]]--Draco is a genuinely likable boy who just happened to be raised by [[Star Wars|Darth Vader]]. Harry interacts with him rather differently in his first meeting, and instead of the immediate politically charged rivalry we get a less-immediate, still-politically-charged kind-of-alliance,-maybe. And then later on, when he's an occasional viewpoint character with a fairly sympathetic perspective, you keep running into the fact that he "considers rape to be what the cool older kids did" and believes Dumbledore to be entirely evil.
* Fenrir Greyback, who is in-canon a cannibal (and also implied to be a pedophile and a rapist) is often portrayed as a big protective dog, who is only looking out for the best interests of his clan/mate (sometimes [[Crack Pairing|Hermione]])
* Fenrir Greyback, who is in-canon a cannibal (and also implied to be a pedophile and a rapist) is often portrayed as a big protective dog, who is only looking out for the best interests of his clan/mate (sometimes [[Crack Pairing|Hermione]])
* Marrietta Edgecombe gets a bit of this as well, as a glance at her entry on the [[Unfortunate Implications]] page will show. Admittedly we don't know that much about her but some fans like to imagine her as a tragic heroine who is torn between loyalty to her family and the DA, and that her punishment is completely unfair. Except she is shown to not want to be in the DA from the start, only there because Cho practically dragged her to the first meeting. Also people like to cite her having a parent in the Ministry as justifiable pressure, clearly forgetting she '''chose''' to seek Umbridge out personally and rat the DA out. That's also knowing that Umbridge had been known to pretty much torture students who stepped out of line. Bear in mind that also means she went to Umbridge knowing Cho, one of her best friends, would be punished as well. Considering what resulted from her betrayal her punishment - the scars - is pretty tame. People also like to play up that she is scarred for life when she never even seems to consider going to Hermione and apologizing for what she did in the hopes she'd remove the scars.
* Marrietta Edgecombe gets a bit of this as well, as a glance at her entry on the [[Unfortunate Implications]] page will show. Admittedly we don't know that much about her but some fans like to imagine her as a tragic heroine who is torn between loyalty to her family and the DA, and that her punishment is completely unfair. Except she is shown to not want to be in the DA from the start, only there because Cho practically dragged her to the first meeting. Also people like to cite her having a parent in the Ministry as justifiable pressure, clearly forgetting she '''chose''' to seek Umbridge out personally and rat the DA out. That's also knowing that Umbridge had been known to pretty much torture students who stepped out of line. Bear in mind that also means she went to Umbridge knowing Cho, one of her best friends, would be punished as well. Considering what resulted from her betrayal her punishment - the scars - is pretty tame. People also like to play up that she is scarred for life when she never even seems to consider going to Hermione and apologizing for what she did in the hopes she'd remove the scars.