Dragon's Crown: Difference between revisions

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* [[Detached Sleeves]]: The Sorceress.
* [[Drop the Hammer]]: The Dwarf.
* [[Food Porn]]: During chain-run quests where you cannot return to town between dungeons, there is a mini-game of sorts where the party makes camp and cooks all the food they collected during the dungeon, anything from carrots and pork to Red Dragon Meat and Gazer eyes. The animation is, to say the least, interesting.
* [[Gainaxing]]: The Sorceress. The trope isn't unusual in an Vanillaware title, but it has never before been ''this'' blatant.
* [[Glass Cannon]]/[[Lightning Bruiser]]/[[Mighty Glacier]]: A rather weird case with the Amazon; she has both ''speed'' and ''power'', but her attack speed is sluggish and her defense is about as low as that of a [[Fragile Speedster]].