Dragon's Crown: Difference between revisions

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* [[Gainaxing]]: The Sorceress. The trope isn't unusual in an Vanillaware title, but it has never before been ''this'' blatant.
* [[Glass Cannon]]/[[Lightning Bruiser]]/[[Mighty Glacier]]: A rather weird case with the Amazon; she has both ''speed'' and ''power'', but her attack speed is sluggish and her defense is about as low as that of a [[Fragile Speedster]].
* [[Helping Would Be Killstealing]]: Actually, ''Subverted'' with one Boss! If you're having too much trouble with the Killer Rabbit, the Highland Knights will start spawning and fight on your side. And a box of Bombs will appear that you can use. Again, both features are due to the Boss being an obvious [[Shout Out]] to ''[[Monty Python and the Holy Grail]]''.
* [[Heroes Prefer Swords]]: The Fighter.
* [[Hot Witch|Hot Sorceress]]: Guess who.
* [[Impossibly Low Neckline]]: The Sorceress's ''real'' magic is how she gets her chest to stay in that dress.
* [[Killer Rabbit]]: Literal example, the Path B boss of the Lost Woods, an obvious reference to the [[Trope Namer]].
* [[Lady of Black Magic]]: The Sorceress, though different from the usual examples in that she's more of a support class.
* [[Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me]]: The Fighter.