Dragon Age: Origins/WMG: Difference between revisions

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* Makes sense in Dred Pirate Roberts sort of way. The legend of Flemeth, the ageless Witch of the Wilds, would be a great way to keep outsiders away whether it's still her original spirit or not.
* Makes sense in Dred Pirate Roberts sort of way. The legend of Flemeth, the ageless Witch of the Wilds, would be a great way to keep outsiders away whether it's still her original spirit or not.
* Partially jossed: In Dragon Age 2 we find out {{spoiler|Flemeth had a way out the entire time.}}
* Partially jossed: In Dragon Age 2 we find out {{spoiler|Flemeth had a way out the entire time.}}
* Entirely jossed: In Dragon Age: Inquisition we find out that every word of Flemeth's origin story as presented in Origins was literally true.
* Entirely jossed: In Dragon Age: Inquisition we find out that every word of Flemeth's origin story as presented in Origins was literally true. She actually ''is'' an ancient Chasind sorceress that got possessed/merged with an ancient, unbelievably powerful Fade spirit, {{Spoiler|specifically the remaining essence of the murdered elven goddess Mythal}}, and has been alive the entire time. The only thing that turns out to be wrong is {{Spoiler|she doesn't actually steal the bodies of her children.}}.

=== Morrigan's child will be able to shapeshift into a dragon or even an archdemon ===
=== Morrigan's child will be able to shapeshift into a dragon or even an archdemon ===