Dragon Quest VII: Difference between revisions

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* [[After the End]]: In a sense. Your little island is the only part of the world that wasn't sealed away. The game starts with one little island with two towns, soa castle and a fishing village, and a ruins that everyone is forbidden to enter. {{spoiler|This is the actual [[After the End]]}}. The rest of the story is nothing but {{spoiler|[[Set Right What Once Went Wrong|saving each island before it was lost]]}}.
** For the curious, the game starts with one little island with two towns, a castle and a fishing village, and a ruins that everyone is forbidden to enter. {{spoiler|This is the actual [[After the End]]}}. The rest of the story is nothing but {{spoiler|[[Set Right What Once Went Wrong|saving each island before it was lost]]}}.
* [[All of the Other Reindeer]]: Oh, ''Dragon Quest VII adores'' this one: there's [[Cassandra Truth|Pamala]] in Engow, [[Mad Scientist|Zebbot]] and [[Robot Maid|Eri]] in Falrish, [[Jerkass|Baloch]] in Litorud, Sieben and his [[Pet Baby Wild Animal|pets]] in Loomin, Firia in Gorges, Lief in Labres...
** Firia deserves special mention here, because {{spoiler|it turns out ''she's not an outsider at all''. She was just [[Winged Humanoid|born without wings]], and her worthless father decided to 'raise her as an orphan' and let her little sister treat her like a ''slave'' rather than admit she's his daughter by blood. She takes the news surprisingly well; your party, on the other hand, gets righteously upset}}.
* [[And I Must Scream]]: In one village, everyone was turned to stone by the Gray Rain... {{spoiler|and have been worn away by the seasons for ''decades'', rendering it impossible to save anyone. With one exception}}...
** {{spoiler|The worst part about this is that they ''glow'' at night. Poor Clayman assumes this is their hatred for him radiating off of them. In reality, they are just trying to pass on their memories so they can "die" in peace}}.
** {{spoiler|Later on, you come across a village that was ''just hit'' by the Gray Rain, and can get revenge on the monster responsible before saving everyone}}.
* [[Anti-Grinding]]: Until you reach certain late-game areas or Disc 2, each area you visit has a [[Level Cap]] on how far you can take your class/skill grinding. [[Guide Dang It|You aren't really informed of this; battles simply stop counting towards your class mastery]]. Thankfully, it takes longer to level up in this game compared to nearly all other ''Dragon Quest'' games,. exceptThere maybeis 8no restriction for your character's battle level though.
** Only for your class level. There is none for your characters battle level.
* [[Apologetic Attacker]]: The first world-sector boss is {{spoiler|Matilda}} who refuses to fight. This becomes a cross between [[Tear Jerker]] and free exp...
* [[Arbitrary Headcount Limit]]: Like usual, you can only have four heroes in your party. The game handles this by having party members leave for various reasons at certain points: {{spoiler|Kiefer permanently leaves shortly before you gain access to the Shrine of Dharma and character classes; Maribel leaves after the events in Past!Mardra, opening a place for Aira to join almost immediately afterward; Melvin gets isolated from your team during the start of Disc 2, allowing Maribel to rejoin you}}... You do ''eventually'' get the chance to ''choose'' your team, but really, given that you've only got ''five'' heroes total... a fifth slot in battle would've saved a ''lot'' of headaches.
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* [[Can't Catch Up]]: For a many a player, Maribel can become this. Some try to get her out of this, others {{spoiler|know of her leave ahead of time, and}} purposefully ditch her. Regardless, all of her stats end up lower than anyone's save MP, Intelligence, and Style.
* [[Changeling Fantasy]]: An odd twist. He was conceived and gestated for seven months centuries ago, and was then transported to the womb of the woman who gave birth to him when his genetic mother turned into a mermaid. His real father, of course, is a [[Pirate]].
* [[Childhood Friend Romance]]: See the [[Love Dodecahedron]] below, despite the participants being older than children. Also, {{spoiler|1=Kiefer's departure does this to quite a few people. The Hero (no, not in a [[Ho Yay]] way) has both allies and NPCs able to see how sad he is to lose his good friend. Although the tablet found in the epilogue is comforting, to say the least. Leeza, Kiefer's sister and only other genuine friend and supporter, is technically hit by this, too. She's noted to be depressed until Aira is hired at the castle, and she can finally truly be happy again as she both comes to terms with Kiefer's new life and having a friend/descendant in Aira, who is also pleased by this, never having had siblings or a real home of her own}}.
** {{spoiler|Maribel can be a straighter example, and can even be hit by this TWICE. This depends on the player's view of her and Kiefer (though she mentions him ''A LOT'' in Party Chat, particularly after he leaves) and how close the Hero may actually be to Princess Michaela}}.
* [[Chivalrous Pervert]]: Kiefer flirts shamelessly, but won't go any further.
Line 48 ⟶ 46:
* [[Conspicuous CG]]: With the sprites rendered in classic Toriyama-style 2D looking very much like upgraded ''[[Dragon Quest VI]]'' sprites as well as 3D backgrounds and attacks... it can look a bit... style-breaking.
* [[Continuity Nod]]: Numerous to earlier games, as usual, including some of the names of minor characters. Most notable is the return of the town-building sidequest from ''[[Dragon Quest III]]''.
* [[Cool Boat]]: The Marle de Dragonne, which is more of a floating castle than anything else. It is, more or less ''two'' boats, glued together by the castle in the middle. It even has its own [[Awesome Music (Sugar Wiki)|Awesome Music]]. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCKu19IXzXY#t=0m57s Now that's one Nice Boat.]
** It is, more or less ''two'' boats, glued together by the castle in the middle.
*** It even has its own [[Awesome Music (Sugar Wiki)|Awesome Music]]. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCKu19IXzXY#t=0m57s Now that's one Nice Boat.]
* [[Crazy Prepared]]: '''SAIDE'''. The guy is implied to have never been outside of the desert, but is strong as heck for an NPC, has some mad skills, and hasn't even started on his first ''real'' adventure until the end of the game. Sure, he's Hadeed's descendant, but Hadeed was never as strong as Saide despite having ''more'' fighting experience than Saide!
* [[Cut and Paste Environments]]: The bonus dungeons. ''Both'' of them.
Line 67 ⟶ 63:
* [[Genre Savvy]]: Some enemies and bosses mid-game use Falcon Slash, a weaker variant. A later few use Sword Dance without mercy.
* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: Talking to everyone, both the various NPCs and your own party via Party Chat, results in a lot of questionable scenes. In one instance, you can talk to two kids trying unsuccessfully to milk a cow. Your party observes among themselves that said cow is male, and Melvin comments that he milked many a teat in his day.
* [[God Is Evil]]: Subverted,: the God you first resurrect is actually {{spoiler|the Demonlord in disguise}}.
** {{spoiler|Also, the real God is a [[Bonus Boss]], and when you fight him, it's just a friendly test of strength in combat. He even looks pretty friendly. Although, he acts VERY condescending to the party when you talk to him. He does honestly care about humans, he just finds it tiring to speak to creatures which are essentially ants to him}}.
*** {{spoiler|Although, he acts VERY condescending to the party when you talk to him. He does honestly care about humans, he just finds it tiring to speak to creatures which are essentially ants to him}}.
* [[The Gods Must Be Lazy]]: {{spoiler|Turns out God won the war against the Demon Lord, but after sealing him away and recovering, he decided to let humanity and the four elemental spirits clean up the fallout themselves in spite of being both stronger than the Demon Lord and free to fix the problems created by the sealing of the world}}.
*** {{spoiler|Likely justified. If he did too much, they would become over-reliant on him, and thus wouldn't be able to grow as a people}}.
Line 76 ⟶ 71:
* [[Gotta Catch Em All]]: The map pieces, which you need to unlock new areas.
* [[Groundhog Day Loop]]: One region is stuck in this, prompting further [[Timey-Wimey Ball]] antics trying to hunt down the cause.
* [[Guide Dang It]]: Many map pieces, which are needed to advance the plot, are hidden in out-of-the-way places. This fortunately becomes averted in the 3DS version, which will often direct you to the next tablet fragment, but even then a player may find themselves confused onto just what these hints mean.
** Want the best monster class-forms or the town-type of your choice? You're gonna need a guide.
** At one point late in the game, you must use the Empty Bottle to collect Rainbow Dew. The Rainbow Dew could be collected hours earlier... but the game doesn't really direct you to do so or tell you just ''where'' you can find it. Fortunately, it's out of the way.
** Hybrid skills are mentioned PSX version's manual, but it never explains exactly ''how'' to get them. After reaching a certain rank in a class, the character will be mentioned as having "matured"; the character must then immediate switch to the other class and mature in order to learn the skill. The 3DS version gets rid of hybrid skills, simply relocating them to the classes' main skillsets. However, in doing so, they ended up introducing a different problem...
*** In the 3DS version, intermediate and advanced human vocations have powerful spells and skills that are locked (e.g. only the Monster Masher can use breath attacks they learn, and etc). This means that if you master a vocation and switch to another one, you lose the ability to use those powerful skills. Monster vocations have the benefit of learning some of those skills permanently, but again, the game never explains this outright.
* [[Hello, Insert Name Here]]: Once again, your hero.
* [[Heroic Mime]]: [[Lampshaded]] by the Party Talk feature; your allies frequently prompt you to respond, or react as if you had actually said something to them... or just given them a Meaningful Look or two.
Line 87 ⟶ 85:
* [[Jerkass]]: '''HONDARA'''. Also, that warrior in the pink armor. After having his abilities stripped of him, he takes the demons up on their offer to use the Soulshatter Sword to shatter five souls, with his justification being that he deserves better than everyone else in the Penal Town. The last soul shattered ends up being Neris' kid brother Zaji. You meet up with him again later, and not only is he not the least bit repentant for what he's done, he actually mocks Neris for wanting revenge.
** The present day Mayor of Labres is this, [[Crazy Prepared]], and [[Ax Crazy]]. He feared someone was going to find the tablet eventually, and had a giant axe ready so smash it to bits when they did. [[What the Hell, Townspeople?|Why he did has no real justification either.]]
** Pendragon/Preator in past Aeolus Vale. He disowned his own daughter for being born without wings by telling her that she was a human orphan that he was kind enough to take in, and is so fearful of having his cover on this lie broken that he doesn't even want to tell her when the heroes need her to open a door that ONLY a member of the Cirrus tribe can open. His own mother constantly calls him out on how big of a cowardly asshole he is though.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: {{spoiler|"The Pink Soldier" dies protecting another man from a monster attack, which is the only time he ever thinks for anyone other than himself}}.
* [[Jumped At the Call]]: Kiefer. He's so ''excited'' by the prospect of adventure, that after your first actual fight (against mere ''[[Mascot Mook|slimes]]'', no less), he goes into a hysterical laughing fit from the adrenaline rush.
Line 94 ⟶ 93:
* [[Love At First Sight]]: Michaela has elements of this with the hero. What really hits it off for her are his age similarity to her (a breath of fresh air when your castle if full of older people) and kind-nature. Though it's never really explored much, the Hero is noted by allies to get a bit shy around her when Party Chatting, and is said to be rather happy to be kissed by her in the epilogue. This is all to Maribel's chagrin, of course.
* [[Love Dodecahedron]]: ''Hoo boy''. {{spoiler|In Verdham: [[Upper Class Twit|Iwan]] has an [[Arranged Marriage]] with Linda, but Linda loves his gardener, [[Nice Guy|Pepe]]. Iwan's [[Meido|maid]] Kaya loves him, and [[Yandere|jokes about]] ''[[Perfect Poison|poisoning everyone]]'' to get what she wants. Linda and Kaya both pressure Pepe to fight for her, but he [[Extreme Doormat|cracks under the pressure]] of trying to please everyone and [[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy|leaves town so she can marry and live well]]. Nobody's happy, and even Maribel and Kiefer get ''pissed'' at the non-solution}}.
** And [[It Got Worse]], folks. {{spoiler|We get to visit Verdham down the road, and we get to see the results of the fact that everyone went stupid the last time you were here -: Iwan loses the house and is worthless, Kaya has married the new owner of the house, we find out that her poisoning jokes weren't exactly jokes, Linda abandoned her family to become a nun at a convent overlooking Pepe's estate at Mentare and recently passed away pining for Pepe, and Pepe has become a confirmed bachelor. Perhaps it's for the best that Verdham in the present is a ruin, with only the decaying herb garden left to mark that it even existed}}.
* [[Magic Knight]]: Melvin, who is more magic-centric. Aira, is more combat centric.
* [[Metamorphosis]]: {{spoiler|Little Gabo}} got hit by this.
Line 107 ⟶ 106:
* [[Plot Hole]]: After your first fight (against Slimes, of course), Kiefer's reaction suggests this is the first time he's ever encountered monsters, let alone fought some. Then ''[[Dragon Quest Monsters|Caravan Heart]]'' came out...
** [[Fridge Brilliance]]: ''He'' didn't fight in Caravan Heart, ''his monsters'' did.
** The[[Power iconsFist]]: Gabo/Ruff uses claw versions. They do look like fists,powerfists butin they'rethe clawsgame, inbut the artworkicon and attackartwork animationshows them as claws. His high strength still lets him give a good haymaker though!
* [[Power Fist]]: Gabo's [[Weapon of Choice]].
** The icons look like fists, but they're claws in the artwork and attack animation. His high strength still lets him give a good haymaker though!
* [[Precision F-Strike]]: Averted. A lot of other "bad words" are used though. Even by Gabo. Pretty jarring considering the NES and GBC entries...
* [[Prolonged Prologue]]: You need to spend at least two hours of gameplay to get into a first dungeon and first battle with a slime.
Line 117 ⟶ 115:
** Perhaps this was a [[Shout-Out]] to Ragnar in ''Dragon Quest IV''?
*** The outfit, yes, but the personality? Never. Ragnar's a hero who [[Friend to All Living Things|saves children, marriages, and befriends monsters, for crying out loud.]]
* [[Rebellious Princess]]: Kiefer hits every part of this trope's description save gender.
** LaterKiefer onhits there'severy Airapart of the Deja tribe,this whotrope's justdescription assave rebelliousgender.
*** Later on there's Aira of the Deja tribe, who's just as rebellious. [[In the Blood|There's a reason for that.]]
** Maribel is a Mayor's daughter. Pretty close.
* [[Redundant Researcher]]: The desert scholar.
Line 133 ⟶ 131:
* [[Shout-Out]]: The man who tasks you with building your own town? ''[[SimCity]]''.
* [[The Slacker]]: Hondara, the hero's worthless wannabe [[Con Man]] uncle. Your mother frequently worries that her son might turn out the same way. {{spoiler|The Holy Water he offers to sell you, though? The real deal. Surprises the hell out of his neighbors. The Hot Stone he's trying to pawn off also turns out to be very significant to the plot}}.
* [[So Long and Thanks For All the Gear]]: Averted;: {{spoiler|when Kiefer leaves, he gives back all the equipment you gave him}}.
** Played straight with {{spoiler|Maribel, with no warning. Hope she wasn't carrying anything useful, like the Bless Staff or Tiny Medals... [[Unwinnable|or that empty bottle]]}}.
*** Is that true? As far as I could tell, she returned any key items (but kept anything else).
Line 153 ⟶ 151:
* [[Winged Humanoid]]: The Lefa Tribe of Gorges.
* [[Xanatos Gambit]]: Played by {{spoiler|GOD}} of all people. Blocked entirely for plot contents. {{spoiler|God has set up his battle with [[Big Bad|Orgodemir]] so that his four Spirits can be revived if they fell. He sealed his warrior Melvin away for the Hero to gain and add strength to his party. The Hero was about to be born in a [[Doomed Hometown]], but God saved him and moved him to the continent of Estard in the future when the Ruins could be used. The Hero was originally a child marked with the Aqua Spirit's brand - but only half, his father Sharkeye was not killed, only Sealed in ice until needed so that the Hero can gain the entire seal. Estard on the other hand was the ONLY island that was spared from Orgodemir's destruction. On that island was the Ruins that allow the Hero to go into the past and save all the worlds. The shards to get to each world are arranged in difficulty to allow the Hero to grow. Then right after the Hero has killed Orgodemir, the revival ceremony to revive God is allowed to finally work. Sadly right after that is the Body Snatcher incident but... God's Gambit works perfectly}}.
* [[Your Princess Is in Another Castle]]: Great job, you resurrected God! {{spoiler|Wait a minute... he's starting to enslave everyone... and seal off the world again}}.
** Great job, you resurrected God! {{spoiler|Wait a minute... he's starting to enslave everyone... and seal off the world again}}.
** Congratulations! You've just destroyed the Demon King and finally brought peace to the world. {{spoiler|Except you're still on Disc 1}}.
** You have just killed the monster causing darkness around Nottagen. Wait a moment, why is it still ruined? Back to fix it! Well, now you saved them from a man-eating plant. Now let's see what... wait, why are they ''still'' ruined?