• Award Snub: Most people felt Eddie Murphy should have won the Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his performance as Jimmy.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Originally Effie White, now it's Jimmy Early.
  • I Am Not Shazam: Despite the title of the film and the song, they are called the Dreamettes, the Dreams, and then Deena Jones and the Dreams.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Curtis near the end when he steals C.C. and Effie's song One Night Only for his own. Luckily its also the start of his Laser-Guided Karma.
    • In-universe, the last straw for Deena was when Curtis pulled the plug on the gritty film project she wanted to undertake, forcing her into his Cleopatra movie that she was never interested in.
  • What Does She See in Him?: Not stated in the show, but honestly, Curtis becomes overly ambitious, and after Effie falls in love with him he jilts her in favor of her friend Deena, while also cultivating her into a marketable product. And after all this Effie still states "You're the best man I'll ever know" and swears up and down that they're perfect for each other.
  • Woobie: Effie and Deena.