Ranger: Behold! For as a ranger, I possess the rare and enviable Dual-Wield! [pulls out a second bow] Have you a sense of the sudden and violent brevity of your future?
Sarda: That's... This is what you're going with? Dual-wield.
Ranger: Moreover! As a ranger/ranger, I can dual-wield my dual-wield! [pulls out two more bows]
Sarda: What.

Ranger: Behold! The mythical art of quad-wielding and its dodecarrow storm!

Sarda: How are you holding those?

Ranger: It's not easy. Really hurts the neck.

Lord Lefford: I saw that great hairy one today, the one who insisted that he must have two battle-axes, the heavy black steel ones with twin crescent blades.
Tyrion: Shagga likes to kill with either hand.
Lord Lefford: He still had that wood-axe of his strapped to his back.

Tyrion: Shagga is of the opinion that three axes are even better than two.

"Drizzt's most endearing characteristic is that he ponces around using two scimitars -- and is still alive. (...) Historically, the various tradeoffs among Damage, Defense, Agility, Cost and Convenience have been resolved in favor of using one weapon at a time."
—The FRUA Newsletter, on a Forgotten Realms character.

"“If I were to pick up this cowering-plate, I would have to put down my second sword, ” a Scotsman thinks. “And surely that is madness.”
—The Team Fortress 2 blog, on a Scotsman's thoughts on shields.