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** And in the ''[[Great Mazinger]]'' tai ''[[Getter Robo]]'' movie, after {{spoiler|destroying the monstruous Gilgilgan}}, Tetsuya and the Getter team shook -their robots- hands, congratulating themselves for their victory [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bpla65eQCE\]... and then Boss Borot's head -that was the only body part had been left of it!- stumbled between them and remembered them angrily he also took part in the battle. Tetsuya and the Getter team laughed, and the former admited their plan had worked thanks to him. Boss smiled, stating it was about time someone acknowledged his talent.
* ''[[Code Geass]]'' uses this trope for drama, as well as being probably the only series in existence to ''give a name to the reason'' this happens to certain characters: [[Manipulative Bastard|Schneizel el Britannia]].
** The first victim is [[Proud Warrior Race Guy|Li Xingke]], who has been in the service of the Empress for years. Then comes Schneizel to propose the marriage with his brother. Li even points out what a horrible mistake it is to let ''the guy that conquered half a continent'' run around in ''a country they're currently in at least diplomatic tensions'', and knowing Britannia's expansive ideology... (not to mention letting some Knights of Rounds accompany him, too). Well, moving on, Li is sent in their strongest armor after {{spoiler|Zero kidnaps the Empress}}. After a battle in which he risks his life, what do the Eunuchs do? They forget all his contributions and still want him executed! No wonder he ends up {{spoiler|siding with Zero to defend the Empress from them}}, and from here, they get their just desserts. Ultimately, it is revealed that the eunuchs WANTED the marriage to go through so they would gain Britannian royalty, and that they were [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness|willing to kill off and replace the empress, who they saw as nothing more than a figurehead]]. When Zero [[Engineered Public Confession|publicly reveals the plan to the masses]], well, let's just say they don't take it too well, and now it's the eunuchs who are being left to dry by Schneizel, who sees [[Zero-Percent0% Approval Rating|that they no longer represent the nation without the support of their public]].
** Then, the icing on the cake, Schneizel {{spoiler|asking a discussion with the Black Knights, after knowing Lelouch would be too emotionally damaged by the supposed death of his sister}}, '''with a bomb strapped to his mech, threatening to blow it up if anything happens to him'''. So in ''just 5 minutes of on-screen time'' (couldn't have been more than 30 minutes in their time), {{spoiler|the Black Knights}} suddenly forget how much {{spoiler|Lelouch}} helped them and ''take Schneizel's word for it'', although he has little proof on the matter except his word on it and some tapes that could have been fake. This is made worse by the fact that Schneizel is just using his [[Magnificent Bastard|charisma]] and has not, nor will he ever have, power of Geass, or even sufficient actual knowledge of it, leaving him to [[Half Truth|take any plausible liberty]] in order to [[Let's You and Him Fight|sow the seeds of discord between the core knights and their leader]].
** Before any of this though, we have Suzaku, who spends most of the series trying to work within Britannia to change the system. Problem is, he's a low-ranking Honorary Britannian, which has him sent for cannon fodder missions for much of season one.
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* Janine/Giannine from ''[[Heir Apparent]]'' is a victim of this: in order to advance in the virtual world game, she has to go on quests and help everybody to win their approval; and even though she eventually succeeds in winning the guards' and her half-brothers' respect, she just can't seem to please the queen.
* Benjamin Weaver from ''[[A Conspiracy of Paper]]'' also suffers from this as well. He helps his clients retrieve what has been stolen from them and all he gets in return is racist remarks and scorn just because he's a Jew.
* ''[[The Great Gatsby]]''. In a subversion, the narrator eventually realizes that for all his faults, Gatsby is still better than the [[UpperclassUpper Class Twit|Upperclass Twits]] who dismiss him as nouveau-riche.
* This happens so many times in the ''[[Star Wars]]'' Expanded Universe that it's not even funny. Luke and Leia in particular get accused many times of trying to take over the government they helped create. No matter how many times they (or their families... or Jedi in particular...) save the world, whoever's in charge blames everything on them or the Jedi. Leia has actually been accused of ''trying to seize power just like Darth Vader''. This is the same woman that originally didn't want to have children out of fear that they'd become Sith.
* The White Council of ''[[The Dresden Files]]'', towards the title character. No matter how far backwards he bends, they still think he's going to go warlock on them without a second's notice. Ultimately, Harry is a maverick at best, hardly the way to win the respect of a very conservative organization.