Dynasty Warriors/Characters/Notable Shu NPC: Difference between revisions

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* [[The Resenter]] - Towards Guan Yu.
* [[The Quisling]] - After being defeated by Wu, willingly helps them in killing Guan Yu in DW7. Could be seen as [[Defeat Means Friendship]] in Wu's perspective.
* [[Rewarded Asas a Traitor Deserves]] - After planning on betraying Guan Yu, he is killed by the water attack in DW6.
* [[Turncoat]] - Defects to Wu at Fan Castle.
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* [[The Resenter]] - Towards Guan Yu.
* [[The Quisling]] - After being defeated by Wu, willingly helps them in killing Guan Yu in DW7. Could be seen as [[Defeat Means Friendship]] in Wu's perspective.
* [[Rewarded Asas a Traitor Deserves]] - After planning on betraying Guan Yu, he is killed by the water attack in DW6.
* [[Turncoat]] - Defects to Wu at Fan Castle.