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* Boris the Bullet Dodger from ''[[Snatch]]''. He dodges bullets.
** Apparently, while lying on the ground.
** There's also Bullet-Tooth Tony, who earned his nickname by being shot six times, [[Why Won't You Die?|surviving]],<ref>and killing the guy who shot him</ref>, and having the bullets melted down into his false tooth.
== Literature ==
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* [[Warhammer 40000|Kharn the Betrayer]] earned his title after slaughtering his way through two [[The Corruption|Chaos]] [[Space Marine]] legions, one of them his own. We're not sure if he refers to himself that way, since he usually only says things like "[[Madness Mantra|BURN! MAIM! KILL!]]," "[[Blood Knight|BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE]]!" or "[[The Berserker|RAAAAAAGGHHH]]!!!"
* ''[[Exalted]]'', [[Rule of Cool|naturally]], has quite a few of these. Probably the most prominent is the god known as the Unconquered Sun. [[Captain Obvious|Guess how he earned the name.]]
* Both ''[[Werewolf: The Apocalypse]]'' and ''[[Werewolf: The Forsaken]]'' feature the idea of "deed names" -- that—that is, werewolves who've attained deeds of great Renown will often take on a name to reflect it, such as "Evan Heals-the-Past" or "Dares-the-Night."
== Toys ==