Easily Forgiven: Difference between revisions

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*** Marik at least had the excuse that he believed the Pharaoh was responsible for [[You Killed My Father|killing his father]] and enslaving his family, and once he realises his error (and sees his [[Super-Powered Evil Side]]) he helps Yugi win his duel against said Evil Side and resolves to atone for his actions.
** Joey towards Espa Roba. After learning that Espa is a cheater, it's hard for Joey to stay mad at him after finding out that [[Promoted to Parent| he's raising his younger brothers on his own]], something Joey sees [[Not So Different| as very similar to how he is trying to protect Serenity.]] Mokuba counts here too; he initially intends to disqualify Roba, but lets it slide after Roba's siblings plead with him not to.
*** Dartz a [[Filler Villain]], {{spoiler|a 10,000 year old king of Atlantis}}, a businessman, corrupt[[Corrupt corporateCorporate Executive]] and leader of his [[Humans Are the Real Monsters|destroy-the-world-because-humanity-ruined-it]] cult. His goal involves taking the souls of millions of souls of both humans and Duel Monster, literally killing off two worlds, he treats his henchmen poorly and will throw them away if they're useless, when he's not taking advantage of their [[Dark and Troubled Past]]. But it gets worse {{spoiler|he later reveals he's behind the events to why his henchmen are so screwed up, all so they would join him.}} He's more a [[Complete Monster]] than the rest of the antagonists,, yet he is just let off the hook and ascendascends to heaven.
** In ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal]]'', nobody seems to hold anything against serial cheater and [[Snake Oil Salesman]] Flip Turner; he continues to be [[The Friend Nobody Likes]] despite them having to bail him out of trouble many times.
** In ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V]]'', Yuya's willingness to forgive Sora is a ''little'' understandable, as he knew the guy for a long time, and nothing Sora did was directed to Yuya personally. Dennis, however, was far more sinister and deceptive, not to mention sadistic, but the Lancers still offered him clemency - which he rejected.