Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy/Fridge: Difference between revisions

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** Also, there are implications that Ed and Eddy have [[Abusive Parents]]. They try to change their grades so as to not get in trouble. That's just being dishonest, right? Well, offscreen, it seems that their parents either beat them or subject them to severe verbal abuse. Suddenly, their actions seem a lot more justifiable.
** What about Edd's home life? On the surface, he seems to be the perfect child. But he's [[Super OCD|extremely OCD]] to the point where he measures if his bed is ''completely'' flat, and you don't see anything of his parents except for the sticky notes everywhere. Makes me wonder how messed up ''his'' home life really is...
** This might be an uncomfortable thought, but when you put enough thought into it, you realize that a good majority if not all the kids of the Cul-de-sac have abusive parents. Take, for example, that none of the parents are ever seen. The only other character who was never revealed was Eddy's Brother until [[The Movie]], and we all know what he [[Complete Monster|ended up being...]] Now enough can be assumed from Eddy's personality and his home life to infer that he was abused. With Ed, we get a small glimpse at what life under his parents must really be like during the episode Rock-a-Bye Ed, but it certainly explains a lot of why he secludes himself off from his family and, well, reality. Edd appears to be more or less untouched by abuse, but when you consider his OCD and that his parents only seem to ever communicate with him through sticky notes, it's more than possible that Edd suffers from severe child neglect, opting to be the best son he can be just for a mite of attention or praise. Jimmy is clearly sheltered, his only gateway to outside activities being Sarah. Rolf is an only child who adorns almost ALL the responsibility of his home. Johnny chooses to associate more closely to Plank than anyone else in the cast (though more a show of disassociation from the other kids rather than any actual signs of abuse.) The Kanker Sisters all seem to come from different fathers. In fact, the only ones who show no real signs of suffering any abuse are Nazz and Kevin. -[[Tropers/Rocky Samson|Rocky Samson]]
*** And they're the most realistic of all the characters.
*** It gets better if you know why the characters are designed the way they are. For example, the Eds are representations of the creator's (Danny Antonucci) personality when he was a kid. If you took your personality and split into three people then highlighted their personalities until they were as developed as real people you would have three kind of messed up people. Then you have the [[Rule of Funny]] which stated that Flanderization should occur. In fact the crew had to reverse the process because it got too ridiculous. Then you look at the other characters who were based on people that Danny knew. Rolf was based on the fact that Danny was the foreigner in his neighborhood when he was growing up. Nazz wasn't developed until the movie. Sarah is similar to real life girls who use their cute demeanor to get their older brother in trouble. I've seen that in real life, but it seemed to get better with the case I saw. We have also seen Sarah generally worried about Ed in the past, though. Johny could have a real problem, but he could simply be a 12 year-old whose parents haven't yet figured out that he is too old for an imaginary friend. The Kankers sisters are definitely messed up since they came from a broken family. Jimmy is only 9 and he has plenty of time to develop, so he isn't in too much trouble. Science has proved 90% of personalities are determined at birth. He would end up shy, but he probably would have anyways and he could still become better adjusted. Kevin is a jerk jock, but he could still grow out of it. Everyone except Johny, Eddy's brother, and maybe the Kankers took a step in the right direction with their personalities during the movie. Then you consider the fact why there aren't any parents according to the [[Word of God]] that Danny provided. He said that the reason there isn't parents is that in real life during the summer you wouldn't really see much of your parents or other kids' parents when you were outside playing. That is a very true statement. Parents would be at work or doing choirs while kids are outside playing. I for one hardly ever saw other kids' parents or my own when I was playing with friends. I may occasionally get a glimpse or two, but we were generally left on our own. The show is basically about kids growing up and hanging out with people their own age, so the trope is justified. For everything else, you can assume therapists exist in this world. -Thecommander236