El Internado: Difference between revisions

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However, things soon take a turn towards the weird and mysterious when one of the professors, Alfonso Ceballos (Paco Merino) tells Carol and Vicky that they are in danger of dying, and disappears a few days later. From there on, the teenagers start to investigate what happened to him, without knowing that behind of not only Alfonso's disappearance, but also Marcos' parents' disappearance and indeed the very past and future of everyone living in the school is an old conspiracy tied to the origins of the boarding school as an orphanage and the actions of a group of people trying to prevent that conspiracy from actually taking fruit.
However, things soon take a turn towards the weird and mysterious when one of the professors, Alfonso Ceballos (Paco Merino) tells Carol and Vicky that they are in danger of dying, and disappears a few days later. From there on, the teenagers start to investigate what happened to him, without knowing that behind of not only Alfonso's disappearance, but also Marcos' parents' disappearance and indeed the very past and future of everyone living in the school is an old conspiracy tied to the origins of the boarding school as an orphanage and the actions of a group of people trying to prevent that conspiracy from actually taking fruit.
* [[Abusive Parents]]: Jacques Noiret killed his own wife when Iván was 1 year old, and the next fifteen years he mistreated both his son and all of his girlfriends. This has many consequences in that Iván has a very hard time to connect with other people, and a time later Iván testifies against his father.
* [[Abusive Parents]]: Jacques Noiret killed his own wife when Iván was 1 year old, and the next fifteen years he mistreated both his son and all of his girlfriends. This has many consequences in that Iván has a very hard time to connect with other people, and a time later Iván testifies against his father.
* [[Action Girl]]: between the adults, Nora and Rebeca (and maybe María). Among the girls, Julia and perhaps Carol.
* [[Action Girl]]: between the adults, Nora and Rebeca (and maybe María). Among the girls, Julia and perhaps Carol.
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** Héctor manages to pull this off in the end of the series, preventing a group of soldiers from shooting at the teenagers (amongst them {{spoiler|his nephew and niece}} Marcos and Paula).
** Héctor manages to pull this off in the end of the series, preventing a group of soldiers from shooting at the teenagers (amongst them {{spoiler|his nephew and niece}} Marcos and Paula).
** Amaia does this twice in the last episode of the 6th season, saving Marcos from being shot {{spoiler|although considering that she is one of the bad guys, it would be more of a [[Big Damn Villains]] thing}}.
** Amaia does this twice in the last episode of the 6th season, saving Marcos from being shot {{spoiler|although considering that she is one of the bad guys, it would be more of a [[Big Damn Villains]] thing}}.
** Vicky saves Paula from {{spoiler|Amaia}} by hitting her with a shovel. While saying "[[Precision F Strike|Puta acoplada]]".
** Vicky saves Paula from {{spoiler|Amaia}} by hitting her with a shovel. While saying "[[Precision F-Strike|Puta acoplada]]".
* [[Big No]]: when Ritter Wulf {{spoiler|sees the grenades falling down the tube just when he was about to revive his daughter Eva}}.
* [[Big No]]: when Ritter Wulf {{spoiler|sees the grenades falling down the tube just when he was about to revive his daughter Eva}}.
** Marcos as {{spoiler|he holds the dying Carol in his arms}}.
** Marcos as {{spoiler|he holds the dying Carol in his arms}}.
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* [[Germans Love David Hasselhoff]]: It's getting a good reception in many other countries, such as Italy or Japan.
* [[Germans Love David Hasselhoff]]: It's getting a good reception in many other countries, such as Italy or Japan.
* [[Gratuitous German]]: Justified, as {{spoiler|the ''Proyecto Géminis''' founders are Nazi Germans and use this language when they are alone}}. Also, {{spoiler|one diary the teens find is in German}}.
* [[Gratuitous German]]: Justified, as {{spoiler|the ''Proyecto Géminis''' founders are Nazi Germans and use this language when they are alone}}. Also, {{spoiler|one diary the teens find is in German}}.
* [[Green Eyed Monster]]: when Carol starts to think that maybe Amelia is part of the bad guys, most of her friends (especially Marcos, who is in a relation with Amelia) think it's just envy. Carol was right.
* [[Green-Eyed Monster]]: when Carol starts to think that maybe Amelia is part of the bad guys, most of her friends (especially Marcos, who is in a relation with Amelia) think it's just envy. Carol was right.
** This happens to Iván when he sees Julia approaching a guy he thoroughly dislikes.
** This happens to Iván when he sees Julia approaching a guy he thoroughly dislikes.
* [[He's Just Hiding]]: when {{spoiler|Héctor}} died, many fans thought that he was still alive and his death was only simulated. They were right.
* [[He's Just Hiding]]: when {{spoiler|Héctor}} died, many fans thought that he was still alive and his death was only simulated. They were right.
** Also thought about {{spoiler|Carol}}, because few could believe that her character, one of the favourites of the audience, would actually die. This time, they were wrong.
** Also thought about {{spoiler|Carol}}, because few could believe that her character, one of the favourites of the audience, would actually die. This time, they were wrong.
** In-universe example: the bad guys {{spoiler|were [[Those Wacky Nazis|Nazis]] and}} had simulated their deaths in the past to avoid being caught.
** In-universe example: the bad guys {{spoiler|were [[Those Wacky Nazis|Nazis]] and}} had simulated their deaths in the past to avoid being caught.
* [[Hey Its That Guy]]: Héctor is Mauri from ''Aquí no hay quien viva'', Jacinta is Soledad from ''7 Vidas'', Daniel Retuerta was Lolo in ''Compañeros''...
* [[Hey It's That Guy]]: Héctor is Mauri from ''Aquí no hay quien viva'', Jacinta is Soledad from ''7 Vidas'', Daniel Retuerta was Lolo in ''Compañeros''...
** Carol appears in ''Una rosa de Francia'' and ''Mentiras y gordas'', this one also with Iván.
** Carol appears in ''Una rosa de Francia'' and ''Mentiras y gordas'', this one also with Iván.
** Vicky's mother is played by Lolita, who is Elena Furiase's real life mother.
** Vicky's mother is played by Lolita, who is Elena Furiase's real life mother.
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* [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold]]: Iván. He may have pranked Marcos a few too many times, insulted all his friends way too many times, argued with both Carol and Julia (especially Julia), insulted his own mother... but when he wants he can be a very thoughtful and nice guy, and will jump to defend any of them if given a chance.
* [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold]]: Iván. He may have pranked Marcos a few too many times, insulted all his friends way too many times, argued with both Carol and Julia (especially Julia), insulted his own mother... but when he wants he can be a very thoughtful and nice guy, and will jump to defend any of them if given a chance.
* [[Kill It With Fire]]: averted with Camilo. {{spoiler|At the end of season 5, he burns alive, but season 6 shows that he survived, although with horrific burns.}} Played straight with Hugo {{spoiler|who burns alive in an incident similar to that of Camilo, but this time he dies}}, the healing machine and the school building.
* [[Kill It With Fire]]: averted with Camilo. {{spoiler|At the end of season 5, he burns alive, but season 6 shows that he survived, although with horrific burns.}} Played straight with Hugo {{spoiler|who burns alive in an incident similar to that of Camilo, but this time he dies}}, the healing machine and the school building.
* [[May December Romance]]: Marcos enters a relationship with Amelia, the 5 and 6-years-old teacher, after he realises that being with Carol would be very difficult due to his friendship with Iván. Amelia ends up being fired for having a romantic relationship with a student, but she comes back later. {{spoiler|She was being blackmailed into seducing Marcos so that the [[Big Bad]] could learn what the teenagers knew about the conspiracy.}}
* [[May-December Romance]]: Marcos enters a relationship with Amelia, the 5 and 6-years-old teacher, after he realises that being with Carol would be very difficult due to his friendship with Iván. Amelia ends up being fired for having a romantic relationship with a student, but she comes back later. {{spoiler|She was being blackmailed into seducing Marcos so that the [[Big Bad]] could learn what the teenagers knew about the conspiracy.}}
* [[McLeaned]]: This happened to {{spoiler|Carol}} after {{spoiler|Ana de Armas}} decided to leave the series.
* [[McLeaned]]: This happened to {{spoiler|Carol}} after {{spoiler|Ana de Armas}} decided to leave the series.
** Also to {{spoiler|Jacques Noiret}} when the actor went to the United States.
** Also to {{spoiler|Jacques Noiret}} when the actor went to the United States.
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** Julia's encounters with the ghosts are this for her. The creepiest one is when she meets Eva's ghost... at the same moment [[Identical Grandson|Paula passes near the ghost]].
** Julia's encounters with the ghosts are this for her. The creepiest one is when she meets Eva's ghost... at the same moment [[Identical Grandson|Paula passes near the ghost]].
* [[The Plan]]: Garrido played one to get inside the school and derail the plans to get more medicines.
* [[The Plan]]: Garrido played one to get inside the school and derail the plans to get more medicines.
* [[Precision F Strike]]: {{spoiler|Amaia}} is holding Paula, threatening to kill her unless Marcos backs up... and then [[Big Damn Heroes|Vicky arrives]] and [[Moment of Awesome|hits her on her head with a shovel]], saying "Puta acoplada".
* [[Precision F-Strike]]: {{spoiler|Amaia}} is holding Paula, threatening to kill her unless Marcos backs up... and then [[Big Damn Heroes|Vicky arrives]] and [[Moment of Awesome|hits her on her head with a shovel]], saying "Puta acoplada".
* [[Redemption Equals Death]]: Roque is killed, but {{spoiler|he managed to record on his mobile phone how Garrido was burying Lucía before the soldier saw him. The phone would be found by Julia later, and this would clue them into the fact that Garrido was not actually helping them.}}
* [[Redemption Equals Death]]: Roque is killed, but {{spoiler|he managed to record on his mobile phone how Garrido was burying Lucía before the soldier saw him. The phone would be found by Julia later, and this would clue them into the fact that Garrido was not actually helping them.}}
** Subverted with Jacques Noiret: his redemption turned him mad.
** Subverted with Jacques Noiret: his redemption turned him mad.
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** [[Sixth Ranger]]: Roque's and Amaia's territory. {{spoiler|The fact that BOTH of them turn out to be [[The Mole]] turns out to be an important thing...}}
** [[Sixth Ranger]]: Roque's and Amaia's territory. {{spoiler|The fact that BOTH of them turn out to be [[The Mole]] turns out to be an important thing...}}
* [[Villainous Breakdown]] / [[Villainous BSOD]]: Jacques Noiret suffers this at the end of the 6th season. {{spoiler|He meets his son from other relationship, who suffers photophobia, and the kid tells him he wants to be as courageous as him and Iván (here he realises that he has been a great prick). Then, after Roque finally grows a spine and tells him he isn't going to collaborate with him anymore, Jacques infects him with [[The Virus]] and tells Roque that he is a coward: when Roque says he prefers being a coward than a monster, it unsettles him really bad. And when he faces Iván and has to choose between obeying orders from Ritter Wulf or letting his son go, he chooses the latter and finally runs away.}} All of this{{spoiler|,combined with the "help" of a psychiatrist that works for the Proyecto Géminis}} is more than enough to make him go mad.
* [[Villainous Breakdown]] / [[Villainous BSOD]]: Jacques Noiret suffers this at the end of the 6th season. {{spoiler|He meets his son from other relationship, who suffers photophobia, and the kid tells him he wants to be as courageous as him and Iván (here he realises that he has been a great prick). Then, after Roque finally grows a spine and tells him he isn't going to collaborate with him anymore, Jacques infects him with [[The Virus]] and tells Roque that he is a coward: when Roque says he prefers being a coward than a monster, it unsettles him really bad. And when he faces Iván and has to choose between obeying orders from Ritter Wulf or letting his son go, he chooses the latter and finally runs away.}} All of this{{spoiler|,combined with the "help" of a psychiatrist that works for the Proyecto Géminis}} is more than enough to make him go mad.
* [[Will They or Won't They]]: Marcos and Carol go through this for several seasons, with some blissful moments (such as the encounter in the bath) until they seem to finally settle down in the fifth-sixth season. Then, {{spoiler|Carol dies, and Marcos never has other girlfriend in the run of the series (admittedly, between Carol's death and the end of the series only a few weeks pass}}.
* [[Will They or Won't They?]]: Marcos and Carol go through this for several seasons, with some blissful moments (such as the encounter in the bath) until they seem to finally settle down in the fifth-sixth season. Then, {{spoiler|Carol dies, and Marcos never has other girlfriend in the run of the series (admittedly, between Carol's death and the end of the series only a few weeks pass}}.
** Also, Iván and Julia. They spend seasons 3 to 7 breaking up and coming back. It is clear from season 4 that they love each other deeply, but Iván's jealousness and their easily irritable tempers always get the best of them. Season 7 had Iván break up with Julia and lie to her because {{spoiler|he had just learned that he had Alzheimer [[I Just Want My Beloved to Be Happy|and was determined not to become a load for Julia]]}}. Eventually, Julia would learn what was going on with him, but it still took Iván some time to realise that he couldn't go on without Julia.
** Also, Iván and Julia. They spend seasons 3 to 7 breaking up and coming back. It is clear from season 4 that they love each other deeply, but Iván's jealousness and their easily irritable tempers always get the best of them. Season 7 had Iván break up with Julia and lie to her because {{spoiler|he had just learned that he had Alzheimer [[I Just Want My Beloved to Be Happy|and was determined not to become a load for Julia]]}}. Eventually, Julia would learn what was going on with him, but it still took Iván some time to realise that he couldn't go on without Julia.
* [[You Are Not My Father]]: Iván pulls this one against María because Jacques Noiret has shown him proof that María can't actually have sons (this is because, after she gave birth, Jacques had her uterus extracted). When Iván realises what Noiret did, he does this against him.
* [[You Are Not My Father]]: Iván pulls this one against María because Jacques Noiret has shown him proof that María can't actually have sons (this is because, after she gave birth, Jacques had her uterus extracted). When Iván realises what Noiret did, he does this against him.