Epic Fail: Difference between revisions

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== Newspaper Comics ==
* ''[[Beetle Bailey]]'': Cookie manages to make soup that is too tough to cut with a knife... and steak that is too tough to cut with a machine gun and grenades. In one strip, he lists the ingredients for his meatballs, and realizes he forgot to use ground beef. He also manages to fail to ''not'' [[Kitchen Sink Included|include the kitchen sink]]—in food. No wonder he [[Beyond the Impossible|graduated 50th out of a class of twenty-five]].
* ''[[Peanuts]]'':
** Charlie Brown's failures tend to skirt the bounds of belief. For instance, his kite flying. In addition to the all-too-familiar situation where he winds up dangling upside-down in a tree with the kite, he's been known to lose his kite in a mailbox or down a sewer grate. In one strip, it [[How Is That Even Possible?| exploded in mid-air.]]