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[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-MnhFSHTxU ...But NOT in the way anybody expected.]
The story begins with Walt Disney's original cartoon star, [[Oswald the Lucky Rabbit]], after finally getting Walt some success and recognition, [[Too Good to Last|being taken from him]] over a budget dispute, fading into obscurity, and being [[Captain Ersatz|replaced by his younger half-brother]] [[Mickey Mouse]]. [[Throw the Dog a Bone|Fortunately]], he becomes the first resident of a world created by [[Fantasia|the wizard Yen Sid]] for [[What Could Have Been|forgotten and rejected Disney creations and ideas]]. This world, called [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Wasteland]] (based on the [[Disney Theme Parks]]), exists as a small model on a table within Yen Sid's tower. Oswald takes this world as his own, presenting himself as a king there. Soon after, Oswald teams up with [[The Mad Doctor]], another early resident of Wasteland -- togetherWasteland—together, they create the [[Mecha Mook|robotic]] [[Xtreme Kool Letterz|Beetleworx]], which serve as construction tools for Wasteland, as well as relocators for new residents of the world, and together they try to make Wasteland a comfortable home for the other lost [[Disney]] characters who later join them -- butthem—but Oswald grows resentful of his younger brother over time due to his increasing popularity. In a vain effort to emulate the life he never had, he makes a ''very'' large family with his [[Interspecies Romance|feline girlfriend]] Ortensia, and has [[The Mad Doctor]] build [[Robot Buddy|robotic copies]] of [[Donald Duck]] and [[Goofy]] to help him recreate the adventures Mickey went on -- buton—but even this fails to fill the void.
Later on, Mickey himself stumbles into Yen Sid's tower, after being lured in by the wizard's mischevious (or malicious) magic mirror. Shortly after arriving, he sees Yen Sid put the finishing touches on Wasteland. Content with his progress, Yen Sid goes off to sleep, while Mickey decides to put his own touch on Wasteland--heWasteland—he spots the magic paintbrush Yen Sid was using and begins to fiddle with it, but accidentally creates a monster [[Eldritch Abomination|called the Shadow Blot]] [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|and spills paint and paint thinner all over the model.]] [[Oh Crap|Hearing Yen Sid approaching]], Mickey tries to erase the Blot and quickly clean up... and ends up spilling [[It Got Worse|even more thinner]] on the model, creating a gaping hole in it, and then flees back to his bedroom via the mirror before the wizard returns. Despite Mickey's attempt to hide his transgression, the not-so-dead Blot persists and enters Wasteland via the hole; there, it takes over Wasteland, twisting it into a [[Darker and Edgier|sinister]] and [[Crapsack World|dangerous]] version of the original, and drives Oswald and any resistance into hiding during the conflict, henceforth called "The Blot Wars". The Doctor promptly stabs Oswald in the back (as he had always wanted to) and sides with the Blot, [[The Starscream|if just to further his own agenda.]]
Decades later, having long forgotten the incident, Mickey is suddenly pulled into Wasteland from his home via the Blot. Mickey manages to grab the magic paintbrush before he is pulled in, so he can create and erase things with paint and [[Black Magic|thinner]]. After narrowly escaping from Dark Beauty Castle and the Doctor and Blot's attempt to remove his heart, as well as having a brief encounter with Oswald, Mickey's initial goal is to simply return home, but his discovery of the miserable state of Wasteland and its inhabitants, including old friends like Horace Horsecollar, cause him to change his plans.
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* [[In a World]]: Played completely straight in [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ovuo_7p2ntg this trailer] made for Tokyo Game Show 2010. [[Rule of Cool|And it is awesome.]]
* [[In Case You Forgot Who Wrote It]]: The game's initial concept was created by Matthew Stringer, Chris Takami, and the 8 college interns from Buena Vista Games in 2004, before [[Disney]] Interactive Studios brought in Warren Spector. [http://nerdacumen.com/what-they-probably-wont-tell-you-about-epic-mickey-at-e3/2010/06/15/#more-639 More about this here.]
* [[Insistent Terminology]]: At least on [[Video Game]] shows on, say, G4, they're ''very'' persistent in referring to it as '[[Disney]] [['''Epic Mickey]]''''. As if we'd ever forget who [[Mickey Mouse|Mickey's]] affiliated with.
* [[Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons]]: [[Pete's Dragon|Elliott]] in the form of [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|a robotic version of his Main Street Electrical Parade float]] in Epic Mickey 2.
* [[Interspecies Romance]]: When [[Mickey Mouse|Mickey]] gets one of Hook's pirates to admit his love for Henrietta the Cow.
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** Of course, the whole "needing to make money from these properties in order to continue holding an extended copyright to them" thing probably helps, too. If [[Oswald the Lucky Rabbit|Oswald]] becomes a regular member of the [[Disney]] crew, you can thank this game.
** [[Disney]]'s also planning some more directly ''Epic Mickey''-themed merch, most notably [http://kotaku.com/5532673/disneys-dark-epic-mickey-also-coming-to-childrens-book-form books,] [http://wii.nintendolife.com/news/2010/06/epic_mickey_paintbrush_controller_and_charging_station a paintbrush-shaped Nunchuck shell, and an elaborate Wii Remote charger featuring sculptures of Mickey and the Shadow Blot.] Disney seems a very confident in this game.
* [[Mercy Invincibility]]: Cruelly averted... fall into a pool of [[Black Magic|thinner]] without a nearby platform -- orplatform—or end up underneath one -- andone—and you're almost guaranteed to quickly lose ''all'' of your health pips. And the [[Camera Screw]] the game often offers doesn't help at all.
* [[The Messiah]]: [[What Could Have Been|Hero Mickey.]]
* [[Mike Nelson, Destroyer of Worlds]]: [[Mickey Mouse|Mickey]].
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** And one non-2D section, Mickeyjunk Mountain, seems to be designed with this in mind. It's a level made out of old merchandise. A lot of it seems to be ancient, sure, but it also includes Super Nintendo and NES cartridges starring [[Mickey Mouse|Mickey]].
* [[Oh Crap]]: Mickey's face [[Wide Eyes and Tiny Pupils|when he looks up]] and finds himself strapped down on a operation table in a dungeon.
** And Oswald -- whenOswald—when he finds out that Mickey caused the thinner disaster he literally dances with rage, challenging Mickey to a fight. He only remembers that he is dancing on the cork sealing the real Shadow Blot just as it cracks. His face and body language are priceless.
* [[Older Than They Look]]: Pretty much everyone. The game basically has [[No Fourth Wall]] and acknowledges time passed in [[Real Life]]. As cartoon characters, no one is really affected by aging. For example, [[Oswald the Lucky Rabbit|Oswald]] and [[Mickey Mouse|Mickey]] are 83 and 82, respectively, when this game takes place.
* [[One Hundred Percent Completion]]: Requires multiple playthroughs, as several pins are mutually exclusive rewards of defeating or befriending each boss.
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* [[Remilitarized Zone]]: The travel map based on the [[Oswald the Lucky Rabbit|Oswald]] cartoon "Great Guns".
* [[Retraux]]: [[Mickey Mouse|The Mouse]] himself, with a design and personality hearkening back to the twenties and thirties. (True to form, his mouse ears shift position to retain the characteristic "[[Mickey Mouse]]" shape.)
** Special mention, however, must go to the "Scrapper [[Mickey Mouse|Mickey]]" design, which goes all the way back to "Plane Crazy" for inspiration -- orinspiration—or, at least it did, before getting dropped.
* [[Rise to the Challenge]]: One of the 2.5D ''[[Fantasia]]'' stages late in the game has a rising flood of paint thinner.
* [[Robot Buddy]]: [[Oswald the Lucky Rabbit|Oswald]] [[Mystery Science Theater 3000|tries to keep his sanity with the help of his robot friends.]] [http://disney.adata.com.tw/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/epic-mickey-5-goofy.jpg They] [http://gameinformer.com/cfs-filesystemfile.ashx/__key/CommunityServer.Components.PostAttachments/ aren't] all that well put together, though.
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** Averted in the sequel. It's been confirmed that everyone will have voiced dialogue.
* [[Walk the Plank]]: One of the ways of dealing with Animatronic Hook is to push him along the tracks on his ship to the plank... and right into the maw of Animatronic Tick Tock the Croc...
* [[Wartime Cartoon]]: [[La Résistance|The Gremlins]] were originally from an unmade one of these -- basedthese—based on an idea by [[Roald Dahl]], no less.
* [[What Could Have Been]]: The setting is an [[In-Universe]] example, with some characters lamenting things turned out differently. Oswald is especially like this.
** IRL, many gamers who followed the development of the game from the beginning, feel that the final product was significantly lacking in the kind of surreal, eldritch horror that much of the concept art was promising. One wonders what game we might have gotten if the developers had simply seen how much they could get away with...
