Escape Velocity: Difference between revisions

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** In ''Nova'', the literal "Empire" more closely models a [[Proud Warrior Race]] and [[Feudal Future]], as it is a collection of noble houses that fight amongst one another rather than a monolithic authoritarian body.
* [[Escort Mission]]: Somewhat inverted, as the engine is only built to support other ships following the player, not the other way around. You still have to see your charge safely to their destination.
* [[Fan Nickname]]: "Mass-modding" involves converting a freighter into a [[wikipedia:Q-ship|Q-ship]]. Start with freighter with decent stats like an Enterprise or Leviathan, the bigger the cargo bay the better. Buy mass expansions until you can't fit any more. You now have a smaller cargo bay and a lot more room for weapons.
* [[Fantastic Caste System]]: The Polaris in ''Nova'' have an occupation-based caste system; citizens are assigned to castes based on aptitude tests. The Kel'ariy are the governing caste, the Ver'ash are doctors and medical researchers, the P'aedt do most other science research, the Nil'kemorya are the military, and the Tre'pira are the labor caste (which ranges from construction all the way up to ship captains). Oddly the Tre'pira are the most honored caste because they're seen as the backbone of Polaran society.
** The [[Sixth Ranger]] caste is the Mu'hari, a caste created after the Polaris Civil War. These are made up solely of citizens who failed the tests to enter another caste. They learn a little of everything, but their primary duty is to ensure the survival of Polaran society, which in practice makes them the Polaran diplomatic and intelligence service, as well as providing internal security.