"It's not lost. Pick it up!"

  • Noah, Naru's Team Pet, scores one in Episode 3 by severing the tape that tied up Ao, giving him plenty of time to escape into Gazelle's FP.
  • Gazelle and his friends rescuing Ao in a Big Damn Heroes moment by crashing his car though his father's house. Then Gazelle proceeds to call out his own dad for using Ao as a scapegoat for the island's problems and declares that he'll find his own way to achieve the island's independence.
  • Ao gets another one in combat with the second G-Monster, with some help from Team Pied Piper. Having been supplied an Arm Cannon to replace his missing arm, he leaves a trail of destruction on top of the G-Monster, then throws his pistol into its engine and shoots it. The resulting explosion travels down the length of the ship, through the breaches he made earlier, destroying it in a spectacular fireball.
  • Against the third G-Monster, which is about as large as the second one, Ao manages to defeat it by literally punching it in the face.
  • Ao and Fleur beat the G-Monster in episode 8, which has turned into a giant missile, by clinging to it and shooting it until it explodes.