Everybody Hates Mathematics: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Escape From St. Mary's|Escape From St Marys]]'': Your hatred of math class sets you off on your adventure.
== WebcomicsWeb Comics ==
* A [[Running Gag]] in ''[[Drowtales]]'' is Ariel's dislike of math.
* Inverted in ''[[Xkcd]]''. Everybody that mentions math loves it. One of the [[Content Warnings]] on the site, however, mentions that the comic may contain "[[Author Appeal|advanced mathematics]], [[Take That|which may be unsuitable for]] [[A Degree in Useless|liberal-arts majors]]."
* Secret, of ''[[Keychain of Creation]]'', when told she is going to face one of her fears, looks at the [[Summoning Ritual|summoning]] [[Geometric Magic|circle]] and wonders if that fear will be geometry.
== Web Original ==