Everybody Loves Raymond/Tear Jerker

Tear Jerkers in Everybody Loves Raymond include:

  • "A loveless marriage!?!?" and the conversation that followed.
  • Ray finds a dog, puts up posters. Robert says they couldn't get a dog when they were little because of Ray's "allergies". Ray says he's clear of the allergies, and gives the dog to Robert. Then the dog's owner shows up. Ray offers to lie to the owner, but Robert decides to do the honorable thing and gives the dog back. Too bad he's already had it neutered. Too bad it's a stud dog. Too bad the owner wants two thousand dollars for it. Too bad Ray writes the check after about half a second of consideration-wait, that's not to bad at all!
  • That five minute interval in the final episode where everyone thinks Ray has died during surgery, especially Robert.

"Listen to me! I am his brother, I can wake him up! Raymond! My brother's in there! RAYMOND!"