Everything's Better with Platypi: Difference between revisions

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* A Platypus was mistaken for an alien invader in ''[[My Gym Partner's a Monkey]]''. {{spoiler|However, it's somewhat subverted as it turns out Rick Platypus was an alien all along.}}
* ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'' has the ferocious [[Mix-and-Match Critters|Platypus]] ''[[Everything's Worse with Bears|Bears]]''.
** Wait. If [[Everything's Better with Platypi]], and [[Everything Is Worse With Bears]], do platypus bears make things better or worse? Or ''both''?
*** Everything Is Averaged Out With Platypus-Bears.
**** Or [[Precision F-Strike|fucked]].
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* Patricia from ''[[Spliced]]''. No reason not to believe that she's actually a beaver/otter/duck/whatever, though.
* [[Secret Squirrel]]
* ''[[The 13 Ghosts of Scooby Doo]]'' had an episode wherein one of the targeted ghosts invades the newspaper comic strips, including Scooby's fave, Platypus Duck. Of course, they meet him and the others--andothers—and IIRC, they left the papers to stay in reality at the end.
* An episode of [[Super Secret Secret Squirrel]], had the Platypus, an anti villain who illegally leaks the city's power plant to power his invention that would turn him into a normal animal. The heroes and the chief chase him down after accidentally getting their body parts mixed up by the device. Platypus eventually redeems himself after the heroes introduce him to a platypus girl, and he discovers that he was [[Beautiful All Along]].
* An episode of [[South Park]] featured Damien, the spawn of Satan, turning Kenny into a platypus. Stan's Uncle Jimbo shot Kenny after shouting that Kenny was going right to him.
